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Account – Nicholas Walton – 14 Nov 1798

An Account shewing the present Rental of the Derwentwater Estate for which Land Tax is now Assessed and the Sum paid for each Estate. [There follows a table which is available in the PDF of this collection of letters which can be downloaded by following the active link TNA ADM 66/84 to the upper right of this letter]

Letter – Arthur Mowbray to Shute Barrington – 19 Nov 1798

<Copy> We think the Bishop of durham is not entitled to any Allotment as Lord of the Manor upon a division of the Stinted Pastures by Act of Parliament in Respect of any Interest in the Soil of those pastures, except as he appears to be entitled to the Mines of Lead under the stints of pastures as well as under the Copy hold and Customary freehold Lands and Commons. If it shall be proposed to extinguish his Rights to the Lead mines under the Stinted pastures the Bishop will be entitled t

Letters – Thomas Crawhall to Browne & Brind – 20 Nov 1798

Messrs Browne & Brind Newcastle 20 Novr 1798 Foster Lane London Gentn In Mr Blacketts Absence I send you by Jacksons & Potts the London Carriers a Pe fine Silver Containing Eleven Hundred & Thirty four & one half Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Col Beaumont as usual at the Market Price, and advise Mr Blackett on your Receipt of the same For whom I am Yo

Letters – Thomas Crawhall to Read Lucas & Reads – 21 Nov 1798

Mess Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 21 Novr 1798 Sheffield Gent In Mr Blackett’s Absence I have this day sent you by the Leeds Waggon, according to your request, a Pe fine Silver Containg 1208 Ounces which you will place to Acct as under with Col Beaumont, and advise Mr Blackett on your Receipt of the same For whom I am et

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to John Erasmus Blackett – 22 Nov 1798

Newcastle 22nd Novr. 1798 Sir, Herewith you will receive a Lre from Mr Emerson which is all that I have got for you since Sunday except one from Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads, Sheffield which I opened to know if they accepted of the P[iec]e of Silver at 5-5 3/4 P Oz. which they did & I have sent it accordingly by the Leeds Waggon, they paying the Carriage and will remit you a Bill at One Month for the Amount which is £330-18-10, immediately on its arrival – since that another

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 23 Nov 1798

Bretton Nov 23d 1798 Dear Sir, I was favord with your letter by the last Post & am sorry to find there is no chance of our having the pleasure of seeing you at Bretton. Co. Beaumont is not gone to attend the Meeting of Parliament, as we propose setting out for London early in Decr he defer'd his Journey as he found his attendance was not necessary at the Opening of Parlia't . I am happy to hear that Lead is on the rise; & that on the whole our Mines are more promising. wh

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to John Erasmus Blackett – 24 Nov 1798

Newcastle Novr. 24th 1798 Sir, By Mrs Collingwoods desire I have sent you your Paper, which has come here since you went away. Mrs Collingwood & the family are all very well, she intends writing to you on Wednesday first, against which time will get a Frank & another for the Sunday following – old John has been ill this Week, but is now a good deal better – There are no Letters come for you since I wrote you – there has been no applications for Lead yet – Mr Mulcaster

Letter – Arthur Mowbray to Shute Barrington – 25 Nov 1798

Sherburn, 25th Novr. 1798 My Lord, I was a little surprised to find by Mr. Bernards Letter which I received yesterday, that he had <delivered> the Draught of the Bill for the Weardale Inclosure on the first Instant; I informed Scruton who immediately went in Search, and found it at Mr. Castles office. This has protracted the Business and how such a parcel has so long <laid> unnoticed seems surprising. I find Mr Castle did not see the Case before it went up, however, I

Letter – Arthur Mowbray to Thomas Bernard – 25 Nov 1798

Sherburn 25th November 1798 Dear Sir On the receipt of your favor yesterday, a search was made by Scruton and to my surprise the draught of the Weardale Inclosure Bill was found in Mr. Castle’s Office where it had laid since the beginning of this Month. My Lord Bishop in his last Letter says he hopes the Case was the same as the draught you settled. I haven’t the least doubt but it is, yet on finding Mr Castle had not compar’d it; I procured the Case from Scruton which I he

