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Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 18 Aug 1803

Worthing Sussex Augt 18th 1803 Dear Sir Colonel Beaumont will be obliged to you if you could inform us what time will be most <convenient> for you & Mr C Blackett to receive a <Buck> which we wish to send, there is a very fine one now ready, w[hic]h we will order to be killed when we receive your answer, you will give time sufficient to allow of our orders going to Bretton, we hope you have recd some Moor game w[hic]h we desired might be sent – you will see by the

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 21 Aug 1803

Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 21st. Augt. 1803. Colonel Beaumont Worthing, Sussex. Dear Madam I am favored with your Letters of the 14th. & 18th. Inst. & observe the Contents. I am pleased to find that you & Coln. Beaumont approve of what I recommended respecting the Subsistence Money; the Calls on the Workmen at this Time on Accot. of the Militia, the Army of Reserve &c. made it necessary. – Thos. Crawhall Jr. went this Mo

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 22 Aug 1803

Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 22d. Augt. 1803. Colonel Beaumont Worthing, Sussex. Dear Madam I wrote you a long Letter by the last Post to which I refer you. I have seen Mr. Thomas this Morning, he will be at Hexham tomorrow & will call on Captn. Carr and in your Name acquaint him that the Colours presented by you to the Hexham Volunteers, which are at present deposited at the Abbey, shall be deliv.d to them when desired.

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 23 Aug 1803

Worthing Augt 23rd 1803 Dear Sir Col. Beaumont left me Yesterday to attend the Duke of York’s Levée, & receive a final answer to his offers, he then goes to Bretton to see what is to be done in Yorkshire, & will then proceed to Newcastle, he appears very uneasy at the Duke of York’s keep[in]g him in this uncertain state when he ought to be employ’d, - Mr Burdon has wrote to say he hopes we will <receive &> accept Security for the greatest part of our demand

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 25 Aug 1803

Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 25th. August 1803. Colonel Beaumont Dear Madam I wrote to you the 21st. & 22d. Inst. I now enclose you under two Covers a Copy of the Report made by the Persons that went to Arkendale to take a View of those Mines, & likewise Calculations formed by the Committee thereon; as well as the Proposals of Easterby Hall & Co.; the Report appears to be very favourable, & altho’ there may have been more Money expended in the se

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 26 Aug 1803

Worthing Augt 26th 1803 Dear Sir I was yesterday favor’d with your Letter of the 21st & by this Post have rec’d yours of the 22nd w[hic]h with this I forward to Col. Beaumont, & he will enclose this to you, in consequence of your think[in]g a Letter to Mr Burdon might be a Spur, I wrote him my Sentiments Yesterday very fully, w[hic]h I think may be of use, & neither Col. Beaumont or you can be implicated as I am alone here, I have this Day sent Col. B- a Copy o

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Ransom, Morland & Co – 27 Aug 1803

Aug. 27. 1803. Wrote Ransom, Morland & Co. including <W.W.> Parker & Cos. Bill on Walkers Maltby & Co at Two Months Date dated the 22nd. Inst. for Four Thousand Four Hundred & Fifty Four Pounds 11s/11d on Mr Beaumont’s Account. [In margin: Bill No. 369]

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 28 Aug 1803

Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle Augt. 28th. 1803. Colonel Beaumont Worthing, Sussex. Dear Madam I am favoured with your Letter of the 23d. Inst. & observe what you say respecting Mr. Burdon’s Application to you & Col: Beaumt. I think what he proposes is most unreasonable after having so large a Sum locked up by their Means, to offer you Security for the greater part of the Debt at a Time when they must be sensible of

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Thomas Crawhall – 30 Aug 1803

Mr. Crawhall Allenheads Newcastle Aug. 30. 1803. Inclosed you have some remarks on the late Stop of the Workmen in Col. & Mrs. Beaumont’s employ drawn up by Mr. Cockshutt and addressed to them; which on your receipt, you are desired to forward Copies of to Mr. Emerson and Mr. Dickinson; all of whom will make it publick amongst the Workmen under your several inspections at the same time presenting them with a Guinea at each Mine, Weardale Coalcleugh & Allenhds. in his Name

