Messrs Sykes, Milnes & Co Newcastle 27th Feby 1806
Ashover near Chesterfield
In reply to your favour of the 24th Inst I have to inform you that very little Lead has been sold here since the great Sales made in October last by the Lead Company & W Beaumont at £38 & £39 Six Months credit. We attempted afterwards to get an advance of £1 per Fo[dder], but it has only been obtained for very small parcels, and there is now scarce demand.
I don’t thin
Messrs Drummond Bankers London Newcastle 7th March 1806
You will receive inclosed A Bill as below Value £462-10 - 0 to pay a 1/2 a y[ear]s Comp[ositio]n for the Lot Ore of Weardale Leadmines due the 26th Ult from Col Beaumont to the Lord Bishop of Durham – you will please to acknowledge the rec[eip]t to
Sirs etc CB
Bill No. 742 £462-10
Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield Newcastle 5 Mar 1806
I have rec[eive]d your favour of the 3rd Inst covering 5 Bills Value £415-10-4 which sum is placed to the Credit of your Account with T.R. Beaumont Esq for whom I am etc CB
Messrs Rundell & Bridge London Newcastle 5thMarch 1806
I have this day forwarded for you a p[iec]e of fine Silver containing 1533 Ounces which I desire you will place to the Credit of Col. Beaumont’s Account with you at the Market Price as usual advising me on your receipt of the same. I have paid for the Carr[iage] here & am etc CB
P.S. You will please to advise also the Sum you will have to pay to Messrs Glyn & Co in the usual course & the price you va
Messrs Mowbray & Co 7 Mar 1806
Pay the bearer One Hundred & Fifty Pounds & 8d on Account of Loraine, Baker & Co
Mr Turner Exchequer Office Durham
I remit you above an Order on the Durham Bank for £150-0-8 in payment of One Years Moor Masters Rent & acq[uittanc]e due to the Lord B[isho]p of Durham Tho[ma]s Rich[ar]d Beaumont esq the 2nd Ulto for Weardale Leadmines. In regard to the deduction for Property Tax which you mention
Sir R.C. Glyn Bt & Co Bankers London Newcastle Mar 7 1806
I have this day drawn upon you on Col Beaumont’s Acc[ount] for £462-10-0 @ 20 Days in favour of Messrs Drummond which you will be pleased to honor.
I am Sir CB
Sir R. C. Glyn Bt & Co Newcastle 26 Mar 1806
I have this day drawn upon you per £7,000 in 2 Bills at 20 Days to the order of Sir W[ilia]m Loraine Bt & Co which you will be pleased to place to the Account of TRB[eaumont] Esq for whom I am Sir CB
No 743 [£]4,000
744 [£]3,000
April 18th 1806
Coalcleugh, in general, is prosperous there being a prospect of regaining a good part of the Limestone East of the Cross Vein by pumping, which must be submitted to untill a better can be found. The Old level at Carrshield will never be of service in opening the East end of CCleugh veins being at too great a distance to the North, & continued too much in easterly direction. The place which I mentioned beside the Limekiln, will be by much the shortest, by d
Tynebottom Mine. Joseph Wanless & Co are sinking a shaft from the surface to accommodate the deep covel with fresh air and to try the vein in the Great Limestone.
Nenthead 19th April 1806
Hon[ourable] Masters
Having surve[ye]d the Lead Mines under my care, on the 25,26 & 27th, I Let the sundry Bargains, & have annexed a List of the same, which I hope will prove successful – Rampgill & Scaleburnmoss Mines in point of success are much the same as last quarter, but a great number of hands are at each, & they will ultimately do well - T.Humble & co as [per] List, are Driv[ing] one of the Levels at Rampgill Mine, this Mine co
Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield Newcastle April 29 1806
I have this day sent you per the Leeds Wagon a p[iec]e of fine Silver containing sixteen hundred & seven ounces, which I desire you will place to the credit of Col Beaumont Acc[oun]t with you at the Market price and remit me as usual on your receipt of the same. I have paid the Carriage of the piece here. And I am Etc CB
Messrs Gosling Bankers London N[ew]Castle April 30 1806
I remit you inclosed a bill drawn by Sir W[ilia]m Loraine Bt & Co on Messrs <Vipes> & Co @ 20 Days dated this day for £375 to pay 1/4 a yrs Composition for the Tithe Ore of Weardale Leadmines due to the Rev[ren]d H. Hardinge the 11th Inst from TRBeaumont. Please to advise me on your receipt of the Bill. I am Sir CB
Messrs C.T. Thornhill White & Co Sunderland N[ew]Castle 7 May 1806
