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Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 6 May 1804

Mrs Beaumont under cover to Newcastle 6th May 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London Dear Madam You find that there is no End to my troublesome Letters; I wrote to you yesterday & likewise to Sir R[ichar]d Glyn & Co inclosing Bills amounting to £7,491-16-2. I am informed that Colonel Beaumont will very soon be called on to make good the Purchase of the Steel Hall Estate amounting to upwards of £9000. The Holders of Securities on that Estate had (in Consequ

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Read Lucas & Read – 7 May 1804

Messrs read Lucas & Reads Sheffield Newcastle May 7th 1804 Gentlemen I have this day sent you per Pickersgills Waggon, a piece fine Silver containing Fourteen Hundred & thirty two Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Tho[ma]s R[ichar]d Beaumont Esq as below, & advise me on your Receipt of the same. I am etc. J.E.B. For a piece of fine Silver of 1432 Oz at 6/21/2 per Oz £444-10-4 [annotation to side:] Abated 1d per Oz in letter dated 22 May to

Letter – john Erasmus Blackett to John Irving – 12 May 1804

John Irving Esq Broadstreet Buildings, London Newcastle 12 May 1804 I was informed by Colonel Beaumont that I should hear from you on the subject of Lead and have this day been favoured with yours of 10 Inst. The Lead I dispose of here is all put on Ship Board at the expense of the purchaser. The price of Ref[ine]d Lead £31 per Fo[dder] of 21 Cwt and for Common Lead £30 per Fo[dder]. The usual payment by Bills on London due at the end of Six Months. Should these terms pro

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 12 May 1804

Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 12th May 1804 Colonel Beaumont M.P. Portman Square, London Dear Madam, I am favoured with your Letters of the 9th & 10th. On the Receipt of the former I made Application to the Holders of Securities on the Steel Hall Estate to take Colonel Beaumont’s Bond (or your joint Bond if required) for their Claims; Mr {Anty} Surtees tells me that he has little Doubt of their acquiescing to the to the Proposal, but I apprehend that it will not

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Glyn & Co – 16 May 1804

Sir Richard C. Glyn Bt C. Mills & Co Bankers, London. Newcastle May 16th 1804 Gentlemen. I received yours of the 9th Inst. acknowledging the receipt of 8 Bills the amount of which was £7491-16-2 being 3s/- more than you mention. The Sums I shall have Occasion to draw upon you for, on Mr Beaumont’s Account, will be nearly as follows Viz: £34,000/-/- in four Bills payable at sight to the Order of Sir W[ilia]m Loraine Bt Baker & Co. dated the 28th Inst.; £1,000 payable to Su

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 18 May 1804

Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 18thMay 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London Dear Madam. I am favoured with your letter of the 13th Inst, I will endeavour to procure Bills for the Lead sold, which shall be immediately remitted to Messrs Glyn & Co. on your Acco[unt] advising you of the same. The Bills of Easterby & Halls remitted that Bank the 5th Inst amounting to £4,423-14-1; they offered to discount (but not to give Bank Notes for the same) & a

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 21 May 1804

Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 21stMay 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London Dear Madam, I thought it necessary to acquaint you that the Box contained no more than £250 in Dollars, I shall therefore expect a further Sum of £250 by the waggon the End of this Week as you mention sending £500. I this morning rec[eive]d from Easterby Halls & Co. three Bills amounting to £1,523-3-10 due in Sept & Oct which I shall by this Post send to Messrs Glyn Mi

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Glyn & Co – 21 May 1804

Sir R[ichar]d C. Glyn Bt. C. Mills & Co Newcastle 21st May 1804 Bankers, London Gentlemen Inclosed I send you ten Bills as below, amounting to £1,949-5-8 which when paid you will be pleased to place to the Credit of Tho[mas R[ichar]d Beaumont esq advising me of the Receipt. I am etc. J. E. B. £ s d Easterby Hall & Co on Pattison Lee & Iselin 75 0 0 Ditto on Rachel King & Sons 2

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Read Lucas & Read – 22 May 1804

