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Letter – John Wilkinson to James Cooke – 26 Jun 1677

Ditto [Newcastle 26 June 1677] Sent to Mr James Cooke by Cuthbert Fowler being my masters order £15:=:=

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 29 Jun 1677

Mes[seurs] Hump[hrey]: Willett and Compa[ny] Newcastle June the 29: 1677 Sirs To pleasure a friend, and meeting with good advance I have this day valewed upon you a bill for £250:=:= payable 12/d[ays] sight to Mr Walter Ettrick or order valew of Mr George Murton, which pray Lett be complyed with all soe remains, I shall be remitting as fast as I can M:B

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 29 Jun 1677

Mes[seurs]: Charles and James Bancks Ditto [Newcastle 29 June 1677] Sirs My Last to you was of the 19 present to which Referrs you Since none from you so the Less to Inlarge upon, this being Chiefly to Confirme my former, desireing you to observe my servant Phillipp Leece his order from Stockholme In every particular, and safely to send forward the Inclosed ~ now comes to hand yours of the 15th I will assure you that in the saile of your woodden commodities I did for

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Cooke – 29 Jun 1677

Mr James Cooke Ditto [Newcastle 29 June 1677] Sir I expected ere this to have heard from you ~ I desire to know what you have done with the note of £130:=:= I gave you, if you Can find mee a bill for the £100:=:= remaindeing you will oblidge M:B

Letter – Michael Blackett to Urban Hall – 29 Jun 1677

Mr Urban Hall Newcastle June the 29: 1677 Sir By the Recommendation of my Bro[ther]: Timo[thy]: Daveson [Davison] I writ you the 18th present by my servant Phillipp Leece, which if delivered unto you and you desired to act my Concernes, pray Lett it be done to my most advantidge, In short pray observe s[ai]d Leece his order in every Particular, and when you have occation to draw upon mes[seurs] Bankes of Hamb[rough] upon my acco[un]t doe but acquaint my s[ai]d servant therewith th

Letter – Michael Blackett to Philipp Leece – 29 Jun 1677

Phillip Leece Ditto [Newcastle 29 June 1677] I hope this will finde you well gott to Stockholme, w[hi]ch I should bee gladd to have an acco[un]t of from your owne hands, I thinke Jno Strother will be Civile, soe Long as he is, be you Civile likewise to him, but I must have noe goods lye unsold I find noe profitt by itt, you know my mind for I told it you fully before you went away Soe if J[ohn]: S[trother]: say he cannott sell my goods, doe you Repaire unto Mr Urban Hall, and Lett

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 29 Jun 1677

Mr Edw[ar]d Allen Newcastle June the 29: 1677 Sir Your vessell is arrived and shall be dispatched with all speed possible, and soe I remaine M:B

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 29 Jun 1677

Mes[seurs]: Hump[hrey]: Willetts and Compa[ny] Ditto [Newcastle 29 June 1677] Sirs by good fortune after sealing of my Letters I have mett with the Inclosed bill for £100:=:= of which procure the needfull, shall remitt you more as fast as I cann I hope this day to heare from you of the disposall of my Leed I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 3 Jul 1677

Mr Edw[ar]d Allen Newcastle July the 3d 1677 Sir Michaell yoakely is dispatched, Inclosed you have an Invoyce of his Loading amounting unto £69:1s:= which somme have this day valewed upon you payable 10/d[ays] sight to mr Hump[hrey]: Willett or order, your Complyance w[i]th the sayme I doubt not soe remaines MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 3 Jul 1677

Mr Humph[rey]: Willett Ditto [Newcastle 3 July 1677] Sir I have before mee yours of the 26 past for which I heartily thank you Inclosed you have my Lady yorkes bills upon your selfe for £570 as also another small bill upon Mr Edw[ar]d Allen for £69:1:= and shortly will find you bills upon mr Jno Midforth for £500:=:= or £600:=:= more My brother Edw[ar]d is In towne desires to be remembered unto you and to Lett you know that of the £100:=:= you returned him he one

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 3 Jul 1677

Mr Hum[phrey] Willett Newcastle July 3d 1677 Sir after sealing of my Letters to pleasure my Brother Davison have past a bill upon you for £128:10:= payable 10/d[ays] sight to mr Hen[ry]: Nelthorpe or order valew of s[ai]d Timo: Davison which pray Lett be complyed withall I am M:B

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Cooke – 3 Jul 1677

Mr James Cooke Ditto [Newcastle 3 July 1677] Sir I have yours by Cuthbert Fowler for Answer ~ I doe not question but Edw[ar]d Fletham will pay you the moneys shortly soe that the sooner you Can find mee a bill for £100:=:= remaindeing, the greater kindness you will doe mee I take notice of your parcell of Anker [anchor] palms but you never mention what sorts nor what size soe that I Cannot tell you w[ha]t they will give you – if Sweeds Iron and siziable

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 3 Jul 1677

Ditto [Newcastle 3 July 1677] writt Mr Hump[hrey]: Willett another Letter and advised him of £168l:5s:6d valewed upon him p[ayable]: 16/d[ays] date to mr Jno <Husay> or order valew of Anthony Jackson Esq[uire]

