Ballindaloch August 27th 98
My dear Sir,
We arrived here last night after passing some days at Blair with the Duke's family, who I think are the most pleasant people I ever met with, their attention makes every thing so affable & without any the least Form. We found here some Gentleman & Ladies of the General's relations very pleasant, & agreeable society, and the place very <healthy> he keeps an excellent House; enclosed I send you a letter from Mr Dixon, h
We have a letter to Day from Our London House saying they are quite out of Litharge and have some large Orders and request us to find them 100 barrels more, please therefore to send us a Tickett for the other 100 Barrels and as to the 5s per ton more which you mentioned we must leave that to yourself. We are Sir
Your most hble Servts
Walker Fishwick & Co
Newcastle Aug 29 1798
J E Blackett Esq/ NC
Suppose the Allotments to be 8000 Acres & Leased for 21 Years -
for the first seven at 5s pr Acre making £2,000 pr an
for the second seven at 6 pr Acre making £2,400 pr an
for the third seven at 7 pr Acre making £2,800 pr an
in the first seven years would be received - 14,000
2 Parsonage houses 3000
2 Churches 5800
Curates - 200 pr an 2800
Agent under the trustees 1000
Rector a 10th 1400
Durham. 3 Sep 1798
The Amount of the Rector’s Allotment in lieu of Tythes out of the new Inclosures to be referred entirely to the Commissioners.
The Tythes of the old Inclosures to be compensated for by a Money Payment to be fixed by the Commiss[ione]rs; unless where the Rector & any of the Proprietors unite in preferring an Allotment in Land.
The Lord to have an Allotment of 1/16th of the Commons:- this allotment, it is supposed, will be between 1500 &
Newhouse Sept 5th1798
Yours of the 30thof last Month I received and am sorry to hear that it has been reported to the Bishop that my Father or I am so much adverse to the intended Division in this Country, as we don’t expressing our sentiments fully on that subject to any one but your self & Mr <Heron>. Mr Harding was here wishing to hear what we thought expecting the same when my father told him that he feared that it w[oul]d injure the working of the mines if Damag
Durham Septr. 8th 1798. –
Being now engaged in settling the Accounts of the late Mr. Pearson with the Bishop of Durham & being in Want of some Information relative to the Charge against Coll. Beaumont as Moor Master of Weardale I will be very much obliged to you if you will furnish me with Copies of the Rects. given for this Charge for Seven Years past. –
As his Lordhip wishes this Account to be settled in the Course of a few Days I will take it as a Favo
N.castle 11th. Sept. 1798.
By Mr. Blackett’s direction I write to inform you, that as he understands Mr. Beaumont intends to send Mr. C. Blackett & him some venison, he desires it may be quite cold before it is sent of from Bretton, otherwise it spoils in the Carriage & that he expects it to be here by the 19th. Inst.. By the Leeds Waggon is a Box directed for Col. Beaumont, containing Guns &c. which I hope you will receive safe –
I am Sir Your Most Obedt. Hble. S
Mess Brown & Brind NCastle 11 Sept 1798
Foster Lane London
Gentn I have this day drawn a Bill on you payable to the Order of Mess Surtees Burdon & Co at 20 days dated this day for £553-17-8 being in full of your Account with Col Beaumont for fine Silver sent you, & which I doubt not you will duly honor I am etc J.E.B
Mess Girling Bankers London NCastle 11th Sept 1798
Gentn Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Mess Surtees Burdon & Co on Mess Barclays & Co at 20 days dated this day for Four Hundred & Fifty Pounds, being half a Years Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due 11th July last to the Revd H Hardinge from Col Beaumont _ Please to advise me on your receipt of the Bill & inform Mr Hardinge of the same
Thomas Maynard Esqr Durham NCastle 12th Sept 1798
Sir By Mr Blacketts directions I inclose you Mess Surtees Burdon & Cos Bill on Mess Barclays & Co at 30 days for £150-1-2 which will be in full for One Year’s Rent due from Thos Rd Beaumont Esqr the 1st Aug last to the Lord Bishop of Durham for the Office of Moor Master of Weardale, with 1s-2d for Acquit[an]ce & Duty & likewise a Copy of the late Mr Pearsons’s receipts
The Revd Mr Hardinge Newcastle 13th Sept 1798
Stanhope Durham
Sir I am sorry that I was away from home when you did me the favor to call on me. I wished to have had some conversation with you respecting the proposed Division of the Common & Stinted Pastures in Weardale; I am apprehensive that it may be injurious to Mr Beaumont’s interest in those parts, for if care be not taken in the Bill that a reservation be m
Perth Sepr 13 98
My dear Sir,
I have the favour of yours and we are much obliged to you for the use of Mrs Collingwood’s House. I hope that it is not on our Account she is so obliging as to give up her staying over the Races, we purpose being at Edinburgh tomorrow and shall stay Saturday and go to Admiral Rodhams on Monday, & will thank you to desire mrs Collingwood’s maid to have the Beds ready for us on Tuesday evening. We left Lord Adam Gordons this morning where we arrived
Edinburgh Sepr 14th 1798
My dear Sir,
We are this moment arrived safe & well from our Tour, which we have passed very pleasantly. I have by this post wrote to Bretton to have a Buck killed, I hope it will prove good. I fear it will require a good deal of Wine to get it down. I beg you will present my Compliments to the Brethren of the Buffalo, & had I been favored with your letter sooner it would have met with their Approbation much better. Mr Beaumont unites with me in best re
Thomas Maynard Esqr Durham NCastle 15th Sept 1798
Sir In answer to your Lre of the 13th Inst Mr Blackett desires me to inform you that upon examination all the Receipts given for Rent for the Office of Moor Master for seven years back, are signed by Mr Pearson, except one given 29 Mar 1797 for £225-4 being for 1 1/2 Yr’s Moor Masters Rent, which is signed T Maynard for G Pearson Esqr Recr General for the Bp Durham; &
Messrs Browne & Brind NCastle 18 Sept 1798
Foster Lane London
Gentn I have this day sent you by Jacksons & Potts the London Carriers a Piece of fine Silver, containing Sixteen Hundred & Ninety Two & one half ounces which I desire that you will place to account with T R Beaumont Esqr as usual at the markett Price & advise me on your receipt of the same I am etc
Morpeth Septr. 21st 1798
Coln. Beaumont and myself beg to inform you that it was the general wish of the Gentlemen who attended the races this year, that Lord Morpeth and yourself should be named as Stewards for Morpeth races next year – That being the case we have taken the liberty of appointing you both, hoping you would have no objection, and we remain
Your Obedt. Humle. Servts.
