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Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Read, Lucas & Read – 17 Dec 1802

Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 17th. Dec.r 1802.- Sheffield Gentn. Mr. Blackett has this Day been favoured with yours of the 15th. Inst. inclosing Seven Bills Value £363-14 - .. which Sum is placed to the Credit of your Account with T.R.Beaumont Esqr. for fine Silver sent you: Mr. Blackett will forward you another piece fine Silver about the 1st. of January next. I am &c.- T.C.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Richard Wilson – 31 Dec 1802

Richard Wilson Esq. Newcastle 31st. Dec.r 1802 – Lincolns Inn Fields London I refer you to my Letter of the 20th. Ulto. from Morpeth. I now enclose you under two Covers to Mr. Beaumont the several Accounts that you required & likewise Copies of such letters that I have wrote to Mr. Beaumont on the subject. Should you require Copies of the letters from Col. Beaumont to me on the business they shall be sent you. How far it may be adviseable to setting out at first the

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Read, Lucas & Read – 3 Jan 1803

Mess. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 3d. January 1803 Sheffield Gentn. I have this day sent you p[er] Leeds Waggon a ps. fine Silver containing Eight Hundred & Fifty Nine Ounces, which I desire you will place to Account with Tho. Rd. Beaumont Esq as below & advise me on your receipt of the same I am &c J.E.B. For a ps. fine Silver q 859 @ 6/1 p[er] oz. - £261.5.7

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Read, Lucas & Read – 17 Jan 1803

Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 17th. January 1803 Sheffield Gentn. Mr. Blackett has been favoured with yours of the 14th. Inst. enclosing three Bills, Value two Hundred & fifty-two Pounds, two Shillings, which Sum is placed to the Credit of your Accot. with Colonel Beaumont. I am &c.----T.C.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to George Silvertop – 23 Jan 1803

George Silvertop Esq. Newcastle 23d. Jan.y 1803. Minsteracres Dear Sir I was favoured with your Letter of the 14th. Inst. – After consulting with some of Mr. Beaumont’s Lead Agents & full considering the Matter; I am of Opinion that it will be advisable not to make any Change in the Mode of the Lead Car[ria]ge. – I have the Honour to be &c.----J.E.B.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Bell – 25 Jan 1803

Mr. John Bell Newcastle 25th. Jan.y 1803 Hexham Abbey Dear Sir My late Illness prevented me answering your several Letters, indeed we have had a very sick House. I am better, but Adml. Collingwood is still confined to the House by his Cold. I have not had answer from Mrs. Beaumont respecting Mr. Errington refusing to pay the £5 p[er] Ann. & the Arrears until he is reimbursed his Expences on Account of the Action brought against him; the Law must decide that Matter

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 30 Jan 1803

Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 30th. Jan.y 1803.- Colonel Beaumont Portman Square London Dear Madam I have the Favour of your Letter of the 25th. Inst. & I am glad to find that the late Sales of Lead that I have made & purpose of supporting the Price, is approved of by you & Coln. Beaumont: the latter Sale of 12,000 ps. to Easterby & Co. at £32 & £33 cannot be compleated before the end of March or the beginning of April: since my last Letter to you

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Charles Bowns – 1 Feb 1803

Chas Bowns Esq Newcastle Feby 1st. 1803 Banktop Barnsley Yorks. Dr Sir By Mr Blackett’s direction I have this day forwarded p[er] Leeds Coach directed for you at Bretton a Box containing W Bates’ Valuation of Mr & Mrs. Beaumont’s several Estates in this Country except some which cannot now be proceeded upon, the ground being covered with Snow) their Bankers Accot. up to 31st. Ulto.-Accots. of Contracts for Lead &c. to 31 Decr. last, several parcels of the Lead

