Tho[mas] Bowes esq Darlington Newcastle July 11/1807
Not having received any answer to my former application to you respecting the <time> that could be allowed by the Commiss[ioners] to Col Beaumont for making his Earnings & other profits etc arising from his Weardale Leadmines.
The Books of Accounts being still detained in London the same occasion as formerly, the Suit depending <with> the Bishop of Durham preventing the possibility of my producing the retur
[Cover:] 11 July 1807. Bishop of Durham v Beaumont Esq & Wife Copy Minutes of Order made on Rehearing
Lord Chancellor Saturday the 11th day of July 1807.
Bp Durham v Beaumont
<Can> declare that it sufficiently appears to this Court that in entering into the Agreement in the pleadings mentioned of the 1st day of Septr. 1791 the Bishop of Durham entered into the same upon the faith and in confidence of the accuracy of the information given him by John Erasmus Bla
Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield N[ew]C[astle] July 27 1807
I have this day sent directed for you per Waggon, a p[iece] fine Silver containing 1373 Ounces which you will please to Credit Mr Beaumont’s Account as <usual>, at the Market Price and advise me of the price you allow on your receipt of the same.
I am Sir CB
Nenthead 29th July 1807
Hon[oure]d Masters
After tak[in]g a General Survey as usual of the Company’s Mines under my Care, I let on 25th, 26th, & 27th past the Bargains, of which a List is annexed. Agreeable to the Courts orders I have reduced the prices of all Bargains & of course the number of hands is much reduced, as many of the poor pickings cannot be Wrought at the prices now given, & upon the whole the Business has been difficult. – Rampgill & Scaleb
Newcastle August 11/1807
I am this day favoured with your remittance of Notes at Thirty Days dated the 15th Inst amount One Hundred & Nineteen Pounds 17/6 to your credit in Account with Mr Beaumont for Litharge sent you.
I have now quitted Mr Beaumont’s Lead Concerns you will be pleased in future to address Mr Morrison on that subject.
I am Sir CB
Aug 11/1807
Enclosed the Account of Sales of Lead & Litharge, together with the Cash Acc[oun]t for last March to Mrs Beaumonts
April 16/1807 Received from TR Beaumont 18 Casks Litharge on Acct of Taylor & Sons, Queensferry, Particulars below
December 15 1806 B[ough]t of Mr C Blackett on Acc[oun]t of Taylor & Sons Queenferry 18 Casks of Litharge Viz particulars below
May 29 1807 Received from Tho[mas] Rich[ard] Beaumont Esq 30 Casks Lith[arge] 184 @ 34/- [£] 312-16 etc sent to John Taylor & Sons per the Glasgow Packet to Grangemouth 5 June 1807
Aug 18 Rec[eive]d from Tho[mas} R Beaumont Esq
Cha[rles] Barrass Esq Newcastle 20 Aug 1807
Col Beaumont has communicated to me the Contents of your letter of the 18 Instant and in reply I ask to inform you that the journal & Ledger belonging to this Office were sent to Mr Richard Wilson of London last November where they still remain, but that Mr Blackett’s Cash Book is here, and ready for Auditing.
I am M.M.
Joseph Dickinson Esq Dufton Newcastle 26 Aug 1807
Mrs Beaumont purposes to be at Allenheads accompanied by Mr Cockshutt & Mr Thomas and myself on Wednesday the 9th of September and wishes to meet you there on the Evening of that day, or on the following morning.
I am Sir M. Morrison
Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield Newcastle 31 Aug 1807
Having succeeded Mr Blackett Agent to Colonel Beaumont, I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 29th Inst covering three Bills value £408-18-6 which are to the Credit of your account. I am Sir MM
J. E. Blackett Newcastle Sept 4/1807
Sir W Blackett Bt Matfen North[umberland]
Since the receipt of your letter I have seen Mr Heron who informs me that it is expected the Issues directed by the Chancellery will be tried before a Special Jury in London the latter end of November or the beginning of Dec[ember] next that the Chancellor will not permit them to be tried before any other than a London Jury which I presume will render your presence there necessary when it is tri
Messrs Taylor & Sons Queensferry Newcastle 15 September 1807
Informed that the affairs of Mr John Hall of this town, who acted as your Agent in the above Purchases, have become deranged; I am to request that you will remit me three Bills at six mo[nth]s upon London, drawn from the date of each purchase for the whole amount.