Messrs Read Lucas & Reads Sheffield Newcastle 22nd May 1804 Gentlemen Mr Blackett has been favoured with your Letter of 19th Inst. covering seven Bills amount Four Hundred & Twenty six Pounds 1s/10d as you advise, which Sum is placed to the Credit of your Acco[unt] with Colonel Beaumont for fine Silver sent you. Mr Blackett observes what you say as to the Reduction in Price, but cannot learn that any similar Reduction has taken place here & assures you the last he sold in t

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 23 May 1804

Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 23rd May 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London Dear Madam, I have the Favor of you Letter of the 21st Inst. & observe the Contents. When I wrote to you the 27th April that I expected that the Sum I should have Occasion to draw for on Glyn& Co. would not exceed £24,000, I expected to have at least £10,000 in Bills to have discounted to one Months with the Bank of Loraine & Co. ; in your Letter of the 13th April you

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to James Cockshutt – 26 May 1804

James Cockshutt Esq Newcastle 26th May 1804 Huthwaite near Barnsley, Yorkshire Dear Sir, On having some Conversation with Mr Mulcaster respecting his coming to you, we are of Opinion that the 3rd or 4th of June may suit both Parties, in which Case Mr Mulcaster may on his Return take a look at the Arkendale Mines where he may probably meet Mr Walton with our Agents Crawhall & Emerson, who propose being there on the 6th June for two or three Days, he will take the Leeds Coa

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Glyn & Co – 26 May 1804

Sir Richard C. Glyn & Co. Bankers, London Newcastle 26th 1804 Gentlemen, Inclosed you will receive two Bills value Three Thousand one Hundred & ninety one pounds, six Shillings & Threepence which you will be pleased to place to the Credit of Thomas Richard Beaumont Esq’s Account with you & advise me on your receipt. I observe by Mrs Beaumont’s Letter of the 21st Inst. that you will place £15,000 in the Bank of Messrs Veres Lucadou & Co. the 28th Inst.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 26 May 1804

Mrs Beaumont under cover to Newcastle 26th May 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London. Dear Madam I wrote to you the 21st & 23rd Inst. to which I refer you; I had yesterday the Favor of your Letter of the 23rd & observe that Mr Maude of Sir W[ilia]m Loraine’s Bank gave you Hopes of their accepting my Draft for the Amount of £8,000 at 6 Weeks Date; they have this Day agreed to accept the same, the Discount being charged to you (which indeed I expected); th

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Glyn & Co – 28 May 1804

Sir R[ichar]d C. Glyn Bt & Co. Bankers, London Newcastle May 28th 1804 Gentlemen, I have this day drawn upon you in Favor of Sir W[ilia]m Loraine Bt Baker & Co. as below on Mr Beaumont’s Account, which Drafts I have no Doubt you will duly honor. I am etc J. E. B. £ Bill payable at Sight 4,000 Ditto Ditto 4,000 Ditto Six Weeks dated 28th Inst. 4,000 Ditto

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 28 May 1804

Mrs Beaumont under cover to Newcastle 28th May 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London Dear Madam I am this Moment favoured with your Letter of the 26thInst. & am much concerned to find that the Bank of Loraine & Co. not having on my first Application consented to discount my Bills at 6 Weeks Date for £8,000-0-0 should have been the Occasion of so much Trouble & Confusion; however my Letter of the 26th would inform you that they had agreed to do it, &

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Messrs Drummond – 12 Jun 1804

Messrs Drummond Bankers, London Newcastle 12th June 1804 Gentlemen Inclosed you will receive my Draft on Sir R. C. Glyn & Co. at Thirty Days dated this Day, for Four Hundred & Sixty two Ten Shillings, to pay half a years Composition for the Lot Ore of Weardale Leadmines due to the Lord B[isho]p of Durham from Colonel Beaumont the 26th Ulto. Please to acknowledge the Receipt of this Sum for that purpose to yours etc. J. E. B. Bill No. 500 £462-10-0

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 12 Jun 1804

Mrs Beaumont under cover to Newcastle 12th June 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London Dear Madam, I wrote to you the 9th Inst. to which I refer you. This serves to advise you that I have this day drawn the several Bills payable to my Order at 30 Days Date (as at Foot) on R[ichar]d C. Glyn & Co. amounting to £1,800-0-0 on Account of Colonel Beaumont, being the Tradesmen’s Bills included in the Lead Pay, & likewise a Bill at 30 Days Date for the Bishop’