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Arthur Mowbray – 5 Feb 1803

Arthur Mowbray Esq Newcastle 5th. Feb.y 1803. Durham Sir Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Surtees’s Burdon & Brandling on Messrs. Forster, Lubbocks, Forster & Clarke at forty days dated this day, for Seventy-five Pounds 1s/2d being half a year’s Moor Master’s Rent due from T.R. Beaumont Esq the 2d. inst. to the Lord Bishop of Durham, with 1s/2d for Acquitance of Duty.- Please to acknowledge the Receipt of the same. I am &c. J.E.B.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Gosling & Sharpe – 5 Feb 1803

Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Newcastle 5th. Feb.y 1803 Bankers London Gentn. Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Surtees’s Burdon & Brandling on Messrs. Forster, Lubbocks, Forster & Clarke at forty days dated this day, for three Hundred & seventy-five Pounds, to pay one Quarter of a year’s Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 11th. Ulto. to the Revd. H. Hardinge from T.R.Beaumont Esq. – Please to inform me on your Recei

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 6 Feb 1803

Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 6th. Feb.y 1803.- Portman Square London Dear Sir I have been applied to by Mr. Clark Jr. of Hexham, to know if you or Mrs. Beaumont had given any Directions respecting your Subscription towards the building a small Vestry at the Chapel at Binfield, of which you have the Presentation; the Estimate of the Expence does not exceed £30 -.. -.. Mr. & Mrs. Clark give the Ground, Mr. Clark Jr. £5 -.. -.. Mr. H. Errington £5 -5 -.. Mr. Ord of Lond

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 13 Feb 1803

Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 13th. Feb.y 1803.- Portman Square London Dear Sir I refer you to my Letter of the 6th. inst. I have now to inform you of the Death of Geo. Robson a Life in the Leases of Kilhope & Welhope & Lintzgarth under the Bishop of Durham, which Lease was renewed in Jan.y 1802 when Thos. Bayldon was inserted in the Room of the late Richd. Brooks, I was desirous at the same time of exchanging the Life of Geo. Robson for the Life of your Son Wentwor

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Read, Lucas & Read – 15 Feb 1803

Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 15th. Feb.y 1803.- Sheffield Gentn. I have this day sent you p[er] Leeds Waggon a ps. fine Silver containing eleven Hundred & twenty-eight Ounces, which I desire you will place to Accot. with T.R.Beaumont Esq as below, & advise on your Receipt of the same I am &c. T.C. For a ps. fine Silver q. 1128 Ozs at 6s/1d p[er] Ounce £343 – 2 - ..

Letter – John Bell to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 18 Feb 1803

                                                                               Hexham Abbey   18th  Fbry  1803 Sir on Tuesday last I had an Interview with Mr. Raines the Slate Merchant who furnished the Slates for the Abbey and I have settled with him for the Slates and Slaters Work to be done at the Chancel of Hexham Church at 6s -10d the Square Yard if you come to a Resolution of putting a Slate Roof u

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 19 Feb 1803

Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 19th. Feb.y 1803 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square London Dear Madam I wrote to Coln. Beaumont the 13th. since which I have been favored with your Letter of the 12th. I observe what you say respecting Mr. Clark’s Application; the Chapel of Binfield has no Connection whatever with the Church of Hexham, but belongs to that of St. John Lee, of which you & Coln. Beaumont have the Presentation, and it is the only one that has no Vestry;

Letter – Edward Blackett to John Erasmus Blackett – 28 Feb 1803

Thorpe Lee 28th Febr 1803 Dear Brother I rec'd yr favor of the 22nd Inst. But I was sorry to find that you gave but a poor account of yrself. The next day I rec'd a letter from My Bro. H who says, that he saw you a few days ago, that you look'd extreamly well, & that you thought to be one of the best looking Gentlemen in the Kingdom of your Age, & a credit to the Family, as well as, to the Corporation you belong to. So it ill becomes you, who never speak ill of o

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Read, Lucas & Read – 1 Mar 1803

Messrs. Read, Lucas & Reads N.Castle 1st. March 1802 Sheffield Gentn. Your favour of the 26th. Ulto came to my Hands, in Mr. Blackett’s Absence, covering two Bills value three Hundred & sixty-seven Pounds, twelve Shillings, which Sum is placed to the Credit of your Account with Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esq. On the other Side is your Account current with him for the year 1802, which I hope will be found right. I am &c. T. C.rawhall

