Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle Jan.y 20th. 1802 –
I now send you p[er] the Leeds Waggon a piece fine Silver containing Twelve Hundred & seventy-eight Ounces & one half, which I desire you will place to Account with Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esqr. as below, & advise me on your Receipt of the same.
I am &c. J.E.B. –
A ps. fine Silver of 1278 ½ Ozs. at 6s/5d p[er] Ounce £410 – 3 – 8
I write to give you the earliest Intimation of my having accepted an appointment so much more advantagious than what I hold under Col. Beaumont that I cod. not consistent with my own Interest refuse it and to say that on Monday the first February I shall transmit to Newhouse such Documents belonging to the Col. as are in my Possession, the urgency of my Presence at my new avocation does not allow me to continue it longer in Weardale and therefore you will be pleased to give such Directions as yo
Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 31st. Jan.y 1802 –
Coln. Beaumont Bretton Wakefield Yorkshire
Dear Madam
I have been favoured with your several Letters of the 25th. & 28th. inst. in Consequence of the Latter, I shall endeavour to engage Mr. Lawson to take a View of your several Estates, & to value the same, Coln. Beaumont & you may be assured of his Abilities for the Purpose, as well as his Integrity: - I observe what you say respecting Mr. Bosvilleâ€
A.Mowbray Esqr. Newcastle 3d. Feb.y 1802-
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Surtees, Burdon & Brandling on Messrs. Ransom, Morland, & Co. at forty Days dated this Day for seventy-five Pounds 1s/2d being half a year’s Moor Master’s Rent due from T.R. Beaumont Esqr. the 2d. inst. to the Lord Bishop of Durham with Acquittance & Duty. Please to acknowledge the Receipt of the same. I am &c. J.E.B.
£75 – 1 – 2 No. 6,00
Messrs. Goslings & Sharpe Newcastle 3d. Feb.y 1802-
Bankers, London
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Surtees, Burdon & Brandling on Messrs. Ransom, Morland & Co. at forty Days dated this Day, for three Hundred & seventy-five Pounds to pay one Quarter’s Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 11th. Ulto. to the Revd. H. Hardinge from Coln. Beaumont.
Please to acknowledge the Receipt of the Bill & advise
Colonel Beaumont M.P. Newcastle 8th. Feb.y 1802-
Bretton, Wakefield Yorkshire.
Dr. Madam
I wrote to you the 31st. ulto. to which I refer you: since which I have had a Letter from Mr. Bowns respecting the Leases that I sent you, & as soon as I can procure Mr. Williamson’s Opinion on that Business it shall be sent you.-
Mr. Crawhall & Mr. Emerson were with me on Saturday & after having some Discourse with them respecting a proper Person to succeed Mr
Bretton Feb[ruar]y the 8th 1802
Dear Sir
You will have rec’d Mr Brown’s Letter respecting the Leases of Kilhope & Welhope, it is necessary to be very cautious, for if anything was done irregular, I think my Friend the Bishop would not hesitate to take advantage of it, Mr Emm ought to have made the Leases out in a proper manner according to my Fathers Will – Mr Algoods Letter is very unhandsome, but we agree with you in opinion that we shall not have any loss, &
Chas. Bowns Esqr. under Cover to N.Castle 10th. Feb.y 1802
Coln. Beaumont Bretton, Wakefield Yorkshire.
Dr. Sir
I have been favoured with your Letters of the 5th. inst. the latter with the Leases executed by Coln. Beaumont, which shall be disposed of as you direct; as soon as I get Mr. Williamson’s Opinion respecting the Leases it shall be sent to the Colonel.
I am &c. J.E.B.
Messrs. Read, Lucas & Reads Newcastle 10th. Feb.y 1802
I am favoured with your Letter of the 8th. inst. enclosing Bills & Notes amounting to four Hundred & fifteen Pounds which is placed to the Credit of your Account with Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esqr.-
I expect a piece of Silver soon, which shall be sent you. I am &c._ J.E.B.
Mr. G Race Newcastle 16th. Feby. 1802
On my return from Allenheads last week, I laid your letter before Mr. Blackett who begs to refer you to Col. 7 Mrs. Beaumont’s former answer that they are not inclined to let any lease of Harehope Gill Leadmine at less than One Sixth Duty, clear of all deductions whatsoever
I am Sir &c. T:C:
Mess. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle February 16 1802-
I have this day sent you p[er] the Leeds Waggon a Piece fine Silver containing Eleven Hundred & Ninety four Ounces which I desire you will place to Acct. with This. Rd. Beaumont Esq. as below, and advise me on your receipt of the same.
I am &c. J:E:B:-
For a Piece fine Silver q. 1194 Ounces @ 6s./5d. p[er] Oz. £383.1.6
William Emm Esqr. Newcastle 19th Feby..1802.
Auckland Castle
Dear Sir
Mr. Williamson being of opinion the Leases of Kilhope & Welhope &c. should (agreeable to the Will of the late Sir Thomas Blackett) be made out to Thomas Richard Beaumont and Diana his Wife I have sent them to Mr. Beaumont in London, & as the Lord Bishop will be there the addition may be made & the Counterparts of the Leases left with his Lordship.
