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Letter – Christopher Blackett to Read, Lucas & Read – 7 Aug 1806

Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield Newcastle Aug 7 1806 Gent I am favoured with your letter of the 5th Inst covering Nine Bills amount £405-7-6 which sum is placed to the credit of your Account with Col Beaumont fo[r] fine Silver sent you. I am a little surprised that you have not allowed a higher price than 5/11 per Oz for this p[iec]e Silver having sent a p[iec]e to Rundells & Co London on the 1 Ulto (nine days only before the p[iec]e sent you) for which they remitted @ 6 Nov 2

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Edward Bunn – 6 Sep 1806

Edw[ar]d Bunn Esq Newcastle 6th Sept 1806 14 Great Surrey Street Blackfryers Bridge, London Sir, You will receive inclosed 3 Bills for £500 which you’ll be pleased to pass to the account of James Cockshutt & advise the receipt to me. <W.C.> will give the necessary directions as to the appropriation of the above Sum. I am Sir etc CB 795 - 45- 8-7 6 - 150-11-3 7 - 304- 0-2 £500- 0-0

Letter – James Cockshutt to Thomas Smith – 15 Sep 1806

Mr Tho[mas] Smith Rookhope Mill Wylam Sept 15 1806 It being determined by Mr Blackett and myself in order more correctly to determine the advantage of Roasting the Lead Ore previous to the smelting it; that Mr John Mulcaster, shall attend a tryal to be made at your Mill under his immediate inspection that he may make a faithful and correct report of the same in this tryal you will give him every assistance in your power & you will be informed by him the time when it will be convenie

Letter – James Cockshutt – 15 Sep 1806

Wylam September 15 1806 Present Mr Blackett, Mr Cockshutt, Mr Mulcaster& Son The Roasting of Lead Ore previous to the smelting appearing to produce so considerable a Profit it was thought advisable not only of ascertain this fact & also more particularly to determine the effect upon the Quality of the Lead so obtained. It was determined that a further and more particular tryal should be made at the different Works of Col Beaumont & for this purpose it was determined tha

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Messrs Drummond – 20 Sep 1806

Messrs Drummond Bankers London Newcastle Sept 20 1806 Gent You will receive inclosed a Draft for £462-10 in payment for half a years composition for the Lot Ore of Weardale Leadmines due to the Lord B[isho]p of Durham the 26th Ulto from Tho[mas] R[ichar]d Beaumont Esq. Please to advise the receipt of the same to Sir etc CB

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 20 Sep 1806

Messrs Rundell Bridge & Co Newcastle Sept 20 1806 Ludgate Hill, London Gent: I have this day forwarded for you per the London Wagon a p[iec]e fine Silver containing Thirteen Hundred & Eighty Eight Ounces which I desire you will place to the account with T.R. Beaumont Esq at the Market price as usual, advising me of your receipt of the same. I have paid the carriage here & remain etc CB

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Thornhill & Co – 30 Sep 1806

Messrs C. T. Thornhill & Co Gent I am favoured with your two letters of <24> Inst enclosing 3 D[ra]fts on Lon[do]n and £113-5-0 also Bankers notes & Cash £10-10-6 making together £123-15-6 which have placed to the Credit of your Acc[oun]t with T. R. B. for Lith[arge] sent you. For CB TC

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Edward Bunn – 6 Oct 1806

Edw[ar]d Bunn Esq Newcastle 6 October 1806 14 Great Surrey St Blackfryers Bridge London Sir I remit you inclosed a Bill for £500 by directions from Col Beaumont which he desires you will appropriate in the same manner as the like sum which I remitted to you on the 6th Sept[ember] Namely in purchasing Stock under the same trusts after which you will please to send down to me a power of attorney to receive the Dividends in like manner as the former. I am Sir etc CB

Report – Joseph Dickinson to Christopher Blackett – 14 Oct 1806

(no3) October 14th 1806 Coalcleugh Lead Mine upon the whole is not in so prosperous a state as at Midsummer, some of the old Workings are obliged to be advanced in price, and such a quantity of Water loosed by working in the back forehead, about the Cross Vein, is like to be too much for the Engine, in order to remedy that, ordered the Workmen to Dam the Water back, which comes from the Companys Works on the West end, which expect will give us the relief wanted; if not must seek r

Report – Thomas Dodd – 25 Oct 1806

Nenthead 25. Oct[ober] 1806 Hon[oure]d Masters Having examined the Company’s mines under my care, on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd past I Let the sundry Bargains, of which is annexed a List - Many parts of the Mines are poor, & but for the Lead’s bearing a high price, they could not be Wrought, yet at the same time several of the other parts are doing well – I have Let every Bargain as low as the nature & Circumstances thereof would admit, & hope upon the whole th

Report – Thomas Dodd – 29 Oct 1806

Joseph Wanless & Co are driving the Horse level at Tynebottom.

