Messrs Read Lucas & Reads Sheffield.- Newcastle Decr. 20th. 1803.-
Mr. Blackett has this Day recd. your Favor of the 19th. Inst. covering four Bills value Two Hundred and eighty-nine Pounds, ten Shillings which Sum is placed to the Credit of your Account for fine Silver sent you on Mr. Beaumont’s Account. I am &c. – T.C.
Messrs Read Lucas & Read Sheffield N[ew]Castle Jan[uar]y 1804
On the 2nd Inst Mr Blackett forwarded per Leeds Wagon on your Account a p[iece] [of] fine Silver which you will have the goodness to pass to Credit of Col Beaumont’s Account as below and acknowledge the receipt as usual.
I am etc TC
For a p[iece] fine Silver q : 955 @ 6/2 per Oz £294-9-2
N[ew]C[astle] 3rdJan[uar]y 1804
Mr Blackett being somewhat indisposed desires me to acknowledge the rec[eip]t of y[our]s of 31 Ulto the Contents of which he duly observes & feels much obliged by the information which he begs me to assure you shall not go further. He presumes you have already been acquainted with the late Sales of the Lead Co of 22000 p[iece]s Lead as well as those of the G[reenwich] Hospital, the latter have sold all the Lead they had at Market to Wal
Mrs Beaumont Under cover to Newcastle 5 Jan[uar]y 1804
Col Beaumont MP Portman Square London
Dear Madam
I wrote to you the 25th Ult. since which I have delayed writing in hopes of making a Sale of Lead which has not yet been in my power; I am now informed that the London Houses have entered into an agreement not to make any purchases of WB Lead but at a reduced price & as there is no considerable stock in any other hands they expect that you will be under a necessi
This is the last Will and Testament of me Nicholas Walton of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne Esqr. I give unto my eldest Son The Reverend Jonathan Walton Rector of Birdbrook in the County of Essex for whom I have already amply provided the Legacy or Sum of Ten Guineas for a Ring and to his wife the like Sum of Ten Guineas for a Ring. I give unto my daughter Jane Walton the Legacy or Sum of One thousand pounds and I hereby direct that the same Legacy shall be paid to my said daughter
Newcastle 17th. Jany. 1804
Dear Madam
I have the favour of your letter of the 13th. inst. & observe the contents.
I shall in the name of Col. Beaumont & yourself make application to the Committee for the conducting the affairs of Surtees Burdon & Co to know what sum you may depend on being paid you on or before the middle of May next; I fear little or none: the first payments they make I imagine will be the taking up of their Notes which are at 5 p Ct. inte
Mrs Beaumont Under cover to Newcastle 17th Jan[uar]y 1804
Col Beaumont MP Portman Square London
D[ea]r Madam
I have the favor of your Letter of the 13th Inst. & observe the Contents.
I shall (in the Names of Col Beaumont & yourself) make Application to the Committee for the conducting the Affairs of Surtees’ Burdon & Co to know what Sum you may depend on being paid you, on or before the middle of May next; I fear little or none; the first Payments th
Mr D Turner Newcastle 19th Jan[uar]y 1804
Copyhold Office Durham
Above you have Loraine Baker & Co’s Order on Durham Bank payable to you for £4-11-,, to pay one year’s Rent due Martinmas last from Col Beaumont to the Lord B[isho]p Durham out of Lands at Winlaton with Acquitance 10s/- for Land tax for the same. Mr W. Thomas of Denton Hall, at present transacts all Business relating Col Beaumont’s landed Property in this Neighbourhood & who will be requested to pay
Messrs Read Lucas & Read Sheffield Newcastle 19 Jan[uar]y 1804
I have this rece[ive]d you Favour of 17th Inst. inclosing four Bills value Two Hundred and ninety three Pounds as you advise which sum is passed to the Credit of your account with Col Beaumont for fine Silver sent you. I am etc. J.E.B.
Mr John Wakefield Kendal Newcastle 21st January 1804
At Mr Blackett’s request I enclose you Tucker & Co’s Bill on Allanson, value £100 being for 20 Barrels Gunpowder forwarded by you for use of Col Beaumont’s Weardale Mines, in July last, which please acknowledge the Receipt of & forward 20 Barrels of the same Directions.
We understand an advance in the Price has taken place in the Article of Gunpowder since the above was received of you, will thank you t
Colonel Beaumont Portman Square London Newcastle 22 Jan[uar]y 1804
Dear Sir
I wrote to Mrs Beaumont the 17th Inst. to which I refer you, as your time is a good deal engaged, I have of late addressed my letters to Mrs Beaumont.
The enclosed Proposition etc is made by the Committee for conducting the Affairs of Messrs Easterby hall & Co. The Works that the Company have at Bill Quay on this River, have been erected by them at a considerable Expense; they have done a great
Thorpe Lee Jany 23 1804
My Dear Sir
I should have answered your kind letter before but was in hopes to have given you a better account of my Father by waiting some days, I am sorry to say that I fear there is now very little hopes, he is growing weaker every day, & in the state he is now it would be a happy release for him when it pleases God to take him from this world. He has for some days been quite insensible, but this morn is more collected than he was yesterday, but is too we
Mrs Beaumont Newcastle Feb[ruar]y 1804
Portman Square London
Dear Madam,
Agreeable to your Desire, I had yesterday a Meeting with the Committee of Messrs Surtees and Burdon: I put to them the several Questions that you desired, in answer to which I received the enclosed: Mr Burdon told me that not only Security would be given, but 5 per Cent allowed the Committee present were Mr Russell, Mr Graham Clarke, Mr Hood. Mr Headlam, Mr Clayton Town Clerk & Mr Lloyd.