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 6 Mar 1803

Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to N.Castle 6th. March 1803.- Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London Dr. Madam I am favoured with your Letter of the 28th. Ulto. & observe what you say respecting the Remonstrance of Mr. Burdon against your drawing out of their Bank £10,000 – to invest in the Funds; it is certainly very unhandsome in them, & I think very ill judged and I much approve of your Resolution of carrying that Purchase into Execution; enclosed I send you a Ske

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 12 Mar 1803

Mrs. Beaumont, under Cover to Newcastle 12th. March 1803. Colonel Beaumont Portman Square – London Dear Madam The Lead Agents met me at Hexham on Monday morning; I send you enclosed an Account of the present State of the several Mines and Lead Mills &c. – I have been favoured with your Letter of the 8th. inst. & observe what you say respecting the Conversation which you had with Mr. Burdon; that Bank have formed Expectations which surprizes me; they have

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Rev. W. Fleming – 19 Mar 1803

Sir, Mr Blackett received your letter with those of Mr Shaftoe, which requiring more time to answer than he can at present apply to that purpose, being engaged in a multiplicity of business and totally unacquainted with the nature of the dispute he hopes you will have the goodness to excuse him in not answer[in]g your letter.-Mr. Shaftoe’s behaviour on the occasion Mr. Blackett thinks very unhandsome, but rather than be involved in a Law Suit (particularly with Mr. <S>.) he would

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to J. Manifarges – 29 Mar 1803

Mr. J. Manifarges Rotterdam Newcastle 29 March 1803. Sir I received yours of the 22d. Inst: and observe what you say respecting the disposal of Lead – The Lead I dispose off is all delivered at this place and shipped at the risque and expence of the Purchaser, I have never yet consigned Lead to any Port for sale, and have only a small quantity on hand at present. I must of course decline complying with your request I am obliged by your favoring me with the Price of Lead at

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Bell – 2 Apr 1803

Mr. Bell Newcastle 2d. April 1803.- Hexham Abbey. Dr. Sir I observe what you say as to Mr. W<r>. Heron’s Appointment of Bailiff of the Manor of Hexham not being filed in the Court as Mr. Heron reported, which Colonel Beaumont shall be informed of. – I have acquainted Mr. Beaumont that you will be fully engaged with the Business of the Manor Courts on the 25th. 26th & 27th. inst. after which Time you will be at Leisure to give Mr. Bowns and Mr. Thomas every in

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 3 Apr 1803

Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 3d. April 1803 Coln. Beaumont, Bretton, Wakefield, Yorkshire Dear Madam Since my Letter to you of the 28th. Inst. Mr. Bell informs me, that Mr. Wr. Heron’s Appointment of Bailiff of the Manor of Hexham, is not filed in the Office of the Manor Court as he reported, of which he has been acquainted, & he is desired to send it to you; it will be necessary that Mr. Bell should have his Appointment as soon as you can conveniently send it,

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 6 Apr 1803

Bretton April 6th 1803 Dear Sir I was this morng favor’d with your Letter of the 3rd, by some mistake the Wakefield Postmaster had alter’d the direction & sent it to London, & it was returned from there, he thought we had no right to be absent from London I suppose, we arrived here on Monday, & shall remain till the 20th, it is a short stay for so long a journey, but we are very busy with the Alterations going forward, & I have an Architect from London, - Co

Will – James Mulcaster – 7 Apr 1803

By Permission of Almighty god, I James Mulcaster of Langley Mill, in the Chapelry of Haydon, and Parish of Warden, in the County of Northumberland, being of sound Mind, Memory and Understanding, praised be God for the same; do make and Ordain this my last will and Testament in manner and form following. That is to say, I devise give and bequeath to my Son John Mulcaster all that my Leasehold Messuage, Land & Tenement, situate, lying and being at Nentlees in the Parish of Alstone & C
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467