Copy of a Letter to the Lead Agents Newcastle 11th. July 1803.-
In Consequence of the present unsettled State of Affairs, Coln. & Mrs. Beaumont have given Directions that all the Dead Workings & new Tryals at their Leadmines under your Inspection be immediately suspended, & that you (at the ensuing Bargains) only let those Workings which are most productive, & such as cannot be discontinued without great Injury to the Workings in General. – You will at the s
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 13th. July 1803
Portman Square London
I wrote to Mrs. Beaumont very fully on the 10th. Inst., I wish that it was now in my Power to give you a more favourable Account of the Situation of your Affairs at this Place; Mr. Burdon is come down, but I have not yet seen him, nor would it have been of any Consequence if I had, circumstanced as their Bank is at the present Time; I am informed that he has brought down with him a Mr. Black, a very emin
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle July 15th. 1803.-
Portman Square London.
Dear Sir
I wrote to you very fully the 13th. Inst. to which I refer you. Mr. Burdon called on me Yesterday Morning for half an hour, he complained much of his Partners in the Bank having brought him into this very unfortunate Situation; he gave me the strongest Assurance that as far as he could then judge that the Effects of the Bank would be fully sufficient to discharge all their Engagements, but that it w
Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 17th. July 1803
Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London
Dear Madam
I am happy in hearing from Mr. Bowns of the 14th. Inst. of your Arrival in Town in good Health, that Coln. Beaumont had received Benefit from the Cheltenham Water, & that you found your young Family very well.
I observe that the Colonel & Mr. Bowns have been with a Banker & that an Arrangement will be made for the Purpose of carrying on the Lead Works; I
Messrs. Goslings N.Castle 20th. July 1803.-
Bankers London.
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Sir Wm Loraine Bt. Baker & Co. on Messrs. Veres Lucadon & Co. at forty days dated this day, for Three Hundred & seventy-five Pounds, to pay one Quarters Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 11th. Inst. to the Revd. Henry Hardinge from Col. Beaumont. Please to acknowledge the Receipt of the Bill & advise Mr. Hardinge of the s
Mr. John Wakefield N.Castle 20th. July 1803.-
Kendal, Cumbd.
I have received your Letter of the 16th. Inst. & enclosed have returned a Bill on London for £96 –- the Amount of your Note for Gunpowder sent for the Use of Mr. Beaumont’s Leadmines; I am sorry it should have remained so long unpaid, which was entirely occasioned by Neglect of the Agent at the Mine in not delivering an Account of the same to me at this Place, but hope a similar Neglect will not occur
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads N.Castle 20th. July 1803.
I have received your Letter of the 18th. enclosing 8 Bills amount £432 -12 -6 Sum I have placed to the Credit of your Accot. with T.R.Beaumont Esq. for fine Silver sent you. – I observe what you say respecting the considerable Drop in the Price of fine Silver, & though I have been selling it at 6s/2d p[er] Oz at this Place, I have made an Abatement in your Accot. of the odd 2d p[er] Oz but
Charles Bowns Esq. N.Castle 21st. July 1803.
Banktop, near Barnsley Yorkshire.
Dear Sir
I was yesterday favored with your Letter of the 18th. Inst. by which I hope that this may find you at home & well after your Journey.-
I observe that Coln. Beaumont has opened an Account with Ransom, Moreland & Co. who have engaged to furnish all such Monies as may from time to time be wanted for the carrying on the Lead Works, as well as for his private Concerns, the for
Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 23d. July 1803. –
Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London.
Dear Madam
I am favoured with your Letter of the 20th. Inst. & observe the Contents.-
Inclosed you have a Copy of my Letter to Mr. Bowns who I expect at this Place the 1st August.
No Propositions have yet come from the Bank of Surtees’ Burdon & Brandling, nor from Easterby & Co. to their Creditors; I understand that the Arrangement
John Brumell Esq N.Castle 26th. July 1803.
I have been favoured with your Letter, enclosing a Letter from the Individuals composing the House of Easterby & Co., the Contents of wch. I observe & am ready to concur with Mr. Walton in sending a skilful Person on the Part of Coln. Beaumont to examine the present State of the Arkendale Mines, & to make their Report thereon. – I have given Directions accordingly, & Mr. Thos. Cra
Morpeth 26th July 1803
Dear Brother
Your letter of the 4th inst pased mine of the 3d on the road (wch has frequently been the case with our letters; I should sooner have replied to it had not this distressing business of the Stop of the Bank of Surtees & Burdon with the consequencies attending it engaged my whole time for some days. I am not personally affected by it materially but the Beaumonts are to a considerable degree, having a the present time a sum locked up as I may say b
29th July 1803.