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Glyn & Co – 12 Jun 1804

Sir R[ichar]d C. Glyn & Co. Bankers, London Newcastle June 12th 1804 Gent.n, Inclosed you will receive two Bills payable in London, amounting to twelve Hundred & forty seven Pounds Ten Shillings which you will please to place to the Credit of Colonel Beaumont’s Account with you & advise me on your Receipt. I have this day drawn on you at Thirty Days as below for £2,262-10-0 on Colonel Beaumont’s Account, which Bills I have no Doubt you will duly honour & remain

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to David Wood – 20 Jun 1804

Mr Wood Newcastle June 20th 1804 Bretton Hall Near Wakefield, Yorkshire Sir, We have this Day shipped on Board the Ship Two Brothers, Captain J[oh]n Gardner for Hull per Mrs Beaumont’s Order 50 p[iece]s Ref[ine]d Lead q[uantit]y 77 cwt- 0 qt- 14 lb as per Bill of Lading inclosed. They are directed to be left at the old Warehouse, Wakefield, but it will be necessary that some Person be employed to pay the Freight & take Charge of them at Hull. I am etc. J. E. B.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Read Lucas & Read – 2 Jul 1804

Messrs Read Lucas & Reads Sheffield Newcastle July 2nd 1804 Gentlemen, I have this day sent you per Pickersgill’s Waggon a piece of fine Silver containing One Thousand five Hundred & Eighteen Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Tho[ma]s R[ichar]d Beaumont Esq at the Market Price & advise me on your Receipt of the same. I am etc. J. E. B.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Read Lucas & Read – 16 Jul 1804

Messrs Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle July 16 1804 Gentlemen, I have this day been favoured with your Letter of the 14th Inst enclosing six Bills value Four Hundred & forty sis Pounds & two Shillings which Sum is placed to the Credit of your Account with Tho[ma]s R[ichar]d Beaumont Esq for fine Silver sent you, & I now enclose you a returned Bill value £30 with 1s/6d Expenses which you will please to pass to the Debit of the said Account & you’ll oblige. Yours e

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Isaac Hunter – 17 Jul 1804

Mr Isaac Hunter Dukesfield Newcastle 17th July 1804 Mr I. Hunter I am desired by Tho[ma]s R[ichar]d Beaumont Esq to acquaint you that he shall not have any further Occasion for your Service as Agent at Dukesfield after the 31st December next, at which Time you will take Notice that you must quit the House & Premises to such Person as the said Tho[ma]s R[ichar]d Beaumont may appoint to succeed you as Agent at Dukesfield, you delivering up to such Person all Books of Accounts or ot

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Glyn & Co – 30 Jul 1804

Sir R[ichar]d C. Glyn Bankers, London Newcastle July 30th 1804 Gentlemen, In April last I had Occasion to draw upon Colonel Beaumont in Favour of Messrs Walton & Forster of this Place at three Mo[nth]s date for one Thousand Pounds as you were advised of; which Bill tho’ overdue, I find has not yet been presented for Acceptance or Payment; I have therefor this Day substituted a Bill upon you in lieu thereof for that Sum on Mr Beaumont’s Account which you will be pleased to ho

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to John Bell – 2 Aug 1804

Mr Bell Manor Office, Hexham Newcastle Aug[ust] 2nd 1804 Sir, I am directed by Colonel Beaumont to inform you he expects Mr Bowns in the North very shortly for the Purpose of auditing his Acco[un]ts etc. & that he proposes being at Hexham about the 13th or 14th Inst. when he requests you may have your Accounts made up & the Balance struck for his Examination. I am etc. T. C.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Glyn & Co – 4 Aug 1804

Sir R[ichar]d C. Glyn & Co. Bankers, London Newcastle August 4th 1804 Gentlemen, I have this Day drawn upon you in Favour of Sir W[ilia]m Loraine Bt. Baker & Co. at Twenty Days dated this day for Two Thousand, four Hundred Pounds on Mr Beaumont’s Account which you will please to honor & you will oblige. Yours etc. J. E. B.
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467