Mr. Robt. Makepeace Newcastle 17 Mar: 1801 –
Serle Str Lincoln’s Inn Fields London
In Mr Blacketts absence I have this day sent you p[er] Jackson Willan & Co. a ps fine Silver containing Eight Hundred and Nineteen Ounces which I desire you will place to Accot. with T:R Beaumont Esq. as usual – Please to advise on your receipt of the same
Yours &c. T:C:
Mrs. Beaumont Newcastle 22d. March 1801
under Cover to Coln. Beaumont
Portman Square, London
Dear Madam
I have been favoured with Coln. Beaumont’s Letter of the 14th. & yours of the 9th. inst. with the several Inclosures.-
The Instalment of 20p[er] Cent on your Subscription to the new Branch from Corbridge to Heddon on the Wall, is paid; Thos. Salkelds late Father had been employed as Agent at Dukesfield Mill, fifty Years, and was a faithful, honest Servant; he
Messrs. Drummond Newcastle March 23d. 1801
Bankers London
Inclosed you will receive Messrs. Surtees Burdon & Cos. Bill on Mess Barclays Tritton & Co. at Thirty Days dated this Day; for four Hundred and sixty-two Pounds, ten Shillings, to pay half a Year’s Composition for the Lot Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 26th. ulto. to my Lord Bishop of Durham from Colonel Beaumont.- Please to advise me on your Receipt of the same. I am &c. J
Mrs. Beaumont Newcastle 24th. March 1801
under Cover to Coln. Beaumont
Portman Square London
Dear Madam
I wrote to you the 22d. inst. to which I beg leave to refer you.-
Mr. Ant.y Surtees has been with me this morning to inform me that there is a Prospect of Mr. I: Hunter disposing of his Share of the Brewery at Alstone, but it will depend on the following Circumstances: That the Payments for the same be at six, twelve, and eighteen Months, that you shall be paid
Mrs. Beaumont Newcastle 31st. March 1801
under Cover to Coln. Beaumont
Portman Square London
Dear Madam
I have the Favour of your Letter of the 28th. inst. and observe what you say respecting the Proposal that Mr. A: Surtees has made: there can be no Doubt that you are well entitled to the Interest of the £900 – that Sum having been some time due and no Interest allowed for the same, but if by means of your accepting of the Terms offered, you can secure the the princi
Mr. Robt. Makepeace Newcastle 31st. March 1801
Serle Street Lincolns Inn Fields London
I have been favoured with your several Letters of the 24th. & 26th. instant with an Account of the Receipt of two Cakes of Silver as at <f>oot; I have this Day sent you another Cake of fine Silver of 799 Ounces by Jacksons London Waggon, which I hope may arrive safe, the Amount for the whole being £912.5.8. – I have this Day drawn a Bill on you at 30 Da
C Bowns Esq. Newcastle 10th. April 1801
Banktop Barnsley Yorkshire
I have received yours of the 5th. Inst. & observe the Contents. It is not in my power at present to ascertain the Nett receipt from Col. Beaumont’s Lead Mines for the year 1800 – the several Leadmine Agents not having yet made out & sent me their Accounts of Charges &c. attending their Mines for that year, nor the quantity of Ore raised in the above time, that being the case, I think no b
Jno. Wilkinson Esqr. N.Castle 10th. April 1801
Dear Sir
I am favoured with your Letter of the 7th. inst. enclosing a Copy of Mr. Barker’s Letter to you, and I observe what you say on the Subject.-No Measures have yet been taken by the Proprietors of Lead Mines in these parts, towards giving any Opposition to the additional Duty on Lead exported, for altho’ it was certain to be attended with Loss to the Trade, as well as a great Discouragement to Mine Adventure
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 10th. April 1801
Portman Square London
Dear Sir
I have received a Letter from Mr. Wilkinson of Chesterfield inclosing one from Mr. Barker (Copies of both I send you under another Cover) respecting the additional Duty which is proposed to be laid on Lead exported, I likewise send you Copy of the Memorial which was presented to the Treasury in 1785 when the former Duty was proposed by the Minister, which (notwithstanding the Pains that was taken to op
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 14th. April 1801
Portman Square, London
Dear Sir
I wrote to you the 10th. inst. to which I refer you; It is with Concern that I acquaint you with the sudden Death of Mr. Ralph Heron yesterday evening at 8 o’ Clock; I understand that he had been complaining for some Days before, but saw persons on Business, so I imagine that he must have gone off in a Fit. It is probable that you will be applied to by his Son Walter, not only to succeed his Fath
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 20th. April 1801---
Portman Sqr. London
Dear Sir
Since my Letter to you of the 14th. inst. I have had some further Conversation with the Bishop’s Agent Mr. Mowbray respecting the Terms on the renewal of the Lease of Kilhope & Welhope, which I send you enclosed, with my Opinion of the same; he is to be with me again on Friday, before which time I shall see Mr. Crawhall (who is well acquainted with that Farm and in whose Rental it is) and have so
Messrs Maullin & Co. N.Castle 21:April 1801-
Your letter of the 17th. came to Mr Blacketts hands in due course.- the present Price of Lead at this place is for Ref[ined]d Lead £23-10 p[er] F[od]d[e]r. of 21 cwt. Com[mo]n. Lead £23.5- p[er] f[od]d[er]. exclusive of all charges attending the Shipping &c. of <do.> - The Lead disposed of by Mr. Blackett is all delivered at Blaydon, about three Miles distant from this pl
Chas. Bowns Esqr. N.Castle 24th. April 1801
Bank-top, near Barnsley, Yorkshire
I am favoured with your Letter of the 19th. inst. and observe the Contents.-
So far as I am capable of judging of the Hexham & Allendale Inclosure Act, I am quite of your Opiunion respecting Mr. Leek’s Allotment, & I have in Consequence acquainted Mr. J. Bell, that in case of Mr. Leek’s not taking the Benefit of the Clause in the Act that you allude to, that I should recomme
Mr. Jno. Bell Newcastle 24th. April 1801
Hexham Abbey
Dear Sir
I have had a Letter from Mr. Bowns (a Copy of which I enclose you.) Should Mr. Leeche persist in declining to avail himself of the Benefit that Clause in the Act gives him, I think that it will be advisable for Colonel Beaumont to adopt the Mode recommended by Mr. Bowns. I am &c. J.E.B.
