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Specification – James Cockshutt to unknown – 1 Jan 1807

[See PDF version of this document, which incorporates the drawings, with accompanying handwritten key & measurements]

Letter – William Blackett to John Erasmus Blackett – 7 Jan 1807

My Dear Sir Many happy returns of this season to yourself Lady Collingwood & Family which has been the mildest I ever remember till within these few days we have had roses showing in the open ground. We have only just covered the Myrtles which were full of buds & would have <flown> if the frost had not come on which has been rather sharp for these three days – little Patience is out every day in the Garden & grows very much; Edward is so great a favourite at <Westo

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 7 Jan 1807

Messrs Rundell Bridge & Co Ludgate Hill London Newcastle January 7 / 1807 I yesterday forwarded for you a p[iece] fine Silver containing 1889 Ounces which I desire you will place to Acc[oun]t with T. R. Beaumont Esq at the Markett Price as usual, advising me on your receipt of the same. I have paid for the carriage of this piece here & I remain Etc CB

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 7 Jan 1807

Tho[mas] Rich[ard] Beaumont Esq Newcastle January 7 / 1806 I have been duly favoured with Mrs Beaumonts letters of the 23 & 27 and yours of 29 Ultimo. On finding by the former that Mr Thomas Walker had lately considered your selling price for lead to be £38 & £39, I inquired of Mr Parker whence such an idea should have originated: he seemed much surprised at the question, but promised to refer to copies of his correspondence and then to give me an answer, he told me y

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Richard Tucker – 10 Jan 1807

Mr R[ichar]d Tucker Newcastle January 10/1807 Under Cover to R Milne Esq Lincolns Inn, London Sir I have received your letter of the 8th Inst and Parcel. I do not see that any inconvenience can arise to the Concerns of Mr & Mrs Beaumont here by the removal of the Books & Accounts you refer to in your letter & indeed the only inconvenience attending it would be their bulk. In a post or two shall write you as to the accuracy of the extracts etc from the Acc[oun]ts whi

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Read, Lucas & Read – 15 Jan 1807

Messrs Reads Lucas & Co Sheffield Newcastle January 15/1807 I am favoured with yours in Mr C Blacketts absence covering five Bills Value £348-11-0 as you advise, which Sum is placed to the Credit of your Acc[oun]t with Mr Beaumont for fine Silver sent you. By the first opportunity, the quantity of Test Bottoms you wish for shall be sent to Hull when you shall be advised of the same. I am Sir etc TC

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Richard Ruddock – 15 Jan 1807

Rich[ar]d Ruddock Esq Hexham Newcastle Jan 15/1807 Mr Blackett when he went out to Morpeth yesterday, left the enclosed Return with me to transmit to you. You will please to observe that no deduction whatever is made on account of Children, you will therefore do the needful when the assessment is made out. I am etc TC

Report – Joseph Dickinson to Christopher Blackett – 17 Jan 1807

No 4 Jany 17 1807 The Upper Coalcleugh Vein in the east End, is now supposed to be through the principle part of the Cross Vein, and at present is in a promising situation, being let for at 20/-per Bing the ensuing Quarter, notwithstanding its disconvenient situation for taking the Work to Bank. Should it continue another quarter will be under the necessity of driving the Waggon Level forward, and sinking another Whimsey, down into the forehead, which expense will be soon repa

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Glyn & Co – 19 Jan 1807

Sir R. C Glyn Bt & Co London Newcastle January 19th 1807 Gent I have this day drawn upon you as below on Tho[mas] R[ichar]d Beaumont Esq Account, which Drafts you will please to honor. I am etc CB Jany 19 At Sight payment to Sir W Loraine & Co £9,000 Ten Days ditto £9,000 Twenty Days ditto £9,000 Ten Days Tho[ma]s Crawhall £2,500 Twenty Days ditto

Report – Thomas Dodd – 24 Jan 1807

Nenthead 24 Jan 1807 Hon[oure]d Masters Having made a general survey of the Mines under my direction, I let on the 5 & 6th Inst. The sundry Bargains, of which a List is annexed. – From the general Poverty of the Mines & the reduction of prices throughout the whole Concern, the Bargains have been more difficult to let than I ever before experienced; - however after all, the Court may still conclude the Bargains are Let high, but it is not in my power to let them lower. â

Letter – Charles Grey to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 27 Jan 1807

Private. Downing St. Jany. 27th. 1807 Dear Sir,               I yesterday recd. a letter from the Lord Advocate of Scotland to whom I had communicated the letter written by the Clerk of the Peace of Northumberland in consequence of the resolutions of the Magistrates at the Quarter Sessions stating that he would take the inconvenience complained of into immediate consideration, and concert the measures necessary for remedying it, with the Attorney and Solicitor Genl. Th

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Read, Lucas & Read – 24 Feb 1807

Feb 24 /1807 Advised Reads Lucas & Co a p[iece] fine Silver of 1,244 Oz

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Thomas Bowes – 12 Mar 1807

Tho[mas] Bowes Esq Darlington Mar 12/1807 Mr Heron has handed me you letter addressed to him on the 10th Inst requesting Col Beaumonts return of Profits asising from the Weardale Mines. I have to request you will inform the Commission That the whole of the Books Accounts relative to those Mines necessary in making out such returns, are at present detained in London in consequence of the Chancery Suit with the Bishop [of] Durham. I am consequently prevented the possibili

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to John Wakefield – 15 Mar 1807

