Newcastle 2nd. May 1802
Dear Madam
I have the favour of your letter of the 28th ulto. & observe what you say respecting a dissolution of Parliament; you may be assured that I shall not mention the circumstance tho I am of opinion that that [sic] it will scarce take place so soon as spoke of; I have not heard the least hint of any Opposition being intended for the County of N[orthumberlan]d, nor has Mr. C Blackett who was at Morpeth Sessions on Thursday last; neither have I
[Cover:] Minutes of what passed at a Meeting between Arth. Mowbray & S. Cassells on the part of the Lord Bishop of Durham & of John E. Blackett on the part of Thomas R Beaumont & Diana his Wife on Friday Noon 14 May 1802
On Friday Noon the 14th May 1802, Jno. E. Blackett was called upon at his House in Charlotte Square Newcastle by Mr. Arthur Mowbray of Durham, Agent of the Lord Bishop of Durham, and another Person unknown to J.E. Blackett at that time, who Mr. Mowbray introduce
Coln. Beaumont Newcastle 15th May 1802
Portman Square London
Dr. Sir
I am favoured with your Letter of the 12th. inst. & am happy to hear that Mrs. Beaumont & her little Boy are doing well. – Two of the Bishop of Durham’s Agents Mr. Mowbray & Mr. Cassells called on me on Friday & desired to be informed of the Quantity of Ore raised from the Weardale Mines during the time that the Bishop has been in Possession of that See, as he has reason to believe t
William Emm Esq. Newcastle 15th. May 1802
Auckland Castle
In Consequence of some Informality in the late Renewal of Kilhope & Welhope and Lintzgarth Lands from the Bp of Durham to Coln. Beaumt. Coln. Beaumont advised it is necessary that the Leases already drawn be reindorsed, & they with the Counter-parts having been sent to London sometime ago – I am directed to request you will favour Mr. Blackett with Copies of the same as last drawn by your Direction per the
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 18th. May 1802
Portland Square London
Dear Sir
I wrote to you the 15th. inst. respecting the Claim made by the Bishop of Durham. I have this Morning consulted Mr. Williamson on this Matter, he was much surprized at this extraordinary Claim, & he is clearly of Opinion that the Agreement entered into with the Bishop will be fully binding on him; he recommends that you may as soon as possible wait on the Bishop (taking some proper Person wit
Messrs. Drummond N.Castle May 22d. 1802.
Bankers London
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Surtees’s Burdon & Brandling on Messrs. Ransom & Co. at thirty Days dated this Day, for four hundred & sixty-two Pounds, ten Shillings, to pay half a year’s Composition for the Lot Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 26th. inst. to the Lord Bishop of Durham from Coln. Beaumont. Please [struck out: to send me a proper] acknowledge the Receipt of this
Dear Sir
I have only time to say the Bishop’s conduct surprised me greatly, I deferr’d writing to you as I was informed he wd be in Town Yesterday, & I had written a Note to request he wd be with me this Morning as my Son is not 3 weeks old I could not wait upon him, & also I wrote to desire Mr R Wilson would come to me an Hour earlier & be present at our meeting, & I determined precisely to say the words you recommended, & decline all discussion on the Subject, &am
Dear Sir,
I presume Mr Blackett, has addressed himself to you, some time ago, respecting the Application wch Mr. Mowbray, by my direction made to him on the subject of the Weardale Mines; & of the compensation to me for the Lot Ore thereof. I have received satisfactory information that the annual payment of £925- bears no proportion whatsoever to the Value of the Bishop's Ninth? I have, however, deferred taking any Steps in the Business, till Mr. Bl
Mess. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 8th June 1802
Yours of the 2d. Inst. was forwarded to Mr Blackett in the Country who has returned it me to answer. I have been making enquiry respect[in]g Mess. Campbell & Co; Color Makers, and find they are little known in this Town; I have not yet been able to obtain the information you wish in a few days I hope to do it, from a person to whom I have applied, when you shall be acquainted therewith - - -
London 10th June 1802
My Lord Bishop
I am informed that your Lordships Agents have lately made a Claim for Dues of Lead wrought in the Weardale Mines for some time past, a Claim which has surprised me much, You must be sensible that there is a Subsisting Agreement between your Lordship & myself for your one Ninth Dues which Agreement it is my Resolution to abide by.
I have the Honor to be with Great Respect
Your Lordships &c
Thos. Rd. Beaumont
Mess. Read Lucas & Reads N.Castle 15th. June 1802
I have now to inform you that the piece fine Silver lately sent you has been charged to your Account as below, which we hope you will not think too high - -- after enquiry of the trade we have not been able to get any satisfactory Ans[we]r. respecting Mess. Campbell & Co. and suppose them entire strangers in this Town.
I am &c. T..C..
June 8. For a p. fine Silver q. 1268 Ounces at 6/3 p[er] Oz
Mr W.Shafto Newcastle 15 June 1802
Auditor’s Office Durham
Sometime ago I applied to Mr Emm at Auckland Castle requesting of him, Copies of the Leases last renewed by the Bishop of Durham to Col. Beaumont (in Col. Bts. name) of Lands called Kilhope & Welhope & Lintzgarth to obtain which, he referred me to you. I have now to request you will favor me with Copies of the same, as last drawn, p[er] the first opportunity . . any expence incurred in procuring t
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads N.Castle 19th. June 1802
Your Favour of the 18th. inst. has come to hand, covering your Bills value four hundred Pounds 15s/.d which Sum is placed to your Credit with Coln. Beaumont for fine Silver sent you.
