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Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Read, Lucas & Read – 6 Aug 1800

Mess. Read Lucas & Reads NCastle 6 Aug 1800 Sheffield Gentn I have this day sent you John Pickersgill the Leed Carrier a ps. fine Silver Containing Thirteen Hundred and Four Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Thomas Rd. Beaumont Esq. as below and advise Mr Blackett on your receipt of the same – I am &c T.C. For a ps. fine Silver <q> 1304 @ 6/4 p[er] Ounce £412.18.8.

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to John White – 19 Aug 1800

Mr. Jno. White Newcastle 19 Aug. 1800 No. 11 John Street Minories London Sir The Refining Bellows wanted were to be of the following dimensions – The Pipe to be 2 Feet long being part of the 8f. 3 i. the whole length of Bellows from the breach to Muzzle, the Muzzle being the extremity of the Machine where the Pipe enters the Furnace & the Breach the other extremity – but as you have not yet proceeded in this part of the business please to make the length of the Bellow

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Read, Lucas & Read – 28 Aug 1800

Mess. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 28 Aug. 1800 Sheffield I have to acknowledge Mr. Blackett’s receipt of yours dated the 26. Inst. covering five Bills Amount Three Hundred and seventy five Pounds 6/8 which Sum is placed to the Credit of your Account with Col. Beaumont for fine Silver sent you – Mr Blackett observes that you think the last ps. Silver charged high, he was advised of its having sold at the price in London charged you, but is agreeable to make you an abatement o

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Whitton – 29 Aug 1800

Mr. John Whitton Newcastle 29 August 1800 Hull Sir your letter of the 27th Inst. to Col Beaumont came to my hand this day – The present Price of Litharge at this place is £22.10. p[er] Ton of 20 Cwt. payable by good Bills on London due in Six Mos: - The Litharge is all delivered at Blaydon, about three Miles from this place, and the purchaser is at every expence in Shipping, Wherryhire &c. I am &c. J.E.B.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Messrs Drummond – 29 Aug 1800

Mess. Drummond Bankers London Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Mess Surtees & Co. on Mess. Barclays & Co. at Forty Days dated this day for Four Hundred & Sixty Two Pounds Ten Shillings to pay half a Year’s Composition for the Lot Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 26. Inst. to my Lord Bishop of Durham from Col. Beaumont – Please to advise me on your receipt of the same. I am &c. J.E.B. £462.10.. No. 13914 Newcastle upon Tyne Aug 29. 1800 Forty

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Arthur Mowbray – 29 Aug 1800

Arthur Mowbray Esq. N.Castle Aug 29. 1800 Durham Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Mess. Surtees Burdon & Co. on Mess. Barclays & Co. at Forty Days dated this day for Seventy five Pounds 1/2 , being for half a Year’s Moor Master’s Rent due from Thomas Rd. Beaumont Esq. the 2d. Inst: to the Lord Bishop of Durham with 1s/2d for acquittance & duty Please to send a receipt for the same – I am &c. J:E:B: £75.1.2 No. 13915. N.Castle Aug. 29.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Bell – 5 Sep 1800

Mr. Bell Newcastle 5th. Septr. 1800 Hexham Abbey Dear Sir I received yours with your Rental for Martinmas 1799 with the several Vouchers which Rental after Examination shall be signed & returned to you. Coln. & Mrs. Beaumont left this Place on Sunday afternoon, they would reach Bretton on Monday & proceed for Buxton as this Day where the Colonel is advised, and I hope that he may receive a Benefit. Thos. Crawhall went with Mr. Cockshutt on Monday morning

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Middleton Hewitson – 20 Sep 1800

[Loose scrap of paper within volume] M Hewitson Esq <NC.> <Newbiggin> 20 Sept. 1800 Dr Sir I was yesterday evening favoured with yr lre of 17 Inst. & observe the Contents Mr Ellill not accepting of my offer of 1000 ps Lead @ £21.10. in due course, I have since advanced the price to £22 p[er] t. at the usual credit, at which I am selling at present, & Mr Ellill may have One or Two Thousand ps. on these terms. I am much obliged to you for the information that you

