Colonel Beaumont M.P. Newcastle 2d. April 1800
Portman Square London
Dear Sir
My last Letter to you was of the 14th. ulto. to which I refer you.Your Lead Stewards were with me Yesterday & received from me Subsistence Money for the Workmen amounting to £2750 - - and I have paid the Candle Bills for the last Quarter amounting to £1050 - - without applying to the Bank; As near as I can calculate at present about £54000 - - - will be wanted to make the several Mine & M
Mr. Isaac Hunter Newcastle 5th. April 1800
Dukesfield near Hexham
Mr. Isaac Hunter
The very great loss & inconvenience which has been occasioned by the Failure of the Lead Carriage in their Engagement, particularly the West Carriage at a Time the last year when they had it in their Power to have brought down their Lead to Blaydon, instead of leaving it at the Bankfoot and the great Quantity of Lead now resting on the Road has determined me on Advertising the Lead Carriage
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 5th. April 1800
Portman Square London
Dear Sir
I wrote to you the 2d. ins. to which I refer you. I have this Day wrote a very pressing Letter to Mr. Isaac Hunter to exert himself in getting the Lead down to Blaydon & the Ore to Dukesfield, there are at present about 15,000 Pieces on the Road, besides 14,000 Pieces at Dukesfield. I would recommend for the Future the Lead Carriage should be advertised from the 1st. May to be let & left open
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle, 7th. April 1800
Portman Square London
Dear Sir
I refer you to my Letters of the 2d. & 5th. inst. We had formerly some Difficulty in procuring a sufficient Quantity of Silver for the Lead Pays; £300 was the usual Sum wanted of late years when the Bank would part with but a very small Sum in Gold, I have got £600 in Silver, I understand that we are not to expect above £3,000 in Gold for the next Pay which will be too small a Sum, but to my Su
Mr John Bell Newcastle 11th April 1800
Hexham Abbey
Dr Sir
The enclosed letter was delivered to me this day at Noon & I take the first opportunity of sending it to you that you may act accordingly I had yesterday a letter from Mrs. Beaumont but she does not take the least notice of the Contents of Mr Rupell’s letter - - I am &c. J.E.B.
P.S. I have received your letter of this date & note the Contents; Inclosed you will receive Mess. Surtees & Cos. Check o
Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 12th. April 1800
Under Cover to Col Beaumont
Portman square London
Dear Madam
I am favoured with your letter of the 8th. Inst: & observe that you are about having your two youngest Children Inoculated, in which I sincerely wish you Success I am extremely concerned for the loss that Mr. & Mrs. Lee have lately suffered; I acquainted Mr. Ingham (as you desired) with your determination of making use of the Cow Pox Matter for the purpose, by the a
Mr Deakin Newcastle 12th. April 1800
Bretton Near Wakefield Yorkshire
As it may be necessary that Col Beaumont should have a new Life added in his Lease of Kilhope Welhope Leadmines &c. in the place of the late Richard Brooks of High Hoyland in Co. of York Mr Blackett requests you will make enquiry if William Sykes Son of William Sykes of West Bretton yeoman (one of the Lives mentioned in the Leases) is living, & if so, that you will procure a Certificate of the same,
Messrs. Goslings & Sharpe Newcastle 18th. April 1800
Bankers London
Messrs. Goslings and Sharpe
Gentn. Inclosed you will receive a a Bill drawn by Messrs Surtees Burdon & Co. on Mess. Barclays & Co. at forty Days dated this Day for three Hundred and seventy five Pounds, being for one Quarter’s Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 11th. inst. to the Revd. H. Hardinge from Colonel Beaumont. Please to advise me on your Receipt of the B
The Revd. Mr. Wilson Newcastle 19th. April 1800
Wolsingham Durham
I have not yet received and Answer to the Letter that I wrote Coln. Beaumt. respecting the Proposals that were made (through you) for a Lease of a Lead mine in the Parish of Wolsingham; I understood from those Proposals that Colonel Beaumont was to have a sixth Part of the whole Quantity of the Ore raised, but Mr. Crawhall informs me that from the Conversation he had with you, he found that was not the Case,
Mr. Torry Elsdon Newcastle, 19th. April 1800
Mr. Blackett has received your Letter of the 17th. and desires me to inform you that the lowest Price of Refined Lead at this Place is £21 p[er] Fo[dde]r of 21 Cwt. and the usual Credit six Months, but do not allow Discount, and that at present he has not any to dispose of having sold a Large Quantity lately. I am &c. T.C.
April 22nd 1800
I have made all the enquiry I can, not only at my Agents but with many mercantile Houses, and they say there has been a rumour about the calling in of the Silver but they don't think there is any foundation for it. However, I think that Messrs Surtees ought to furnish more gold, and less Silver. I am happy to say Mrs Beaumont & the Children are all very well. She unites with me in best respects.
I am My dear Sir
Most Sincerely Yours
Tho. Rd. Beaumont
John Ibbetson Esqr Newcastle 24th April 1800
The Commissioners and Governors of Greenwich Hospital are Owners of Two small Farms in Hexhamshire called Upper Mire House now let at the Rent of £54.6.. An Estate is now offered for Sale which adjoins to Upper Mire House and we are of Opinion that if it could be purchased for any Sum not exceeding £500 it would be proper for the Hospital to make a Purchase of it as the Hospitals two Farms tho’ they may be conveniently occupied
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 25th. April 1800
Portman Square London
Dear Sir
I have been favoured with your Letters of the 11th. & 22d. inst. with the several Parliamentary Proceedings, for which I thank you.
