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Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 28 Oct 1801

Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 28th. Octr. 1801 Colonel Beaumont M.P. Bretton Hall Wakefield, Yorkshire. Dear Madam I wrote to you the 19th. inst. to which I refer you. Mr. Emerson writes me that you & Coln. Beaumont cannot be in any way interested by a Division of Bolyhope Common, neither can you be injured by it, provided a proper Clause be inserted in the intended Bill, impowering you to work [2-3 words missing] without subjecting you to the Payment of any Dam

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Read, Lucas & Read – 4 Nov 1801

Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 4th. Novemr. 1801 Sheffield Gentn. Please to inform me if you are wanting a ps. of fine Silver, & the Price that you give p[er] OZ as I may have an Opportunity of sending you a piece in a Short time should you want any. I remain &c.- J.E.B.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Joseph Deakin – 7 Nov 1801

Mr. Deakin Newcastle 7th. Novr. 1801 Bretton Sir I have shipped in the Unity Captn. Cox for Hull by Mrs. Beaumonts Directions 100 ps. of Ref[ine]d. Lead qy 150 cwts 2 qrs 21 lb, 6 Casks Lead Fume & one small Cask as p[er] Account enclosed, there being no Convenience at Blaydon for the grinding the Lead Fume, I was under a Necessity of getting it done at Messrs. James & Co.s White Lead Work & Caking a small Quantity of their White

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Bell – 9 Nov 1801

Mr. Bell N.Castle 9th. Nov. 1801 Hexham Abbey Dr. Sir I received your Letter of 8th. inst. & observe the Contents; Inclosed I send you a Check for £100 –“ – the Receipt of which you will please to acknowledge.- Thos. Crawhall went to Bretton the & was to have returned the 5th. inst. but I hear nothing of him. I propose being at Hexham on Monday the 16th. inst. to meet the Lead Agents, of which please to acquaint Mrs. Thompson. I am &c.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Robert Makepeace – 12 Nov 1801

Mr. Robt. Makepeace Newcastle 12th. Nov. 1801 Serle Street Lincoln’s Inn Fields London Sir I have this Day drawn a Bill on you at Twenty days date payable to the Order of Messrs. Surtees Burdon & Brandling, for three hundred and ninety-five Pounds, five Shillings, being the Balance of your Account with Thomas Rd. Beaumont Esqr. for fine Silver sent you. I am &c.- -J.E.B.

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Read, Lucas & Read – 15 Nov 1801

Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 15th. Nov. 1801 Sheffield Gentn. Mr. Blackett has recd. yours of the 10th. inst. & begs leave to observe, that not being favoured with an Answer sooner, he supposed you were not at present in Want of fine Silver, and Yesterday disposed of a ps. offered to you on the 4th. inst. The present Price at this Place is 6s/4 ½ d p[er] Oz. I am &c. T.C.

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Read, Lucas & Read – 21 Nov 1801

Mess. Read Lucas & Reads N.Castle 21 Nov. 1801 Sheffield Since I wrote you on the 15th. Ins Mr Blackt. has had another ps. of fine Silver which he disposed of at this place previous to receiving yours of the 18th. as you did not seem very desirous p[er] your former letter that any shd be sent you. Mr Blackett does not expect to have another Piece to dispose of before the latter end of next Month but desires me to inform you, you may rely upon his first piece being sent you.

Letter – John Bell to Diana Beaumont – 22 Nov 1801

Hexham Abbey 22nd. Novem. 1801 Madam I was much surprised this last Week by Mr. Fleming’s coming to the Abbey to enquire if the Painter was at work because I remember it was fixed that Stephenson should not begin painting till March besides should there be a new Parliament after the Christmas Recess as is not only reported but expected you will have to come down into this Country much sooner than you expected and if the Painting is begun now it appears to me you will not be a

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to George Robson – 24 Nov 1801

Mr George Robson Newcastle Nov. 24. 1801 Monkend near Darlington Sir Mr Blackett wrote to you in Jany last to request a Certificate of your good health, being at that time in treaty with the Lord Bishop of Durham for the insertion of one Life in Col. Beaumonts Leases of Kilhope, Welhope & Lintzgarth (in which you are a Life) in the place of the late Richard Brookes. The treaty not being at that time compleated is the reason I again trouble you to request you will procur

