Thomas Rd Beaumont Esq. Newcastle 4th July 1799
Bretton, Wakefield Yorkshire
D[ea]r Sir
Since my letter to you of the 2nd Inst. I received a letter from Mr Hardinge, a Copy of which I enclose, as well as a Copy of your Agreement with him for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Mines. The advance that he demands is considerable indeed, & I think out of reason, before an answer can be given to it this Matter must be well considered
The Revd. Mr. Hardinge Newcastle 5th July 1799
Stanhope Durham
I am favoured with your Letter of the 2nd inst by which I observe that the Agreement between you & Col. Beaumont (for seven Years) for the Tythe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines will expire on the 11th inst. I have accordingly directed the Agents of those Mines that the Ore that may be wrought from the 11th be separated from that which was raised pri
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 5th July 1799
Bretton near Wakefd Yorkshire
D[ea]r Sir I wrote to you yesterday & enclosed you Copies of Mr Hardinge’s letter and of your Agreement with him for the Tithe Ore. I now enclose a Copy of my letter to him.
I am etc J. E. B.
My dear Sir
I have the Favor of Yours of the 2nd and observe what You say about my Subscription to the Hexham Road & will be much obliged to You to put my Name down for 300£. As I shall so very soon have the pleasure of seeing You at Newcastle, where we propose being on Friday Sennight the 19th. I will not enter upon Mr Scrutons conduct about the Weardale enclosure Bill. In a former letter I think I mentioned to You my having £7547 in the 3 p cents which a part of might be transferred t
Sir Henry Wilson Newcastle 9th July 1799
Chelsea Park near London
Sir As the Sum remaining on the Bond & Mortgage of the late Sir Thomas Blackett to the late Wm Wilson Esqr. (with the Interest due thereon) is to be paid off on the 14th August next; you will please to inform me to whom it is to be paid, & at what place, that Col. Beaumont may appoint a Person to transact that Business, & to receive the proper
Messrs. Goslings NCastle 15 July 1799
Bankers London
Gentn. Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Surtees Burdon & Co. on Messrs Barclays & Co. at One Month dated this day for Two Hundred & Twenty Five Pounds being for One Quarter’s Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 11th Inst. to the The Revd Henry Hardinge from Col Beaumont - Please to inform me on you
Arthur Mowbray Esqr. Durham NCastle 15th July 1799
Sir, Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Surtees Burdon & Co. on Messrs Barclays & Co. at Forty Days dated the 15th inst for Seventy Five Pounds 1s/2d being for half a Years Moor Master’s Rent due from Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esq. the 1st August next to the Lord Bishop of Durham , with 1s/2d for Acquitance & Duty. Please to send a receipt for the same.
Messrs Drummond. Newcastle 16 July 1799
Bankers London
Gentn. Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Surtees Burdon & Co. on Messrs Barclays & Co. at Forty Days dated the 16th Inst for Four Hundred & Sixty Two Pounds Ten Shillings, to pay half a Year’s Comp[ositio]n for the Lot Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 26th Aug. to My Lord Bishop of Durham from Col. Beaumont Please to advise me on you
Sir Henry Wilson Newcastle 27 July 1799
Chelsea Park London
D[ea]r Sir I was duly favored with your letter of the 12th Inst. The remaining Sum due on the late Sir Thos Blackett’s Bond to the late W Wilson Esqr. with the Interest that may be due thereon will be paid at Colonel Beaumonts Bankers Hammersley & Co. Pall Mall on the 17th August next to you as Executor to the late ___ Wilson Esqr. on your giving a r
The Revd. Henry Hardinge Newcastle 27th July 1799
Stanhope Durham
Sir I communicated the Contents of your Letters to Col. & Mrs. Beaumont who think that the Proposals that you make for your Tithe Ore are very high, for notwithstanding it may appear of greater Value to those who only see the Quantity of Ore raised, without considering that this Tithe Ore in being in the Hands of the lessee under an easy Composition, has
Messrs Hammersley Newcastle 30th July 1799
Bankers Pall Mall London
Gentn. Inclosed I send you Messrs Surtees Burdon & Cos. Bill on Barclays Tritton & Bevan dated the 15th July at 30 Days date for Two Thousand Eight Hundred & Seventy Pounds which is on account of Thomas Rd. Beaumont Esq. and which Sum you are desired to pay on the 17th Augt. next to Sir Henry Wilson late of Pomfret but now of Chelsea Park Executor of the
We have reced a Letter from Mr Wm Todd of Alston requesting a liberty from the Hospital of Wayleave thro’ a small Parcel of Ground part of Lowbyer Estate called the Butt Holme as a convenience to a Linen Manufactory which he is establishing at Alston and for which liberty ne will pay 20s p Annum. Mr Todd is a very enterprising Man and is concerned in several of the Hospitals Mines in the working of which he has made a great deal of Money and we cannot but think him worthy of the Hospitals
Vicarage, Newcastle upon Tyne
August the 7th 1799
We, the undersigned Executors under the will of the late Mr. Newton, have perus’d, & maturely considered, the acc[oun]t remaining unsettled between you and him, sent to his Daughter; & are truly concern’d to hear that you express great dissatisfaction at some of the items of his charge. We freely admit that we have no other documents to produce for the justice of them, than those which Mr. Newton’s ledger, in