The Revd. Mr. Wilson has been with me twice lately, & I now find that notwithstanding the Proposals that he said had been made to him for a Lease of Pikestone Leadmine wherein they offered one sixth of the Ore raised for the Dues, clear of all Expences; he
John Ibbetson Esqr Newcastle 12th May 1800
We have reced Mr Dyers Letter of the 9th Inst directing us to purchase the Nether Mire House Estate for the Hospital if that can be effected for a sum not exceeding £500 but as we have been informed that £700 are asked for it we do not expect there is any chance of effecting the Purchase; we shall however make further inquiry and acquaint the Board with the result. We are Sir
Your most obedt Servts
Walton & Turner
My dear Sir
I have the pleasure of Yours and I understood You had settled with Col. Bates for his House, Mrs B[eaumon]t and myself went on Monday out of Town to see my Son & only returned in the Ev[enin]g the rent 6 Guineas a <Weeke> in Your letter of the 12th inst., you mention Col. Bates consents give up the Servant's Room that you mentioned, therefore I concluded You had arranged every thing. We shall be at Newcastle on the 28th in the Evening.
In haste, Most Sincerely Your
[loose scrap of paper inserted in volume here.] Jos Earl Lintzgarth Rookhope says he has lost <1>7 Horses & 5 Kine by Rookhope Mill Smoke and waits upon Mr. Blackett for relief
Ncastle June 2 1800
Mr. Isaac Hunter Newcastle 10th. June 1800
I have given Directions that no Tickett shall be given for the Delivery of Corn for the Workmen without a Letter from the Agent not from the Carrier, or the Miller as has been done, & that Corn to be delivered out at the Discretion of the Agent, and a Particular Account to be kept of the same by you, I must likewise desire that a Copy of the enclosed Paper may be pasted or nailed up at each Corn Mill where any Corn
The Revd. Mr. Wilson Newcastle 13th. June 1800
Wolsingham Durham
Coln. & Mrs. Beaumont request me to inform you they are ready to grant Leases of Four of the Leadmines mentioned by you, all in the Parish of Wolsingham Vizo. Pikestone, West of Pikestone, South Grain and Fine or Harehope Burn, on Application of the Persons who are desirous to take them, and on the usual Covenants, reserving to Coln. Beaumont 1/6 of all the Ore raised in those Mines clear of all Tithes an
Mr. Isaac Hunter Newcastle 14th. June 1800
Mr. Isaac Hunter
Some of your Men from Dukesfield have been with Coln. & Mrs. Beaumont, with a Petition for an Advance of Wages, they refused to hear them and refer them to you to pay the same Wages as we settled, & as much as paid at Langley Mill &c. – they may have Rye at a reduced Price in Case that you will send for it, Coln. & Mrs. B. are surprized that you did not mention to them this Application
Mr T. Bowes Newcastle 18th. June 1800
I am again to request you will have the Goodness to rectify the Mistake in the Land-tax Schedules sent by you to the Commissioners for the Sale of the Landtax at Durham. That Error has been the Sole cause of preventing Colonel & Mrs Beaumont making the Purchase of their Land-tax in the County of Durham, & which you must be sensible has been occasioned by you or your Clerks, Coln. & Mrs. Beaumont request you t
Mr. Deakin Newcastle, 19th. June 1800
Bretton near Wakefd. Yorkshire
We have this Day shipt on board the John & Mary, Captn. Barrowby, for Hull (per Mrs. Beaumonts Order) One Cask of Calcined Lead Fume, directed for Thos. R. Beaumont Esqr. to be left at the old Warehouse Wakefield, and which I hope will arrive safe. I am &c. T.C.
Messrs. Goslings & Sharpe Newcastle 12th. July 1800
Bankers London
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Surtees Burdon & Co. on Messrs. Barclays & Co. at Forty Days dated this Day, for three hundred and seventy five Pounds, being for one Quarter’s Composition for the Tythe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 11th. inst. to the Revd. Henry Hardinge from Coln. Beaumont. Please to advise me on your receipt of the Bill and inform Mr. Hardinge of the sa
Messrs. Strothers Newcastle 14th. July 1800
I am favoured with your Letter of the 12th. inst. enquiring the Price of Litharge, the Quantity we have on hand at present is small, and I dispose of it almost as fast as it is made; it is in Casks of 6 cwt. each: the present Price is £23. the Ton of 112 lbs. payable in Bills on London due in 6 Months and we are at no Trouble or Expence in the Shipping &c. I am &c. J.E.B.
Mr. Thos. Emerson Newcastle 17th. July 1800
Newhouse Weardale
Mr. Thos. Emerson
I received your Letter and observe that you will be down with me for Subsistence Money &c. for the Workmen on the 22d. inst & that you will have Occasion for £1800. – which is a very large Sum and more than I expected. I think that the Application from the Workmen is very improper & unreasonable, Considering the great Increase of the of the lending Money, and the considerable Su
Mr. Isaac Hunter Newcastle 23. July 1800
Mr Isaac Hunter
This will be delivered to you by Mr Robert Mulcaster who by the particular directions of Col. & Mrs. Beaumont comes up to Dukesfield to inspect the Works & to make such remarks as he may think necessary, as to the conducting of the same, as well as to the Carriage of the Lead & I am directed by them to acquaint you that they expect that you, as well as the Workmen give him every information that y