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 31 Aug 1803

Aug 31st 1803 My dear Sir, I have by this days Coach sent you half a Buck I hope will prove a good one, & enclosed I send You a letter from Mrs Beaumont, as she has wrote to Mr Burdon I don't think it will be necessary for me to say much to him, altho' I by no means think he has acted fairly to us nor in the manner I should have expected he would have done. I am going today to attend a meeting at Barnsley respecting the raising of the Volunteers. I shall settle my plans

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Charles Bowns – 1 Sep 1803

Charles Bowns Esq. Darley Hall Newbiggin 1st. Septr. 1803 Barnsley Yorks: Dr. Sir Your favor of 29th. Ulto. was forwarded to me at this place where I have been a couple of days, & propose staying till the 7th. Inst. being advised to the Sea Air on account of my health having been much indisposed lately. The questions that were proposed to me by Mr: Wilson were answered some time since through Mr. Heron &c. which I suppose Mr: Wilson has forgot, there is no

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 1 Sep 1803

Worthing Sep[tembe]r 1st 1803 Dear Sir I rec’d yesterday the Statement of the Arkendale Mines, w[hic]h I am glad to find so favorable, & immediately forwarded them to Col. Beaumont at Bretton, I hope there will be no difficulty in carrying on the Works conformable with the Lease, until all the Creditors are paid with Interest, & then I hope we shall never have any more transactions with them of any kind whatsoever, they have no Principles of Honesty in their dealings, &

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 2 Sep 1803

Colonel Beaumont M.P. Newcastle 2d. Septr. 1803- Bretton Wakefield Yorks Dear Sir I wrote to you yesterday & have since received your favor of the 31st. enclosing mrs. Beaumont’s letter; I agree with you both in opinion that you have been treated very ill by Mr. Burdon as you had placed a confidence in him & he must have been sensible of it, I am glad that Mrs. Beaumont has wrote him her sentiments on his Conduct on this business. Should any General M

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Edward Blackett – 4 Sep 1803

Newbiggin 4th Sepr 1803 Dear Brother I am much obliged to you for your kind letter of the 21st ult. & we were happy to hear that Lady Blackett was so much better. As the weather of late has been cooler I hope that she has benifited by going out a little in the Carriage. Brother Harry & I spent a few days at Matfen very agreeably, the weather was very pleasant and the Place & Country about it looked vastly well; We were kindly entertained & the more we are acquainted wit

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Read, Lucas & Read – 9 Sep 1803

Mess. Read Lucas & Reads Sheffield Newcastle Sept. 9th. 1803 Gent. I have this day sent you p[er] the Leeds Waggon a ps. fine Silver containing Nine Hundred and Seventy Three Ounces which I desire you will place to Acct. with Col. Beaumont as below & advise me on your receipt of the same. I am &c. j.E.B. For a ps. fine Silver qu. 973 Ounces & 6/- p[er] Oz £291 – 10 – P.S. I have been advised that Mess. <Shaw & Rothmans draft> on Mess. Thomas &a

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 9 Sep 1803

Mrs. Beaumont under cover to Newcastle Sept. 9th. 1803 Col. Beaumont M.P. Portmansquare London Dear Madam I wrote to you the 6th. Inst. from Newbiggin, this I hope may find yourself the Colonel & your young Folks perfectly well in Portman square. The Bank Committee have not yet made any report; the first payment they make after satisfying the Government Extents will (I imagine) be the taking up of their Notes that were in circulation. The India Company’s Con

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Charles Bowns – 9 Sep 1803

Chas Bowns Esq Newcastle Septr. 9th. 1803. Banktop Barnlsey Yorks: Dear Sir I have communicated the Contents of your letter of the 2d. Inst: to the Bankers at this place, the house of Sir Wm. Loraine & Co. is willing to transact the business of Col. Beaumont here, but requests that he or you will name the terms on which you wish his Account to be kept by them with the deposit you propose allowing them; as you best know what Sums are intended in future to remain in

