Burlington Sep[tembe]r 12th 1799
My dear Sir
I had the pleasure of writing to you yesterday. We are very happy to find that the Price of Lead is raised, and hope it will continue. I trust Mr Hunter will use every Exertion in getting the Lead down as fast as possible, and carry forward the Works at the Several Lead Mills with Briskness. It most certainly would be advisable should the Executors of Mr Newton's Family intend to Contest the Affair of their Account, to give up one half the Am
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 16th Septr 1799
Bretton Wakefield Yorkshire
Dear Sir I am favoured with your Letters of the 12th & 15th inst. I shall endeavour to settle the Business with the Executors of the late Mr Newton in the best Manner that I can.
I have spoke to my friend C. Blackett respecting the Buck that you are so kind as to send us, & should it be convenient to you we shall be glad to have it on Satu
Mess. Hammersley & Co. Morpeth 22nd Septemr. 1799
Gentn. I wrote to you the 20th Inst. to which I beg leave to refer you; I have now the favour of your letter of the 19th Inst advising of your payment to Sir Henry Wilson’s Bankers Mess. Snow & Co. £2870 on Account of Thomas Rd. Beaumont Esq.& enclosing Mess. Snow & Co’s receipt for that Sum. I am glad that Sir Henry Wilson has at length thought proper to rece
Bretton, Sepr 22d 1799
Dear Sir,
I am confident you will not guess of half Hour the Name of the Gentleman who has honor'd Colonel Beaumont & myself with a Three Hours Visit to Day & who has most completely Bored us; Yesterday when we were on Horseback Mr Wilson the Rector of Wolsingham's servant brought a Note from that Gentleman to say he proposed visiting on us this Morning, accordingly we received him; he produced various Letters & Papers the particulars of which a
Mrs Beaumont Under Cover to
Colonel Beaumont Morpeth 26th Septr 1799
Bretton Wakefield Yorkshire
Dear Madam I had yesterday evening the favor of your letter and I observe that you have had a Visit from that most troublesome, restless, Mischievous Bore, the Rector of Wolsingham; he certainly mistimed his Visit, the season of Lent being more suitable for Abstinence & Mortification; that Persons Conduct has been so ver
Dr Sir,
I am sorry you should have given Col Beaumont the trouble of writing to me respecting the lead carriage. I am confident I always obeyed your orders as punctually as lay in my power & that every attention has been paid towards forwarding the Lead as expeditiously as possible. I have adopted every method I could devise for that purpose: when Col Beaumont’s Lre came to Dukesfield I was amongst the Carriagemen on the northside of Derwent. Mr Smith took the Southside what I s
Bretton, September 29th 1799
Dear Sir,
I am this morning favored with your letter, and beg you will not give yourself the least trouble respecting anything that strange creature Mr. Wilson has said. I mention what he choose to say about the working of the mines in your parish of Wolsingham that you might be acquainted with the reason that induced him to torment us here. Col. Beaumont and
Newcastle Octor 3rd 1799
On Enquiry I find Messrrs Campbell & Gibson have not yet paid you for the Test Bottoms which they had from you long since, they have made no Use of them since they purchased them, never the less they ought to have been paid for before now, however if you will please to indulge them a little longer I will take Care you shall be paid the Amount and some Interest Money for over credit be allowed. I remain Sir
Your most hble Servt
Rich Fishwick
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 16th Oct. 1799
Bretton Wakefield Yorkshire
D[ea]r Sir I wrote to Mrs Beaumont the 9th Inst to which I refer you. Your Lead Stewards were with me yesterday when I paid for Subsistance for the Workmen & for Candles £3700 the State of the Mines is not improved, & I shall have some difficulty in getting down to Blaydon this year the Lead that I sold in Sept. last, we are at present about 70
Messrs. Gosling. Newcastle Oct 19th 1799
Bankers London
Gentn. Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Surtees Burdon & Co. on Messrs Barclays & Co. at thirty Days dated this Day for three Hundred & Seventy Four Pounds, being for One Quarter’s Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Lead Mines due the 11th inst. to the Revd Henry Hardinge from Col Beaumont, after deducting 20/s for a St
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 20th Oct 1799
Bretton Wakefd Yorkshire
D[ea]r Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 18th Inst and am very much surprised to find that you have not made a purchase of your Land Tax; I beg leave to refer you to my several letters of the 8th the 15th & the 22nd of April last, by which you will observe that the Land Tax Certificate (with the Contract) for Northumberland was sent you by the Mail Coach o
Coln. Beaumont Newcastle 10th Novr 1799
Bretton Wakefd Yorkshire
Dear Sir I am favoured with your letter of the 7th inst & and shall tomorrow desire Messrs Surtees & Co. to purchase Stock to the Amount of £2622.4.9¾ for the Purpose of reducing your Land Tax agreeable to your Direction & for the reason that you assign: the Certificates that I sent you with those from Yorkshre must be sent up to Town to the Person tha
Bretton Hall, Novr 11th 99
My dear Sir
At the time I rec[eived]d Your letter in town respecting the purchasing of the Land Tax I did not see it in the light I do at present or should most undoubtedly have made the purchase on the Spot, Tweedale has not made out his Estimate as yet, when he has I will settle with the Commissioners here, as I shall have the Land Tax to pay for Weardale, had I not better send a Power of Att[orne]y up to Messrs Barclay for the Money I have in Stocks; &
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 15th Novr 1799
Bretton Hall Barnsley Yorkshire
Dear Sir Since my Letter to you 11th inst I have yours of the same Date & as Mess. Surtees & Co. have not made the Purchase in the Stocks, I think that the Mode you propose of of sending a Power of Attorney to your Bankers Mess. Barclays & Co. to sell out your Stock or to transfer it, will be the best, I did not know that you had changed your Bankers
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 16th Novr. 1799
Gentn. I yesterday sent you P[er] J. Pickersgill the Leeds Carrier a p[iec]e fine Silver, Containing One Thousand Ounces, which I desire you will place to Account with Thos Richard Beaumont Esq. as below, & advise me on your receipt of the same.