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Messrs Strothers – 26 Sep 1800

Mess Strothers NCastle 26 Sept. 1800 Leeds Yours of the 21st. came to hand in due course The present price of Litharge at this place is £22 ¾ p[er] Ton exclusive of any Charges in Shipping &c viz.Duty 3 p Ct & 10 p Ct Convoy Duty, Entry Cockt. & Suff[erance] Keeldues &c. also 2 ½ p[er] Cent. Commn. – your being entirely strangers to Mr. Blackett, he hopes you will excuse not executing your Order, without having a Credit upon a good House in London for th

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Wheeldon & Webster – 30 Sep 1800

Mess. Wheeldon & Webster N.C. 30 Sept. 1800 I have to acknowledge the Receipt of your favor of the 24. Inst. inclosing a Bill Value £105.9. which Sum is in full for the Balance of your Accot. with Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esq. for Litharge sent you – Mr Blackett’s being from home, was the reason you had not an answer sooner – The present price of Litharge at this place is £22 ½ p[er] Ton – I am &c. T:C:

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Emerson – 18 Oct 1800

Mr. Thomas Emerson Junr. Newcastle 18 Octr. 1800 Newhouse Weardale I am sorry to find that the Ore continues to be sent from the Weardale Mines to Rookhope Mill in a very bad state, one fifth part at least of spar &c. to the Great injury of the concern, & so totally different to the good management &c. of the Agents of the Hospital & the Lead Company; I was in hopes that the former Complaints made to you on that head, would have been paid due regard to, but that not bei

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John White – 20 Oct 1800

Mr: John White Newcastle 20: Octr. 1800 No. 11. John Street Minories London Sir, The Refining Bellows you advised me of some time ago have since arrived at this place, and on examination have been found to answer to the dimensions sent you – I now enclose you Mess. Surtees Burdon & Cos. Bill on Mess. Ransom Morland & Co. @ 40 Days dated this day for Thirty Pounds Sixteen Shillings, being the Amount of your Invoice, which you will please to acknowledge the Receipt of - I a

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Mrs Forster – 20 Oct 1800

Mrs. Forster Newcastle 20th. Octr. 1800 Garrigill Gate Under Cover to Mr. Forster Coalcleugh [Note: possibly Lucy Forster, widow of Westgarth Forster snr] The Annexed is a Copy of a letter that I received from Mr. Bowns who is concerned for Col. Beaumont in the Conducting of his Affairs, [in margin: For Mr Bowns’ lre See Lre File] you will see from this the necessity of the immediate payment of the Balance due on your Bond, with Interest on the same, or your giving such security

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Charles Bowns – 20 Oct 1800

Chas: Bowns Esq: Newcastle 20th Octr. 1800 Banktop near Barnsley Yorkshire Sir I was favoured with your letter of the 15th. Inst. I have accordingly wrote to Mrs. Forster on the business, & in case of her not complying with the terms proposed the measures shall be taken which you direct. In a few days an Account of the Contracts will be sent, and likewise an Account of the Bills received on Account of the Lead sold; I have made application to the Bank for their Quarter

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 22 Oct 1800

Bretton, October 22nd 1800 Dear Sir, I enclose you by Colonel Beaumont's desire part of a letter he has recd. from Mr. Bell, he will be obliged to you to give directions respecting the St. John Lee, St. Oswald and ye Stublock Colliery's the latter from Mr. Cockshutt's report (which Col. B. will bring with him to Newcastle) we think may be worked to our advantage we

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Bell – 24 Oct 1800

Mr Bell Newcastle 24. Octor. 1800 Hexham Abbey Dr Sir I yesterday received a letter from Mrs. Beaumont inclosing a part of your letter respecting the several Collieries of Stublock, St. John Lee & St. Oswald, & desiring me to give directions concerning them; Mr. Cockshutt being of opinion that the former may be worked to advantage by Col & Mrs. Beaumont under the direction of Mr. Crawhall &c. all thoughts of letting that Colliery will be drop’d for the pres