I am etc MM
Hexham Sept 16th 1807
Description of a Crushing Mill to be erected at Allenheads
Water Wheel 36 feet Diameter & 3 feet wide in the <Clear> will require 14 pair of Arms & 98 Bucketts
The Shrouds - of Cast Iron - 10 In wide or deep in the <Clear> and ½ an In thick with flanges to hold the Buckets & the Shrouds to extend ½ an inch or ¾ beyond the Buckets
The Arms of Oak - Width at the Shroud end 8 Inches
Do- at the centre <….> 11
Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 18 September 1807
Addressed to Col Beaumont Tynemouth
I beg to inform you that I have sold to Mr Parker 20,000 Pieces of Lead at £26 per fo[dder] for refined, & [£]25 Common, to which I was induced, by Mr Parker’s declaration that he would not engage to wait an answer from his House in London, and an anxious desire to arrest a further decline in the price of Lead; assessed that it had been bought as low, and uncertain that it might not become sti
Messrs C. J. Thornhill & Co Sunderland Newcastle 21 September 1807
Your draft for £119-17-6 due the 17th instant at Messrs Goodchild, Jackson & Co London is this day returned dishonoured; you will therefore on receipt hereof, be pleased to send me in Bankers Noted £121-12-8 the amount and expenses of said Bill.
I am etc
Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield Newcastle 21 September 1807
I have this day sent, directed for you, per waggon a piece of fine silver containing 1349 Ounces, which you will place to the credit of Col Beaumont’s Account and for the amount, at market price, remit as usual. I am etc MM
Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 24 September 1807
Addressed to Col Beaumont Bretton Hall
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of the 23rd inst from Leeds. Mr Blackett writes by this morning’s Post to Mr Emm expressing his readiness to wait upon the Bishop of Durham on the subject of Col Beaumont’s Letter, when a day is appointed I shall accompany Mr Blackett over to Aukland and the particulars of the interview will be communicated to you as soon as possible. Yesterday I sold
Mr John Gray Shield Field Newcastle 24 September 1807
In reply to your letter of the 17 instant observe that this Office cannot receive as satisfactory to the demand against you, any arrangement made between you and Mr Richardson, or the ill treatment you have experienced at his hands; and therefore I am to request you will immediately settle the amount and thereby prevent recourse to coercive measures. What is in my power, I am disposed to do, and shall not object to receive your Not
Thomas Bowes Esq Darlington Newcastle 25 September 1807
I am now enabled to transmit you the return of Colonel Beaumont’s Income from the Weardale Lead Mines as specified in the inclosed Papers which for want of a printed Form, I am obliged to substitute. I am etc MM
Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 27 September 1807
Addressed to Col Beaumont Bretton Hall
Mr Ellill has given orders to Mr H[enr]y Hewitson who is absent on a visit at Whitby, to purchase 5,000 Pieces WB Lead & 100 Casks of Litharge, his Brother opened the Letter and having forwarded it to him expects his directions by Wednesday next. In the interim I cannot avoid expressing to you my anxiety in transacting business with Mr Ellill and stating the reasons for this anxiety. It is notorious t
Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 28 September 1807
Addressed to Col Beaumont Bretton Hall
Mr Ellill it appears had been appraised of Mr H[enr]y Hewitson’s visit to Whitby, by writing two letters on the same day, one addressed to him there, and the other here for on coming to the Office this morning I met the Brother of Mr Hewitson who came to conclude the purchase of 5,000 Pieces of Lead and 100 Casks of Litharge on Mr Ellill’s Account. Strengthened, altho not completely satisfied, in
Mrs Beaumont Nescastle 1 October 1807
Addressed to Col Beaumont Bretton
I beg to inform you that in consequence of Mr Emm’s appointment Mr Blackett Mr Chisholm & myself went yesterday to Aukland and on arriving there called upon Mr Emm who having announced us to the Bishop, his Lordship requested to speak with Mr Blackett. After a conversation explanatory of the Letter wrote to Colonel Beaumont in which his Lordship declared his meaning to be, to break for the removal of
Sir Rich[ar]d Caris Glynn Bt & Co Newcastle 5th October 1807
Bankers, London
I have inclose Mr C. Blackett’s Bill upon T Preston Esq & Sons value £3782-15-0 for account of TR Beaumont Esq, the receipt of which be pleased to acknowledge.
I am etc MM
Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 5 October 1807
addressed to Col Beaumont Bretton Hall
I am honoured with your letter of the 30 Ultan acknowledgement of which would never have been made but for the expectation of receiving another from you upon the subject of the Bishop’s demand for the renewal of a Life in the Weardale Lease etc to which, permit me, to request your early attention, in <immoloriation> of the necessary steps to be taken for the Trial, should it not be deemed
Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 8th October 1807
Addressed to Col Beaumont Bretton Hall
I have the Honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of the 5th instant by this day’s Post, and beg to inform you that there are two Leases for Weardale. The Moormasters Lease, and Lease of <Inclosures> were granted for different terms the first for Lives and the latter for years, until about the year 1763 when they were consolidated by changing the Lease for years into a Lease for