Letter – Thomas Bernard to Shute Barrington – 28 Nov 1798

My Lord, I have just rec’d the inclosed from Mr Mowbray with the Copy of the case that was <laid> before Mr Mansfield. It is to the best of my Recollection agreeable to the Dra[ugh]t we settled in the Country. I presume the decision <will> conclude the question against yr. Lp; <upon> a point, which I conceive you co[ul]d not give up without such an Authority. I am with sincerest respect Yr Lps obliged & Faithful Servt. Tho Bernard

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 1 Dec 1798

Bretton Decr 1st 1798 Dear Sir, Col. Beaumont has been obliged to give over Ferrybridge Ball, as we propose setting out for London if possible either on Tuesday or Wednesday next, but in case of its being necessary for Mr Blackett to be introduced by a Member of the Hunt I have wrote to inform Mr William Lee & my Sister that Mr B. will be there, & I am certain they will be happy to see him. - I beg my Compts to Mr Collingwood & I own it was a great omission on my part not giving

Account – Nicholas Walton – 1 Dec 1798

An Accot of Arrears of Rent that became due the 12th May 1798 from several Persons who are now Tenants of Estates belonging to Greenwich Hospital in the North, which Arrears will come in course of Payment, in the Months of April and May next, except about five or six hundred Pounds thereof which, it is probable, may be received, within two Months from this Time. [There follows a table which is available in the PDF of this collection of letters which can be downloaded by following the active

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to John Erasmus Blackett – 2 Dec 1798

Sir, I received your Lre. of the 29th Ult. Mr Mulcaster did not see Mr Heron himself, but he left the Receipts with me to shew Mr Heron, who says all that Mr Mulcaster can do is to make a legal tender of the Rent to Mr Silvertop & not to his Agent as he did before, of which I have acquainted Mr Mulcaster – I am glad that you approve of what was done respecting the Silver. Mess. Browne & Brind have wrote this day that they have received the P[iec]e sent them, but have only charged i

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 5 Dec 1798

My dear Sir Enclosed is a letter I have just received from Sir H Wilson Kt. I have given no Answer to it, but will thank you to do it, & give him such as it deserves. I most certainly should wish to purchase my Land Tax & from the Calculations you have sent me, the sum you mention required is £1537. when I get up to Town I will purchase that sum into the 3 p Cents. at the same time I will thank you to write to Mr Bell to know what the amount would exactly come to. I have had the plea

Letter – Arthur Mowbray to Shute Barrington – 5 Dec 1798

Sherburn 5th decr. 1798 My Lord, Scruton has (as I presume your Lordship will have observed in the Newcastle Paper) advertised the Weardale Meeting to hold on the 17th Instant. It is further to consider the Bill, to read the Case and Opinion, and to resolve as to the propriety of another opinion whether your Lordships Lessees or the Owner of the Soil is to pay the damage done by working of the Mine. I have with Scruton looked over the Bill. At present the Clause as to the Expense

Letters – Thomas Crawhall to Read Lucas & Reads – 8 Dec 1798

Mess Read Lucas & Reads NCastle 8th Decr 1798 Sheffield Gent Mr Blackett’s desires me to acknowledge the Receipt of your 8 Bills, the Amount of which £331-7 have placed to your Credit, at the same time to inform you that he will send you the first Pe fine Silver he has to dispose of, which will be in about three Weeks time _ The Carriers infuse the Silver at this Place. I am etc T.C

Letter – Arthur Mowbray to Shute Barrington – 9 Dec 1798

Sherburn 9th December 1798 My Lord, Yesterday at Newcastle in my way home from Stamfordham where I have been viewing your Lordship’s Tithes I saw Buddle, and Rawling the viewer, the former has not yet made out his report but his Opinion is that the Borer do proceed to prove the lower Seam, which lays as he supposes about 25 or 30 Fathoms, below where they are now boring. the Seam they have bored thro’ is I learn 9 inches thinner than they expected, Buddle will very soon he sa

