Newcastle 20th April 1803
Dear Brother
I went to Morpeth soon after I wrote to you & spent a week there very agreeably with the Admiral & my Daughter, the weather was very fine, too much so for the season, we were out most of the day till drove into the house by the heat, the Admiral <...ssing> with his ax & spade & all of us employed, there was a great change in the weather on Saturday, since which it has been severely cold with high winds at W & SW & fre
Messrs. Goslings & Sharpe Newcastle 22d. April 1803. –
Bankers London Gentn.
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Messrs. Surtees’ Burdon & Brandling, on Messrs. Forester, Lubbocks, Forester & Clarke, at thirty days dated this day, for three Hundred & seventy-five Pounds, to pay one quarter of a years Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 11th. Inst. to the Revd. H. Hardinge from Thos. Richd. Beaumont Esqr: Please to advise me on your
Mr Daniel Turner Newcastle 5 May 1803.
Copyhold Office Durham
Above you have Mess Surtees’ & Cos. order on the Durham Bank payble to you for £4 -10-8. to pay One Years Rent due at Mart[inmas]s last from Col. Beaumt. to the Lord Bp Durham out of Lands at Winlaton with acq: & duty after deducting 10/- for Land tax for the same – Please to return a receipt for the above & you will oblige
Yours &c T.C.
North[umberlan]d House 8th May 1803
Being desirous of increasing the Number of Deputy Lieutenants for the County of Northumberland, for which purpose I shall send in some Names to His Majesty for His approbation, I could not think of so doing, without first desiring to know whether you will allow me to propose your Name for that situation. If I should have your consent, Sir, I must trouble you to enter your proper Qualification , for this office, with John Davidson Esq at Newcastle
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Sheffield Newcastle 9th. May 1803
In Mr. Blackett’s Absence I have this day sent you p[er] the Leeds Waggon, a ps. fine Silver containing One Thousand, three Hundred and Twenty seven Ounces, which I desire you will place to Account with Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esq as below, & advise Mr. B. on your Receipt of the same.
I am &c.-T.C.
For a ps. fine Silver q 1,327 ozs. at 6s/2d p[er] Ounce -----£409 -3 -2
May 10th 1803
Dear Sir
Enclosed I send you a letter which I have received from His Grace of Northumberland, & will be much obliged to You to let Thomas Crawhall give in my Name and Qualification to Mr Davison. At the same time he may inform Mr <Herde> the Clergyman at N[ew]Castle that the living of Shillbottle had been promised some time before I applied <for it>. I hope now we have got some warm weather your Influenza will leave you. Mrs Beaumont unites with me in best
Mess. Read Lucas & Reads Sheffield Newcastle 20 May 1803 –
I have to acknowledge the rect. of your favor of 21 Inst. covering 6 Bills amot. £402–1–6 which Sum is placed to the Credit of your Act. with Thos. Rich. Beaumont Esq for fine Silver sent you. – Your letter arrived when Mr Blackett & I were both absent in the Country, which was the reason of its rect. not being acknowledged ‘ere this I am &c. T..C..
Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 22d. May 1803.-
Coln. Beaumont, Portman Square London
Dear Madam
Inclosed I send you the Answer that I had from Mr. Bell respecting the Application made by the Revd. Mr. Richardson to Coln. Beaumont. – When Mr. Bowns was at Hexham Mr. Thomas informs me, that it was settled between them that Mr. Bell was to receive the Rents due Mart[inma]s last & to make up his Accounts & settle to Midsummer next, but Mr. Bowns, when he ret
Portman Square May 26th 1803
Dear Sir
Col. Beaumont desires I will say he will attend to your Letter respecting the Young Man, he says he is much obliged to you & I for saving him some trouble, now he has so much parliamentary Business on his Hands, the House of Commons sat very late on Monday & Tuesday, the latter Day he did not get Home till past 5 o’clock in the Morning & was much fatigued by the heat & crowd, all hope of Peace I think are at an end, a Rich India
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 11th. June 1803
Portman Square London
Dear Sir
I wrote to Mrs. Beaumont from Morpeth on the 31st. Ulto., since which I have been favoured with your Letter of the 7th. Inst. enclosing Mr. Knights Letter; the Contents of which I communicated to Mr. Featherston as well as to Mr. Johnson.
I have had a Letter from Mr. Cockshutt; (a Copy of which I enclose you) I approve much of what he recommends & I have had some Conversation with your
30th June 1803.
Mess. Surtees, Burdon & Brandling respectfully inform the Public that they find themselves obliged to request the indulgence of the holders of their Notes and sureties for a short period for the purpose of making effectual arrangements for the discharge of the demands upon them, of which due notice will be given.
Colonel Beaumont M.P. Newcastle 2d. July 1803.
Cheltenham Gloucestershire.
Dear Sir
I refer you to my Letters of the 30th. Ulto. & the 1st. Inst. I now enclose you a short State of your Account with Messrs. Surtees’s Burdon & Brandling, as it stands in your Books, exclusive of what you may have drawn from the Bankers in London since the 7th. June, and likewise a State of your Account with Easterby & Co. –
The Notes of their Bank that were paid to your
Cheltenham July 3rd 1803
Dear Sir
I am afraid you will think I am not so regular a correspondent in the country as I am in London, but I really suffer so much from the heat of the Weather, that I have hardly the power left of holding my Pen, I hope in the North you don’t find the heat so excessive, - the Post has this Moment brought Col. Beaumont a Letter that alarms us greatly, the Copy of which I enclose, Mr Burdon knew we were at Cheltenham, & it is strange he should direct
Mess. Drummond Newcastle 4th. July 1803 –
Bankers London Gentn.
