Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell N[ew]Castle 24 July 1805
I have rec[eive]d your favour of the 22 Inst advising the Cake of fine Silver sent you this month had come to hand, & I have debited your account £474.5..- for the Amount. Not having rec[eive]d from you any acc[oun]t of the Value of the 1546 Oz sent you the 6 May, nor of any payment being made to Glyn & Co for it. I shall be obliged by your favouring me with the particulars and will thank you if you wi
Messrs Read Lucas & Co Newcastle 24 July 1805
On examining your Acc[oun]t with Mr Beaumont & find there is a small unsettled Balance the Amount of which I cannot exactly specify, as you have not stated the price at which you gave Credit for the Cake of Silver sent to you the 29 Aug. last, the weight of which was 1172 Oz. if you will oblige me with the particulars I will send your Acc[oun]t Current, & will thank you to settle it at your convenience
I a
Messrs Glyn, Mills Hallifax & Co Newcastle 26 July 1805
Bankers London
I I remit you inclosed 4 Bills Value £6122-14-8 which you will please to pass to the account of Tho[mas] Rich[ar]d Beaumont Esq and advise the Receipt in Course of post. I will also be obliged to you if you will specify the dates and amount of the two last payments made to you by Messrs Rundell Bridge & Co for Silver sent therefrom hence I am Sirs CB
P.S. Since writing the above I have had oc
Messrs Rendell Bridge & Co Newcastle 3rd Augt 1805
I have this day forwarded for you a p[iec]e fine Silver containing 1466 Oz which I desire you will place to the Credit of Col Beaumont Acc[oun]t with you at the Market price, as usual, advising me of your receipt of the same – I have paid the Carriage here & remain your etc CB
Messrs Glyn Mills Hallifax & Co Newcastle 7th August 1805
Bankers, London
Gents, I remit inclosed £6,449-1-3 which you will be pleased to place to the Credit of Col Beaumont’s Acct & advise the receipt in course of post Gents yrs CB
No 668 6 Oct 1,280- 0- 8
9 6 Nov 1,700- 0- 0
670 6 Dec 1,700- 0- 0
1 6 <…> 1,723-10- 1
4 1 Sept 45-10- 6
£6,449- 1- 3
Messrs Drummond Newcastle Aug 7 1805
Bankers London
You will receive inclosed Messrs Batson & Co Draft on <Down Thornton & Co @ 40 D[ay]s P £231-5-. To pay ¼ of a y[ear]s Comp[osition] for the Lead Ore of Weardale Leadmines due 26th Inst from Col Beaumont to the Lord Bishop of Durham.
You’ll please to advise the Receipt to Gent[lemen] Yrs etc CB
Bill No 673 £231.5.-
Messrs Gosling N[ew]Castle 7 Aug 1805
Bankers London
You will receive inclosed Messrs Batson & Cos draft on <Down> Thornton & Co @ 40 Days P £375 to pay 1/4 aly Comp[ositio]n for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 11 Ult from Col Beaumont to the Reverend Hardinger. Please to acknowledge the receipt of the bill & advise Mr Hardinger of the same.
I am etc CB
Bill No 672 £375
Messrs Reed Lucas & Co Newcastle 27/Aug 1805
I send you annexed a State of your Account, the Balance of which being £7-12-5 you’ll please to remit at your convenience.
I am for TRB
Messrs Rundell & Co Newcastle Sept 3 1805
Ludgate Hill London
I have this day forwarded you by the London Waggon a p[iece[ fine Silver containing Twelve Hundred and Eighty five Ounces which I desire you will place to the credit of Col Beaumont’s Account with you at the Market Price as usual advising me of your receipt of the same. I have paid the Carriage here & remain Gent. Etc CB
Isaac Wilkinson Esq Chesterfield
In Compliance with your request I have sent you by the Gainbrough Packet Capt[ain] I Hanock 100 P[iece]s Slag Lead as by Bill of Parcels annexed. Our Terms of Credit is 6 Months, but if you wish to Remit by Bill on London at a Month you’ll please to deduct 3 Per cent Disc[ount].
I believe you have been misinformed as to a Sale of Lead here at £42. I don’t know of more than £40 having been given, and even at that price we have no buye
Isaac Wilkinson Esq Chesterfield Newcastle 11th Sept. 1805
I am favoured with your letter of the 6 Inst enclosing three Bills in payment of the 100 P[iece]s Slag Lead sent you & of the Parcel of Shot sent [to] W Hardy, the whole amounting to £255 – 7 – after the discount on each is deducted, you’ll please to accept my best thanks for the trouble you have had respecting the latter.
I have reason to believe that the London Houses are using their utmost effor
This is a marker only for an extensive report, too long for inclusion in the database, which is available to download by following the TNA ADM document reference link above.
Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield Newcastle Sept. 23rd 1805
My absence from hence for a Week past must plead my apology for not having in due course acknowledged the receipt of your letter of the 11 Inst, covering your D[ra]ft on Campbell & Co of £7 - -12 – 5 which balances your Acc[oun]t with W Beaumont.
In future I can have no objections to supplying you with part of the Silver produced from the WB Lead, if it should suit your Convenience to make payments
Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield Newcastle Nov 1 1805
I have this day sent you a p[iece] of fine Silver per the Leeds Waggon, containing Sixteen Hundred & Twenty Four ounces which I desire you will place to account with TR Beaumont Esq at the Market Price and advise me on your receipt of the same. I have p[ai]d for the Carr[iage] etc at this place. The Account of which you’ll please to pay into the hands of Sir R B Glyn Bt Mills & Co on Mr Beaumonts Account a
Messrs Glyn Mills Hallifax & Co Newcastle November 9th 1805
Bankers London
You’ll receive inclosed 9 Bills Value £8,307-13-6 which you’ll please to pass to the Credit of TR Beaumont Esq and advise the Receipt in course of post to Sirs etc CB
Bills No 696 to 704 Incl £8,307-3-6
Messrs Gosling Bankers London Newcastle 27 Nov 1805
I remit you inclosed a Bill at Sight on <seen> of the Sum of £375 due to the Rev H Hardinge Rector of Stanhope 11th Oct last from TR Beaumont Esq for whom I am Sirs Etc CB
Please to advise the Receipt a Cr<…..>of Port
Bill No 707 £375
Chrisr. Blackett Esqr. Newcastle 13th. Decr. 1805
The Committee met this day to decide on your proposition respecting security to a certain extent to Col. Beaumont out of Mr. Burdon’s private Effects – They conceived it to be their duty, notwithstanding their sincere desire to promote any wish of Col. Beaumont’s to refuse their assent to the proposition in the shape of a measure confined solely to Col. Beaumont’s Debt. ‘tho they think that a scheme of a general nature
I Mary Hunter of Hexham in the County of Northumberland Widow do make publish and declare this my last Will and Testament in Manner following, that is to say First I will and order that all my just Debts and Funeral Expences shall be paid and discharged by my Executrix hereafter named as soon as conveniently may be after my Decease And I give and bequeath all my goods Chattels and Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever and of what Nature Quality or Kind soever to my Niece Frances Scott Daugh
January 2nd. 1806
Mess. S. B. & B. & Mess. S. B. B. & E of Berwick are sensible of the great confidence given by the Crs. To their efforts under the direction of their Committee to liquidate their very extensive and complicated concerns and can with great truth and satisfaction assure them that much benefit and security will be found to have arisen from the forbearance already shown – The Concerns being now relieved from a great proportion of the Material incumbrances an
I Robert Mulcaster of Blaydon in the Parish of Ryton and County of Durham Refiner of Lead being in good Health and of sound and disposing Mind and Memory, bless God for the same, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in Manner and form following –
My soul I recommend into the hands of the merciful Creator and order my Body to be buried at the descretion of my dearly beloved Wife Ann Mulcaster who I nominate and appoint sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament and unt
Messrs Gosling Bankers London Newcastle 18 Jan[uar]y 1806
I remit you inclosed a Bill on Sir R C Glyn Bt & Co at 20 Days date for £375. To pay ¼ y[earl]y Comp[osition] for Tithe Ore of Weardale Mines due to Rev[eren]d H Hardinge the 11 Inst. Please to advise Receipt of the Bills 7 oblige
Yours etc CB
Sir R C Glyn Bt & Co London Newcastle 18 January 1806
I have this day drawn upon you on Mr Beaumonts Account as below which you will be pleased to honour & oblige.
Yours etc CB
At 20 Days date Payable to Mr W[ilia]m Mountain 47– 1– 6
20 ditto Messrs Gosling 375- -
422– 1– 6
Glyn Mills Hallifax & Co 25 Jan[uar]y 1806
You will Receive inclosed 11 Bills amounting to £68,363 . 8 . 11 which you will be pleased to pass to the credit of TR Beaumont Esq & advise the receipt to me in course of Post. The part[icula]rs of the Bills is specified at foot
Marker record only. Please refer to notes
Messrs Read Lucas & Read Sheffield Newcastle Feb[ruar]y 1806
On the 20th Ulto I forwarded you per the Leeds Waggon a p[iec]e of fine Silver containing 1353 Ounces of which I before advised you. Please to place the above to the Debit of your Acc[ount] with Tho[mas] R[ichar]d Beaumont Esq at the Market Price & Remit the amount to me advising the price you allow at the same time. Yours etc CB
I find it will save trouble to have your remittances made to me here