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Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Charles Bowns – 6 Apr 1804

Charles Bowns Esq Darley Hall Newcastle April 6th 1804 Dear Sir Mr Blackett rec[eiv]ed your Favor of the 30th Ult. Previous to which, Returns for Col Beaumont’s Leadmines had been made out in theManner you describe, according to the Quantity of Ore raised in North[umberlan]d & Durham in Order to deliver to the several Commissioners, but which Mr Blackett postponed sending, by the advice of Mr Heron, who is Clerk to the Commissioners at this Place, & who sometime ago t

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 7 Apr 1804

Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 7th April 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London Dear Madam, I wrote to you fully on the 4thInst. & am this day favoured with your Letter of the 5th Inst. enclosing a Letter from Messrs Davison & Co by which I think that there has been some misunderstanding amongst them respecting the Sum to be advanced by them to enable you to make the several Lead Pays, which I am in hopes that the enclosed Papers may clear up, & by you

Letter – Anne Blackett to John Erasmus Blackett – 7 Apr 1804

Thorpe Lea April 7 1804 Dear Brother I am much obliged to you for your kind letter, w[hi]ch should not have been so long unanswered, but really my spirits are so low, I am incapable of doing anything as I ought to do. I had a very kind letter from Admiral Collingwood, w[hi]ch I did not Answer as I soon after saw by the papers that his ship had sailed, I will beg of you to make my excuses when you write to him for my neglect. I hope Mr Bates has waited on you before this

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Charles Bowns – 13 Apr 1804

Charles Bowns Esq Newcastle April 13 1804 Darley Hall Barnsley, Yorkshire Dear Sir Thomas Crawhall has been with the Commissioners under the Property Tax Act at Darlington to make Appeal to the exorbitant assessment of £5,000 Duty charged on Col & Mrs Beaumont’s Mines in Weardale, which I am sorry to inform you has not been attended with the desired Success. A return was delivered to them made out in the Manner you mentioned which they have not thought proper to a

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 14 Apr 1804

Mrs Beaumont under cover to Newcastle 14th April 1804 Colonel Beaumont MP Portman Square, London Dear Madam I am this day favoured with your Letter of the 12th Inst. the Contents of which with the Inclosures surprizes me much & gives me great Uneasiness; the Conduct of Davidson’s Bank (but particularly of himself) is infamous, but not to dwell on the ill usage by Davidson’s & the very unpleasant Consequences attending it, the Matter at present as it appears to me

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Middleton Hewitson – 14 Apr 1804

N.Castle April 14th. 1804 Dear Sir I have been favoured with your Mr. Croft’s Letter and observe with Regret the very severe Accident you have lately sustained & most heartily wish you a speedy Recovery.- I observe the Sales that you have made to London & have little Doubt but what you say in regard to the London Market being bare of Lead, is strictly correct. Mr. Walker’s Refusal of the Lead you mention, may in some Measure be accounted for by the Supplies

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 16 Apr 1804

Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle April 16th 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square London Dear Madam I wrote you the 14th & 15th Inst, & this day I received your Letter of 14th Inst enclosing a Copy of Mr Davidson’s very strange Letter to you; after the Treatment that you & Colonel Beaumont had met with {from} him, it certainly did not merit an answer, & I think that you judged perfectly right in taking the money out of Davison’s Bank & placing

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 17 Apr 1804

Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 17thApril 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square London Dear Madam I wrote to you yesterday to which I refer you; since which Mr Pearson called on me to show me a letter from Mr Baker enclosing a Copy of the Engagement with the Bank of Davison & Co, he was not so much surprized, as he never had an Opinion of their fulfilling their Engagement with you: had Davison not been the Occasion of your breaking off the Agreement entered into with

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 18 Apr 1804

Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 18th April 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square London Dear Madam I wrote you by the last Post; I have this Morning been with Mr Burdon as you desired & shown him a copy of the Engagement entered into by the Bank of Davison & Co & their Letter breaking it off; two of the Committee Mr Russell & Mr Clayton were present, they expressed their Astonishment at such Treatment; I fear that no Aid will be obtained from that Quarte