Messrs. Goslings & Sharpe Newcastle 27th April 1801
Bankers London
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Surtees Burdon & Co. on Messrs. Barclays & Co. at Thgirty Days dated this Day, for three Hundred and Seventy-five Pounds, to pay one Quar[te]rs. Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 11th. inst. to the Revd. H: Hardinge from Coln. Beaumont. – Please to advise me on your Receipt of the Bill, and inform Mr. Hardinge of the
John Ibbetson Esqr Newcastle 14th May 1801
We inclose you an Estimate of the Expence of Repairing the Housing at Scremerston which it is proposed shall be gone in hand with and finished as soon as possible after receiving the Boards Commands.
We also inclose you our Cash Accot for the Month of April upon which there is a Balance of £3890.18.8 in favor of Greenwich Hospital and we shall by Saturdays Post make Mr Bate a remittance of £300; our Contingent Account from 21 Novem
Mr. Robt. Makepeace Newcastle May 20th 1801
Serle Street Lincolns Inn, London
I have this Day sent you p[er] Jackson & Potts, the London Carriers, a ps. fine Silver containing one Thousand and fifty-nine Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Thomas Richd. Beaumont Esqr. and advise me on your Receipt of the same. – I am &c.-J.E.B.
Chas. Bowns Esqr. N.Castle 26th. May 1801
Bank Top, near Barnsley, Yorkshire
Mr. Blackett recd. yours of the 17th. inst. when in the Country attending the Lead-mine Pays; he has not yet returned; but has directed me to forward the Accounts herewith sent to you; his Cash Account has been made out some time, but he has not yet had time to examine it.-
In the Bankers Account you will observe the Ballance brought forward £4,000--- less than the Account ending Xma
Jno Ibbetson Esqr Newcastle 5th June 1801
On the 14th April 1798 the Directors were acquainted that a Purchase had been made of Thomas Leaches Allotment of Common for his Estate at Turfhouse, at the Price of £12.12. and on the 21st of the same Month the Board approved of what had been done upon the occasion. Thomas Leache is since dead and as his Heir at Law lives at Shadwell it is probable he may wish to dispose of the Estate in respect of which the Allotment of Common was mad
Mr. Robt. Makepeace N.Castle 8th. June 1801
Serle Street Lincoln’s Inn Fields
Dear Sir
I have been favoured with your Letter of the 30th. ulto. & observe that there is a Reduction in the Price of fine Silver of one Penny an Ounce; as you are in Want of that Article, I shall send you on Wednesday next by the London Waggon a small Cake of fine Silver containing 853 ½ Ounces, for which you will please to allow the Market Price
I am &c.-- J.E.B.
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 8th. June 1801
Portman Square London
Dear Sir
I wrote to you the 20th. ulto. from Dukesfield; since my return from the Lead Pay I have not had Occasion to trouble you with a Letter; I wish that it was in my Power to give you a more pleasing Account of the State of your Mines; they are much the same as when I wrote last a Quantity of Ore has been raised at Allenheads, but it will come rather high; you will please to observe that I have frequently made
Mr. John Bell Newcastle 8th. June 1801
Hexham Abbey
Dear Sir
In Consequence of your Letter I made Application to Mr. Walton, to whom Mrs. Beaumont had spoke respecting a proper Person to set a Value on the Tithes of Hexham Town Fields, and Hexham Common; I accordingly received the enclosed Letter to Mr. <T> Surtees, respecting which you will please to take the necessary Steps.
I got home with my Granddaughter on Thursday last after a very pleasant Jaunt, which
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 13th. June 1801
Portman Square London
Dear Sir
I yesterday heard a Rumour that the Workmen at your Mines & Lead Mills had left off work & assembled in great Numbers in a riotous Manner; on this Report being confirmed to me I was about sending Thos. Crawhall to the Mines to learn the cause of it, but was prevented by the Arrival of all the principal Agents; they informed me that the Miners at Coalcleugh (where this this Matter originated) ha
Mrs. Beaumont, under Cover to Newcastle 17th. June 1801
Coln. Beaumont, Cheltenham Gloucestershire
Dear Madam
In my Letter to you yesterday, I informed you that your Workmen at the several Mines and Lead Mills had gone quietly to their different Employments,-
The Person that has been recommended to me to superintend the Washing of the Ore, and examining it before it be pass’d and sent off to the several Mills, I believe is likely to answer the Purpose; if on tria
Mr. Bell N.Castle 18th. June 1801
Hexham Abbey Mr. J. Bell
Mr. John Surtees of Ebchester who Mr. Walton recommended to me for making a Valuation of Hexham Tithes, called on me & wished that Business might be delayed a short time, and that he would call on you & settle with you as to the time of its being done.-
Some Packages are expected from London which on their Arrival, shall be forwarded by the Carrier to Hexham.-
If Mrs. Hales on Examinatio