Copy of Mr Williamson’s Note on the Clause for infranchising in the Weardale Bill
‘It appears to me that the whole of these provisions respecting infranchising the leaseholds had better be omitted in this Bill, & if thought expedient upon further consideration these objects may be afterwards be brought forward distinctly & carried into Effect by an Act for that purpose.’ R.H.W.
Durham 2 April 1799
My Lord
I am truly sorry that I sho[ul]d have neglected to send the Bedlington return, how it had escaped my notice I cannot account.
Mr Castle told me yesterday that their is one, or two, very great mistakes in the drawing of the last Landtax Act, in one Instance, they have mistaken on Set of Commissioners for the other and that a new Act will be necessary.
Our Landtax Letters have comed slowly in of late. I have some thoughts of advertising t
Chesterfield April 2nd 1799
Dear Sir
I have received your esteemed favour of the 28th Ultimo, and duly note the contents. I think myself much obliged to you, for advising me, the present state of your Lead Market and agreeable to your request, I now inform you, the situation of ours, I do not know, there has been any Derbyshire Lead sold at Hull at present, higher than £17 for ore Stocks on hand are small, and the mines in general in this County exceeding poor, and very lit
Paradise Buildings 3rd April 1799
You will perhaps not see more on the two last pages of Mr Harvey’s letter, than you already know, respecting the Enclosure Bill. I have to lament, as an individual, that the great and good wishes and intentions of the Bishop of Durham, seem to be thrown on the back ground, convinced as I fully am, from my perfect knowledge of the manners and pursuits of the people of the western parts of the parish of Stanhope, (amongst whom I spent the fi
<Wil…h> 4th April 1799
Dear Sir,
I am just returned from Newcastle where I signed the Consent Bill for the Division of part of Stanhope stinted Pastures and Moors. I was sorry to find Bollihope omitted in the s[ai]d Bill, & I was informed that Mr Harvey, & some others, had now declared that had they known that the Bishop of Landaff had made an offer to purchase 1000 a[cre]s of the worst Land they would never have opposed it. I was also concerned to find another cl
Durham 6 April 1799
My Lord
It probably may be the most proper to sell part of the Reversion of the Leasehold for Years and part for Lives, to Redeem the Land Tax, but where or to what account I cannot yet advise your Lordship, my reason for offering those Comparative modes of Calculation was to have something fixed to form an Equitable Value on both that the matter might undergo a Consideration so as to act upon the most approved principle. The Landtax Letters come slowly in, I
Colonel Beaumont Boldon 8th April 1799
Portman Square London
D[ea]r Sir
I wrote to you on the 1st & 4th Inst, to which I refer you. On the 5th I sent you by Mr Clayton the Town Clerk of NCastle the Certificate of the Commissioners (for the Sale of the Land Tax) of the amount of your Land Tax in the County of Northd. the Certificate of that in the County of Durham will be sent you as soon as I can obtain it from the
Durham 9th April 1799
My Lord,
Mr Mowbray has this moment inquired of me whether some material Alterations are not made in the Weardale Bill; in Answer to which I have barely time to save the Post to say that the only Changes of any Importance are the omission of Bollihope & Stanhope Commons, & the Insertion of Clauses allowing your Lordship’s Lessee to work the Lead mines without paying damages, & in Consequence of the omission of Bollihope & Stanhope it became
Chas. Bowns Esq. NCastle Ap[ril] 10/99
Bank Top near Barnsley Yorkshire
Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 6th Inst. enclosing a Statement of Col. Beaumonts Income arising from his Property in Yorkshire; I am forming a statement of his whole Income so far as it comes within my knowledge; a Duplicate of which shall be sent to Mr Tweedale before the 17th Inst. which he may produce to the Commiss[ione]rs in Case he should be
Mr W Tweedale. Newcastle April 10th /99
Bretton near Wakefield Yorkshire
Sir I received your Letters of the 5th & 7th Inst. & note the Contents, I have likewise a letter from Mr. Bowns enclosing a Statement of Col. Beaumonts Income arising from his Property in Yorkshire, I am forming a Statement of his whole Income, a Duplicate of which shall be sent you before the 17th Inst. which may be produced to the Commiss[ione]rs i
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 11 April 1799
Gentn. I have this day sent you by Mr. Pickersgill the Leeds Carrier a P[iec]e fine Silver, Containing Fourteen Hundred & Eighty One & one half Ounces, which I desire you will place to Account with Thomas Rd Beaumont Esq. as below, & advise me on your Receipt of the same.
I am etc For J.E.B Esq T.C.