<Mr CB> (Christopher Blackett) has been favoured with yours & has forwarded the Litharge accordingly- ordered to be packed in good Casks selected for the purpose. He begs me to observe to you that the regular mode of payment for Litharge is by Bills on Lon[do]n due at the end of Six Mo[nths] or a Bankers Cheque at the expiration of that period as he before advised you <on> which acc[oun]t. & his
Messrs Reads Lucas Newcastle June 11/1806
I was yesterday favoured with your letter of the 9th Inst covering Bills value £401-0-0 as you advise, which sum is placed to the Credit of your Acc[oun]t with TR B[eaumont] Esq for fine Silver sent you the 29 April last & I am Sir CB
Sir R.C. Glyn Bt & Co London N[ew]Castle 19th May 1806
I have this day drawn two Bills upon you for £17,000, particulars as under, - to enable me to make Col Beaumonts Lead Pay: sufficient Funds will be in your hands, arising from the Bills becoming due on the 5 & 17 June, to enable you to discharge my said Drafts, but if you should have any difficulty in coming under Acceptance for them, I beg leave to refer you to Col Beaumont who will make the necessary lodgement
Sir R.C. Glyn Bt & Co Lon[don] N[ew]Castle 22 May 1806
I have this day drawn upon you on Col Beaumont’s Account in favour of John Locke Esq & Co at 50 Days date for One Thousand Six Hundred Pounds which Draft you will please to honor and oblige. Gent Yours etc
Messrs Read Lucas & Reads Sheffield Newcastle 5thJune 1806
Mr Blackett forwarded for you on Mr Beamonts Account a p[iec]e Fine Silver the 29 April last containing 1607 Oz the receipt of which he has not been advised of. The usual terms of Credit having elapsed he will feel obliged by your remittance for the same advising the price you allow at the same time.
I am Sir TC
Sir R. C. Glyn & Co 14 June 1806
You will receive inclosed 4 Bills value £7467-9-0 which you’ll please to place to the credit of TR Beaumont Esq for whom I am Sir CB
31 March Mr Morison on T Preston & Sons at 5 mths 1660
Ditto 6 mths 1660
Ditto 7 mths 1666– 0- 7
J Locke & Co 6 mths 2481– 8– 5
Messrs Rundell, Bridge & Co N[ew]Castle July 2nd 1806
I have this day forwarded for you a p[iec]e fine Silver containing Seventeen Hundred & Thirty Nine Oz which I desire you will place to theCredit of TRB[eaumont]’s Acc[oun]t with you at the Market price as usual advising me on your receipt of the same. I have paid for the carriage of this p[iec]e here. I am etc CB
No.2 Dufton 10th July 1806
I send you a Copy of my remarks made this Midsummr Bargains, at Col Beaumonts Lead Mines, whereby you will see the general state of the Mines, and likewise observations necessary to their future working and shall begin with Coalcleugh, at the East end where the Water level is driven to the forehead, and sump nearly sunk for the Pumps to win the great Limestone on the east side of the Cross Vein. – A considerable quantity of Ore hath been raised in the
Messrs Read Lucas & Co Sheffield Newcastle July 12th 1806
On the 11th Inst I forwarded Per Pickergill & Co Leeds Waggon on your Account a p[iec]e fine Silver containing Thirteen Hundred and Sixty Nine Ounces which you will place to the credit of Tho[ma]s R[ichar]d Beaumont Esq Account with you at the Market price, advising me on your receipt of the same. I have paid for the Carriage of this p[iec]e here
I am Sir CB
Nenthead 19th July 1806
Hon[oure]d Masters
After having taken a general Survey of the Gov[ernor] & Co’s of Lead Mines under my direction, I Let the sundry Bargains, on the 26th, 27th, & 28th past, of which I have annexed a List.
Rampgill & Scaleburnmoss Mines, which in some respects are blended together (the Work of both com[in]g out by the same Level, are doing well. W[illia]m Falkin & co in Rampgill are Driv[ing] the Horse Level Southw[ar]d for the dis
That part of Garrigill mines called Tynebottom continues poor and all care and frugality is attended to in the several trials Jos. Wanless & Co are rising to try the vein.
Messrs Goslings & Sharp London Newcastle 24 July 1806
You will receive inclosed a Bill of £375 on Acc[oun]t of the Rev[eren]d H Hardinge Rector of Stanhope. Please to advise the receipt in course of post.
I am Etc CB
Rev. H Hardinge Stanhope Newcastle 24 July 1806
I am favoured with your letter of 23 inst & have this day remitted Messrs Goslings & Co £375 for your 2 years Comp[ositio]n for Tythe Ore. If it should equally meet your convenience I should be glad to make the payment to you here to any person you may appoint to call for it; or to pay your cheque to the Durham Bank on the day Money becomes due. I am for TRB & Co CB