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Letter – Thomas Crawhall to William Collingwood – 4 Dec 1807

Mr W Collingwood Alnwick NCastle Dec 4 / 1807 Sir I have your favor of 2 Inst & observe that Mr Heron has never made you acquainted with the Sums paid by Mr Beaumont to his Law Agents employed on the late Election, tho requested so to do long ago. The Sum paid generally was £42 exclusive of the usual retaining fee, but in connection of the additional trouble you must have had on this occasion it was proposed to pay you with 60 Guineas which Mr Beaumont hopes you will feel satis

Letter – Martin Morrison to Read, Lucas & Read – 19 Dec 1807

Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield NCastle 19 December 1807 I debit your Account £46-17-1 the amount of the enclosed Bills & Expenses returned for non-payment & am Etc MM £ <See> Bill Book No. 906 45 17 0 Expenses 1 0 1 46 17 1

Letter – Martin Morrison to William Collingwood – 22 Dec 1807

Mr Will[iam] Collingwood Alnwick Newcastle 22 December 1807 You will very much oblige me by transmitting the amount of Expenses attending Colonel Beaumonts Election which you were to settle. Your account is the only one unsettled and I am desirous finally to close the whole before the year expires. I am etc MM

Letter – Thomas Crawhall to William Chisholm – 26 Dec 1807

W[ilia]m Chisholm Esq N[ew]C[astle] December 26 1807 47 Lincolns Inn Fields London In reply to your letter addressed to Mr <Morrison> of 24 Inst requesting Copies of JEBs letters to Mr Bearn of the 13th 15th & 18th May 1802. On consulting the letter Book I do not find any of the date 13th May 1802 (which I consider as error) those of the 15th& 18th I send you enclosed, they are exact copies as entered in the Book here & do not seem of much information in the Cause.

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 26 Dec 1807

Sir R C Glyn Bt & Co Bankers London Newcastle 26 December 1807 Enclosed you will receive six Bills ( Nos 926,927,928,929,930,931) value £27,314-4-3 which please place to the Credit of TR Beaumont Esq and acknowledge the receipt of the same to Gent etc MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to James Finlay – 4 Jan 1808

Mr James Finlay Cross Edinburgh NCastle 4 January 1808 I am impatient to know the result of your second application to Messrs Taylor & Sons. The Power of Att[orn]y is now executed by Colonel Beaumont and shall be forwarded to you if necessary. I am etc MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to James Finlay – 7 Jan 1808

Mr James Finlay Cross Edinburgh NCastle 7 January 1808 I am favoured with your Letter of yesterday and enclosed you will receive the Power of Attorney which was signed by Thomas Richard Beaumont Esq and witnessed by Messrs <Mickle> on the 19 December at Bretton Hall Yorkshire one of the Seats of Mr Beaumont; the witnesses father and son are employed laying out the pleasure grounds. Mr Beaumont represents the county of Northumberland in Parliament where he possesses another seat or

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 12 Jan 1808

Sir R. C. Glynn Bankers London Newcastle 12 January 1808 Enclosed you will receive three Bills (Nos 932,3 & 4) value £35,364-12-9 for Account of Thomas Rich[ar]d Beaumont Esq the receipt of which be pleased to acknowledge to <…> Yrs MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Anthony Hopper – 12 Jan 1808

Brownley Hill Newcastle 12 January 1808 Lead Company – directed to Ant[hon]y Hopper Esq Newcastle I am informed that you have been repeatedly applied to for payment of Ore wrought past the <Bounder> Ditch into the Manor of Hexham, without effect. It becomes my duty on behalf of T R Beaumont Esq to request that you will not delay any longer making the necessary satisfaction for which purpose I enclose a copy of the Report made by Mr Thomas Dodd Matthew Fairless and Josep

Letter – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 12 Jan 1808

Messrs Rundell Bridge & Co Newcastle 12 January 1808 Ludgate Hill, London On Saturday the 9th instant I forwarded to you by the Waggon two pieces of fine Silver containing 3056 Ounces for account of Thomas Richard Beaumont Esq. You will on receipt thereof be pleased to pay the value at market price to Sir R[ichar]d C Glynn & Co Bankers advising me of the amount and also the sum paid them for the pieces of fine Silver forwarded to you on the 20th of April last. I am etc MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to James Finlay – 14 Jan 1808