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Joseph Deakin – 26 Nov 1801

Mr. Deakin Newcastle Novemr. 26. 1801 Bretton Hall Wakefield Yorks D Sir Mr. Blackett has at length come to an Agreement with The Lord Bp. of Durham’s Agent for the renewal of Kilhope Welhope & Lintzgarth Leases. The Bishop having, thro’ the persuasion of Mrs. Beaumont, given up his intention of reserving ground for a Chapel &c. proposed to be built in Kilhope and requests you will procure a Certificate of the health of William Sykes of West Bretton (one Life me

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Emm – 29 Nov 1801

Willm. Emm Esq. Newcastle 29th. Novr. 1801 Auckland Castle Dr. Sir Your Favour of the 20th. inst. I duly received and would have sooner answered it but I waited in hopes of seeing or hearing from Mr. Mowbray respecting the Business of the renewal of the Leases of Kilhope & Welhope as well as that of Lintzgarth, the rentals of which have been shewn to him: Coln. Beaumont wishes to exchange the Life of Geo: Robson who is in good health at present, and resides at Croft

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 2 Dec 1801

Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esq. M.P. Acct. sent viz Bretton Hall Wakefd. Yorks: Newcastle 2d Decem. 1801 States of the Mines Sir Mr. Blackett directs me to forward <to> you the several Papers, herewith sent you From Sir &c. T..C..

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Bell – 2 Dec 1801

Mr. Bell N:Castle 2d. Decr. 1801 Hexham Abbey Dr. Sir I have heard from Colonel and Mrs. Beaumont in answer to the Proposals of Thos. Hill & James Heston for a Lease of a part of the Colliery of St. Oswald; they are of Opinion that the certain Rent should not be less than £25 – p[er] Annm. to commence at May-day next on a Term of fifteen years, to be at Liberty of giving up the Colliery on six Month’s Notice being given; they likewise desire that Mr. Ruddock may b

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 7 Dec 1801

Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 7th. Decr. 1801 Bretton Wakefield Yorkshire Dr. Sir I have been favoured with Mrs Beaumont’s Letter of the 26th. & yours of the 29th. Ulto. as they did not require an immediate Answer, I postponed giving you the Trouble of a Letter. I am of Mr. Bown’s Opinion respecting Stublock Colliery, particularly should it be thought that it could be won by means of a Level from the River without having recourse to Fire Engine, & I have no Doubt t

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to James Cockshutt – 7 Dec 1801

James Cockshutt Esqr. Newcastle 7th. Decemr. 1801 Huthwaite near Barnsley Dr. Sir I am favoured with your Letter of the 1st. inst. & observe the Contents.- Inclosed I send you the Amount paid for Timber Iron &c. for the several Mines & Lead Mills of Colonel & Mrs. Beaumont for three Years past, with the Prices paid to enable him to form a Judgement how far it may be advisable for them to import a Cargo of square Timber, Deals & Iron from Rusia.-

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 8 Dec 1801

Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 8th. Decr. 1801 Bretton, Wakefield Yorkshire Dr. Sir Since my Letter of the 7th. inst. I am informed that the Commissioners of Greenwich Hospital have subscribed 40 p[er] Cent on their former Subscription to the new Branch from Corbridge to Heddon, the Duke of Northumberland Mr. Walton, Mr. C. Blackett &c. 30 p[er] Cent, so I am in hopes that this Road may be soon compleated.- When Mr. Cockshutt was at Allenheads he observed that the mat

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 11 Dec 1801

Coln. Beaumont Newcastle 11th. Decr. 1801 Bretton Wakefield Yorkshire Dr. Sir I wrote to you the 7th. inst. to which I beg leave to refer you. When you have perused the enclosed please to seal & forwd. it. I have not yet made a Sale of Lead, but expect that I shall tomorrow of about 11,000 ps. at 25£ p[er] Fothr. which I expect to deliver in the Course of next Month. I am &c. J.E.B.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to James Cockshutt – 11 Dec 1801