I am respectfu
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 1st. March 1802
I am favoured with your Letter of the 27th. Ulto. covering four Bills, amount three Hundred & eighty-three Pounds & eight Shillings, which Sum is placed to the Credit of your Account, with T.R.Beaumont Esqr. for fine Silver sent you. I am &c. J.E.B.
Mess.s Drummond N.Castle March 1st. 1802
Bankers London
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Surtees Burdon 7 Brandling on Messrs. Ransom Morland & Co. at forty Days dated this day, for four Hundred & sixty-two Pounds, ten Shillings, to pay half a year’s Composition for the Lot Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 26th. Ulto. to the Lord Bishop of Durham from Colonel Beaumont. Please to advise me on your Receipt of the same. I am &c. J.E.B.
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 19th March 1802
Portman square London
Dear Sir
Since my letter to Mrs. Beaumont of the 20th Ulto. I have for want of an answer been at a loss what steps to take respecting the Surveying & the Valuation of your several estates &c. this being the proper season for that purpose. I likewise wait for your answer respecting letting a Lease of Harehope Gill. I have already paid about £4000 - . – on Account of the Lead Carriage to the 31 De
Mr Hunter N.Castle 20th. Mar. 1802
Mr. I. Hunter
I have received the Accounts of the Ore Carriage Pay from Allen & Allenheads Smelt Mills which are very distinct & regular, those from Dukesfield & Rookhope are much otherwise, so that the Quantity of Ore from each Mine, as well as the several prices, are not described, & the Ore Pay cannot be made till I have such Accounts sent me, which I expect may be done immediately, & that you will likewise
Mrs. Beaumont, under Cover to Newcastle 28th. Mar. 1802
Coln. Beaumont, Portman Square – London.
Dear Madam
I am favoured with your Letters of the 23d. inst. & am much concerned to hear that you have been so much indisposed, I sincerely hope that this may find you perfectly well, & that I may soon have a very pleasing Account of you. –
It would have been well if Coln. Beaumont had executed the Counterpart of the Leases without these several Queries & Op
J.E. Blackett Esq, Charlotte Square, Newcastle upon Tyne London, April 2d 1802
Dear Sir
I enclose you a description of the Weighing Machine, & the Drawing of it wch I have this Day rec’d from Mr. Cockshutt, he promised it to Mr Mulcaster some time since and is sorry he has not been able to send it sooner- I think he will be in Town soon, I am favor’d with yours of the 28th, I was too Ill to attend to any Business at the time the case was sent down to Mr Williamson, that I was ign
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads N.Castle. April 6th. 1802
I have this day sent you <per> the Leeds Waggon, a piece fine Silver containing one Thousand five Hundred & Fifteen & one half Ounces which I desire you will place to Account with Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esqr. as below, & advise me on your Receipt of the same.
I am &c. J.E.B.
For a ps. fine Silver q 1515 ½ at 6/5 ½ p[er] Ou
Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 7th. April 1802
Coln. Beaumont, Portman Square – London
Dear Madam
I am favoured with your Letter of the 2d. inst. enclosing Mr. Cockshutt’s Drawing & Description of the weighing Machine for the Lead Ore; I think it is a very ingenious & simple Invention, & I have no Doubt of its fully answering the Purpose proposed; that of a saving in Labour, and preventing Imposition. – Thos. Crawhall
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads N.Castle 10th. April 1802
Mr. Blackett has this Day received your Favour & observes you think the Piece fine Silver sent you charged too high. The present high Price of Lead & the great Waste attending the Operation of refining rendered some Advance in the Price of fine Silver necessary, and not being advised of any Reduction in the Price of that Article in London, he charged it 6/5 ½ but has now altered that Price to
Chas. Bowns Esq. No. 79. Bond Street London Newcastle 11th. April 1802
Under Cover to Col. Beaumont M.P.
Portman square London
I have been favoured with your Letter of the 6th. inst. enclosing Mr. Williamson’s Opinion which I have put into the Hands of Mr. Heron with Direction to prepare a proper Surrender of the Leases now to be renewed, to pass a Fine accordingly, the Draft of which to be approved of by Mr. Williamson on the part of Coln. Beaumont, as well as on tha
Mr. L. Allgood Newcastle 14th. April 1802
Alum Works Whitby.
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Surtees & Co. on Messrs. Ransom Morland & Co at forty days dated this Day for ninety-seven Pounds six Shillings & five Pence, in full for Candles delivered by you for the use of Coln. Beaumont’s Leadmines in Weardale after deducting £17 – 3 – 7 Duty paid for you at this Place. – You will be pleased to sign the Receipt annexed to the enc
Messrs. Goslings & Sharpe Newcastle 14th. April 1802
Bankers London
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Surtees Burdon & Brandling on Messrs. Ransom Morland & Co. at forty Days dated this Day for three hundred & seventy-five Pounds to pay one Quarter’s Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 11th. inst. to the Revd. H. Hardinge from Coln. Beaumont. – Please to acknowledge the Receipt of
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 20th. April 1802
Mr. Blackett was this Day favoured with yours of the 17th. covering six Bills am[oun]t. four hundred & eighty-one Pounds 5s/-d which Sum is placed to the Credit of your Account with Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esqr. for fine Silver sent you. I am &c. T.C.