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Letter – Michael Blackett to Charles Banks – 20 Aug 1677

mr Charles & Ja[mes]: Banckes Newcastle August 20: 1677 Sirs This Comes to accompany Hen[ry]: Laws, who I have freighted upon your acco[un]t, and Inclosed you have a Copy of the Charter partie, you have alsoe Inclosed an Innoyce of his Loadeing amounting unto £ [blank] w[hi]ch I have placed to your Debitt I must desire your Excuse for 14/d[ays] In not sending you the acco[un]t of your wooden Commodities, In request of some difference att prresent betwixt me and m

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 25 Aug 1677

mr Hump[hrey]: Willett Newcastle August the 25: 1677 Sir Be pleased to take notice that I have this day valewed upon you a bill for one hundred pounds payable 20/d[ays] sight to mr Rob[er]t Jackson or order valew Rec[eive]d of himselfe w[hi]ch pray lett bee Complyed withall ~ I have nothing more of Concerne att present I am M:B

Letter – James Standsfield to William Blackett – 25 Aug 1677

Edenb August 25 1677 Mr Wm Blackett Some weeks agoe I writte to you & desired that about the 9 or 10th instant you & I might mette att Wanlock in order to setling affaires their, to wch I recd noe answer, and haveing frequent lres one enclosed to you I sent the day I tooke journey pr John Schand wch would give you an accompt of the worke. Soe I have nothing to adde. <Cant> my being upon the place & for my three fourth parts have cleared wth the workepeople on the 18th

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 28 Aug 1677

mr Rob[er]t Jackson Newcastle August the 28: 1677 Sir mr Moorecroft forgott to Call for the bill w[hi]ch Inclosed I send you, I hope all friends are well soe remaines M:B

Letter – Michael Blackett to Thomas Western – 31 Aug 1677

Mr Thomas Western Newcastle August the 31th: 1677 Sir Be pleased to advise me att your leasure how all sorts of Iron rules w[i]th you and if a parcell of Stantiall Iron bee to be had and att what price ~ I have a parcell of large Anchor palms from 20 to 26 Inches, I desire to know whether they would vende with you or noe and w[ha]t price they would yield, In doeing whereof you will oblidge M:B

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 31 Aug 1677

Mr Hen[ry]: Maister Ditto [Newcastle 31 August 1677] Sir Be pleased to advise me att your leasure how all sorts of Iron rules w[i]th you, and if a parcell of Stantiall Iron bee to be had and att w[ha]t price ~ I have a parcell of large Anchor palms from 20 to 26 Inches I desire to know whether they would vende w[i]th you or noe, and w[ha]t price they would yield, In doeing whereof you will oblidge M:B

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Benson – 31 Aug 1677

Mr W[illia]m Benson Ditto [Newcastle 31 August 1677] Sir I have before mee yours of the 23d: pres[ent] and have noted the Contents, In short your Iron is still to the fore, for I sould itt Conditionally if you approved thereof but Indeed I did Expect thankes, for I thought I had done you a kindnesse, it seems not, however noe harme done, I wish you a good price for itt, for my p[ar]t I have noe occation, about w[hi]ch Concerne your order shall be observed ~ I have a p

Letter – John Wilkinson to Humphrey Willett – 1 Sep 1677

Newcastle 7ber 1677 Writ to mr Hump[hrey]: Willett and send him a bill for £200:=:= J:W p[er] M:B

Letter – Ralph Grey to Daniel Wigfall – 1 Sep 1677

Septembr the 1st 1677 Mr Daniell Wigfal & Mr Joseph Hayward Sirs According to your order I have shipt for you aboard the Exchange of Scarbrough Mr John Robison 100 ps of lead, as under written I have agreed with him for 9d per ps , the price of lead is augmented , I desire you to return the mony per first convenience This what needfull from your friend Ra Grey £ s d To 100 ps lead qt 126: 3: 21 at 10 £ per fo 60 09 To

Letter – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 2 Sep 1677

Newcastle Honnored Sir Yrs of the 26th of augst is the first I have had from you since my last coming from scotland & I am satisfied by it to hear you have been at Wanlock head. I hope you are now in some measure satisfied that the men their hath found oar whilst you are concerned , & I question not but more wil follow to yr content the hopes of that mine, nor what you imagin was the reason of the romour all of the cows & sheep was not as you thinck but the Wrangling

Letter – Michael Blackett to Joshua Pannell – 4 Sep 1677

mr Jos[hua]: Pannell Newcastle 7ber: 4: 1677 Sir I have freighted a vessell for your port Called the Greene tree of Burnham W[illia]m Greene m[aste]r and Consighned the same unto you; pray when she arrives Receive the goods Loaden (an acc[oun]t of which p[er] next) and dispose of them as well as you Can for ready mony, and reshipp mee the nett proceed In fine small roff Iron I am in hast M:B if any goods be to be had upon Freight for this porte pray helpe me to them and sh

Letter – Michael Blackett to Joshua Pannell – 5 Sep 1677

Mr Jos[hua]: Pannell Newcastle Sep[tember]: 5th: 1677 Sir I am Called out of towne my vessell by whome this comes will be loaden this weeke with Coales and Grindstones the quantity of each I Cannot advise you, but the master is an honest fellow w[ha]t he hath in take all, and dispose thereof (as I yesterday Writ you p[er] post) as well as you Can for Ready mony, and Reshipp mee the nett proceed In fine small Rodd Iron, and if any goods to be had upon freight for this place pray hel