The Revd. Henry Hardinge Newcastle 8th Augt. 1799
Seaton Carew near Stockton
Sir Your Favour of the 5th inst. I received this Evening at my return from Newbiggin where I have been for a few Days. I observe what you say as to the Application that has been made to you to enter into a Treaty for your Tythe Ore; Rather than the Ore should be separated which probably might be attended with unpleasant Circumstances to both Pa
Seaton Carew Stockton Saturday Augt. 10th 1799
I received this afternoon the Favour of Yours of the 8th inst. and as you agree on the part of Colonel Beaumont to my Proposal to compound for the whole of my Tithe Ore on the Terms I mention’d (Viz.) Fifteen Hundred Pounds Pr. Annm. during my Possession or Enjoyment of the Rectory of Stanhope, Payable as described in my Late Agreement, to take place from the 11th of July last, this meets with my Approbation and I sha
Thomas Rd. Beaumont Esq. Newcastle 14th August 1799
Bretton Wakefd. Yorkshire
D[ea]r Sir I wrote to you the 9th Inst. to which I refer you. I made Mr Hardinge an offer of £1200 P. Ann. as a Composition for his Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines which Sum he refused accepting of, & he wrote me that an Agent of a Mining Company in that Neighbourhood had made him offers more advantageous to him than the terms that he had proposed
The Revd. Henry Hardinge Newcastle 14 Augt. 1799
Seaton Carew near Stockton
Sir I was favoured with your letter of the 10th Inst in consequence of which I have got the Agreement & Counterpart drawn up on two twenty shillings Stamps which the law requires) agreeable to the enclosed, which I have no doubt will meet with your approbation; I send them by this Post to Col. Beaumont to be executed by him, on their being retu
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 15th Augt. 1799
Mr Blackett this Day received your favour of the 28th inst. inclosing ten Bills Amount £394..4..6 as you advise, and which are placed to the Credit of your Account for fine Silver sent you. At the time the last pc. Silver was sent you Mr Blackett was not acquainted with the price of fine Silver but which has since charged @ 5/9 P[er] Oz.; & below you have
No. 3 Paper Buildings Temple 16th Augt. 1799
Dear Sir,
The Amendments in the Stanhope Inclosure Bill, alluded to in your Letter, were made by Lord Walsingham they were resisted by Mr. Scruton and myself, but his Lordship having made the same Amendments about the same Time in some other Bills, could not be prevailed upon to relinquish them.
They appeared to us, rather Matter of Form than as introducing any material Alteration in the Effect of the Clauses, as originally pre
Chesterfield August 18th 1799
Dear Sir
Yesterday I was informed there had been a parcel of Derbyshire lead sold lately at Hull at £18.10. pr Fo[ther] in consequence of this Sale, we expect firstly to obtain higher prices than that, say £18.10 for a quantity, as Pig Lead is just now much enquired after, by the London Houses also by W. F. and Co. [Walker & Fishwick, Elswick] of your Town, by this, it plainly shows they expect it will advance between now & Mich[aelma]s.
Dear Sir,
Previous to my questioning Mr Scruton relative to the omitted clause in the Weardale Act, I thought it advisable to inquire of Mr Burdon, as chairman of that Committee, what he knew of the matter. He was clear that no attention had been made in the consent bill, while in the House of Commons; & said he would write to Mr Bramwell the clerk, who acted in concert with Mr Scruton in soliciting the bill. I transmit herewith his answer to Mr Burdon, w[hic]h exculpates Mr Scruton
Chesterfield August 30th 1799
To John E Blackett Esq. Newcastle
Dear Sir,
I duly received your esteemed favour of the 10th instant for which l am much obliged to you, as I presume you will very soon make a sale to the London houses, I think it may not be amiss to acquaint you, there is at this time no lead on hand at Hull worth mentioning, either Yorkshire or Derbyshire, the latter has been bought up £19.00 for fodder, so I believe chiefly by Mr. F & Co. One of our friends
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 30th Augt. 1799
Gentn. Mr Blackett received your Favour of the 3rd Inst. inclosing a Bank Note, Amount thirty Pounds, which is placed to your Credit, would have acknowledged the receipt of it sooner, but waited till we had an Opportunity of sending you a piece fine Silver, which have done this Day p[er] Leeds Waggon, Containing Thirteen Hundred & Eighty nine Ounces, which you will please p
Colonel Beaumont MP Newcastle 6th September 1799
Bridlington Yorkshire
D[ea]r Sir I was favoured with your letter of the 1st Inst with the Inclosures; I have had some conversation with Mr Williamson respecting the business he had likewise a similar letter from the Bishop with whom we had some discourse yesterday & Mr Williamson is fully satisfied that the omission in the Act of ( without paying any damage for the same / altho’ v
Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esq. Newcastle 9th Sept 1799
Bridlington Yorkshire
Dear Sir I wrote to you the 6th inst. to which I refer you. Inclosed you have a Copy of a Letter from Mr Clark of the House of Commons respecting the Introduction of Lord Walsinghams Clause in the Division Bill etc. I have the Pleasure to tell you that I have at length made a Considerable Sale of Lead at an Advanced Price to the London Buyers. 27000 Pieces one