Newcastle 24th Sep[tembe]r 1803
Dear Madam
I am favoured with your Letters of the 21st Inst. & am happy to find that you are satisfied with my Reasons for declining the Proposition made to me.
You have no doubt heard that Mr Ellills Offer of 2000 Tons of Lead to the India Compy. at £24,19, ,, the London Fother equal to £26, 17, 6 the Newcastle For. was accepted of; another Company agreed with the India Company for the remaining Quantity 300 Tons at the same Price;
Charles Bowns Esq Newcastle 25th. Sepr. 1803.-
Darley Hall Barnsley, Yorkshire
I duly received your Favour of the 12th. Inst. & delayed answering it until I had an Answer from Sir Wm. Loraine & Co. to the Proposition that you offered them, which I have not yet obtained; they wish to know if the Deposit of £5,000 – is understood to be a full Compensation for the discounting such Bills as I may pay into their Bank, should they be at two, three, or four Mon
Newcastle 13th Oct. 1803
Dr. Sir
The inclosed three letters on the subject of the Tyne IronCo. I have reced from Mr. Blackett to inclose for your approbation as the only Bill we hold of theirs, is the one for £1,500 which was left here by you some time ago. The Tyne Iron Co. not being able to carry their former engagement into execution, it has been thought adviseable by many of the Creditors to agree to the proposals of Mr. Bulman, though less advantageous to them than the former o
Sir NewCastle 3rd Oct. 1803
As the most efficient means of giving relief to the Creditors of the Tyne Iron Co. I am recommended to become the Sole Proprietor of the works and for this purpose an arrangement is now making for my taking an assignment from my Patrons Mess. A & I Surtees Fishwick & Gibson of the whole concern and likewise taking upon me the responsibility of the payment of all the
Mr Bulmer has desired the Gentlemen who compose the Committee of the Exchange Bank to communicate to you the arrangements made on Saturday last relative to the Tyne Iron Co. Engagements and to state their opinion of them
I am directed to assure you that they have the Gentlemen's approbation and that Mr Bulmer's conduct on the trying occasion appears to them to be strictly proper and deserving of the forbearance of the Creditors
Mr Bulmer has become the Purch
Tuesday 4th Oct[obe]r
My dear Sir
Mrs Beaumont & myself are much obliged by your kind congratulations and am happy to say that She & the Child are going on as well as I could wish, we are indebted to You for several letters during her confinement and are much pleased to hear of the Sales you have made I hope to hear of others soon. I thank you for the Statement of the Intrest, I <observe> to Bills in Bank due Dec[embe]r 4454£.11s.11d. which I <imagine> is the Bill
Having this Day completed the Arrangement of the Tyne Iron Co's. Affairs which I mentioned in my Letter of yesterday by the Parties having signed a Dissolution of Partnership and expected an Assignment of their Shares in the Iron Works.
I hope I shall succeed in asking your Indulgence to the following Proposals, viz, to pay immediately on the Creditors agreeing to my Letters of Licence 5/ in the £ 5/ more the 5th April 5/ the 5th July & 5/ the 5th October.
Coln. Beaumont Newcastle 6th. Octr. 1803.
Portman Square London
Dear Sir
I have been favoured with your Letter of the 4th. Inst. & am happy in hearing so pleasing an Account of Mrs. Beaumont & her little one. The Bill of £4,454 -11 -11 was received from Walkers & Co. & remitted to Ransom, Morland & Co. the 22d. Augt. & will become due the 22d. Inst.
The Bank Committee have made a fresh Arrangement for the Payment of the Bills &c. of
Charles Bowns Esq Newcastle 8th. Octr. 1803.
Darley Hall
near Barnsley, Yorkshire
I am favoured with your Letter of the 1st. Inst. and observe the Contents.
The Bank of Sir Wm. Loraine & Co. have agreed to transact Coln. Beaumont’s local Business on the Terms that you proposed, but there is not a Probability that the Deposit of £5,000 can possibly be made for several Months; they have not at present quite £200 – of Coln. Beaumonts in their Hands bes
J.E. Blackett Esq, Newcastle upon Tyne Portman Square Octr. 11th
Dear Sir
I am much obliged by your kind enquiries after myself & little Girl, we are both as well as can be expected; -
Mr Davison has been here this Morng. & left a Mem[orand]um wh[ic]h Col: Beaumont will enclose you a Copy with this Letter, & will send another to Mr Bowns, we will be glad to receive your opinion, & will then do as was mentioned in a former Letter with Mr Morland & open
Copy of Letter to Mrs Beaumont Morpeth 14 Octr. 1803
Dear Madam
I have been favoured with your letter of the 11th inst. enclosing the Mem[orand]um from Mr Davidson, in which I think that he has too far consulted the interest of his bank; In case we make a considerable sale of Lead during the remainder of the Year. I do not at present see that it will be necessary for Mr D’s Bank to advance £50,000 or near one half that amount for the sum which they possibly may advance they
J.E. Blackett Esq. Newcastle upon Tyne Portman Square Octr. 15th 1803
Dear Sir
Col: Beaumont & I have this Morng. had an Interview with Mr Morland, preparatory [single word missing] intended to closing our Account with them, provided you & Mr Bowns approved of the terms proposed to us in the Mem[orand]um given us by Mr Davison, but which Mr Bowns in a Letter this Morng recd does not think favorable to us, he wrote only a few lines in haste, & said we should hear fully
Messrs. Goslings Newcastle 26th. Octr. 1803
Bankers London
Inclosed you will receive a Bill drawn by Sir Wm. Loraine Bt. Baker & Co. on Messrs. Veres, Lucadou, & Co. at Forty Days dated this Day, for three Hundred & seventy-five Pounds, to pay one Quarter’s Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 15th. Inst. to the Revd. Henry Hardinge from Col: Beaumont. Please to acknowledge the Receipt of the Bill and advise Mr. Hardinge of the same. I
Mrs. Beaumont: under Cover to Newcastle 29th. Oct. 1803
Colonel Beaumont M.P. Portman Square London.
