Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads N.Castle 2d. Sepr. 1802
Inclosed you will receive Josh. Shaw & Co.’s Drt. on J & J Neale, London, for twenty-five Pounds, which has this Day been returned to us for Nonpayment with 3s/6d Expences upon the same, for the Amt. of which your Accot. with Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esq. is made Dr. – Please to advise Mr. Blackett on your Rect. of the same. I am &c. –T.C.
Richd. Wilson Esqr. N.Castle 7th. Sepr. 1802
Lincoln’s Inn Fields London
Dear Sir
I have been favoured with a Letter from Mr. Chisholm, acknowledgeing the Rect. of my Letter to you of the 18th. ulto. with the several Papers; I now enclose you under another Cover some further Instructions to enable the Council to prepare an Answer to the Bill filed by the Bishop of Durham against Mr. & Mrs. Beaumont; you will be pleased to inform me as soon as you conveniently can, wh
1802 September 7th
This day pursuant to Notice in the Newcastle Newspapers and otherwise, William Ord Esquire Lord of the Manors of Whitfield and East Coanwood begun to ride or perambulate the Boundaries of the said Manors, at a place called Black Pool Bridge, and were met by Mr Nicholas Walton, one of the Receivers for Greenwich hospital, and Mr John Dickinson, the Hospital’s Moor Master in the Manor of Alston Moor, at a Bounder mark or place well known by the name
[Cover:] Further Instructions sent R.Wilson Esq – Sept. 7: 1802 – to enable him to prepare an Answer to the Bill filed by Bp. Durham against Mr. & Mrs. Beaumont.
At the time of making the Agreement with the Lord Bishop of Durham for his Lot Ore or 1/9th of the Ore raised in the Weardale Leadmines, he did not require to be informed of the Quantity raised the Year preceeding, nor any Number of Years, on an Average; Had he done so [inserted; ‘?’] It would have been complied with: S
Mess. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 8 Sept.r 1802
I am favoured with your letter of the 7th. Ins. inclosing a Bill value £26. which Sum is placed to your Credit with Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esq on Account of fine Silver sent you I am &c. J.E.B.
The first ps. fine Silver I have to dispose of shall be sent to you----
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 13th. Sep.r 1802
Hexham Abbey
Dr. Sir
I send you enclosed Copy of Mr. Williamson’s Opinion taken the 9th. Aug.t 1792 on the Agreemt. made with the Bishop of Durham for his Lott Ore of Weardale Mines; which Opinion was taken in Consequence of the Death of Sir Thos. Blackett, and soon after which I am informed (for no Application was made to me) that the Bishop being dissatisfied with the Agreement which he entered into for his Lot Ore in the Year
Richard Wilson Esq. N.Castle 15th. Sepr. 1802
Lincoln’s Inn Fields London
Dr. Sir
I am favoured with your Letter of the 10th. inst. I am happy to find that you think so favourably of the Cause with the Bishop of Durham. I now send you enclosed an Acco.t of the Compositions pd. to the Bishop & to the Rector of Stanhope from the year 1781 to the year 1801 distinguishing when an Alteration took place & likewise a Copy of Mr. Williamson’s Opinion taken the 9th.
Mrs. Forster and Sons Newcastle 15th. Sep.r 1802
I am directed by Coln. & Mrs. Beaumont to acquaint you, that unless the Balance of your Bond with the Interest thereon, be paid immediately, that Mr. Heron has Directions to put the Bond in Suit; As it was your Intentions that the Money left in the Hands of Mr. Crawhall arising from the Sale of your Share of the Brewery at Alston, should go towards the Discharging of the Debt, it will be necessary that you & your Sons s
My dear Sir,
I have communicated the contents of your Letter to Mr. Allgood to which he has returned a written Statement of the Transactions at the time of his quitting your employment which I enclose. He is willing to attend you immediately to explain anything you may require in the Confidence that he can do so, to your Satisfaction and his own Credit. He assures me that he has not any Paper or Plans whatever relating to the Concems in which he was employed by y
Sandsend September 20th 1802
In or about the year 1776 - I became concerned for the late Sir Walter Blackett then the owner of the Weardale Lead mines which now belong Colonel Beaumont as second Agent in his Lead mines in Weardale.
At that time Mr Maughan was the principal agent, after I had been concerned for about five Years Mr Maugham died and Mr Emerson succeeded him in the appointment and continued it until the Year 1801 when Mr Emerson died -- a s
Arthur Mowbray Esqr. Newcastle Sepr. 25th. 1802
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Surtees’s Burdon & Brandling, on Messrs. Ransom, Morland & Co. at Twenty Days dated this Day, for seventy-five Pounds 1s/2d being half a year’s Moor Master’s Rent due from Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esqr. the 2d. Ulto. to the Lord Bishop of Durham, with 1s/2d for Acquitance & Duty. Please to acknowledge the Receipt of the same. I am &c. –J.E.B.
Messrs Read, Lucas & Reads N.Castle 1st. Oct.r 1802
I have this Day sent you p[er] the Leeds Waggon, a ps. fine Silver containing One Thousand & Sixty-five Ounces, which Mr. Blackett desires you will place to Acco.t with Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esqr. as below, & advise him on your Receipt of the same. I am T.C.
Oct.r 1st. For a ps. fine Silver q 1065 Oz at 6s/. p[er] Oz. £319-10-..