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Messrs Drummond – 10 Dec 1798

Messrs Drummond Bankers London NCastle 10th Decr 1798 Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Mess Surtees & Co on Mess Barclays & Co at 30 days dated this day for Four Hundred & Sixty Two Pounds 10s/ to pay half a Years Composition for the Lot Ore of Weardale Leadmines due 26th Ulto last to My Lord Bp of Durham from Col Beaumont. Please to advise me on your Receipt of the same

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Messrs Gosling – 10 Dec 1798

Mess Goslings Bankers London NCastle 10th Decr 1798 Gentn Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Mess Surtees Burdon & Co on Mess Barclays & Co at 30 days dated this day for Two Hundred & Twenty Five Pounds, being for One Quarter’s Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 11 Octr last to the Revd Henry Hardinge from Col Beaumont. Please to advise me on your Receipt of the Bill & inform Mr Hardinge of the

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Henry Wilson – 11 Dec 1798

Sir Henry Wilson Chelsea Park London Newcastle 11th December 1798 Sir I wrote to you from Harrogate the 5th Inst to which I beg leave to refer you. Inclosed I send you a bill for £84-15-6 which sum with £15-4-6 over remitted the 23 Feby last will be in full for one half years interest of the £4000 remaining on the Bond & Mortgage on the late Sir T Blackett to the late Mr W Wilson; the receipt of which you will please to acknowledge. Co

Letters – Thomas Crawhall to Wheeldon Webster – 11 Dec 1798

Mess Wheeldon Webster & Co Newcastle 11th Decr 1798 Derby Gentn Mr Blackett yesterday received your Lre inclosing a Bill Amt £100 & desires me to inform you that the Litharge will be sent you the first opportunity. The present Price at this place is £17 - 10 per Ton & there is a probability of its getting higher

Letter – Arthur Mowbray to Bishop of Durham – 12 Dec 1798

Sherburn, 12th decr. 1798 My Lord, I believe I informed your Lordship of the Weardale Meeting next Monday. Scruton produced a Letter he had received from Weardale yesterday, which shews that two young Men in the Law at Wolsingham have been canvassing several of the proprietors as to their being appointed Solicitors, under a promise from Mr Castle that in Case they produced a Request from a competent Number of Land Owners, he will join them in opposition to Scruton. I called upon

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 13 Dec 1798

My dear Sir Enclosed is a letter w[hi]ch Mr Burdon gave me respecting Mr Healls affairs, I will thank You to give me Your Opinion on the Matter. As the sale of the Land Tax is put off for some time longer, a more accurate account may be made out than in a hurry. It appears to me that a Bill which has passed will affect a certain description of people in this Country, & I fear will cause some inconveniences, that is that when One Pound notes, the immense circulation of Notes <of 5s> &

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 13 Dec 1798

John Ibbetson Esqr Newcastle 13th Decemr 1798 Sir We have recd Mr Dyers Letter of the 10th inst respecting the redemption of the Land Tax assessed upon Dilston & Lorbottle Corn Tithes and shall not foul doing every Thing in our power to effect that. We enclose you our Cash Accounts to the 30th Ult. inclusive when there was a Balance of £1127.6..¾ in our Hands in favour of Greenwich Hospital since which nothing has been recd and we have paid upwards of £150 .. .. and shall

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Browne & Brind – 14 Dec 1798

Mess Browne & Brind Newcastle 14th December 1798 Foster Lane London Gentn I have this day drawn a Bill on you at twenty days date payable to Mess Surtees Burdon & Co for £307-5-2 the Amount of the Piece of Silver sent you the 20th Novr which I doubt not that you will duly honor _ I sent a Pe of Silver about the same time to Sheffield for which I have been allowed 5s-5 3/4d per Oz Carriage paid which makes the difference about o
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467