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Cooke – 6 Jul 1677

Mr James Cooke Newcastle July 6th 1677 Sir I desire you to give me an acco[un]t w[ha]t you have done about my business w[i]th Edw[ar]d Fletham – If you Cannot gett the money pray send mee back again the bill and I will send you £30:=:= soe remaines MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 6 Jul 1677

mr Hump[hrey]: Willett Newcastle July 6: 1677 Sir I have this day valewed the following bills upon you viz – one p[ayable] 15/d[ays]sight to mr Geo[rge]: Richards or order valew of mr Joseph Hudleston for £100 one p[ayable] 15/d[ays] sight to mr Winifried Ogle or order valew of mr Robert Rookeby for £290:=:= both of which pray Lett be complyed withall ~ within a post or two I expect to f

Letter – Michael Blackett to Joshua Pannell – 7 Jul 1677

mr Jos[h]ua Pannell ditto [Newcastle July] 7th 1677 Sir I perceive by a Letter from mr Nicholas Verlan[e] of Amsterdam that you have ordered him to buy mee a <Schreene> [Screen?] and to send itt mee p[er] first Convenience, w[hi]ch is well, In paying him for the same you need not trouble your selfe (if not already done) but order him to place itt to my acco[un]t - what you finde by your bookes dew to mee may please to send mee the nett p[ro]ceed thereof In rodd Iron

Letter – Michael Blackett to Nicholas Verlaen – 10 Jul 1677

Mr Nicho[las]: Verlan[e] Newcastle July 10: 1677 Sir I take notice by your Last of the Receipt of £200: of Henry Laws upon my acco[un]t w[hi]ch have booked In Conformity ~ I Long to heare of the shipping of a Schreene [Screen] for me as mr Jos[hua]: Pannell has ordered you, you need not trouble him for money, but may plan it to my acco[un]t w[ha]t you find by your books to have of mine in your hands Let the ballance be sent mee in rodd Iron p[er] first Convenience L

Letter – Margaret Grey to Thomas Partis – 12 Jul 1677

NewC[astle] July the 12th 1677 Mr Partis Sir I understand per your Brother of your arrivall which I am glad to hear of & that you have some Tobacco for me upon partnershipp betwixt my husband & you, & that you have the ball[ance] of the acct for the goods was formerly in Tho: Green, you write to your brother as if Mr Thorowgood were concernd in those goods, which I can assure you to the contrary for the goods were all my husbands except some few knives to the vallew of abou

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 13 Jul 1677

mr Hen[ry]: maisters Newcastle July the 13th: 1677 Sir by the two last parcells of Iron small square I shall loose Considerably haveing most of it in my hands and for any thing I know it may be soe for some years, however for old acquaintaince I have a desire to Imploy you and I hope you will Endeavour to make mee amends soe p[er] first Convenience you will please to advise mee if a parcell of Sweeds Iron square from 2 ½ to 2 ¾ and 3 Inches square be to be had and att w[h

Letter – Michael Blackett to Thomas Western – 13 Jul 1677

mr Thomas Western Ditto [Newcastle 13 July 1677] p[er] first Convenience be pleased to advise mee if you can furnish mee with a parcell of square Sweeds Iron from 2 ½ to 2 ¾ and 3 Inches square and att what price, In doeinge of which, you will oblidge M:B

Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 17 Jul 1677

M[esseurs] Charles and James Banckes Newcastle July the 17: 1677 Sirs My last to you was of the 29th past, which I hereby Confirm desiring you, to Lett the order of my Servant Philipp Leece from Stockholme be observed In every particular ~ your timber was all d[elivere]d yesterday noe Longer since I will assure you and now very shortly you may expect an acco[un]t of the whole Concerne and I desire your order at your Convenience about the nett proceed thereof, as moneys

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Fletham – 17 Jul 1677

Edw[ar]d Fletham Ditto [Newcastle 17 July 1677] I hope in this Thou hast satisfyed my note In favour of James Cooke for the somme of £130l: In Confidence whereof have placed the same to your Creditt ~ and now I desire att thy Leasure to Lett mee know when thou thinkes, thou wilt be able to furnish mee with the remainder ~ my love to my A[u]nt and Cosin Thomas, with the same to thy self I remaine M:B

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Benson – 17 Jul 1677

mr W[illia]m Benson ditto [Newcastle 17 July 1677] Sir I understand by Cosin Jno Rumney that when I have occation for your Iron, you Expect to hear from mee, so which I thought good to Lett you know, that I neither have nor shall have the yearn for such sorts, haveing already very well suppelyed my selfe but I am ready to doe you all the service that lyes in my power, soe if you have a mind to sell itt pray Lett mee know your Lowest price, which if I Can procure, or above, for

Letter – Michael Blackett to Thomas Western – 20 Jul 1677

Mr Tho[mas]: Western Newcastle July the 20: 1677 Sir I writ you In my Last of the 13: something about a parcell of square Iron from 2 ½ to 2 ¾ and 3 Inches square but it was my great mistake, for the sort I must have must be of 1 ½ to 1 ¾ and 2 Inches square, of which size pray advise mee your Lowest price, and that p[er] first Convenience, In doeing whereof you will very much oblidge M:B

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Benson – 20 Jul 1677

mr W[illia]m Benson ditto [Newcastle 20 July 1677] Sir I writ you in my Last of the 17th something about a parcell of square Iron from 2 ½ to 2 ¾ and 3 Inches square but it was my great mistake, for the sort I must have must be of 1 ½ to 1 ¾ and 2 Inches square, of which size pray advise mee your price thereof, and that p[er] first Convenience, In doeing whereof you will very much oblidge M:B
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467