J Wakefield Esq Kendal Newcastle 15 Mar 1807 The Bills for Gunpowder supplied by you for the use of the Weardale Leadmines having considerably exceeded the Credit it intended to be taken by reason of our not having the charcoal regularly sent us by the Mining Agent from thence. Will you have the goodness now to state your Account and at the same time the Discount you can allow upon settlement as well as the mode in which you wish the remittance to be made. I am Sir

Letter – Joseph Dickinson to Christopher Blackett – 28 Mar 1807

[Annotated on cover in a different hand:] Mr Dickinson of Dufton / Letter to Mr Blackett / March 28th 1807 / [underlined:] Confidential Communication [addressed to:] Chr Blackett Esq. Wylam Coalcleugh 28th March 1807 Dear Sir, I have just now received yours, Inclosed to Joseph Little, in my return from Letting Bargains at Allanheads this day, and note the Contents. Coalcleugh and Allanheads are both upon the reviving order, and Weredale ever since I knew these Mi

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Read, Lucas & Read – 10 Apr 1807

Newcastle April 10/1807 I have this day shipped on board Fly Swift for Hull 6 Casks Test Bottoms w[eight]s etc as below I have charged them to your Debit @ £6-15 per Ton. Should this sample answer to your expectations in the intended experiment we have about 60 Tons at present on Hand which can forward for your Account on the same terms. I am sir CB

Letter – William Blackett to John Erasmus Blackett – 11 Apr 1807

Cumberland Place Saturday April 11th 1807 My Dear Sir Your letter which I rec'd this morning has indeed given us very great concern; at my uncles advanced age so very severe an illness must reduce him very much & I greatly fear if he gets over this attack it will be long before he recovers his strength again, however we hope as he is rather better, that this mild heat here will be of service to him, & that we may all meet again this Spring in the north, very few people

Report – Thomas Dodd – 18 Apr 1807

Nenthead 18 Ap[ri]l 1807 Hon[oure]d Masters Having examined the Company’s Mines under my Care, I Let on the 25th, 26, & 27th past the sundry Bargains, a List of which is annexed. I have made with the utmost difficulty a reduction in the prices, & hope the Court will be satisfied therewith; it has brought on a universal Grumbling thro’ the whole ranks, & if times sh[oul]d turn out so unfavourable as to require a further reduction, many of the places in different

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Thornhill & Co – 23 Apr 1807

Thornhill & Co April 23/1807 I have rec[eive]d your note payable of Jacksons & Co due the 4 June next and £241 which is placed to y[ou]r credit for Lith[arge} sent you. I think that in future you will make your payments at an earlier period or remit bills at a shorter date. I am etc CB

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Thomas Askerton – 23 Apr 1807

Tho[mas] < Askerton > So[uth] Shields Newcastle April23/1807 Sir In answer to your application of this morning the present price of Ref[ined] Lead is £36 per F[odder] & of Comm[on] £35 @ 6 Mo[nths] Credit, but at present I can not sell the quantity of Ref[ined] Lead you mention without an equal q[uantit]y of Comm[on] Lead. I further beg leave to observe that it is the custom of this Office that when Lead is bought on Commission the purchaser declares his principle. I

Letter – William Blackett to John Erasmus Blackett – 24 Apr 1807

My Dear Sir Many thanks to you for your kind letter which has given us much pleasure. Ingham must have treated my Uncle Harry with judgments & has been indeed very attentive but after so very serious illness it must be some time before he recovers his strength & usual state of health. Admiral Collingwoods letter was very satisfactory no intelligence having come from that quarter for some time, owing to the vessel with the dispatches having been taken, It seems now however that t

Letter – William Blackett to John Erasmus Blackett – 28 Apr 1807

My Dear Sir This very sudden dissolution of Parl[iamen]t at this time is most inconvenient to me as I shall most probably be obliged to set out for the North in a very few days. Mr Miggison tells me there is no occasion for my being at Newcastle before the middle of next week & I hope all will be quiet, if Ld Percy does not stand there will be no opposition if he should offer himself perhaps it may be necessary for me as Sheriff to engage <to w’hold> & in that case will y

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to John Sadler – 2 May 1807

Mr John Sadler Dukesfield Newcastle May 2nd 1807 Sir Having no longer reason for your serving in my employ at Dukesfield.- Be pleased to take Notice that I shall expect your expiration of three Months from this period at which time your salary will cease & when you may adopt such arrangements as you think most expedient. Signed Tho[mas] R[ichar]d Beaumont

Letter – Christopher Blackett to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 7 Jul 1807

Col[onel] Beaumont Newcastle 7 July 1807 I am favoured with you letter of 4th Inst enclosing Mr Waugh <ans> Acc[ount] Bambrough. His complaint I fear is unreasonable, but it shall be attended to, and a necessary enquiry made of Mr Emerson as to the alleged inquiry- In a few days I will procure the necessary information as to Ja[mes] Taylors Age – his residence is at Ovingham. I am sorry to tell you that the price of Lead continues to decline in this Market & Parke

Report – Joseph Dickinson to Christopher Blackett – 10 Jul 1807

No.6 Chris: Blackett Esq Dufton 10 July 1807 I take the liberty of forwarding you a Copy of the remarks made on Viewing the Leadmines belonging to Col Beaumont at Midsummer. Beginning with Coalcleugh the east end of which looks poorer at present, but hath raised a considerable quantity of Ore last quarter; the West End of which, and the small cross Vein, with the flats attending them, never looked better, but stil
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467