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Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 24 Dec 1800

Mrs. Beaumont Newcastle 24 Decr. 1800 Bretton, Wakefield Yorkshire Dear Madam I am favoured with your Letter of the 18th. inst. and I hope that long before this reaches you, that you had a good Account of Coln. Beaumont & that he is in good Health in Ireland. I observe what you say respecting the Steel Hall Estate, which you have given up all thoughts of purchasing. Mr. Hunter & Mr. Anthy. Surtees have been informed of this Resolution, in Consequence of which that Es

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 27 Dec 1800

John E. Blackett Esq. Charlotte Square, Newcastle upon Tyne 27th De[em]b[e]r Dear Sir I am favor’d with your Letter of the 24th - & as it would occasion some delay my writing to Col. Beaumont, & waiting his answer from Limerick, I must beg you will immediately accept the offer made by Mr C. Blackett for Messrs Pigon & Andrews supplying our Mines with Gunpowder on the same terms which are offer’d to us by Mr Wakefield, & to give the whole of the Contract as I ment

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Bell – 28 Dec 1800

Mr. Jno. Bell Newcastle 28th. Decr. 1800 Hexham Abbey Mr. Jno. Bell I have been for some time past, much indisposed with a violent Cold & feverish Complaint which has confined me to the House, but I fully intended meeting the Lead Stewards at Hexham on the 29th. inst. – yesterday (and not before) Mr. Heron acquainted me that it would be necessary that Mr. Emerson Jnr., Mr. Allgood, Mr. Crawhall & the Witnesses respecting Harehope Gill, should be at this Place (whe

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 30 Dec 1800

Mrs. Beaumont Newcastle 30 Decr. 1800 Bretton, Wakefield Yorkshire Dear Madam I am favoured with your letter, and am very glad to hear that Coln. Beaumont arrived safe and well in Ireland, and that his Reception by the Lord Lieutenant was so much to his Wish. – I observe what you say respecting Mr. C. Blackett having the whole Supply of Gunpowder for the Mines and on the Terms offered, which shall be attended to. Notwithstanding I had been advised to keep the House ever sin

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 12 Jan 1801

John Ibbetson Esqr Newcastle 12th January 1801 Sir By the Mail Coach of this Day, you will receive a Parcel, which contains a Copy of the General Award of the Commissioners who were appointed by Act of Parliament to divide Hexhamshire and Allendale Common. We think it would be proper for the Hospital to have a Copy of such parts of the Plan of Hexhamshire, as contains its Estates, and Allotments, and as that will not cost more than fifteen, or, at the utmost, sixteen Pounds, we reco

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Emerson – 13 Jan 1801

Mr. Thos. Emerson Jr. Newcastle 13th. Jany 1801 Newhouse Weardale, Mr. Thos. Emerson On the Complaint of the Lord Bishop of Durham’s Secretary, Mr. Emm agst. one of Coln Beaumont’s Workmen, John Bainbridge of Greenhead for not only destroying Game on the Moors of the Lord Bishop, but of the outragious Offence of shooting a Dog of the Bishop’s Gamekeeper, and making Use of violent Threats to the Person who hunted him, I desire that at the end of the Quarter John Bainbr

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Emm – 13 Jan 1801

William Emm Esqr. Newcastle 13th. Jan.y 1801 Aucland Castle. Dear Sir I am favoured with your Letter of the 10th. inst. and am sorry to hear that any of Mr. Beaumont’s Workmen have behaved so ill as to destroy Game on the Moors of the Lord Bishop of Durham, but particularly for the late very outrageous Behaviour of Jno. Bainbridge which certainly deserves the most severe Reprehension & Punishment, and will give Mr. Beaumont very great Offence; I have given Directions to th

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Joseph Deakin – 14 Jan 1801

Mr Deakin Newcastle January 14 1801 Bretton Wakefield Yorkshire Sir I wrote to you in April last requesting a Certificate of Wm. Sykes’ being in good health, in order that a new Life might be added to Mr Beaumont’s Lease of Kilhope Welhope Leadmines held under The Lord Bishop of Durham which Certificate Mr. Blackett received in due course, but has not yet been able to get that business completed - Mr Blackett has again made application to The Lord Bishops Secretary to k