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 5 Sep 1677

mr Hum[phrey]: Willett Ditto [Newcastle 5 September 1677] Sir Be pleased to take notice that I have this day valewed upon you a bill for foure hundred and Eightie pounds p[ayable]: upon the first of 8ber [October] unto mr Nicho[las]: Harding or order for the like valew Rec[eive]d of himselfe w[hi]ch pray lett be Complyed w[i]thall Inclosed is a bill for £200:=:= I shall be remitting more as fast as bills Can be gott, In the meane time remaines M:B

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 8 Sep 1677

mr Hum[phrey]: Willett Newcastle 7ber: 8: 1677 Sir I have none of yours unanswered, Inclosed is a bill for £165:16s:6d shall remitt you more as bills can be procured, for now is my harvest time for a little advantage, and I verily beleive that shortly I shall Charge some good sommes upon you, however be certaine I shall take Care to reimburse you against my bills fall dew, and soe I remaine M:B

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Blackett – 8 Sep 1677

Bro[the]r: Edw[ar]d Ditto [Newcastle 8 September 1677] The last time I writ to you for venison, you told me that I gave you soe little notice, that It was almost Impossible to procure mee any and Indeed your Endeavoars did prove Ineffectuall, but that now are such Excuse for Currant, I give you 3/w[eeks] time desiring you to procure mee one that may be here this day 3 weeks (alias upon Michaellmas day) for the Monday after I am to have a great breakfast, now I hope you will not fa

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 8 Sep 1677

Mr Hen[ry]: Maisters Ditto [Newcastle 8 September 1677] Sir I have yours of the 4th present the stantiall Iron you mention is not vendable here for that use, I have already of that size, such as is desired must be of ¾ Inch att most, if any such bee to be had, pray advise mee the price thereof ~ my Anchor palms are all sweeds, pray lett mee know w[ha]t you thinke they would give w[i]th you ~ I have att present noe occation for <shacce> moulds, I am

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 8 Sep 1677

mr Edw[ar]d Allen Ditto [Newcastle 8 September 1677] Sir I have yours of the 4th present, according to your order shall shipp your beans for your port, soe soone as ever I can procure a vessell, have spoke to mr Tizacke and I hope In his Custody will be shipt along w[i]th the same, all are ready att your service, but that noe difference may arise hereafter pray upon Receipt lett me have your positive order, either to stm’t mee to such a freight, or that I may agree for the sam

Letter – Michael Blackett to Thomas Western – 8 Sep 1677

mr Tho[mas]: Western Newcastle 7ber: 8: 1677 Sir I have yours of the 4th present wherein you advise the price of Iron to be from 13l to 13l:10s Can you buy mee a parcell of Good narrow flatt sweeds att that price, I heare you your selfe p[ai]d my Brother Davison £13:10s for a whole ship Loadeing soe pray att your Leasure lett mee heare from you, my Anchor palms I Intend for your port, Consigne the same unto mr Hum[phrey]: Willett, if for your purpose you shall be welcome

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Benson – 11 Sep 1677

mr W[illia]m Benson Newcastle 7ber: 11th, 1677 Sir I have before mee yours of the 8th according to your order shall deliver your Iron to mr Rumney if he desires itt from whom this post you may Expect the needfull about itt ~ I thanke you heartily for your proffer about the Exchange of some Anchor palms, t’is very strange there should be noe difference w[i]th you I onely desired you to lett mee know what such anchor palms as I mention would give, which if you please

Letter – Michael Blackett to Robert Jackson – 11 Sep 1677

mr Rob[er]t Jackson Ditto [Newcastle 11 September 1677] Sir I have yours of the 7th for the 20s you mention awanting I shall Answer to itt, that the next time you may either send a man that Can till moniys better or att best will not be soe Spareing of his labour, tis very true when the money was told to mr Dunny there was 20s over and I would have Councilled him to have told the money over againe which he denied, soe I returned itt to the person of whome I Received itt (viz

Letter – Peirce Reeves to James Standsfield – 11 Sep 1677

Sr Jas Standsfield Since our last of the 2d past have recd yrs of the 25th giving a very good account of the Lead Mines wch is not a little joyous to us, & I hope in short time twill answer the expectacion of us all. Our Br[other] Lindsay came this day to towne & soe has not time yet to answer yr Lettr fully wch he intends in few days. Being wt at psent needful For my Br Jno Lindsay & Comp. Peirse Reeves

Letter – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 11 Sep 1677

Edinb 11 7ber 1677 Honnored Sr I am just goeing over the water & I forgot to intreat you to bring an accot with you to wanlockhead of what things you have lately furnished Jno Curtice with the 20th 9b [November] last I stated accots with you at this place & you pd me that day to ballance £18:17:8 in ful for Eagels Leed mines & for your ¾ of wanlockheads Charge till the 9th September last that accot pray bring with you and also notice what moneys you have paid more til

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 15 Sep 1677

mr Hump[hrey] Willett Newcastle 7ber: 15: 1677 Sir Be pleased to take notice that I have this day valewed upon you a bill for £100:=:= p[ayable]: 10/d[ays] after sight to mr Jno Wood or order att the Excise office in Broad Street for the like valew Rec[eive]d here of Mr Ric[hard]: Tooth which pray lett be complyed w[i]thall I have several of yours unanswered, but none of note Excepting that of the 8th present, which god willing I shall now Answer in every particula

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 21 Sep 1677

mr Hump[hrey] Willett Newcastle 7ber: 21: 1677 Sir Pray Informe yourselfe and advise mee p[er] first Convenience w[ha]t Anckor palms will yield w[i]th you from 22 to 26 Inches I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Hugh Mason – 21 Sep 1677

mr Hugh Mason Ditto [Newcastle 21 September 1677] Sir Pray be pleased att your leasure to advise me w[ha]t Anchor palms from 22 to 26 Inches will yield w[i]th you I am MB
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467