For a P[iec]
[at head of letter in a different hand, possibly of a later archivist:] To Mr Burdon
Dear Sir,
Before this reaches you Mr Scruton who I understand is on his way to town will probably have explained to you the real situation of the Weardale business. The Consent Bill which he carries with him includes the stinted moors & pastures only, and the infranchising clauses have consequently been withdrawn from it, not indeed from the motive suggested in Mr Hildyards letter, but because in t
My dear Sir
I have the Favor of Yours, & I yesterday received the schedule of my Land Tax from you [struck out: Mr Bell] for the County of Durham. When I am to transfer the stock it shall be done immediately. You may depend upon it I will take no measures respecting the Hexham Turnpike Road until I hear again from You. I will tell Sir George what You say, about the Miners, it is one of his wild Ideas. In a letter from You dated 8th March you mention the Pays will amount to about £51
No 3 Paper Buildings
Temple 12th April 1799
My Lord
I take the Liberty of sending your Lordship an Extract of a letter Rec’d this morning from Mr Fenwick, the Solicitor for the Findon Hill Inclosure Bill, by which it appears that the application to Parliament is dropt for this session.
I have the Honor to be My Lord Your Lordship’s obliged & very obedient servant
Geo. Bramwell
Findon Hill Division
There seems to be so much difficulty in this
Threepwood 12th April 1799
My Lord,
I trust your Lordship will please to accept my Acknowledgements for his late very obliging favour in reply to my 25 January and permit me to observe that from Your Lordships decided approbation of the Stanhope Inclosure Bill on the Plan at large as originally proposed, and by the Subsequent Order from Col Beaumont to his Agents to Support the same, I had in consequence flattered myself, that the Measure at large would be affected to general sat
Thomas Rd Beaumont Esq. Newcastle 15th April 1799
Portman Square London
D[ea]r Sir My last letter to you was of the 9th Inst. I have at length made out a Statement of your Income (as far as any information that I have led me) amounting in the whole clear of Deductions to £13841-4-5. but your Pay as Colonel of a Regt. of Light Dragoons is not included in the statement (for want of information from you) which you possibly may be c
Mr Bell Hexham Newcastle 15 April 1799
D[ea]r Sir
Herewith you will receive the Statement of Coll. Beaumont’s Income in which I have found it necessary to make some alterations, as you will observe at the foot; I am of opinion that it will be necessary to make further amendments by inserting his Pay as Coll. & likewise naming the residence of the several Persons to whom he pays Annuities or Interest (which the A
Mr I Hunter Dukesfield Newcastle 16th April 1799
Mr I Hunter I received your letter with the Piece of Silver weight 943 Ounces.
I am surprized and much disappointed at not having received the Pay Bill for Dukesfields. Your delay in sending it puts us to great inconvenience & I have been under the Necessity of postponing the Payment of the several Tradesmen solely on that Account, & in case of its not comi
Mr Wm Balshaw Newcastle 16th April 1799
Bolton Lancashire
Sir, Mr Blackett received your Lre of the 12th Inst and desires me to acquaint you that he has not at present any Lead to dipose of, nor will he have for some time, but in case he had the lowest price at present would be £18 . . P[er] Fother of 21 Cwt. = 2352 lbs. I am etc T. C.
J E Blackett Esq London 17th April 1799
In answer to your esteemed of the 24th March I thank you for your kind offer to purchase the Lead for me which I am sure you would do on the best terms in your power but as I find the price is lower at Hull say £16.10. I have ordered 150 tons there and consequently shall not have occasion to trouble you till your account is more favourable. Believe me with sentiments of respect.
Sir Your most Obd Servt. Arch’d Paris
Durham 20th. April 1799
If you’l have the Goodness to look to any one of the Newcastle Papers of this Week You’l observe an Advertisem’t of certain Resolutions adopted at a Meeting therein ment[ione]d for the opposing a Clause in a Bill now pending in Parliament for continuing an Act for the making of the South Turnpike Road from Gateshead to Hexham By which Clause it is intended to erect a Tollgate at a place called High Team near Gateshead the consequence of which would be
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 22nd of April 1799
Portman Square London
Dear Sir
I am favoured with your Letter of the 18th inst. inclosing the residence of the several Annuitants which shall be inserted in the Income return sent to Mr Bell the Schedule of the Land tax in the County of Durham (except that in Weardale amounting to £0 .12. 6 which I have not yet got from the Clerk of the Commiss[ione]rs of the Landtax, thoâ
Mr John Bell Hexham Abbey Newcastle 23 April 1799
Dear Sir I wrote to you the 15th inst. with the Return of Coll. Beaumont’s Income; I have since received an Account from him of the residence of the several Annuitants etc which I Inclose you to be inserted in the return sent you; Coll. Beaumont has not taken any Notice of the Amount of his Pay as Colonel of the 21st Regt. of L[igh]t Dragoons tho’ I mentioned in two Letters
Peter Hunter Esq. Newcastle 23rd April 1799
Sir I received your letter of the inst. It will not be convenient for me to attend the Meeting on the 26 inst. I do not apprehend that the placing a Gate at High Team on the Hexham Turnpike road south of Tyne will materially affect Col. Beaumont’s Concerns on which account I can not recommend his giving the Clause in the proposed Bill his opposition.
Messrs. Gosling. Newcastle 24 April 1799
Bankers London
Gentn. Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Surtees Burdon & Co. on Barclays & Co. at Thirty days dated this day for Two Hundred & Twenty Five Pounds, being for One Quarters Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 11th Inst. to the Revd. Henry Hardinge from Col Beaumont - Please to advise me on your Receipt of