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 19 Apr 1804

Mrs Beaumont under cover to Newcastle 19 April 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London Dear Madam I wrote to you yesterday to which I refer you. With the kind assistance offered you by Sir R[ichar]d Glyn & Co I have no Doubt that the Lead Pay may be effected by the End of May the chief Difficulty will be the obtaining a sufficient Quantity of small Notes from the Bank of Loraine & Co or any other Bank, much the greater part of these Notes will come back to them

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Samuel Guppy – 19 Apr 1804

Mr Samuel Guppy Newcastle April 13th 1804 Baldwin’s Court Clock Lane, London Sir Mr Blackett has been favoured with yours of the 9th Inst & observe the Contents. The Litharge he disposes of is all delivered here and shipped at the Risque & Charge of the Purchaser, which will render it necessary in Case you become a Purchaser, that you engage some person in this Town to transact that Business for you. Mr Blackett’s Stock of Litharge in Hand is at present sma

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 20 Apr 1804

Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 20th April 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square London D[ea]r Madam I wrote you very fully by the last post; I have seen Mr Thomas this morning & just in Time to prevent him sending Mr Bosville’s half years Rents to Mr Hall to whom Mr Thomas has wrote, it amounts £1,438 & is placed in the Bank of Loraine & Co. for the present, by Tomorrows Post I shall be enabled to inform you what Mr Thomas expects to receive on or befor

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 21 Apr 1804

Mrs Beaumont under Cover to Newcastle 21st April 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London Dear Madam I refer you to my Letter of yesterday; I am this day favoured with your Letter of the 19th enclosing a Copy of Colonel Beaumont’s Letter to Mr Davison; my former would inform you that it was Mr Bowns & not Mr Davison that mentioned the Rap on the Knuckles, which the Colonel had received: Mr Heron & Mr Crawhall got home at 12 O’Clock last Night; Nothing could b

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 22 Apr 1804

Mrs Beaumont under cover to Newcastle 22nd April 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London Dear Madam I wrote to you fully yesterday, to which I hope to receive an answer on the 25th or 26th Inst as it will require some Time to prepare the Notes; the Frequency of my Letters to you lately, will I fear make you dread the Sight of one, as much as you may abhor the Name of Davison & Co; I have made out an account of the several Receipts & Payments as nigh as I can calcu

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 23 Apr 1804

Mrs Beaumont under cover to Newcastle 23rd April 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London Dear Madam I have this day been favoured with your Letter of the 21st Inst and observe the contents. I now enclose you a Letter from the Bank of Loraine & Co with the Terms on which they will undertake to provide notes for the Lead Pay, & the discounting Bills to the amount of £5,000 on London three Months Date; no other Bank at this Place will (I am certain) undertake the Bu

Letter – Lorraine Baker & Co to John Erasmus Blackett – 23 Apr 1804

Newcastle 23d. April 1804 Dear Sir We have considered the several conversations we have recently had with you on the Subject of Colonel Beaumont’s Lead Pay to be made the latter End of next Month: we feel we shall be much inconvenienced by the Shortness of the Time allowed us to prepare the Notes: but to shew our Disposition to serve Coln. Beaumont, we will undertake to make the Pay, on Condition that Sir R.C. Glyn & Co. agree to pay your Drats. at sight for the Amount.