I am &c. T.C.
Morpeth 19th June 1802
Dear Sir
I am favoured with your letter of the 10th inst.. enclosing copy of the Bishops letter to you, your answer to which was in my opinion very proper, for an interview with him could not answer any good purpose to you, & the less that you said on the business the better; the Bishop I have no doubt will be disappointed & highly displeased with your answer, he wished to have drawn you into a Compromise, or Reference, but Circumstanced as you are, that
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 12th. July 1802
In Mr. Blackett’s Absence I have this day sent you a p[iec]e fine Silver containing fifteen hundred & forty-five Ounces, which I desire you will place to Account as below with Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esqr. & advise me on your Receipt of the same. I am &c. T.C.
July 12th, a ps. fine Silver q 1545 Ozs. at 6s/3d p[er] Oz £482.16.3
Mess. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 13th. July 1802
Since writing to you on 12 Inst. We are informed that fine Silver had at that time experienced a considerable reduction in value and have accordingly altered the Price then charged to 6/- p[er] Oz as below
I am &c. T..C..
July 12 For a ps. fine Silver q. 1545 @ 6/- p[er] Oz - £463.10. ..
Mr. Isaac Watt Dundee Newcastle 16 July 1802
Mr. Blackett has received yours of 14. inst. and desires me to inform you, he cannot at present supply you with any Lead having lately sold more than he can deliver before the beginning of Septr next. Mr. B. has lately sold One Hundred Tons for the Russian Market @ £29 ½ p[er] F[odde]r he now means to ask £30.
I am &c. T..C..
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads N.Castle 22d. July 1802
Mr. Blackett has p[er] this Post recd. your Favour inclosing eight Bills amount four hundred & sixty-two Pounds, which Sum is placed to the Credit of your Account with Coln. Beaumont for fine Silver sent you. I am &c. T.C.
Messrs. Goslings & Sharpe Newcastle July 27th. 1802
Bankers London
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Surtees’s Burdon & Brandling on Messrs. Ransom Morland & Co. at thirty days dated this Day for three hundred & seventy five pounds to pay one Quarters Composition for the Tithe of Weardale Leadmines due the 11th. inst. to the Revd. H. Hardinge from Coln. Beaumont. – Please to acknowledge the Receipt of the Bill & advise Mr. Harding
Messrs. Wheeldon & Webster
1801 To Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esq.<D.>
Augt. 5th. For 10 Casks Litharge q. 60 cwt. - . qrs. - at £24 p[er] Ton £72 - .s - ..d
Messrs. Wheeldon & Webster Derby. Newcastle 27th. July 1802
Mr. Blackett has this day drawn a Bill on you at thirty days, for seventy-two Pounds, the Amount of the above Invoice, and which he has no Doubt you will duly honor. I am &c. T.C.
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 30th. July 1802 –
Mr. Blackett has this Day sent you a piece fine Silver of nine hundred and one half Ounces, which he requests you will place to Account with Thos. Richd. Beaumont Esqr. as below & advise him on your Receipt of the same. I am &c. T.C.
For a ps. fine Silver q 900 ½ Ozs. at 6s/.d p[er] Ounce £270 – 3s - ..d
Chas. Bowns Esqr. under Cover to Newcastle 2d. August 1802
Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esqr. Bretton, Wakefield Yorkshire
I am favoured with your Letter of the 26th. ulto. & observe that Mr. & Mrs. Beaumont are desirous of discharging the Debts (or a part of them) of the late Sir Thos. Blackett amounting to about £21,000 -.. - .. I think that they judge very prudently in so doing: The enclosed Account will shew you the Amount of what may be expected to be received till J
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads N.Castle 12th. August 1802
Mr. Blackett has recd. your Favor of the 10th. inst. covering two Bills value £270 ---which Sum is placed to the Credit of your Account with T.R.Beaumont Esqr. for fine Silver sent you. I am &c. T.C.
Messrs. Wheeldon & Webster N.Castle 14th. Augt. 1802
Mr. Blackett has received yours of the 7th. inst. inclosing a Bill value £72 – 6 - .. which I am desired to return to you, he having already drawn on you, at 30 Days dated the 27th. Ulto. for the Amount; of which you were advised and he hopes you will duly honor the Bill.
I am &c. T.C.
Note. The Amount of the above became due on the 5th. Feb.y last.
Richd. Wilson Esqr. Newcastle 18th. Augt. 1802
Lincoln’s Inn Fields London
Dear Sir
Your Letter of the 14th. inst. to Mr. Beaumont with a Copy of the Bill in Chancery filed against him & Mrs. Beaumont by the Bishop of Durham, have been shewn me & I have carefully perused the same, that part of it which sets forth that upon my being asked by the Bishop whether the Sum of £900 which I offered him, was the full Value of his one ninth part of the Lead Ore, that my