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Sir Wm Loraine Bt. Baker Pearson Maude & Co. on Messrs. Veres Lucadou Troughton Lucadou & Smart at Thirty Days dated this day for Four Hundred & Sixty Two Pounds Ten Shillings to pay half a Years Composition for the Lot Ore of Weardale Leadmines due to The Lord Bishop of Durham from Col Beaumont the 26 May last. Please to acknowledge the
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Sheffield. Newcastle 5th. July 1803.
I have this day sent you p[er] the Leeds Waggon, a ps. fine Silver containing one Thousand, four Hundred and sixty-five Ounces, which I desire you will place to Account as below, & advise me on your Receipt of the same. I am &c. –J.E.B.
July 5th For a ps. fine Silver q 1,465 oz at 6s/2d p[er] Ounce £451 – 14 -2
We have the pleasure of your letter last night and am sorry for this unfortunate Event, but I hope in the end it will not prove very serious, enclosed I send You a letter I have received from Mr Burdon this morning, we were much concerned to find it had so very materially affected Your nerves. We shall remain here until the 12th when we return to Town. Mrs Beaumont unites with me in best respects.
I am My dear Sir
Most Sincerely Yours
Tho. Rd. Beaumont
July 5th 1803
Augt. 5th. 1803
Mess S. B. & B. & Mess S. B. B. & E. respectfully inform the Public that they have committed the arrangement of their affairs into the hands of the Gentln . mentioned below, in whose Honour & knowledge of business they repose and they trust their Creditors will repose the utmost confidence and who, for the more complete security of the Creditors will immediately be invested with all their business effects and as ample a proportion of their separate prop
Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 6th. July 1803
*Colonel Beaumont Cheltenham, Gloucestershire.
[in margin: * Copy sent to Mr. Bowns.]
Dear Madam
I wrote to Coln. Beaumont on the 30th. Ulto. & to Mr. Bowns of the same Date, to which I refer you. –
I have by this days Post been favoured with your two letters of the 3d. Inst. & observe the Contents. – I have in this very unfortunate Business done every Thing in my Power for your Safety, as wel
Cheltenham July 6th 1803
Dear Sir
Colonel Beaumont sent you Yesterday the Copy of Mr Burdons second Letter to him & I now enclose a copy of Mr Morlands Letter wch Col. B. Has this morn’g rec’d, it is in answer to a Letter he wrote him to ask if he could give him any information respect’g Surtees & Burdons House, if the deputation should receive a favorable answer from the Minister I think you will not recommend our continuing that Bank, as usual, without putting any mo
Cheltenham July 7th 1803
Dear Sir
You will by this time have rec’d our several Letters, with Copies of Mr Burdons Letters & Mr Morlands, yours of July 2nd we rec’d yesterday with the state of our accounts with Surtees & Co - & also our Accts. With Easterbys House, it is terrible to think of with so large a Sum, & to be distressed is indeed hard, the Conduct of our Bankers in this Business towards us has been most dishonourable to themselves, the Day Mr. Burdons Le
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 8th. July 1803
Cheltenham Gloucestershire. [In margin: copy sent to Mr. Bowns]
Dear Sir
I wrote to Mrs. Beaumont the 6th. inst. I yesterday wrote a Card to Messrs Surtees’s requesting to have a Conference with them: Mr. <F.> S. was engaged, I saw Mr. A. Surtees, he told me that they has been under a Necessity of stopping Payment by a Number of unfortunate Circumstances, that they could not at present come forward with any Proposition, but tha
Charles Bowns Esq Newcastle 9th. July 1803
Bank top, Barnsley Yorkshire.-
Dear Sir
I wrote to you by the last Post & enclosed Copies of my two Letters to Coln. & Mrs. Beaumont. I likewise gave Directions that the Newcastle Paper should be sent you: - I have this Day the Favor of your Letter of the 7th. Inst. & observe the Contents. – I send you herewith a Copy of Mr. Burdons last Letter to Coln. Beaumont & likewise the Bank Accot. got from them this day
9th. July 1803
Mess. S, B & B by the advice of their friends are to decline the business of Bankers in N. Castle. They will devote their time to making such arrangements as will enable them to discharge all demands upon their House with as little delay as possible; They have also the satisfaction to state with confidence to the Public, the ultimate stability of their funds and that as soon as the necessary measures shall be arranged, they are assured of the concurrence and assista
Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 10th. July 1803.
Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London.
Dear Madam
I wrote to you the 8th. inst. to Cheltenham & yesterday to Mr. Bowns with some Inclosures, Copies of which (except the Bank Accot.) I send you herewith. – I have been favoured with your Letter of the 6th. with a Copy of Mr. Morland’s Letter, & Coln. Beaumonts of the 5th. with a Copy of Mr. Burdons Letter of the which I must say that on the whole I think
J.E. Blackett Esq, Newcastle upon Tyne July 10th 1803
My dear Sir
[in Col Beaumont’s hand:] Enclosed I send you the copy of a letter from Mr Burdon which came Yesterday, [in Diana’s hand from now on:] I am just come from Church, & Col. B- desires I will go on with his Letter, as he wishes to write to Mr Burdon, Mr Morland & Mr Bown, by this Post, he has copied Mr Morlands Letter on the back of Mr Burdons Copy, we think it was strange Mr Burdon should ask Morlands House to