Dr. Madam
I wrote to you the 13th, 14th, 15th, & 16th. Inst. to none of which I have received an Answer, which has alarmed me, least you, or some part of your Family may be ill; I wrote again the 25th. inst. to which I expect an Answer by Tomorrow’s Post, which I hope may relieve me from my Apprehensions. – I shall go t
J.E. Blackett Esq. Newcastle upon Tyne Portman Square Oct. 31st 1803
Dear Sir
My little Infant has been so much Indisposed that my time has been completely occupied attending on her both Day & Night, w[hic]h is the reason of my not being so punctual as I hope you have in general found me to be in the Answering of Letters, & Col: Beaumont has every Day defer’d writing in hopes his Child would be better & that I should have leisure, she is now recovering & my Mind
Charles Bowns Esq Newcastle 3d. Novr. 1803.-
Darley Hall Barnsley, Yorkshire
I have received your several Letters of the 15th. & 29th. Ulto.. I delayed answering the former until some Agreement had be entered into with the Bank of Davidson & Co. which by a Letter that I received from Mrs. Beaumont yesterday I find to have been comcluded with them; it appears to me, to be on much more favourable Terms to Col: & Mrs. Beaumont, than those which had formerly made
Newcastle Nov. 3rd. 1803
The Gentln. who form the Committee for the management of the affairs of S. B. & B. and also of S. B. B. & E. being anxious to wind up the extensive concerns of those Houses with all proper speed, request the Debtors of those parties to liquidate their accounts immediately as they have already experienced much forbearance, and as they must be sensible that any further delay on their part will materially impede the arrangements which the Committee are ear
Alexr. Davidson Esq Newcastle 5th. Novr. 1803.
St. James’s Square London.
My Dear Sir
I have the Favour of your Letter of the 2d. Inst. & observe that Col: Beaumont has opened an Account with your Bank for the transacting the whole of his Business for the future in the Manner which you describe, which I assure you is a great Satisfaction to me; but I have some Doubt whether the Bank of Sir Wm. Loraine & Co. after having accepted of the Terms proposed to them by Mr
Mrs. Beaumont under Cover to N.Castle Novr. 6th. 1803.-
Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London.
Dear Madam,
I am favoured with your several Letters of the 31st Ulto. & 1st. Inst. enclosing Copies of Mr. Morlands Letter, & the Terms of Agreement with Messrs. Davidson Noel & Co. Bankers, Pall Mall: on the whole I think that the Terms are much more favourable to you & Coln. Beaumont, than those entered into formerly with the Ba
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Sheffield Newcastle 14th. Novr. 1803.-
I have this day sent you p[er] the Leeds Waggon, a piece fine Silver containing Eleven Hundred & Thirty-five Ounces, which I desire you will place to Account with Thomas Rd. Beaumont Esq as below, and advise me on your Receipt of the same. I am &c. - - - J.E.B.
1803 Novr. 14th. For a ps. fine Silver q 1135 Oz. @ 6s/<1>d p[er] Oz. 345-4-7
Bretton Nov[embe]r 16th 1803
Dear Sir
We left London on the 7th & arrived here on the 9th without taking Colds, or hav[in]g any accidents; our 3 Young Travellers did not suffer in the least, & as my little Girl improves in Health, I do the same in Strength, I was favor’d with your Letter of the 6th on our arrival here, I am very glad you will employ an Amanuensis & beg you will not fatigue your Eyes with writing in this dark foggy Weather, it always gives us plea
Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 18. Novr. 1803
Col. Beaumont M.P. Bretton Wakefd. Yorks
Dr: Madam
I am favoured with your letter of the 16th. Inst. & am very glad to hear of your arrival safe & well at Bretton & that neither yourself nor your young travellors suffered from the cold & fatigue. Myself & family are much obliged to you for the anxiety which you express on our account respecting the Fever at this place; At this season of the year th
J. E. Blackett Esq. Newcastle upon Tyne Bretton Nov[embe]r 21st 1803
Dear Sir
It gives us much concern to hear of the Indisposition of Sir Edward Blackett, I have by this Post wrote to Mrs Blackett to beg she will have the goodness to let me know how he is; - I am very glad to find the account of the Fever was so much exaggerated, such a report was very mischievous –
we have not heard from Mr Davison since we came here, therefore conclude that the Business with Sir Wm
Mr Wood Newcastle Nov. 23d. – 1803.
Bretton Yorkshire under Cover to Col: Beaumont M.P.
We have this day shipped on board the Ship Two Brothers Captain John Gardner for Hull by Mrs. Beaumonts Order 50 ps Slag Lead of 69c 3 q ,, & One Cask of Lead Fume qty. <Neat> 1-2 - <x> as p[er] Bill of Lading inclosed; they are directed T.R Beaumont Esq Bretton to be left at the Old Warehouse Wakefield. As we did not know to whose care to direct the above at H
Messrs. Read Lucas & Reads Sheffield. Newcastle 29th. Novemr. 1803-
Your Favour of the 26th. has come to hand, covering eight Bills, Amount Three Hundred & Forty-five Pounds, Three Shillings and three Pence as you advise, which Sum is placed to the Credit of your Account with Coln. Beaumont for fine Silver sent you.
I shall in a few Days, send you another Piece of about eight Hundred Ounces, of which I shall advise you. I am &c. - - - J.E.B.