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Charles Bowns – 20 Jan 1801

Chas Bowns Esq NCastle 20:Jany. 1801. Banktop Barnsley Yorkshire Sir By Mr Blacketts direction I send you his Account of Contracts for Col Beaumont’s Lead Litharge &c. together with the Bankers Account you will please to observe only the Sums <tickd.> with red have been received and paid at this place the other transactions we know nothing of ----In a few days Mr Blacketts Account of Rents &c. &c. arising from Col & Mrs. Beaumonts Estate will be sent

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Joseph Dickinson – 21 Jan 1801

Mr Jos. Dickinson Newcastle 21. Jany. 1801. Coalcleugh I send you inclosed an Account of the Corn sent from this place for the use of Col Beaumonts Workmen at Coalcleugh Leadmines with the price Mr. Blackett requests it may be charged to them from time to time as below Rye from Decr 1 1799 to Jany 31 1800 @14/- p Boll Jany 31 to July 31 16/- do July 31 to Dec 31 18/- do Barley sent to Decr 8 1800 12/- p Boll

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to George Robson – 23 Jan 1801

Mr Geo Robson Newcastle 23. Jany. 1801 Monkend near Darlington Sir I have lately applied to the Lord Bishop of Durham’s Secretary to know the terms on which one life may be inserted in Col Beaumont’s Lease of Kilhope Welhop & Lintzgarth, in which you are a Life, held under the Lord Bishop, in the place of the late Richard Brook. The above is the reason of my now troubling you, to request you will procure a Certificate of your health, signed by the Clergyman of your Pa

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Gosling & Sharpe – 23 Jan 1801

Mess. Goslings & Sharpe Newcastle 23d. Jany. 1801 Bankers London Gentn. Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Mess. Surtees Burdon & Co. on Mess. Ransom Morland & Co. @ Thirty Days dated this day, for three hundred and seventy five Pounds, to pay One Quarter’s Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 11th. Inst. to The Revd. H Hardinge from Col. Beaumont Please to advise me on your receipt of the Bill and inform Mr Hardinge of the same. –

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 24 Jan 1801

Mrs. Beaumont Newcastle 24 Jany. 1801 Portman square London Dr. Madam I hope that this may find you and your young Folks well in Town, & Col: Beaumont arrived in good health.-I refer you to Mr. Herons letter respecting Harehope Gill Mine; the Award of the Arbitrators may very probably be some disappointment to you and the Colonel, but the Evidence which was brought forward by Lord Burfords Lessees to prove that the part of the Mine which has been so productive having be

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 28 Jan 1801

Mrs. Beaumont Newcastle 28th. Jan.y 1801 under Cover to Coln Beaumont Portman Square London Dear Madam I wrote to you the 26th. ulto. since which I am favoured with your Letter of the same date and I observe the Contents; I am not surprised that the Decision of the Arbitrators is some little Disappointment to you, as that part of the Mine which has been so productive, has been deemed to be Freehold, & consequently the Lessees of the Mine not amountable for the Produce f

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 2 Feb 1801

John Ibbetson Esqr Newcastle 2d Februry 1801 Sir By the Mail Coach of this Day from hence you will receive a Box containing a Plan of the Estates of Greenwich Hospital in Hexhamshire, including the several Allotments of Common made to the Hospital, in respect thereof, upon the Division of the Hexhamshire and Allendale Common, and as the Grounds at Turfhouse, lately purchased of John Dixon and Thomas Leach, are Copyhold, and the Hospitals original Estate is Freehold, it has been t

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 5 Feb 1801

Mrs. Beaumont Newcastle 5th. Feb.y 1801 under Cover to Coln. Beaumont Portman Square London Dear Madam I have the Favour of your Letters of the 30th. ulto. & 2d. inst. I was in hopes that your last would have informed me of the safe Arrival of Coln. Beaumont from Ireland; I had the favour of a Letter from him, wch. I delayed answering as I understood that he was about leaving the Country in a few Days.- Some of your Enquiries respecting Harehope Gill were answe

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Emm – 10 Feb 1801

Willm. Emm Esq. Newcastle 10th Feb.y 1801 Auckland Castle Dear Sir I delayed acknowledging the Receipt of your obliging Favour of the 21st. ulto. until I had procured the Certificates of the two remaining Lives in the Lease of Kilhope and Welhope and of Lintzgarth which I now send you, the Rental &c of which you have at foot; when you have taken into Consideration the Sum to be paid to the Lord Bishop for a Renewal of the Lease by the Insertion of a new Life in the Place o

