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Letters – Thomas Crawhall to Read Lucas & Reads – 25 Apr 1799

Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads NCastle 25th April 1799 Sheffield Gentn. I have to Acknowledge the Receipt of your Letter of the 23rd Inst. inclosing Nine Bills - Amount £410 - 1 - 6 as you advise and which are placed to your Credit for fine Silver sent you on T. R. Beaumont Esqrs Account I am etc T. C.

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 27 Apr 1799

Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 27 April 1799 Portman square London D[ea]r Sir I am favoured with your Letter of the 25th Inst. I have made further enquiry respecting a Gate being placed on the South Turnpike Road to Hexham at High Team, how far it may affect your Concerns, & I do not find that it can in any Material Degree; Your Lead from Weardale comes down to Blaydon some Distance above that Gate, & all the heavy Materials

Letter – W Treston to John Erasmus Blackett – 27 Apr 1799

London 27 April 1799 My Dear Sir I beg you will acquaint Mr J.E.B. that it was not before this day I could obtain any informations as to the situation & character of Mr Nicholas De Lacroix <...> wich to rely upon - I now have heard via the channel of persons well acquainted with him; that he is at the head of his department in the office, as Comptroller of the cash, to which respectable situation he has progressively advanced during a long service of nearly forty years - He i

Letters – Robert Mulcaster to John Erasmus Blackett – 30 Apr 1799

30 April 1799 [annotated by J E Blackett:] Robert Mulcaster Observations about Barlow Common April 30 1799 – Went this day to Barlow and marked out about 46 Acres of the Northwest part of the Common abuting an Estate for Sir Thos. Clavering Bart. On the West to Barlow Common on the S, to Mr. Beaumont’s farm now in the occupation of Jn.o. Richardson on the east on Barlowburn the boundary of Winlaton Lordship on the South. May 1st & 2nd Had two men making a hedge on Ba

Letter – Rowland Burdon to Shute Barrington – 1 May 1799

My Lord I have read F Tweddells letter with attention, & return it with Mr H Williamsons to me, which certainly don’t correspond with the extracts from Mr Scrutons. I wish all may be fairly done; but I cannot help thinking that if active steps were taken, the Bollihope & Stanhope Commons Proprietors might yet be got to sign their assents to the original measure, against the bill here <would be fitt> for the Committee, to which point it might be conducted in its most exte

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 3 May 1799

Thomas R. Beaumont Esq. Newcastle 3rd May 1799 Dear Sir I wrote to you the 28th inst to which I refer you. You will be surprised at receiving a Letter from me at this Place when you expected I was at Allenheads, but, I realy durst not venture to encounter the very severe, cold Weather at this Time, with the Rheumatism in my Head & flying about me; & it is well that I did not, for my Complaint has increased, & the Weather

Letter – Richard Fishwick to John Erasmus Blackett – 7 May 1799

Newcastle May 7 1799 Sir Inclosed you have our Draft on London for £2133.7.4 being the amount of 2000 pieces Lead bought of you in October last Year but which you could not deliver when we wanted it and on which Account we have drawn the Bill at two Months which would otherwise have been drawn at one Month We remain Sir Your most hble Serv Walkers Fishwick & Co

Letter – John Bell to Diana Beaumont – 12 May 1799

Hexham Abbey 12th. May 1799 Madam The Masons are beginning to take the Slates from off the East Side of the Quadrangle here in order to have the great Room and the other Rooms on that Side repaired and Mr. Johnson and Smith desire to have your Direction whether you will have the North End of that Side kept as proposed in the Drawing sent or let it be made a common upright Gable as at present- Be pleased to return the Drawing with your Determination as soon as you can We h

Letters – Isaac Wilkinson to John Erasmus Blackett – 18 May 1799

Chesterfield 18th May 1799 Dear Sir I think it but right and proper to aquaint you, altho I was told in confidence by one of our neighbours that he has just now sold 1000 pieces of Derbyshire Lead at (Hull) at £18 pr Fo[the]r and he is not limited to time in the delivery of it , which is a plain proof of who ever the lead is for, they think the price will be higher, our friend further told us, he has some reason to believe the purchase is made for Messrs Walker & Co’