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 24 Apr 1804

Mrs Beaumont under cover to Newcastle 24thApril 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London Dear Madam I refer you to my letter by the last Post, since which I have not seen or heard from Mr Parker; should he not give me Bills on his Partners Messrs Walkers Maltby & Co. for the sums mentioned in my former Letter I shall tomorrow draw Bills on them for the same made payable to the Order of Tho[mas] R[ichar]d Beaumont Esq advising them of it. I shall Tomorrow have a Bill drawn b

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Walker & Maltby – 25 Apr 1804

Messrs Walkers Maltby & Co. Merchants, London Newcastle Apr 25th 1804 Gentlemen I have this Day drawn upon you as below for Lead & Litharge sold & delivered you; & Messrs Walkers Ward Parker & Co on Mr Beaumont’s Acco[unt] made payable to his Order, all of which Bills I have no Doubt you will duly honour & remain yours etc J.E.B. Bill at 2 M[onth]s dated 20th April £480- 0- 0 on Walkers Maltby Acct 457 Ditto at 3 Ms ditto 16th April

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 25 Apr 1804

Mrs Beaumont under cover to Newcastle 25th April 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London Dear Madam I yesterday wrote to you & enclosed three Bills drawn by me On Doubleday & Easterby accepted payable in London, amounting to £2,977-4-7 . I now enclose you nine Bills (particulars at foot) amounting to £25,479-18-5 they are all fully endorsed by me payable to the Order of T R Beaumont required by Sir R[ichar]d Carr Glyn. Mr Parker has I think behaved in t

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 27 Apr 1804

Mrs Beaumont under cover to Newcastle 27th April 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London Dear Madam I am favoured with your several Letters of the 25th & 26th Inst. & observe the contents. I wrote you on the 25th Inst. and inclosed Bills amounting to £25,494-8=9 endorsed by me payable to the Order of T. R. Beaumont Esq which I hope may be a sufficient Security to Sir R[ichar]d C. Glyn & Co for the Sum which they may advance to enable us to make the Lead Pay

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Diana Beaumont – 28 Apr 1804

Mrs Beaumont under cover to Newcastle 28th April 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London Dear Madam I wrote to you fully by the last Post& have this day been favoured with your Letter of the 26th. I congtartulate you & Colonel Beaumont on our Troubles & Anxiety being at an End. I hope for the present (on Account of the Lead Pay etc). There are not any Hopes of Aid from the Bank of Surtees & Burdon for some time; should there be a Letter from Mr Bowns in m

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Diana Beaumont – 30 Apr 1804

Mrs Beaumont under cover to Newcastle April 30th 1804 Colonel Beaumont Portman Square, London Madam Your Favor of the 27th Inst. came to Hand, which by Mr Blackett’s Direction I have opened in his absence. I observe by you letter & by Mr Bowns’s that Colonel Beaumont has received the several Bills on London remitted him & Mr Blackett, amounting in the whole to £28,475-13-9 & that they are paid into the Bank of Sir R[ichar]d C. Glyn & Co. also that the sev

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Glyn & Co – 1 May 1804

Sir R[ichar]d C. Glyn & Co Newcastle 1st June 1804 Bankers, London Gentlemen. I have drawn upon you as below, on Mr Beaumont’s Account; all of which Bills I have no Doubt you will duly honor. I am etc. J. E. B. 1804 £ May 31st. At 30 Days Payable to the Order of Mr R. Hodgson 250- 0-0 Ditto Mr Taylor 370- 0-0 June 1st Ditto R. A. Shaftoe Esq 86- 0-0 Ditto

Letter – The Committee (for the management of the affairs of Surtees, Brandon & Brandling etc) – 1 May 1804

Newcastle 1st. May 1804 The Committee for managing the affairs of Mess S. B. & B. & of Mess. S. B. B. & E. are anxious to state to the Public, the progress they have made in the discharge of their Duty. The very large Debt to Government has been entirely provided for; many considerable accounts with persons holding pledged sureties have been liquidated; and nearly two thirds of the circulating Notes issued by those Banks, have been extinguished by their having been received

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to John Ellill – 4 May 1804

Newcastle 4th May 1804 Sir, I have received yours of the 1st inst and observe the contents. I am much obligd by the offer you make of drawing upon you. I shall acquaint Col Beaumont therewith and have no doubt he will acknowledge the obligation also but at present shall have no occasion for that convenience being sufficiently provided for the great Lead pays. I am with respect Sir your most obed. Hble Serv
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467