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 12 Feb 1801

Mrs. Beaumont Newcastle 12th. Feb.y 1801 under Cover to Coln. Beaumont Portman Square London. Dear Madam Since my Letter to you of the 5th. inst., nothing further has occurred respecting Harehope Gill; the Award which was sent up to London by Arbitrators, has not yet been returned.- I find that Mr. Heron is much hurt, at not receiving a line from you in answer to the two Letters that he wrote you, he certainly has taken a great deal of Pains in that Business.-I hope t

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Arthur Mowbray – 12 Feb 1801

Arthur Mowbray Esqr. Newcastle 12th. Feb.y 1801 Durham Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Surtees Burdon & Co. on Messrs. Ransom Morland & Co. at forty days dated this day for seventy-five Pounds 1s/2d being for half a year’s moor Masters Rent due from Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esqr. the 2d. inst. to the Lord Bishop of Durham, with 1s/2d for acquittance and Duty. – Please to send Receipt for the same. – I am &c. J.E.B. £75.1..

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Bell – 14 Feb 1801

Mr. Bell Newcastle 14th. Feb.y 1801 Hexham Abbey Dear Sir I received your Letter acknowledgeing the Receipt for the Check of £250 - - - In a Letter that I had from Mrs. Beaumont she desired to have my Opinion respecting Hexham Tithes, the Lease of which to Mr. Ruddock, Mr. Leadbitter and Mr. Gibson will expire at May next, I understand that they were let to these Persons for the purpose of accomodating the several Proprietors of Lands with the Tithe of their own Grou

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 17 Feb 1801

Mrs. Beaumont Newcastle 17th. Feb.y 1801 under Cover to Coln. Beaumont Portman Square London. Dear Madam I have the Honour of your Letter of the 12th. inst. on which day I wrote to you. – I send you inclosed Copy of my Letter to Mr Bell respecting Hexham Tithes, and his Answer; there certainly is some Reason in his Objection to the Mode that I proposed, as in Case of any of the Proprietors or their Neighbours refusing to take their Tithes at the rate set on them, you w

Letter – Nicholas Walton to John Ibbetson – 28 Feb 1801

John Ibbetson Esqr Newcastle the 28th Februry 1801 Sir By the Mail Coach of this Day from hence, you will receive a Box, containing, a Plan of the Estates of Greenwich Hospital in Hexhamshire, including the several Allotments of Common made to the Hospital, in respect thereof upon the Division of the Hexhamshire and Allendale common, and as the Grounds at turfhouse, lately purchased of John Dixon and Thomas Leach, are Copyhold, and the Hospitals original Estate is Freehold, it has b

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 6 Mar 1801

Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 6th. March 1801 Portman Square London Dear Sir I was favoured with your Letters of the 23d. and 25 ulto. the latter inclosing a Letter from Mr. Spence the Dentist to Mr. Summers which I delivered to him, and I acquainted Mr Spence with his Answer, but I omitted saying that Summers has the Appearance of being ignorant, & illiterate, and it is said that he is addicted to Liquor.- Your Lead Agents were with me on Tuesday & I had a g

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Read, Lucas & Read – 12 Mar 1801

Messrs. Read, Lucas & Reads Newcastle 12th March 1801 Sheffield Gentn. I received yours of the 7th. inst. and observe the Contents: had you applied to me sooner, I could have sent you a Piece of Silver; at present it is not in my Power as I am about sending the four next Pieces to London, where it is much wanted and the Price considerably advanced. – I do not incline to enter into any Engagement for all the Silver we refine, nor indeed for a part of it. I am &c - - -

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Robert Makepeace – 13 Mar 1801

Messrs. Makepeace Newcastle 13 March 1801 Serle Street Lincolns Inn Fields London Sir I yesterday sent you p[er] Jackson Willan & Co. the London Carriers a ps. fine Silver containing Eleven Hundred and fifty three Ounces and one half which I desire you will place to Account with Thos. Richd. Beaumont Esq. another ps. fine Silver will be sent you from this place p[er] first Waggon. – Please to advise me on your receipt of the piece sent you and inform me if any more wi
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467