James Cockshutt Esqr. Newcastle 11th. Decr. 1801 under Cover to Coln. Beaumont Yorkshire Dr. Sir I wrote to you the 7th. inst. to which I refer you; I have since been favoured with your Letter of the 1<0th/st> inst. the Remarks & Recommendations in your Letter to Mr. Mulcaster & Mr. Crawhall appear to me to be very judicious & highly proper; I hope that as far as it is possible, that they may be carried into Execution; the very bad State of the Ore sent from

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 12 Dec 1801

Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 12th. Decr. 1801 Bretton, Wakefield Yorkshire Dr. Sir Since my Letter to you of the 11th. I have made a Sale of 10,000 ps. Lead to the several Buyers, one half refined at 25£ p[er] Fothr. payable in six Months; I shall probably sell 1,500 or 2,000 ps. more in the Course of this Month.- I this day received from Mr. C. Blackett, Bills amounting to 12,000£..payable at 1,2,3 & 4 Months which are paid to Messrs. Surtees Burdon & Co. –

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 24 Dec 1801

Mrs. Beaumont Newcastle 24 Decr. 1801 Bretton Wakefd. Yorks: Dear Madam I wrote to you the 21. Inst: to which I beg leave to refer you. You will receive enclosed Copy of Mr. Emm’s letter from which you will see that the Bishop is averse to the exchanging of a life; I wish that it had been otherwise as I look on Mr. Robson’s to be a very bad one; he is 24 Stone, lives full, drinks a great deal of Yorkshire Ale, is very lethargick, & has twice lately drop’d off his C

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Emm – 26 Dec 1801

William Emm Esqr. Newcastle 26th. Decr. 1801 Auckland Castle Dr. Sir I was favoured with your Letter, with the terms of renewing the Lease of Killhope & Wellhope with Lintzgarth &c. I am rather surprized that the Lord Bishop of Durham should be averse to the exchange of a Life. Mr. Robson is not of an advanced Age, and is in good health, as you will observe by the Certificate which I shall send you (with that of Sykes) and the Name & Residence of the

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 3 Jan 1802

Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to N. Castle 3d. Jan.y 1802 Colonel Beaumont Bretton, Wakefield Yorkshire Dear Madam I am favoured with your Letter of the 30th. ulto. & observe what you say respecting the renewal of the Lease of Kilhope & Welhope &c. as soon as I receive the necessary Certificate & the Name of the new Life, no time shall be lost in getting that Business concluded, least G: Robson should drop; but in Case his Life could be exchanged at the same time

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Charles Bowns – 5 Jan 1802

Charles Bowns Esqr. Newcastle 5th. Jan.y 1802 Banktop Barnsley, Yorkshire Sir I am favoured with your Letter of the 2d. inst. enclosing a Certificate of Willm. Sykes being living & in health, which with that of Geo: Robson, I have enclosed to the Bishop of Durham’s Agent Mr. Emm, with the Name of the new Life (Thomas Bayldon) & likewise a Bill for £195 – 16 – 7 the Amount of the Sum for the Renewal with the Charges, so I expect t

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to William Emm – 5 Jan 1802

William Emm Esqr. Newcastle 5th. Jan.y 1802 Auckland Castle. Dr. Sir I wrote to you the 25th. ulto. to which I beg leave to refer you. I now enclose you Certificates of William Sykes & George Robson being living & in health (the two Lives in the present subsisting Lease of Kilhope & Welhope) and likewise Messrs. Surtees Burdon & Cos. Bill on Ransom Morland & Co. for £195 . 16 . 7 the Amount for the Renewal of the Leases with the Charges.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 12 Jan 1802

Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 12th. Jan.y 1802 Bretton, Wakefield Yorkshire Dr. Sir I was favoured with your Letter of the 5th. inst. enclosing Letters from Merchant School Master & Loftus Clerk of the Races; the former I beleive is an American by birth, he some time ago made Application to me on his Subscriptions having fallen off, but I declined subscribing on Account of the Number of Charity & Sunday Schools at this Place; he appeared to be a sensible, clever Man in h
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467