Sir R.C. Glyn Bt & Co Newcastle 2 March 1805
I remit you inclosed two Bills value £3,012-1—particulars at foot, and have to request you to place the amount to the Credit of Mr Beaumont Esq for whom I am CB
I have this drawn upon you on Mr Beaumont and as below
At Thirty Days in favour of Messrs Gosling £365- - -
Ditto Messrs Drummond £231- 5 -
606- 5 -
Mr Thomas Calvert Durham Newcastle 2nd March 1805
I have received your Favor of the 26th Ult addressed to J.E. Blackett Esq & have to observe in answer that half a year’s Moor Masters Rent was paid to Mr Mowbray on the 22 Dec last to the 2nd Aug[ust] 1804 consequently there can only be a half years Rent due- if, on Reference to your Accounts you find my Statement to be correct, you’ll please to let me know, and I will remit you for the half year due 2nd Ulto. I am etc C
By Indenture of Lease dated the 28th October 1790 Thomas then Lord Bishop of Durham gave and granted unto Sir Thomas Blackett of Bretton Park in the County of York Baronet the Office of Moorman otherwise Moormaster and all & singular the Lead Mines Lead & Lead Ore as well opened as not opened gotten and to be gotten within the parishes of Stanhope and Wolsingham within the County Palatinate of Durham that appertained to the said Lord Bishop of Durham To Hold the same during the Liv
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Co Newcastle March 1805
Ludgate Hill London
I have this day forwarded you per the London Waggon two pieces of fine Silver containing together 2312 Ounces, which I desire you will place to the Credit of Coln Beaumont’s Account with you at the Market Price, advising me on your Receipt of the same. I am etc CB.
Mr John Grey Newcastle 14th March 1805
Shield Field N[ew]Castle
Understanding that you object to paying a Moiety of the Sum due from your late Partnership with Mr Richardson to Mr Beaumont, on Account of a Claim you have upon the Proprietors of the Manor of Winlaton; I am directed to inform you that no such claim can be admitted as applying to Mr Beaumont separately from the other Proprietors. You are therefore required to discharge the Debt of £104-18-9 immediately, other
Mr Tho[mas] Calvert Durham
I remit you inclosed an Order on the Durham Bank for £15-1-4 in Payment of half a year’s Moor Masters Rent & Acquitance, due to the Lord Bishop of Durham from T. R. Beaumont Esq on the 2nd Feb[ruar]y last. Respecting the Property Tax mentioned in your Letter of the 26th Ulto. I have not made any Deduction, as Mr Beaumont has hitherto deducted the Amount from the general Statement of his Income therefore the Lord Bishop will be pleased to add that S
Sir R. B. Glyn Bt & Co N[ew]Castle March 23 1805
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs Hopper, Hood & Atkinson on Messrs Hall & Co at two Mo[onths] dated the 9th J[anuary] net value Six Thousand Six Hundred & Seventy Three Pounds 12s/3 which be pleased to place to the Credit of Col Beaumont’s Account with you & advise me of your Receipt. I have this day drawn upon you on the same Account at Twenty Days for £3000- - in favour of Sir W[ilia]m Loraine Bt
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Co Newcastle Mar: 1805
Ludgate Hill London
I have this day forwarded you per the London Waggon, a piece of fine Silver containing Seven Hundred & Thirty six Ounces, which I desire you will place to the credit of Col[onel] Beaumont’s Account with you at the Market Price, advising me on your Receipt of the same as usual. I am etc CB
P.S. Please to pay the value of this & the former two Pieces into the Hands of Sir R.C. Glyn Bt
[Cover:] JEBlackett’s Answers to the Interrogatories under a Commission for the examination of Witnesses on the 26th March 1805 in Beaumonts Suit with Bp. Durham
To the first Interrogatory – Knowledge of Parties & of Sir Thomas Blackett
J.E.B. has known the parties Complainants and Defendants a number of Years, the Complainant since the year 1791 when he came into the possession of the See of Durham – the Defendant since the year 1779 – J:E:B: knew the late Sir Tho Black
To the 1st Interrogy - The first Interrog. requires no answer from Mr. Blackett
To the 2nd Interrogy
J.E. Blackett was the Agent of Sir Tho. Blackett and had the superintendence of his Mining Concerns and the control of the Accounts from the year 1777 untill his death in 1792 – JEB did not personally direct the working thereof, but took his information from the Agents who had the management of those Mines. Since the Death of Sir Thomas Blackett until the end of the year 1804 J.E.B
Mr John Wakefield Kendal Newcastle 20 April 1805
Bill No. 621
Inclosed I remit you a Bill drawn by Sir W[ilia]m Loraine Bt & Co on Messrs Veus & Co for £716 . -2 at forty days dated this day to pay to pay you in full for Gunpowder delivered for the use of Col[onel] Beaumont’s Weardale Leadmines up to Xmas last after deducting 10 per cent Disc[ount] on the parcels delivered in 1804 according to agreement.
Be pleased to say whether you find this Sum correct and
Messrs Goslings Newcastle 22 April 1805
Bankers London
Bill No. 622 £375
Inclosed you have my Draft on Sir R. C. Glyn Bt & Co at Twenty Days dated this day for Three Hundred & Seventy five Pounds to pay One Quarter of a year’s Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 11th Inst from Col[onel] Beaumont to the Rev H. Hardinge.