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Thomas Emerson – 30 Oct 1806

Mr Thomas Emerson Weardale Newcastle 30th Oct 1806 D[ea]r Sir Col Beaumont & Mr Blackett have desired me to intiomate to you that it is Col Beaumont’s intention to support Sir R Milbank & Sir Tho[mas] Liddell in the approaching Election for the County of Durham. He wishes you to make this public in Weardale and hopes that his friends there will contribute in supporting the same Cause. I am etc TC

Report – John Mulcaster to James Cockshutt – 14 Nov 1806

James Cockshutt Esq, Huthwaite Nov 14 1806 Along with this I have sent you an Acct of the operation of Roasting the Lead Ore previous to its being smelted according to your direction as exact as it could possibly be made, as I attended to the weighings necessary at the different works myself which were performed with the utmost scrupulous exactness. – Yet you will observe that the results are very different at each place – I have attempted to account for the differen

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Read, Lucas & Read – 15 Nov 1806

Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield NewC[astle] Nov 15 1806 Gent I have now by me for disposal a p[iec]e of fine Silver weight about 1570 Ounces. Should you be in want of that article I will thank you to say by return the utmost price you can afford to give per ounce. I am Sir CB

Letter – Christopher Blackett to George Baker – 15 Nov 1806

George Baker Esq Elmore Newcastle 15 Nov 1806 Sir, I have paid on your private Acc[oun]t at you Banking House, Twentyfive Guineas which have been so good as to advance for a <Co….> bought of Mr Bell for Col Beaumont. I am Sir etc CB

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to George Crawhall – 20 Nov 1806

Mr Geo[rge] Crawhall Weardale N[ew]Castle Nov 20 1806 You will on receipt of this, inform Mr Emerson that the price to be charged to the Workmen for Gunpowder for the last year is £6-1-6 that is after the deduction of the 10 percent and exclusive of the Charge of Carriage to the mines which will be paid here as last year. As the Pays are to be made at Xmas or soon after as may be Mr B[eaumon]t hopes the accounts will be prepared & sent in soon. T.C.

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Glyn & Co – 22 Nov 1806

Sir R. C. Glyn Bt & Co London N[ew]Castle Nov 22 Gent I have on this day drawn upon you in Col Beaumonts Account in favour of Sir W[ilia]m Loraine Bt & Co at 20days date for £2,600-0-0 which you will please to honor & you’ll oblige Yrs etc CB

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Read, Lucas & Read – 24 Nov 1806

Reads Lucas & Co Sheffield N[ew]Castle Nov 24 1806 Gent I have this day sent you a p[iec]e fine Silver containing 1572 Ounces which is charged to your Debit with Col Beaumont as below. Please to remit me the amount as usual. I have paid for the carriage of this piece here. I am CB I have another p[iec]e Silver by me w[eigh]t 1111 Ounces which should you wish to be forwarded you at the same price, you will advise me per course of post. Nove 24 1806 for a p[iece] fine Sil

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Read, Lucas & Read – 1 Dec 1806

Reads Lucas & Co Sheffield N[ew]Castle December 1 1806 Gent. I have this day sent you per Pickergill’s Waggon a p[iece] fine Silver containing 1111 ounces which is charged to your Debit in Acc[oun]t with TRB Esq as below. You will please to acknowledge the receipt and remit me the amount as usual to him. Yours etc CB Dec. 1 for a p[iec]e fine Silver of 1111 oz @ 6/2 per Oz £342-11-2

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Thomas Salkeld – 19 Dec 1806

Mr Tho[ma]s Salkeld Innkeeper Alnwick Newcastle Dec 19 1806 Sir I have received your letter addressed to Mr Beaumont, and am surprised at its contents. Your charge during the late Election at Alnwick is a very exorbitant one, by your own account £89-14-3 for 12 persons entertainment for one noght only. I observe the Sum paid you on that account by Mr Beaumont was £20 with the addition of £10 jointly with Lord Hawick – These Sums I think handsome payment in discharge of your Bill

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 20 Dec 1806

T. R. Beaumont Esq MP N[ew]Castle 20 Dec 1806 Portman Square London Dear Sir I have this day drawn on Sir R. C. Glyn & Co for £2,600 for this Months Subsistence Money. Mr James got an order this morning for 600P[iece]s Refined Lead – I told him the price would be £38—10-0 at 6 Mo[nths] upon which he desired me to state to you that he thought it an extreme hardship to pay 10s/- more than he had ever before been charged for Refined Lead alone,--- that he had always take

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Glyn & Co – 20 Dec 1806

Sir R. C. Glyn Bt & Co London N[ew]Castle Dec 20th 1806 Gent I have this day drawn upon you £2,600 to the Order of Sir W[ilia]m Loraine Bt & Co at 20 Days for Account of Tho[mas] R[ichar]d Beaumont Esq for whom I am with greatest respect Sirs etc CB

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Michael Walton – 24 Dec 1806

Mr Mich[ael] Walton Whitfield N[ew]Castle Dec 24 1806 D[ea]r Sir I have made Mr Blackett acquainted with the contents of your letter of 20 Inst. who thinks you had best pay the Money you mention to Mr Loraine as you propose who will send a Cheque for payment of the same at Batson & Co Bank where it will be carried to the proper accounts at this office. I am etc T.C.

Letter – William Loraine to C Mackey – 24 Dec 1806

<C Mackey> Esq Dear Sir Agreeable to your request to beg leave to state to you that if Col Beaumont’s Pay amounts to £30,000 your Dra[f]ts on Messrs Glyn & Co will be required at the following Dates Viz £15,000 at Sight, £7,500 at 20 Days & £7,500 at 30 D[ay]s or in similar proportions for such Sum as you may want for the Pay I am Sir for W[ilia]m Loraine & Co Yours etc W[ilia]m Loraine Jun[ior]

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 24 Dec 1806

Tho[ma]s Rich[ar]d Beaumont Esq MP N[ew]Castle 24th Dec 1806 Portman Square London Dear Sir I have received Mrs Beaumonts letter of the 20th Inst, and observe Mr Bown’s remarks on the Contract made with Mr Row, which shall be strictly attended to. I hope an actual time for the payment may be specified in the Deed; but I believe it will not be found in my letter on the subject that I gave reason to respect it. I believe it will also be seen by this letter I allude to, that I
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467