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Letter – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 22 Sep 1677

Sept 22 1677 Accompt for Wanlockhead from 9th September 1676 to 22 Sept 1677. Since pd & cleared to John Curties for ¾ £302-12-4 with instructions. Booked folio 11 & ending folio 21 Anno 1677 In Edenbrugh Sr James Standsfeild Debit For yor 3/4 pt of the charges att Wanlockhead from the 57-08-02 9 Sept 1676 till the 11th Nov 1676 as per accot For 3/4 of the charges att Wanlockhead from 11 Nov 1676 48-13-09 till 2 Feb 1677 as per accot given

Letter – John Lindsay to James Standsfield – 22 Sep 1677

Londo Sept 22th 1677 Sr Jas Standsfield Our last was of the 13th instant. Since none from you, neither have yet met wth Lord Brereton. Your desyre I shalbe mindefull off. As your last gave a good acct of the Lead Mines soe hope the incurragemt still continues & that the profitt will begin to answer the charge. As to your further drawing on us I desyre you to forbear untill you hear more fully from mewhen I come to towne wch will be abt 10 or 14 d hense. In yours of the 25past your

Letter – William Blackett to James Standsfield – 24 Sep 1677

Wanlockhead 24th 7ber 1677 Sr Please pay unto John Curtice the some of Eighty one pond sterling & 7 ¾ d being in full for yr ¾ part charge of Wanlockhead Leed Mines till the 22 pres[ent] as per accot given you appears & you will oblidge Your Aff. Frend Wm Blackett To Sr James Standsfield /Knight / these pres.t/ In Edinburgh

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 2 Oct 1677

Writ this day to Mr Hump: Willett and sent him a bill Inclosed for £119: 17s: 7d likewise given him advise that his bill for £27 odd money shall be paid JW p[er] MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 2 Oct 1677

Ditto this post Mr Hump Willett Sr I have already writ you this post and sent you a bill for £119: 17s: 7d since writing of which I have mett with another bill which Inclosed I send you JW p[er] MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Joshua Pannell – 3 Oct 1677

8br 3d 1677 Mr Josua Pannell Sr This comes to accompany Thomas Kirke, whose vessell Joh<anna> Loaden with Coales, and Consigned unto you which, upon arrivall be pleased to receive, and dispose thereof for what they will yeild, and shipp mee the nett proceed in fine small Rodd Iron, and if any goods bee to be had for this place, pray helpe mee to them, and shipp them in sd vessell, I question not your Endeavoures for my most advantidge and soe remaines MB

Letter – Peirce Reeves to James Standsfield – 4 Oct 1677

Londo October 4th 1677 Sr James Standsfield Our last was of the 22th past to wch referre you. Since none from you. Our last did advise you to whom in Rotterdam you might send over some Lead for tryall namely Mr Jno Hill mercht of that place. These are now to Advise off Our onely Bill on You for £20 - payble to James Banatine at 30 d[ays] wch being inducd to pleasure a friend as also haveing excd Free wch desyre may receive due compliance & place the same to our accot. When Br[other] Lin

Letter – Michael Blackett to Joshua Pannell – 5 Oct 1677

8ber 5 1677 Mr Josua Pannell Sr The above is a Coppy of my last to which Referrs you if this comes to your hands before sd Kirks Arrivall, pray lett the Rodd Iron and what others goods you thinke may be procured upon freight, be provided and in as much readiness as possible may be, for his ready dispatch I am in hast[e] MB pray lett the master have w[ha]t moneys he pleases

Letter – Michael Blackett to Richard Hutchinson – 6 Oct 1677

Newcastle 8ber the 6th 1677 Mr Rich: Hutchinson Sr I Rec[eive]d yours some time since and have Rested in hopes to have received ere this same further account of my concernes wch I still expect dayly & the sooner the better I am MB

Letter – Philipp Leece to Hugh Mason – 9 Oct 1677

Newcastle 8ber the 9 1677 Mr Hugh Mayson Sr At your best Convenience My master desires to have advice if either your selfe or any other in your place have any thicke square sweads Iron from Inch ½ to 2 Inch that is very good mettle and alsoe your very lowest price of the same I am PL p[er] MB

Letter – Philipp Leece to Henry Maister – 9 Oct 1677

Ditto Mr Hen: Maister Sr At your best convenience My master desires to have advice if either your selfe or any other in your place have any thicke square sweads Iron from Inch ½ to 2 Inch that is very good mettle, and alsoe your very lowest price of the same I am PL p[er] MB

Letter – Philipp Leece to Thomas Wistry – 9 Oct 1677

Ditto Mr Tho: Wistry Sr At your best convenience my master desires to have advice if either your selfe or any other In your place have any thick square Sweads iron from Inch ½ to 2 Inch that is very good mettle, and alsoe your very lowest price of the same I am PL p[er] MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 12 Oct 1677

Newcastle 8ber 12 1677 Mr Hump: Willett Sr I have this day valewed upon you the two following bills vizt one for fifty pounds p[er] 10 after sight to Mr Richard Ellborough or order valew of Mr Ralph Ellstob£50: -: - one for fifty pounds p[er] 10 after sight to Mr William Tigh or order valew of Mr Ra: Ellstobb £50: -: - both which pray lett