I am e
Mrs Beaumont under cover to Newcastle February 5th 1804
Col Beaumont Portman Square London
D[ea]r Madam
I have been favoured with your letter of the 30th Ult. enclosing Mr Bells Letter. I had yesterday some Conversation with Mr Thomas respecting the Boxes for the Court Rolls of Hexham Manor:- I have lately got ten Boxes made for your Writings; they are painted and numbered, are more safe than those of Wood, & of easy Conveyance: Mr Thomas as well as Mr Bell pref
Messrs Goslings Bankers London Newcastle 8th February 1804
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Sir W[ilia]m Loraine Bt. Baker & Co on Messrs Vere Lucadow & Co at Thirty Days dated this day for Three Hundred & seventy five Pounds to pay One Quarter’s Composition for the Tythe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 11th Ulto. To the Rev[ren]d H. Hardinge from Col Beaumont. Please to acknowledge the Receipt of the Bill and advise Mr Hardinge of the same.
Arthur Mowbray Esq Durham Newcastle February 8th 1804
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Sir W[ilia]m Loraine Bt Baker & Co on Messrs Veres Lucadow & Co at Forty Days dated this Day, for seventy-five Pounds 1s/2 to pay half a year’s Moor Master’s Rent due from Tho[mas] R[ichar]d Beaumont Esq to the Lord Bishop of Durham, the 2nd Inst. with 1s/2 for Acquitance & Duty. Please to acknowledge the receipt of this sum for that purpose, to yrs. etc. J.E.B.
Thorpe Lee Feby 9th 1804
My Dear Sir
I wrote to you a very short letter some days ago with an account of the Melancholy event which took place here on Friday last; we have now settled every thing with regard to the Funeral, I sent for a man from Town who is much in that way of business & it is to set out from hence for Ripon on Saturday Morn. Early; I have written to the Dean who will be kind enough to order preparation to be made there; The Coachmen & the Butler will go from h
Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 18 February 1804
Colonel Beaumont MP Portman Square, London
Dear Madam
I wrote to you the 5th Inst. to which I beg leave to refer you. Messrs Walkers Partner Mr Parker has frequently of late treated with me for the Purchase of Lead told me that he could not come up to my Terms, for he could buy Lead considerably lower, however at len[g]th I sold them 3000 p[iece]s half refined with the usual Proportion of Slag at £30-10-,, per Fo[
Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 4th March 1804
Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London
Dear Madam
I am favoured with your Letter of the 2nd Inst. & observe that some Business in which Mr Bowns is engaged will prevent him from being at this Place until some Time later than was expected. I have good reason to think from the Enquiry that I have made, that the Surtees’s have not had any Concern whatever in the Iron Works in Scotland, & that the Person who gave m
Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle March 25th 1804
Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London
Dear Madam
I am favoured with your Letter of the 21st Inst. I went with Mr Bowns on Friday noon to meet the Committee of Surtees Burdon & Co. Mr Bowns inspected the fresh Statement of their Affairs & had a good deal of Conversation with Mr Burdon & the Committee respecting Col Beaumont being a withholding Creditor, for the Particulars of which I refer you to Mr Bowns
Newcastle April 4th. 1804
Dear Madam
The Commissioners for carrying into execution the Property Tax etct for Darlington Ward have lately given us infinite trouble by peremptorily insisting on a return being made to them of the Profits arising from the mines in Weardale, alleging that the return we had made was not in compliance with the Act and was unfair; which illiberal measure I look upon is owing to Mr. Mowbray one of the Commissioners. we have accordingly prepared a return
Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle April 4th 1804
Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London
Dear Madam,
The Commissioners for carrying into Execution the Property Tax Act for Darlington Ward have lately given us infinite trouble by peremptorily insisting on a Return being made to them of the Profits arising from the Mines in Weardale, alleging that the Return we had made was not in Compliance with the Act & was unfair, which illiberal Measure I look upon is owing to
Charles Bowns Esq Darley Hall Newcastle April 6th 1804
Dear Sir
Mr Blackett rec[eiv]ed your Favor of the 30th Ult. Previous to which, Returns for Col Beaumont’s Leadmines had been made out in theManner you describe, according to the Quantity of Ore raised in North[umberlan]d & Durham in Order to deliver to the several Commissioners, but which Mr Blackett postponed sending, by the advice of Mr Heron, who is Clerk to the Commissioners at this Place, & who sometime ago t
Thorpe Lea April 7 1804
Dear Brother
I am much obliged to you for your kind letter, w[hi]ch should not have been so long unanswered, but really my spirits are so low, I am incapable of doing anything as I ought to do. I had a very kind letter from Admiral Collingwood, w[hi]ch I did not Answer as I soon after saw by the papers that his ship had sailed, I will beg of you to make my excuses when you write to him for my neglect.
I hope Mr Bates has waited on you before this
Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 7th April 1804
Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London
Dear Madam,
I wrote to you fully on the 4thInst. & am this day favoured with your Letter of the 5th Inst. enclosing a Letter from Messrs Davison & Co by which I think that there has been some misunderstanding amongst them respecting the Sum to be advanced by them to enable you to make the several Lead Pays, which I am in hopes that the enclosed Papers may clear up, & by you