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 3d. Oct.r 1802
Hexham Abbey
Dear Sir
I have been favoured with both your Letters, and I observe what Mr. Allgood alledges in Justification of his Conduct; he certainly was much dissatisfied on Mr. Emerson’s Appointment to succeed his Father as principal Agent, but no promise of the kind had ever been made him; he gave no regular Notice of quitting the Employ, until he had engaged himself to Lord Mulgrave, & then he came over to acquaint m
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads
Sheffield Newcastle 12th.October 1802
Mr. Blackett was yesterday favored with your letter of the 9th. Inst. covering Three Bills Amount £315-3-8 which Sum is placed to the Credit of your Accot. with TR Beaumont Esq. for fine Silver sent you. – Mr. Blackett is sorry to observe the last ps. Silver sent you was not clear of Lead, and hopes from the directions given, that a similar occurrence will not happen in future.-
I am Gent &a
Messrs. Wheeldon & Webster N.Castle 16th. Oct.r 1802.-
Inclosed you have your Draft on Messrs. Webster & Co. London, which has this Day been returned to us for non Payment with £1 -2 - 10 Expences upon the same, for the Amount of which your Account with Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esq is made Dr. – Please to advise Mr. Blackett on your Receipt of the Bill. – I am &c. T.C.
Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 17th. Oct.r 1802
Coln. Beaumont Bretton, Wakefield Yorkshire
Dear Madam
I have the Favor of your Letter of the 13th. inst. & I observe what you say as to the Advance of Price on Lead; I am inclined to think that the Persons from whom Coln. Beaumont had the Information, were influenced in their Opinion, more by their own private Wishes &c. than from any well founded Knowledge of the present State of the home and foreign Markets.
Messrs. Goslings & Sharp N.Castle 22d. October 1802.-
Bankers London
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Surtees’s Burdon & Brandling, on Messrs. Ransom Morland & Co. at thirty Days dated this Day for three Hundred & Seventy-five Pounds, to pay one Quarter of a years Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 11th. inst. to the Revd. Henry Hardinge from Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esqr.. Please to advise on your Receipt of the B
Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 24th. Oct.r 1802.-
Colonel Beaumont M.P. Bretton, Wakefield Yorkshire.-
Dr. Madam
I am favoured with your Letters of the 20th. & 21st. inst. I observe what you say respecting the Sale of your Lead; you and Coln. Beaumont may rest assured that the Confidence which you are pleased to place in me, shall not be abused: since the Receipt of your last, I have accepted of the Offer made me by Doubleday & Easterby for 500 ps. Lead half
Messrs. <Raver> & Co. Newcastle 26th. Oct.r 1802
The Lead disposed of here p[er] Mr. Blackett is the WB Lead and is delivered about 3 Miles distant from this place; the present Prices at this Port are for ref.[ine]d Lead £32 -5 -.. p[er] Fo.[dde]r of 21 Cwt. or 2352 lbs Ref.d & Comon Lead in equal Portions £32 p[er] Fo.[dde]r of 21 Cwt. & Litharge £32-10—p[er] Ton of 20 Cwt. payable by Bills on London due in six Months. – The Purch
Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 14 Novem.r 1802
Colonel Beaumont MP Bretton, Wakefield Yorkshire
Dear Madam
I had the Favour of your Letter of the 7th. inst. I should not have wrote to you on the Subject of your Claim on Mr. Errington, had I not received a Letter from Mr. Bowns on that Business after you left the North & Mr. Heron had in Consequence taken Mr. Williamson’s Opinion, which certainly puts that Matter out of Dispute; I have accordingly wrote to Mr. Be
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle Nov. 20th. 1802
Bretton, Wakefield Yorkshire
Dr. Sir
I was favoured with your Letter of the 15th. inst. enclosing me Colonel Scott’s Letter for which I am much obliged to you.-
T.Crawhall has wrote to his Father to know what he paid on Account of Mr. Lee for the Poney &c. when we have his Answer, you shall be informed.
The very wet Weather we have had prevents Mr. W.Bates proceeding with the Valuation of your Estates: it is n
Messrs. Drummond N.Castle Nov.r 26th. 1802.-
Bankers, London.
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Surtees’s Burdon & Brandling on Messrs. Ransom Morland & Co. at forty Days dated this Day, for two Hundred & thirty-one Pounds, five Shillings, to pay one Quarters Composition for the Lot Ore of Weardale Leadmines, due this Day to the Lord Bishop of Durham from Mr. Beaumont. Please to acknowledge the Receipt of this Sum for that Purpose. I am
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 2d. Decem.r 1802
Mr. Blackett has this Day sent you a ps. fine Silver p[er] the Leeds Waggon which he desires you will place to Account with Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esq. as below, and advise him on your Receipt of the same. I am &c.----T.C.-
For a ps. fine Silver q 1175 Oz @ 6s/1d p[er] Ounce - £357 – 7- 11
Mr. Bell Newcastle 14th Decemr. 1802.
Hexham Abbey
Dear Sir
I yesterday received Mrs. Beaumonts Letter of the 11th. inst. enclosing yours of the 30th Ulto. which she desires me to answer.
As she takes no Notice of what you wrote respecting the Security upon the Tolls of the new Branch Road, you will keep it in your hands, until you hear further.-
As the late Tenant of the Colliery on Hexham Fell, died insolvent and was by Agreement bound to fill up the Pits, i
Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 15th. Dec.r 1802
Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London
Dr. Madam
I am favoured with your Letter of the 14th. inst. & am happy in hearing so good an Account of yourself, the Colonel and your Children after your Journey.-
I have had a violent Attack of gouty Spasms in my Stomach, which has confined me to the House some Days, I got out for a couple of Hours this Morning, but I find myself feeble & much shook by the late A