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Charles Bowns – 25 Oct 1800

Memorandum – Octr. 25 1800. Wrote to Mr Bowns inclosing an Accot. of the Contracts for Lead &c. for Sept. Quar. also the Bankers Account for – Dr - J:E:B. Wrote to Mrs. Beaumont at Bretton

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Curry – 5 Nov 1800

Mr. John Curry Newcastle Nov. 5: 1800 Allen Mill John Curry Col. Beaumont having by the advise of myself and others thought proper to appoint William Dixon Principal Agent & Refiner at Allen Mill from Christmas next, it will be expected that you conform therewith & exert yourself cordially with him for the true Interest of that Concern. but should you be dissatisfied with this appointment & shew any reluctance in the exertion of such directions as he may give and

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Gosling & Sharpe – 13 Nov 1800

Mess. Goslings & Sharpe Newcastle 13. Novr. 1800 Bankers London Gentn. Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Mess. Surtees Burdon & Co. on Mess. Barclays & Co. at Forty Days dated this day, for Three Hundred and Seventy five Pounds being for One Quarter’s Composition for the Tythe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 11th. Ulto. to the Revd. Henry Hardinge from Col Beaumont Please to advise me on your receipt of the Bill and inform Mr Hardinge of the same

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to James Cockshutt – 14 Nov 1800

Jas. Cockshutt Esqr. Newcastle 14th. Novr. 1800 Huthwaite Barnsley Yorkshire Dear Sir Your Report of the Lead Mines & Lead Mills of Colonel & Mrs. Beaumont was delivered to me by the latter & after a serious Perusal I am of Opinion that the Remarks & Observations that you have made on the several Works, with your Recommendation for the Improvements of the same, are very Masterly & Judicious, & my best Endeavours shall not be wanting to have them car

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Wakefield – 20 Nov 1800

Mess. Wakefield & Co. Newcastle 20 Novr. 1800 Kendal Cumberland Mess. Wakefd. & Co. Colonel Beaumont informs me that you made offers to him of a supply of Gunpowder for his Leadmines; I desire that you will let me know on what Terms, & if you have any Agent employed at this place to whose care you send your Gunpowder to be delivered out at the Gunpowder Magazines in such Quantities as may be wanted at the Mines from 10

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Wakefield – 28 Nov 1800

Mr. John Wakefield Newcastle 28 Nov. 1800. Kendal I am favoured with your letter of the 22d. Inst. & observe the terms on which you engage to deliver Gunpowder for the Leadmines of Thomas Rd. Beaumont Esq. the quantity used in those Mines is considerable, & in case of our being supplied with strong good Powder we shall deal with you to a large amount; Such orders as you may receive from Thos. Emerson Junr. Newhouse Weardale, from Thomas Crawhall Allenheads, & from Jos D

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 5 Dec 1800

Mrs. Beaumont Newcastle 5th. Decr. 1800 Bretton near Wakefield Yorkshire Dear Madam I hope that you are well after your Journey, & found your young Folks perfectly so, you have got home in good time before the severe Weather set in; Allenheads is covered with Snow & we shall have it soon.- Mr. Bates called on me Yesterday with an Inventory of the Furniture which he said was lost or broke, (a Copy of which I enclose) I sent T.Crawhall to examine it with his

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 12 Dec 1800

John E Blackett Esq. Charlotte Square, Newcastle upon Tyne 12th Dec 1800 I found all the Children perfectly well, and Wentworth has had no return of Illness, I send Mr Deakin for him to Day and he will be with me on the 20th – I shall be glad to know how the new Gunpowder is liked when they have tried it, 500£ of saving in one Article is a consideration if it answers, tho’ I feel sorry that Contract should be taken from Mr C Blackett, if you could give him any other I shall be oblig

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 12 Dec 1800

Bretton December 12th 1800 Dear Sir, I am favor'd with yours of the 5th & am really sorry that you should have so much trouble about the House in Northum[berla]nd St[reet]. I gave the Post you sent to Mr Brown, as he was the person that took the charge of every thing in the House, & deliver'd them up to Mr Lewis., (Gen[era]l Balfour[']s Servant) & each of them signed the list that all was right except[in]g a very few things that were specified, he has n
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467