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 21 May 1799

John Ibbetson Esqr Newcastle 21st May 1799 Sir As the Term in the Act of Parliament for repairing and widening the Road from near Glenwhelt to the Military Road leading to this Town is nearly at an End, an application will be made to Parliament in the ensuing Session, for a new Act, and if it is the wish of the Commissioners of this Road, to be empowered to make a Branch from the Town of Corbridge, to a part of the Military Road, near to the Town of Heddon on the Wall. The Road is

Letters – Thomas Crawhall to Read Lucas & Reads – 22 May 1799

Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 22nd May 1799 Sheffield Gentn. Mr Blackett received your favor of the 18th Inst & in his Absence I am requested to inform you that a P[ie]]e. fine Silver will be sent you by the Waggon next Week, but as Silver has had an advance it will be charged @ 5s.9d P Oz. Mr Blackett thinks himself much obliged by your having so kindly executed his small Commission. I am etc. T. C.

Letter – Richard Fishwick to John Erasmus Blackett – 23 May 1799

Newcastle May 23 1799 Sir We have only 3 Barrels of Litharge lefr & have received an Order for Twenty Barrels to be shipped next Week – we this Day sent for a Tickett for 40 Barrels which we were informed could not be given us without writing to you, please therefore to send us Tickett for the said Quantity and we will thank you to mention the Price. We remain Sir Your most hble Servs Walkers Fishwick & Co J E Blackett/ Morpeth

Letter – Richard Fishwick to John Erasmus Blackett – 27 May 1799

Newcastle May 27 1799 Sir We have received your Favour of the 26th Inst. With a Tickett for 40 Barrels of Litharge the Price you mention £18.10 we hope you will not charge, as we did not expect you would make it so high and we actually sold 20 Barrels at the same Price delivered on board a Ship for Hull. The Price we bought 1400 pieces of Lead at lately was £17.10 we therefore hope you will charge the Litharge at no more than 18£ p Ton and which we leave to yourself. We are, Sir,

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Read Lucas & Reads – 31 May 1799

Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle May 31st 1799 Sheffield Gentn. I have this day sent you by Jno. Pickersgill the Leeds Carrier a P[iec]e fine Silver, Containing Fourteen Hundred & Seventy Ounces, also have shipt on board the John & Mary Capt. Barrowby of Hull, for you one Ton of Test Bottoms (in four Casks) which I desire you will place to Account with Thos Richd Beaumont Esq. as below, & advise me on your receipt

Letters – Thomas Crawhall to William Tweedale – 31 May 1799

Mr W Tweedale Newcastle 31st May 1799 Bretton near Wakefd Yorkshire We have this day shipped on board the John & Mary Capt. Barrowby of Hull 4 Fothers of Refd. Lead (53 Pieces) & 4 C[as]ks Lead Fume, directed for Thomas Rd. Beaumont Esqr. to be left at the Old Warehouse Wakefield, & which I hope will arrive safe. I am etc T. C. I am Sir etc J E B

Letter – William Wilson to Thomas Emerson – 13 Jun 1799

Wolsingham June 13 1799 Mr Emerson, New House, near Chapel, Weardale By favour of Mr Jonn Sir, As Mr Alderman Blackett some time ago signified to you by a letter which he then shewed me, that he desired you would call upon all the agents & workmen under Colonel Beaumont to give me every information & assistance in their power respecting Harehope gill lead mine (as colonel Beaumont’s interest & mine were the same in that business) I therefore desire that you will please t