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 14 Sep 1803

J. E. Blackett Esq. Newcastle upon Tyne Portman Square Sep[tembe]r 14th Dear Sir Colonel Beaumont arrived here on Monday& requests I will say he was Yesterday favor’d with your Letter of Sep[tembe]r 10th – Mr C. Blackett call’d upon us early this Morn[in]g & found Col. Beaumont & myself at Home, he told us he was authorized by the London Houses to make a proposal to you respecting a Sale of Lead, we informed him that we should be perfectly satisfied wit

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 17 Sep 1803

Portman Square Sep[tembe]r 17th 1803 Dear Sir As Col. Beaumont & I have seen Mr Burdon I think it right to inform you what we have been able to collect from his Conversation on Thursday, he call’d when I was out, & sat an Hour with Col. B- & left him the Statement of the Bank Acct signed by Black, for us to look over, & return to him when he w[oul]d call the Next Day at Eleven, w[hic]h he did, & we had much Conversation on the Subject, what I say to you is

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Read, Lucas & Read – 19 Sep 1803

Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Newcastle 19th. Sepr. 1803.- Sheffield Gentn Your Favour of the 17th. has come to hand covering eight Bills amount Two Hundred & ninety-five Pounds Fourteen Shillings & four Pence as you advise, which Sum is placed to the Credit of your Accounbt with Coln. Beaumont for fine Silver sent you. We can now furnish you with another ps. fine Silver if you are much in Want with which you will be pleased to advise us by Return of Post as we have Applic

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Messrs Drummond – 19 Sep 1803

Messrs. Drummond Newcastle Septemr. 19th. 1803. Bankers London Gentn. Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Sir Wm. Loraine Bt. Baker & Co. on Messrs. Veres & Co at forty days dated this day, for Two Hundred & thirty-one Pounds, five Shillings to pay one Quarters Composition for the Lot Ore of Weardale Leadmines due to the Lord Bishop of Durham from Coln. Beaumt. the 26th. Ulto. & Please to acknowledge the Receipt of this Sum for that Purpose to yours &c. J.E

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 21 Sep 1803

J.E. Blackett Esq. Newcastle upon Tyne Portman Square Sep[tembe]r 21st Dear Sir We are favor’d with yours of the 17th & are perfectly satisfied with your reasons for acting as you have done, possibly at this moment they are depended on our being in want of Money; - it has been represented to us that Mr Ellill is not supposed to be a Man of fair Character, he was a Friend of Astlett who is now in Newgate, & it is said Astlett & Hall met at Ellills office 3 times a Week regu

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 21 Sep 1803

Newcastle 21st Sept. 1803 Dear Madam I wrote to you the <18th > Inst. to which I beg leave to refer you. I have since been favoured with your letter of the 17th Inst. & I observe the discourse which you & Col: Beaumont had with Mr Burdon on the affairs of the Bank, which I am concerned to find is in a worse situation than had at first been represented, with little prospect of their being soon settled; it is astonishing to me that Mr Burdon

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 23 Sep 1803

Portman Square Sep[tembe]r 23rd 1803 Dear Sir Colonel Beaumont has been in the City, & was informed of some particulars which we think it right to communicate to you in confidence, & you will draw your own conclusions, Mr Ellill has been playing a deep Game, he has offer’d Lead to the India Company at so much lower a price than any others, that his offer was of course accepted, it was under £25 pr Fodr w[hic]h will in a short

Letter – Diana Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 24 Sep 1803

J. E. Blackett Esq, Newcastle upon Tyne Portman Square Sep[tembe]r 24th Dear Sir I am this Day favor’d with yours of the 21st, in the mean time you will have rec’d my Letter with the Account of Mr Ellills famous transactions, which in a short time I do hope will be defeated; I think the Eyes of the Committee will be opened to the Conduct of the Halls and their Confederates, Ellills offer[in]g Lead at £24 19s pr Fod: w[hic]h we now find was the Price proves his Motive, as the
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467