Please to acknowledge the receipt of the Bill, & advise Mr Hardinge of the same.
I am Sir CB
April 29 1805. Drawn upon Sir R C Glyn Bt @ 35 D[ay]s dated this day in
Seven Bills -- £799. 12 .4 & Advised them CB
May 1 1805 Drawn on Sir R C Glyn Bt & Co @ 20 D[ay]s payable to Sir W[ilia]m Loraine Bt & Co for £797-4-6 & advised them CB
Messrs Glyn Mills Hallifax & Co Newcastle 6th May 1805
Bankers London
I have this [day] drawn 3 Bills upon you payable to Sir W[ilia]m Loraine & Co as under
1 at Sight £11,000-.-.
1 at 10 Days date £11,000-.-.
1 at 25 Days date £11,000-.-.
And I remit you enclosed 12 Bills value £15,912-15-9 as by Particulars annexed – the former sums you’ll please to the Debit & the latter to the Credi
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Co May 6th 1805
Ludgate Hill – London
Gent[lemen] I have this day forwarded you per the London Waggon a p[iece] fine Silver containing Fifteen Hundred & forty six Ounces, which I desire you will place to the Credit of Col[onel] Beaumont’s Acco[un]t with you at the Market Price advising me on your Receipt of the same. I am etc CB
Charles Bowns Esq Newcastle May 22nd 1804
Dear Sir,
Mr Blackett is this Day favoured with your Letter of the 20th Inst. & observes that you propose to meet the Committee of Surtees’s Burdon & Co on Monday the 28th Inst. Mr Clayton has been at his Country House for some Days, but is expected in Town Tomorrow when he will be desired to convene a Meeting of the forbearing Creditors for the Purpose you mention. Mr Blackett has at length obtained the Certificate of Assessment
Messrs Glyn, Mills, Hallifax & Co Newcastle 31st May 1805
I remit to you inclosed 5 Bills value £16,056-11-5 which you will be pleased to pass to the Credit of the Account of Tho[mas] R[ichar]d Beaumont Esq and advise the Receipt in Course of Post. Sir CB
P.S. On the 17th Jany last I sent Messrs Rundell & Co a p[iec]e of Silver w[eigh]t 1269 Oz the Value of which they were to pay into your House, but not having advised to have done so, I will thank y
Messrs Glyn, Mills & Co Newcastle 19 June 1805
You will receive inclosed 4 Bills value £5,991-2-1 which you’ll please to pass to the Credit Tho[ma]s R[ichar]d Beaumont Esq & advise the receipt in course to yours CB
Bills No 655 656 657 658
Messrs Drummond & Co Newcastle 19 June 1805
Bankers London
You will receive inclosed a of £231-5-. In payment of the ¼ a y[rear]]s Composition for L[ea]d Ore due to the Lord Bishop of Durham 26 Ulto from Th[oma]s R[ichar]d Beaumont Esq. You’ll please to advise the receipt to Sirs yrs etc CB
Bill No. 659
Messrs Rundell, Bridge & Co N[ew]Castle July 10th1805
Ludgate Hill, London
I have this day forwarded for you per the London Waggon a p[iec]e [of] fine Silver containing Sixteen Hundred & Twenty Six Ounces, which I desire you will place to the credit of Col Beaumont’s Account with you at the Market Price advising me on your receipt of the same. I have paid the Carriage of this p[iec]e here & remain.
Yours etc CB
Mem[orandum] NC July 22 1805
This day sent the last Letter Copy Book in a box per Jackson & Co s London Wagon directed ‘Rich[ar]d Wilson Esq, Lincoln’s Inn Fields <Vide> London’ which will arrive there in Nine or ten days.
Messrs Read Lucas & Co Newcastle 24 July 1805
On examining your Acc[oun]t with Mr Beaumont & find there is a small unsettled Balance the Amount of which I cannot exactly specify, as you have not stated the price at which you gave Credit for the Cake of Silver sent to you the 29 Aug. last, the weight of which was 1172 Oz. if you will oblige me with the particulars I will send your Acc[oun]t Current, & will thank you to settle it at your convenience
I a
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell N[ew]Castle 24 July 1805
I have rec[eive]d your favour of the 22 Inst advising the Cake of fine Silver sent you this month had come to hand, & I have debited your account £474.5..- for the Amount. Not having rec[eive]d from you any acc[oun]t of the Value of the 1546 Oz sent you the 6 May, nor of any payment being made to Glyn & Co for it. I shall be obliged by your favouring me with the particulars and will thank you if you wi
Messrs Glyn, Mills Hallifax & Co Newcastle 26 July 1805
Bankers London
I I remit you inclosed 4 Bills Value £6122-14-8 which you will please to pass to the account of Tho[mas] Rich[ar]d Beaumont Esq and advise the Receipt in Course of post. I will also be obliged to you if you will specify the dates and amount of the two last payments made to you by Messrs Rundell Bridge & Co for Silver sent therefrom hence I am Sirs CB
P.S. Since writing the above I have had oc