Letter – Thomas Emerson to John Erasmus Blackett – 14 Jun 1799

Newhouse June 14 1799 Sir, You will please to peruse the Inclosed & inform my Father whether you wish to obey Mr Wilsons orders or not. We showed Mr Allgood the Inclosed letter but would not advise him whether to go to Wolsingham immediately according to his friends directions or wait till we heard from you. I intend to be in Newcastle on Monday of 24 inst in order to wait upon you for the Workmans Subsistence when if you please I should have 1750£ on acc[oun]t of h

Letters – Thomas Crawhall to Read Lucas & Reads – 14 Jun 1799

Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads NCastle 14 June 1799 Sheffield Gentn. I have to acknowledge the Receipt of your Favour of the 11th inst. inclosing eleven Bills amounting to £420 . 13 . 4 as you advise, and which are placed to your Credit for fine Silver sent you on Thomas Rd Beaumont Esqrs. Account I am etc. T. C.

Will & inventory – William Armstrong – 19 Jun 1799

I William Armstrong of Stonehouse in Hexhamshire in the County of Northumberland Husbandman do make publish and declare this my Last Will and Testament in Manner and Form following, that is to say, First I will and order that all my just Debts and Funeral charges shall be paid and discharged by my Executor hereafter named as soon as conveniently may be after my decease And I give and bequeath unto my dear wife Hannah Armstrong all the Household Goods and Furniture Linen Beds and Bedding which be

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 23 Jun 1799

Thomas R Beaumont Esq. Newcastle 23rd June 1799 Portman Square London Dear Sir I was much Concerned to hear that you have been indisposed, but I sincerely hope that this may find you perfectly restored to Health; as I had not any particular Business to communicate to you, I have not troubled you with a Letter for some time past; very little Lead has been yet brought down from the Lead Mills, Dukesfield Mill has been off Wor

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to John Bell – 23 Jun 1799

Mr John Bell Hexham Abbey Newcastle 23rd June 1799 Dear Sir I received yours with an Extract of Lord Carlisle’s Admittance to his Estates at Stanhope, with a Skitch of the Mines which I have delivered to Mr. Emerson for his Information etc. I observe by the inclosed that Col. Beaumont’s Income Tax after the Abatement allowed for Children amounts to £1260 the first Payment of which being £210. I have inclosed you

Letters – Thomas Crawhall to Richard Barrowby – 24 Jun 1799

Mr Richard Barrowby Newcastle 24th June 1799 Hull Sir The Piggs of Lead, Lead Fume etc, shippd on board, the John & Mary Capt. Barrowby at this Place P[er] Mr Blackett, were requested to be sent as follows (Viz.) 4 Tons Lead (53 Pieces) & 4 Casks of Lead Fume for Thomas Rd. Beaumont Esqr: to be left at the old Warehouse Wakefield, and 1 Ton of Test Bottoms (in 4 Casks) to be sent to Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Sheffie

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 25 Jun 1799

Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 25th June 1799 Bretton MP near Wakefield Yorkshire Dear Sir I wrote to you in Town on the 23rd inst. to which I refer you; I was Yesterday favoured with your Letter of the 22nd. I hope that this may find Mrs Beaumont yourself & young Folks perfectly well after your Journey. Your Lead Agents inform me that there are very little Changes in the State of the Mines since the Lead Pay; but they say

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Emerson – 2 Jul 1799

Mr Thomas Emerson Newcastle 2nd July 1799 New House Weardale Mr Thomas Emerson I am much surprized & concerned to find that Mr Purvis (who is employed equally for Col. Beaumont as for Mr. Wilson) met with a backwardness from you in giving him that Assistance & Information respecting Harehope Gill Lead Mine which he had reason to expect from you as Col. Beaumonts Agent, & that a Paper which you or your Son had b

Letters – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 2 Jul 1799

Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 2nd July 1799 Bretton, Wakefield Yorkshire D[ea]r Sir I this day was favored with your letter of the 30th Ult. which was too late to take any step at the Meeting at Hexham this morning respecting the new branch proposed from the Hexham Turnpike road at Corbridge to join the Carlisle road at Headon on the Wall; I acquainted you in a former Letter of the Benefit I was of opinion that it would be to
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467