Letter – Philipp Leece to Humphrey WIllett – 13 Oct 1677

8ber the 13d Mr Hum: Willett Sr By my Master his order I send you here inclosed a Bill for £50: - : - of wch when dew I pray procure the needfull and more you may expect wth w[ha]t speed possible may be I am Sr PL per MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Richard Hutchinson – 16 Oct 1677

Newcastle 8ber the 16th 1677 Mr Richd Hutchinson Sr I have before mee yours of the 11th present the contents thereof have well considered but my friends and my selfe, takes your friends demands to be a little too high Leed <Clearely> the best comodity & most convenient for us if your friends be willinge to serve us (I question nott his prai<……..>) and hee thinkes that itt will bee worth his paynes upon every <.> of either Certificatt or <….> bond wee will

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Thompson – 16 Oct 1677

ditto Mr Wm Thompson Sr I have before mee yours of the xth present and your Inclosed unto Mr Smith was carefully delivered when wee meete shall discourse of your concerne with HB and bee assured of my most endeavours on your behalfe little to doe this Winter some of our Ships Layd up and all of them will make noe more then this voyadge in the Spring God willinge doe Intend you a p[ar]cell of goods for a tryall upon my owne acconmpt (this winter if a convenience) with Invoyce

Letter – Michael Blackett to Edward Allen – 16 Oct 1677

Newcastle 8ber the 16th 1677 Mr Ed Allen Sr I rec[ieve]d yours of the 25th in dew time I wonder Robt Wheately comes nott to demande your Beanes when hee calls for them hee shall have them soe remaynes MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 16 Oct 1677

ditto Mr Hump: Willett Sr I have this day vallewed upon you a bill for £100: payable <12> d[ays] after sight to Richd Kent Esqr or order valew of Anthony <Isaac>son Esqr wch pray lett be complyed wthall I am seeking for bills and can finde none as soone as I cann you shall have them I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 19 Oct 1677

Newcastle 8ber the 19 1677 Mr Hump: Willett Sr Inclosed I send you a bill for £50: of which when dew pray procure the needfull, likewise I have this day valewed upon you a bill for £20: p[er] 3 d[ays] after sight to Mr Charles Wood or order valew of Mrs Ann Simpson which pray lett bee complyed withall, and Remember mee kindly to my Cosin Wood, when you pay my bill, and I desire you to Enquire privately and advise mee of what Condition he is In, and how he thrives in the World more bil

Letter – Michael Blackett to William Lee – 19 Oct 1677

Newcastle 8ber the 19th 1677 Mr Wm Lee Sr For Answer unto yours of the 15th present may please to take notice that I will pay god willing your Wife the £150: upon Mr Erringtons Acct when dew soe pray lett mee know when tis dew and where you will have itt p[ai]d, att Newcastle would doe mee a kindnesse, but must submitt to your desire & order. your mother <Granger> £100: - : - I know nothing of, have d<elivere>d your Inclosed to Mr Errington from whome may Expect an Answer

Letter – Michael Blackett to George Moorecroft – 19 Oct 1677

ditto Mr George Moorecroft Sr I have before mee yours of the 15th present according to your desire have p[ai]d Tho: Wrangham £60: - : - pray send mee the bond uncancelled, for that is all I have to shew for the paym[en]t thereof Inclosed is one from Cosin Rumney as I pay the remainder of the mony, pray doe you take In the <need> full bonds and send mee I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Henry Maister – 23 Oct 1677

23 ditto Mr Henry Maister Sr I have before mee yours of the 12th present, wherein you make mention of a former to mee, wch never came to my hand, I also took notice of w[ha]t you say concerneinge the p[ar]cell of thicke square, your price is very high, yett for a tryall send mee by the first conveniencey of shipping a <tonn> two or three but I hope itt will be <but> of £14 and by your next advise mee w[ha]t quantity will remayne of the same Iron and the lowest price, And if re

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 23 Oct 1677

Newcastle 8ber the 23d 1677 Mr Hum: Willett Sr I have this day vallewed upon you £100: p[er] 6 d[ays] sight to Mr Edwd Lashelles or order valew of Mr James Raisbeck, wch bill cannott bee sent till next Post, I have sent my Man to seeke bills, if any to bee gott, you shall have them Inclosed if nott must desire your patience advise mee the the price of Sable Mufs for Women them that are made of the Tales are the cheapest advise mee the price of both sorts, for I must have one for my wife I

Letter – Michael Blackett to James Raisbeck – 23 Oct 1677

Ditto James Raisbecke I have yours takes notice that <..> become bound to Mr Robinson for the £100 of W Erringtons and that the bond is given In to Mr Moorecroft though I heare nothing from him yett will take your word, and Inclosed you have a bill wch you may rely on, will bee payd when dew, wch will bee before Martinmas day, my service to all frends I am MB

Letter – Michael Blackett to Humphrey Willett – 27 Oct 1677

27 ditto Mr Hum Willett Sr This will bee d[elivere]d you by Mr Nicholas Hardinge to whome I desire you to pay w[ha]t money hee shall call for upon my account nott exeedinge [struck out: ‘eighty’] sixty pounds and upon advise from you of the sume payd him the same shall bee allowed you by him that is MB
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467