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Letter – Martin Morrison to Messrs Taylor & Sons – 9 Oct 1807

Messrs Taylor & Sons Queensferry Newcastle 9 October 1807 In consequence of the promise given by one of your Houses, I have been in the daily expectation of hearing from you upon the subject of Mr John Hall’s transactions in this Office on your Account. You will oblige me by an early communication of your determination & in the interim I am yours etc

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 13 Oct 1807

Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 13 October 1807 Addressed to Col Beaumont Bretton Hall I am favored with your Letter of the 11th inst covering one from Mr Bowns of the same date, and in conformity to his requests annex the statement before exhibited to him by Mr T Crawhall, of the estimated Profits derived from the Weardale Mines to the 30th September 1806, the period at which the annual accounts are now closed. The Profits for 1805 & 6 are no doubt overrated, the price of Ore being

Letter – Martin Morrison to Read, Lucas & Read – 16 Oct 1807

Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield Newcastle 16th October 1807 I am favored with your Letter of the 13 inst covering six Bills value £431-19-3 which is to the Credit of your Account with Col Beaumont and shall be glad to know the best price you could afford for 60 to 100 Tons of Test Bottoms. I am etc MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to James Finlay – 20 Oct 1807

omitted Mr James Finlay Edinburgh Newcastle 20th October 1807 Having had occasion for your professional assistance under the Firm of Morrison Norman <Harrison> & Co I now beg to employ it as Agent to Col Beaumont proprietor of extensive Lead Mines and smelting Mills in this Country. It is necessary to <promise> that in all Sales where the Principals live at a distance it is the Custom to appoint an Agent to transact the business with this Office, and on the 6

Report – Joseph Dickinson to Martin Morrison – 21 Oct 1807

Mr Morrison                                     Dufton   21st October 1807 I take the liberty to send you a statement of the Lead Mines belonging to Colonel Beaumont at Michaelmas 1807 - Beginning with Coalcleugh the East end of which is better than last quarter and likely to continue. - The West flatts with the Cross Vein hath produced a considerable quantity  of Ore last Quarter and <offers> to come forward Eastwards, I am informed these

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 24 Oct 1807

Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 24 October 1807 Address to Col Beaumont Bretton I received Mr Bowns’s Letter on Tuesday and in my way to Hexham on Wednesday morning to meet Mr Williamson at the Manor Court; I called upon Mr C Blackett at Wylam to fix the earliest day for going over to Auckland. Yesterday we waited upon the Bishop and communicating to his Lordship the substance of Mr Bowns’s Letter He decidedly objected to the <Fine> for the removal of the Life being left

Letter – Martin Morrison to Read, Lucas & Read – 24 Oct 1807

Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield Newcastle 24 October 1807 I have this day forwarded by waggon to your address a piece of fine Silver containing 13 oz which you will place to the Credit of T R Beaumont Esq at market price and remit to me the amount as usual. I am etc

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 25 Oct 1807

Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 25th October 1807 Addressed to Col Beaumont Bretton Finding that the Stage coach from Newcastle to Leeds does not travel on a Sunday I do not think it necessary to adopt a more expensive mode of Conveyance as a Letter may answer the purpose of my journey nearly as well. My chief motive of personally waiting upon you was, as the Bishop goes to London previous to the 6th of November and at farthest in ten days, to expedite those measures which may be de

Letter – Martin Morrison to Charles Bowns – 25 Oct 1807

Charles Bowns Esq Newcastle 25th October 1807 In reply to your favor of the 22nd instant I am to inform you that Bishop Thurlow never took his Lot Ore in Kind while in possession of the Sea of Durham; He held the Sea four years and was always paid <or> composition. The Lot Ore has not been received in kind since 1743, the quantity then did not exceed 1261/8 Bings and the Profits from the Mines was little more than £2,000 per annum. I am etc MM

Report – Thomas Dodd – 27 Oct 1807

Hon. Masters Nenthead 27th Oct. 1807 After Examining the sundry Lead Mines under my care, I Let on the 29th & 30th past the Bargains of which a list is annexed, & I hope the Court will be satisfied that I have used all possible care & frugality respecting the prices. Rampgill & Scaleburnmoss Mines are both raising Ore to advantage; At the former Jos. Dryden & co are Driving the Horse Level, which prepares the Veins for rais[ing] Ore - Hugh Pattinson & co are

Letter – Martin Morrison to William Chisholm – 3 Nov 1807

Mr W[ilia]m Chisholme Newcastle 3rd November 1807 47 Lincolns Inn Fields I only received your Letter of the 30 Ult this day on my return from Bretton and enclosed you will receive the Account required by the last order of the Court of Chancery but not certain that the Account should be delivered so far as We can and have completed it, or, only up to the filing of the Bill I have sent it in its present state that you may produce it to the period demanded. The statement to sh

Letter – Martin Morrison to James Finlay – 3 Nov 1807

Mr James Finlay Cross, Edinburgh Newcastle 3 November 1807 My absence from Home has prevented me acknowledging sooner the rec[eip]t of yours of the 29th and I now enclose the original Memo omitted to be sent in my first Letter and Mr P Taylors Letter in answer to mine of the 9th Ult a Copy of which is here to annexed. I also annex copy of Extracts taken from Hall the Bankrupts Book whose evidence in the <account> of a Trial will prove that he acted as Agent to Taylor &

Letter – Martin Morrison to Charles Bowns – 5 Nov 1807

Charles Bowns Esq Newcastle 5 November 1807 I am favored with your letter of the 2nd instant with the enclosure mentioned. The Calculation of what the Bishop might be entitled to etc which you put into my hand at Bretton, I laid upon the Table in the Library in which the inkstand is placed , Mr Cockshutt had some Papers on the Table at the time, and it may possibly (if not yet found) be among them. I now enclose the Acc[oun]t according to the form you required and you will please

