My Dear Sir
<While> all here very sorry to find you had been so very ill, hope you have consulted Mr Ingham & this change of weather for the better will I'm <..> no doubt be of service to you, <we were> very aprehensive that you got cold in going from hence so very early in the morning without breakfast, Mr Thomas whom I like very much brings me your letter he seems to be a very clever understanding man <..> much to the purpose. I could not prevail with h
Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle Dec. 5th 1804
Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London
Dear Madam,
I have rec[eive]d your Favor of the 3rd Inst. & am under the Necessity of again making use of an Amanensis to acknowledge the Receipt, having been confined to my Bed for a couple of Days & still continue much indisposed. I observe you have fixed the 27th, 28th, & 29th. Inst. for Mr Cockshutt & Mr Bowns attending at the Leadmines for the Purpose of inspe
Mr Jos Dickinson Newcastle Dec. 6 1804
Dufton near Appleby Westmoreland
Mr Blackett has been informed per Mr Beaumont that Mr Cockshutt and Mr Bowns propose being in Northumberland about Christmas and have named the 27, 28 and 29 Inst. for the letting of the Bargains at their several Leadmines. As it may be necessary that you should attend the Mines for some days previous to that period, Mr Blackett desires me to give you the earliest intimation of this & his determi
Mrs Beaumont Newcastle Dec 14th 1804
Dear Madam,
After having some Conversation with your Lead Agents, I find that Monday the 31st Inst. will be the earliest Period that Mr Dickinson of Dufton can go upon the Inspection of you Leadmines previous to the Bargains letting he will be fully employed the first Week in January inspecting the Mines, we have accordingly named the 7th for the Bargains at Coalcleugh, the 8th for those of Allenheads & the 9th & 10th for those of We
Sir R[ichar]d C. Glyn Bt. C. Mills & Co. Bankers, London Newcastle 15th December 1804
Inclosed you will receive two Bills upon Mr Ellill amount four Thousand & Seventy two Pounds Eighteen Shillings & Eight Pence, which sum Sum I desire you will Place to the Credit of Colonel Beaumont’s Acco[unt] with you and acknowledge the Receipt to
Yours etc. J. E. B.
Bill No 562 £2,000- 0-0
563 £2,072-18-8
I have this day been favoured with yours of
Cha[rles] Bowns Esq Newcastle December 15 1804
Darley Hall, Yorks[hire]
I am desired per Mr Blackett to transmit to you the Inclosed Copy of a letter he has wrote to Mr Beaumont naming a time for the letting the Bargains at the Leadmines which he hopes may prove a convenient one for you & Mr Cockshutt to attend.
I am etc. T. C.
Wrote Mr Cockshutt the same purport as above, enclosing the Dimensions of Wire Sieves in use at the Leadmines.
My Dear Sir
Since I wrote to you I have this morn recd a letter from Mr Stead: the purchase of Ryal is now concluded; I am to give him £20,000 for it £10,000 of which to be paid next May & the other £10,000 the May following & pay any interest for the latter sum. I should be glad to know if Mr Bates tenant for the South Farm has had notice to quit at next May, if he has not had notice he will stay another year at the same rent at six months notice <. be> necessary.
Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle Dec 18th 1804
Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London
Dear Madam,
I am favoured with your Letters of the 5th and 8th Inst. & am happy to hear you found your young Family in Health, & of Mr Wentworth’s Success in gaining his Remove into the fifth Form in a Manner so highly honourable to himself as well as creditable to his Tutor Mr Bird.
In two or three Days I shall be able to inform you the Days in the next Month that wil
Mr Mowbray
Above you have Sir W. Loraine Bt & Co. Cheque upon the Durham Bank amount Seventy five Pounds 1s/2d to pay half a years Moor Masters Rent due from Col. Beaumont to the Lord Bishop of Durham the 2nd Aug last with 1s/2d for Acquittance & Duty. Please to acknowledge the Receipt of this Sum for that purpose to Sir etc. T. C.
Newcastle 20 December 1804
Messrs Wetherall & Co. Newcastle Dec. 20 1804
Mr Crawhall has paid us seventy five Po
Mr Jos[ep]h Dickinson Newcastle 20th December 1804
Dufton near Appleby
Since I wrote you the 6th Inst. Mr Blackett has had some Conversation with the Lead Agents and finds that the Time beforementioned will not be a convenient one for the Purpose of going upon the Inspection of the & letting the Bargains; he has accordingly acquainted Mrs Beaumont Messrs Bowns & Cockshutt with the same & has named the 7th of January for the Bargains at Coalcleugh, the 8th for
Sir D. C. Glyn Bt Mills & Co Newcastle December 22 1804
Bankers – London
Gent[leme]n Inclosed you have Locke Blackett & Cos Draft on John Locke Esq & Co at one Month, amount One Thousand Eight Hundred & Thirty five Pounds 12s/5d which be pleased to place to the Credit of Coln. Beaumont’s Acc[oun]t & advise me on your Receipt.
Bill No. 565
I have also drawn upon you in Favor of Sir Will[ia]m Loraine & Co at Twenty Days for Two Thousa
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Co Newcastle December 22 1804
Ludgate Hill, London
By the London Waggon will be sent on Monday the 24 Inst a piece very fine Silver containing Fifteen Hundred & Fifty Ounces which I desire you will place to Acco[unt] with Colonel Beaumont at the Market Price & & advise me of the same. Please to pay the Account &, when due, into the hands of R[ichar]d C. Glyn& Co on Acco[unt] as before and you will oblige. Yours etc J.E.
Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle Dec 22 1804
Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London
Dear Madam,
I am favoured with your Letters of the 18th, & 19thInst & observe the Contents. Mr Losh’s Name is James of which Heron has informed Mr R Wilson. Mr Sadlers Salary will commence from the 5th July last, T. Crawhall will with Mr Thomas be at Dukesfield the 31st Inst to receive the Books from Mr Hunter & deliver them to Mr Sadler, when on his finally settling h
Mrs Rundell Bridge & Co Newcastle upon Tyne 19 January 1805
Ludgate Hill London
A piece of fine Silver weighing 1269 Ozs was sent from hence on the 17 Inst by Jackson & Co s Waggon directed to you. On receipt of it you’ll please to give Col[onel] Beaumont’s Account & Credit for its Value at the Current Price of the day, & I must request you to advise me of the Amount when you pay it as usual into the Hands of Sir R.C. Glyn & Co. I am for J.R.B yo
Sir R[[ichar]d C. Glyn Bt Mills & Co Newcastle 19th Jan[uar]y 1805
Bankers London
I have this day drawn upon you £1,000 to the Order of Sir W[ilia]m Loraine Bt & Co @ 20 Days for Acco[un]t of Tho[ma]s R[ichar]d Beaumont Esq for whom I am y[ou]rs CB
Arrangements recommended to Colonel and Mrs Beaumont for the future agency and
management of their lead mines
At Weardale
Mr. Emerson Principal Agent £100 salary
Mr. Geo. Crawhall Assistant to Do. £ 60
Mr. Josh. Harrison Clerk or Bookkeeper to Do. £ 50
Inspector of Miners at
Breconsike £ 60
Do. of Miners at distant
Stanhope 22nd Jany 1805
Dear Sir,
I think it proper to acquaint you that several of the principal Proprietors & Occupiers within Stanhope Parish have been persuaded (by a Person who is not in any degree interested in the Lead Mines) that the Bishop of Durham & Rector of Stanhope are respectively liable to be rated for the Lot & Tithe Ore, & that a demand may be effectively made for the last seven years, as Adventurers of Lead mines are exempted by Law from any charge to
Sir RC Glyn Bt Mills & Co Newcastle 29 Jan[uar]y 1805
Bankers, London
You will receive inclosed Six Bills value £17,465-4-11 as by particulars annexed which you will please to pass to the credit of the Acc[oun]t of TRBeaumont Esq and advise the receipt in Course of Post.
My D[ra]ft on Easterby & Co pay 1 May at <Boldens> & Co £ 2,994-13- 0
D[itt]o on J Locke & Co 13 March £ 2,029-12- 4
D[itt]o on D[itt]o
Sir Richard C. Glyn Bt Mills & Co
Bankers London Newcastle Jan[uar]y 31st 1805
I have this drawn upon upon you for One Thousand Pounds payable to the Order of Sir Will[iam] Loraine Bt Baker & Co at Twenty Days dated this day on Mr Beaumont’s Account for whom I am Yours etc CB
Tho[mas] Emerson Newcastle 7th February 1805
Newhouse Weardale
By directions from Col Beaumont I send you herewith a copy of the Regulations made by Mr Cockshutt and Mr Bowns respecting the Mines in Weardale in your Charge, and must desire that you will see them properly attended to & make their Purport known to the Parties concerned – the Changes are to take place at May next.
I am etc CB
Herewith is Wakefield’s Acco[unt] for Gunpowder, whic
Sir R.C. Glyn Bt & Co Newcastle Feb 16 1805
I have this day drawn upon you of £2,000 @ 20 D[ays] to the order of Sir W[ilia]m Loraine Bt & Co which you’ll please to Charge to the Account of T.R. Beaumont Esq for whom I am yours etc CB
Sir R.C. Glyn Bt & Co Newcastle 23 Feb[ruar]y 1805
Bankers London
You will receive inclosed 2 Bills amounting to £8,219-13-1 as by Particulars annexed, which you’ll please to pass to the Credit of the Account of T.R. Beaumont Esq, for whom I am yours etc CB
My D[ra]ft of 30 Nov. 1804 at 6 Mo[nth]s on J[oh]n Locke & Co £4,114- 1-9
Ditto on Preston & Sons £4,105-11-4
The Lot Ore has in General been Compounded for From the Years 1726 to 1741. £350 was accepted In those Years. 1742, 1743, 1744 it was taken in kind. From the Years 1744 to the Years 1787 £350 was again accepted in lieu of the Lot Ore. B. Trevor
B. Egerton In the Years 1777 to 1787 £350 p. an.
In the Year 1787 it was advanced to the Sum of £850 – under the Bishop Thurlow until the Year 1791 when it was advanced to the Sum of £925 under the Agreement with the prese
Messrs Drummond Newcastle 2nd March 1805
Bankers London
Bill No 605 £231,5,0
Inclosed you have my Draft on Sir R. C. Glyn Bt Mills, Hallifax & Co at Thirty Days dated this day for two Hundred & Thirty one Pounds & 5s/- to pay Quarter of a year’s composition for the Lot Ore of Weardale Leadmines due to the Lord Bishop of Durham from Col Beaumont the 26th Ult. Please to acknowledge the Receipt of this Sum for that Purpose to yrs etc CB
Messrs Goslings Newcastle 2nd March 1805
Bankers London
Inclosed you have my draft on Sir R.C. Glyn Bt Mills Hallifax & Co Thirty days dated this day for Three Hundred & Seventy five Pounds to pay one Quarter of a year’s Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 11th of Jan[uar]y last from Col Beaumont to the Rev Henry Hardinge.
Please to acknowledge the Receipt of the Bill & advise Mr Hardinge of the same.
I am etc C.B.