I am etc J. E. B.
A P[iec]e fine Silver qty 1000 Oz at 6s/1d Pr Ounce
Dear Sir, Wolsingham Nov: 19. 1799
A person of some respectability has lately informed me that he & some friends are ready to take a lead mine in the parish of Wolsingham upon the following terms which he desired me to mention & which I beg the favour of you to communicate to Col. Beaumont & Mr Alderman Blackett, if you think proper. If they can obtain a lease they will agree to give Col. Beaumont 1/6 of the produce cl
Extract from the Revd. Mr. Wilson’s Letter to Mr. Bell dated Novr. 19th. 1799
‘A Person of some respectability has lately inform’d me that he & some Friends are ready to to take a Leadmine in the Parish of Wolsingham upon the following Terms which he desired me to mention and which I beg the Favour of you to communicate to Colonel Beaumont & Mr. Alderman Blackett if you think proper. If they can obtain a Lease they will agree to give 1/6 of the Produce clear of every Expence
Mrs. Beaumont Hexham Abbey 20th. Nov. 1799
I have sent you inclosed a Drawing with the exact Dimensions of the Marble Hearth that is broke with the Sort of Marble it is.
Corn is exceedingly high here Wheat? the Hexham Roll of four Winchester Bushells £3-3-0 and Rye the same Measure £1.14.0 which must be much higher to your Miners when carried nearly Twenty Miles farther - How those People are to be supported through this Winter is a Matter of great Consideratio
Estimate of the Expence of Planting Wood at Keswick, High Wood, Dilston Wide Haugh Banks and Wooley in Winter 1799 & Spring 1800.
[There follows a table which is available in the PDF of this collection of letters which can be downloaded by following the active link TNA ADM 66/84 to the upper right of this letter]
Mr John Bell Newcastle 27th Novr 1799
Hexham Abbey
Dear Sir I received your Letter of the 26th inst with a Copy of that of Mr Wilsons; The Terms that he mentions for a Tack of some Mines in the Parish of Wolsingham are certainly very advantageous, and with the usual Conditions of such Leases, it would be advisable for Col. Beaumont to comply with their Terms; but when we come to treat with the Parties on this Business, I a
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 27th Novr 1799
Bretton Hall Barnsley Yorkshire
Dear Sir I had a Letter from Mr Bell inclosing Copy of Mr Wilson’s Letter to him, inclosed you have a Copy of my Answer to Mr Bell.
The Sales of Lead that I made in Augt & Septr was very fortunate for there has been little or no Demand since that Time; Refined Lead has been offered at a Reduced Price and refused; there are still 2,000 Pieces of Common L
Blaydon 1st December 1799
The Overseer of the Poor of Winlaton Township has been with me this afternoon to aquaint me that application has been made to him by several of the principal Inhabitants of the Township to request a meeting of the Lords of Winlaton Agents, and of all the occupiers of lands within the Township for the purpose of taking into consideration some mode of relieving the Poor Inhabitants of the Township who they believe are suffering want from the present hi
Mess Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 5th Decr 1799
Gentn I have this Day received your Favour of the 2d inst inclosing Nine Bills. Amount Three Hundred and Sixteen Pounds Sixteen Shillings which are placed to the Credit of your Account with Colonel Beaumont, being in full for fine Silver etc sent you. Another Cake of fine Silver will be sent you about the 31st instant. I am etc J.
Colonel Beaumont M.P. Newcastle 8th Decr 1799
Dear Sir You will have received a Letter from Mr Arth Surtees informing you of the Particulars of a very extraordinary & ill founded Demand that I understand is is intended to be made on you, I never heard of it till a few Days ago, when Mr A Surtees & Is Hunter called on me, the former told me that he would write to you on the Business, Tho there is n
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 11th Decr 1799
Bretton Hall Barnsley Yorkshire
Dear Sir
I wrote to you the 8th to which I refer you; I am by this Days Post favoured with your Letter of the 9th inst & observe what you say respecting the Mode of giving relief to the indigent Poor of Hexham & the Neighbourhood; that pointed out by Mr Clark which had been adopted on a similar Occasion will certainly be th