The Proprietors of the Exchange Bank at <N.C.> & of the Bank of Berwick having determined to decline entirely the business of Banking beg leave to assure the Public whose forbearance they have taken the liberty respectively [sic] to request, that they are about to lay their Accounts before Gentlm. of the first respectability, who, they are satisfied will soon be enabled to give a correct and satisfactory statement of their affairs to the Creditors at large. I
Chas Bowns Esq Newcastle 30 July 1803-
Banktop Barnsley Yorks:
Dr Sir
I this day attended a Meeting of the Creditors of Mess.< Anty> Easterby & Co. from 12 to 3 o’clock and inclose you a Copy of their statement of their affairs as well as of the resolutions come to at the meeting, the former of which I am induced to believe will be found to be very fallacious – The Committee have appointed to meet on Monday morning in order to investigate the Acco[un]ts. p
Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 1st. Augt. 1803
Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London
Dear Madam
I wrote to you the 23d. Ulto. to which I beg leave to refer you, as well as to what Mr. Bowns would inform you of. –
On Saturday I attended a Meeting of the Cred[ito]rs. of Messrs. Easterby & Co. and inclosed I send you a Statement of their Affairs which they laid before us, & likewise a Copy of the Resolutions come to at the Meeting; the Statement appear
Aug. 1. 1803. Wrote Ransom Morland & Co: inclosing Sir Wm. Loraine & Co’s Bill on Veres & Co. at One Mo. for £2000 on Mr Beaumont’s Acco.t. Bill No. 360
Mess. Read Lucas & Reads N.Castle 3d Aug: 1803.
Mr. Blackett has this day been favored with yours of 1. Inst. covering 6 Bills amount Three Hundred and Twelve Pounds 5/7 which Sum is placed to the Credit of your Account for fine Silver sent you as usual
I am &c. T..C..
Charles Bowns Esq Newcastle 6th. August 1803-
Banktop, near Barnsley, Yorkshire
Dear Sir
Since I saw you I have fully considered the Arrangements you have made with Messrs. Ransom Morland & Co. for the carrying on the Lead Concerns of Coln. & Mrs. Beaumont: I am of Opinion that the Mode you pointed out cannot be carried into Execution; neither the Bank of Sir Wm. Loraine & Co. nor any other Bank at this Place will on that Footing undertake the Business, as to di
John Ibbetson Esqr Newcastle 6th August 1803
On Monday the 25th Ulto, & on the three following Days the Boundaries of the Alston Moor Commons, intended to be divided, were perambulated, by the Commissioners appointed to divide the same, attended by many others, and we have the satisfaction to say, that we have every expectation, that the whole of these Boundaries, will be settled without litigation. The only matters in dispute, were with Mr Ricardson, William Ord Esqr, an
Worthing Sussex August 7th 1803
Dear Sir
Colonel Beaumont & I arrived here on Wednesday last with our Six Children all in good health, we propose continuing here 5 weeks, Col. B. is in daily expectation of receiv’g orders from the Duke of York as he offer’d his Services in any manner they chose to employ him, immediately on the declaration of War; - I am favor’d with your Letter of the 1st August, with the account of Easterbys & Co, it does indeed appear a very fallacio
Arthur Mowbray Esq Durham. N.Castle 8th. August 1803.
Inclosed you will receive Sir Wm. Loraine Bt. Baker & Co.’s Check payable at Durham Bank for seventy-five Pounds 1s/2d to pay ½ a Year’s Moor Master’s Rent due from Thos. Rd. Beaumont Esq. to the Lord Bishop of Durham, with 1s/2d/ for Acquitance & Duty. – Please to acknowledge the Receipt of this Sum for that Purpose. I am &c. -J.E.B.
Newcastle u
Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 10th. August 1803.
Colonel Beaumont Worthing Sussex.
Dear Madam
Since my Letter to Colonel Beaumont, I have the Favor of your Letter of the 7th. Inst. & I am glad to hear that you, the Colonel and your young Folks are in good Health. –
I refer you to my Letter to Coln. Beaumont; from some Circumstances in the Petition of the Miners, as well as from their peaceable & proper Behaviour, & the Information that I had obt
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 10th. Augt. 1803.
Worthing, Sussex
Dear Sir
Mr. Cockshutt & his Niece Miss Bland came to this place the 4th. Inst. they dined with me the day following & went to Wylam on Saturday; Thos. Crawhall went with Mr. Cockshutt to the several Mines & Mills on the 8th. where Mr. Mulcaster was to meet them, as was Mr. Thomas at Hexham, and I expect them back on Sunday. – We had a Report that the Workmen had all stopt work in Consequence of the
Aug 10th 1803
My Dear Sir
I observe by the morning post of this day, that the Duke of Northumberland has gone down to Alnwick, I will be much obliged to You to inform me whether it is imagined he will call a County meeting for the purpose of addressing his Majesty, if he should whether it will be necessary for me to attend, as I expect daily to be called upon to Town having offered my Services, & w[hi]ch I understand are excepted by H.R. Highness the Commander in Chief, Mr Beaumon
Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 13th. August 1803
Worthing, Sussex.-
Dear Sir
I wrote to you & to Mrs. Beaumont on the 10th. Inst. & I have this day been favoured with your Letter of the 16th. Inst. from Worthing.- I observe that you are in daily Expectation of being called upon, in Consequence of the Offer which you had made to Government, which had been accepted of, which with the Shortness of the Time, would not admit of your being at the Country Meeting at Aln
J.E. Blackett Esq. Newcastle upon Tyne Worthing Sussex Augt. 14th 1803
Dear Sir
Colonel Beaumont & I approve of what you recommend respect[in]g the Subsistence Money etc for the Miners, & are obliged to you for what you have done, we are glad to find the Workmen behaved in so orderly a manner, they must know the inconvenience they have suffer’d was owing to Suretees & Burdon’s Bank, & not to ourselves, it is strange those Gentlemen don’t come forward with any prop