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 6 Nov 1807

Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 6 November 1807 Addressed to Col Beaumont Bretton I beg to enclose Mr Dickinson’s Report which is now entered in the Office Book and to inform you that by the Mail Coach which conveys this, a Parcel will be received containing the Account which Mr Bowns desires by his Letter of the 3rd instant to be forwarded. The weight of the Account exceeds two Ounces and therefore to avoid unnecessary expense is this mode of Conveyance adopted. I beg my most

Letter – Martin Morrison to John Breare – 7 Nov 1807

John Breare Esq Newcastle 7th November 1807 Middleham Yorkshire I am favored with your letter of the 5 inst and request you will accept thanks for the information of Mr Ellis having contracted with Lord Pomfret and Mr Denys for a large Quantity of Lead at £29-10-0 at Stockton. The very large Sales made by Colonel Beaumont within the two last months will the less dispose him to part with the remainder of his Stock at the late Prices <im> less controlled by circumstances which a

Letter – Martin Morrison to Read, Lucas & Read – 8 Nov 1807

Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield Newcastle 8 December 1807 In reply to your letter of the 5th instant decline your offer of £3-10-6 per ton for Test Bottoms having sold @ 7 with a prospect of disposing of a large quantity at that price. By Pickersgill Waggon you will receive a piece of fine Silver containing 1202/2 Oz for which credit Colonel Beaumont and remit the amount as usual. I am etc MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 9 Nov 1807

Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 9th November 1807 Addressed Col Beaumont Bretton In this and another cover; I beg to transmit the Sales of Lead and Cash Account for last month and to acknowledge the receipt of copies of the Bishop’s last letter and Colonel Beaumont’s reply. I confess Madam that I contemplate with great dismay the issue of the Chancellor’s decision and have thought, and still continue to think that in adopting measures to settle the dispute amicably, your ultim

Letter – Martin Morrison to James Finlay – 12 Nov 1807

Mr James Finlay Cross Edinburgh Newcastle 12th November 1807 I am favored with your Letter of the 9th instant Covering Power of Attorney for Mr Beaumont to sign. Observing that the second parcel of Litharge bought by J Hall becomes due on the 28 inst I am disposed to defer coercive measures to compel payment until that period, previous to which would it not be as well again to apply to them for both sums? Mr Hall being known at this Office & usually sending for a Tickett for the del

Letter – Martin Morrison to John Breare – 13 Nov 1807

John Breare Esq Middleham Newcastle 13 November 1807 I am assured by Mr A Hall of the House of Easterby Hall & Co that Mr Elliss’s contract with Mr Deny’s is at £28 per Stockton Fodder and not £29-10 as stated by you, which I acquaint you with for your Government and if my information is correct to afford an opportunity to rectify any representation made by you to Colonel Beaumont on this subject. I am etc

Letter – Martin Morrison to Charles Bowns – 14 Nov 1807

Charles Bowns Esq Darley Hall Newcastle 14 November 1807 I am favored with your letter of the 9th inst and have forwarded by the Mail Coach which conveys this, the additional Account you desire. You will please to observe that this Acc[ount] is forwarded on a computed Value of Ore per Bing according to the Price of Lead at the time, which is the only method We could adopt from the great difficulty and length of time necessary, to obtain certain information of the prices of Ore in y

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 16 Nov 1807

Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 16th November 1807 Addressed to Colonel Beaumont Bretton I am honored with your letter of the 14 inst enclosing one from Mr Wilson, and herewith transmit Mr Walton’s Prices of Ore from 1786 to 1790 by which Mr Cockshutt can rectify the Account if necessary and inform Mr Bowns thereof. By the Evidence taken on behalf of the Bishop it appears that the price of Ore in 1788 was 97s/ per Bing and in 1789 89s/ per Bing; in such uncertainty & in the absenc

Letter – Thomas Richard Beaumont to John Erasmus Blackett – 20 Nov 1807

Bretton Hall Novr 20th 1807 My dear Sir I am extremely sorry that by the Bishops Management of this Cause your Evidence should be necessary to be given in London at so unseasonable a period of the Year. I beg to inform You that I have made proposals to the Bishop, that all Matters in dispute between us should be determined by an Arbitration, & if his Lordship should acquiesce in this proposal Your Evidence will then be given before the Arbitrators, instead of a publick Court. I a

Letter – Martin Morrison to Thomas Emerson – 21 Nov 1807

Mr Thomas Emerson New House Newcastle 21 November 1807 I have your letter of the 17 instant and consider it essentially necessary that you should attend the Meetings proposed to be held for the division of Middlehope Common, and that Colonel Beaumont has been exempt from all expense of damage of ground in the Working of the Mines hitherto by Acts of Parliament of a similar nature, that he will not consent to be now liable , and unless a clause be inserted in the intended Bill to t

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to William Collingwood – 1 Dec 1807

Mr W Collingwood Nr Alnwick N Castle 1 Dec 1807 We are extremely anxious to have Mr Beaumts Election Acc[ount] closed at this place but are unable to accomplish it until favored with yours from Alnwick – Soon as you have obtained a settlement with the parties there, will you have the goodness to transmit a Statement of the Acc[oun]t that it may be finally closed. I presume Mr Heron wo[ul]d acquaint you with the Sum to be charged as a remuneration for the trouble you have had in this

Letter – Martin Morrison to Read, Lucas & Read – 1 Dec 1807

Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield Newcastle 1 December 1807 I credit your account £393-13-6 the amount of three Bills rec[eive]d per your favor of the 28 Ult. Having a prospect of obtaining a better price than you are disposed to give for our test bottoms We decline at present making an offer of them. I am etc
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467