T.H Liddell
Tho. Rd. Beaumont
Newcastle 23d Sepr 1798
Dear Brother
Yesterday noon Col & Mrs Beaumont called on me for a few minutes (while they changd horses) in their way from Morpeth to Bywell; he gave me the enclosed letter which he desired that I would consider of & prepare an answer against wednesday when they are to be with me at the same time saying that Mr Errington was friendly to his Interest & that he would be sorry to disoblige him; I told him that what Mr Errington applied for, had been pre
Newcastle Septemr 25th 1798
We accept of the Five Thousand pieces of Lead for our London House Messrs Walkers Maltby & Co on the terms offered by your favor of Yesterdays date, say 2500 pieces refined Lead & 2500 ps Common, the latter including 1/10th Slagg all at Fifteen pounds ten shillings per Fodder on 6 Months Credit, for which you will please send a Tickett for its delivery.
The Fifty Casks of Litharge you offer at 16£ per Ton 6 Mos Cr must decline accepting till we ha
Since I wrote you this Morning, I have received a Letter from Mr Fishwick in which he requests me to apply to you for 5000 pieces Lead for the Works at Newcastle on the same Terms you have sold 5000 ps to the London House.
I am Sir Your Most Humble etc for Walkers Fishwick & Co
Thos Jackson
Lead Works 25th Sepr 1798
Jn E Blackett Esq
Newcastle 29th Sepr 1798
Dear Brother
I received your favour enclosing a letter for my brother Harry which I sealed & forwarded, Mr & Mrs Beaumont arrived at 12 o' clock on Wednesday & left in & about the same hour the day following; I got Mr & Mrs C Blackett & their daughter to meet them at Dinner on Wednesday.
Mr Beaumont answers Mr H Erringtons letter & refers him to me; I shall write him a letter to the purpose of that I enclosed you; at the same time
Allenheads Sept. 29th 1798
Inclosed have sent you accot. of the Lands &c (that’s in my Rental) Charged with the Land Tax for this year, as it stands in the Collector’s assessment; have not put in the Cottage Houses &c that is not charged with the Land Tax, which you’ll see by compairing the Inclosed by last years Rental, Allenheads Smelt Mill & Limekill was never assessed before this year, so do not intend paying it till I am better advised, If you would wish to
Enclosed you have an Account of the Workings & leading [missing word] Grand Lease & <…> to July 5th last,as likewise a description of [missing word] Seams of coal in the New Winning & a Report thereon, will here[missing] all times to give you any further information necessary & remain, Sir your obd servt John [obscured, presume “Grey”]
Sh[iel]df[iel]d Newcastle Sep 29 1798
Preamble - Preamble, stating the Lands, Parties, & proposal to inclose.
Enacts that the Lands be divided by Commiss[ioner]s/ Power to appt. new Comm[issione]rs/
Form of Oath
Appoints Arbitrators as to disputed Claims &tc, with power to appt. new ones, & form of Oath
Boundaries to be rode before the 2nd Meeting: if disputed to be settled by Reference, & (failing that) by a Jury.
Surveyor & Survey.
Bretton 1st Oct 1798
I had the honour of your letter which I would sooner have replied to had I not been on a tour in Scotland where your letter followed me.
I am informed that some years ago Sir Edward Blackett had a promise from the late Sir Thomas Blackett of a Lease of Longage & Wall fell Colliery at the expiration of the Old Lease that Colliery being contiguous to his Estate & Lead Mine at Fallowfield which Promise on Application being made to me previous to th
Henry Errington Esqr NCastle 2d Octr 1798
Stable Yard London
Sir I am desired by Mr Beaumont to answer your letter of the _ Ulto respecting Longage & Wallfell Collieries (which in the Rental are termed St Johnlee & St Oswalds Collieries rented by Henry Tulip;) On application being made by Sir Edward Blackett to the late Sir Thomas Blackett some Year’s since for a lease of those Collieries at the e