Mr James Finlay Cross Edinburgh Newcastle 14 Jan[ua]ry 1808 I now enclose you the draught of a Summons against Messrs Taylor and Sons which I think in every respect accurate. In the Memos which are usually signed at this office on the purchase of Lead and Litharge, it is specified to be paid for in cash or good Bills on London due at the end of six months, but when payment is fixed to be in Bills the Pen is sometimes run thro[ugh] Cash which is probably the case with the Memo in your pos

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 20 Jan 1808

Sir R C Glynn Bt & Co Bankers London Newcastle 20th January 1808 Herewith you will receive Seven Bills ( No’s 936,7,8,9,940,942 & 3) value £22,931-5-1 for Account of TR Beaumont Esq the receipt of which be pleased to acknowledge. I am etc MM

Report – Thomas Dodd – 23 Jan 1808

Hon. Masters Nenthead 23rd Jany. 1808 Having examined the Company’s Mines under my direction, I Let on the 4th, 5th & 6th Inst. the sundry Bargains, of which a List is herewith sent. I have brought the highest price per Bing to 44/ & Ton to £12, except a few poor pickings at Stanhope & one at Bolts Law. The poverty of the former is such that they cannot be Wrought lower, nor can the Men make Wages at the prices given, but the Ore will save the Company from loss - The

Letter – Martin Morrison to William Collingwood – 25 Jan 1808

Mr Will[ia]m Collingwood Sol[icito]r Alnwick Newcastle 25th January 1808 I am favored with your letter accompanied with Voucher for disbursements on acc[oun]t of Colonel Beaumont’s Election. I have invested in the Accounts Sixty Five Guineas for your trouble with which I trust you will be satisfied, but as Mr Heron need money for the purpose of attaining the different professional Gentlemen employed in the Election, I expected that your fee had been paid at the commencement of the busin

Letter – Martin Morrison to Wheeldon & Webster – 28 Jan 1808

Messrs Wheeldon & Webster Derby N[ew]C[astle] 28 January 1808 I am to inform you that I have requested Messrs Bellairs & Co Bankers in your Town to demand payment of the above Acc[oun]t with Interest thereon, after the expiration of the usual credit of 6 months from 5 August 1801 with which I trust you will comply & am etc

Letter – Martin Morrison to Messrs Bellairs & Co – 28 Jan 1808

Messrs Wheeldon & Webster Derby To Tho[mas] Rich[ar]d Beaumont Esq 1801 August 5th For 10 Casks Litharge q Cwt 60-0-0 @ £24 per ton £72 Messrs Bellairs & Co Bankers Derby Newcastle 28 January 1808 As Agent to Col Beaumont I take the liberty of troubling you with the above and to request that you will have the goodness to receive the amount of Messrs Wheeldon & Webster in your Town & for which, if you succeed to remit me a Bill upon London after deducting

Letter – Martin Morrison to Joseph Dickinson – 9 Feb 1808

J Dickinson Dufton Newcastle 9 Febr[uar]y 1808 Respecting last Quarters Report of the State of the Mines, not being sent.

Letter – Martin Morrison to Read, Lucas & Read – 10 Feb 1808

Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield Newcastle 10 February 1808 I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of the 6th inst. covering 6 Bills value £409-10-2 which sum is to the Credit of your Account with TR Beaumont Esq. Conformable to your request 4 Tons of Test Bottoms shall be forwarded by the earliest opportunity & I am etc MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 13 Feb 1808

Sir R C Glynn Bt & Co Bankers – London Newcastle 13 February 1808 You will be pleased to supply John Erasmus Blackett Esq with what Cash he may require during his stay in London and charge the amount to the Account of Thomas R[ichar]d Beaumont Esq. I am etc

Report – Joseph Dickinson to Martin Morrison – 15 Feb 1808

Dufton 15 February 1808 Mr Morrison,            Your's of the 9th instant have received and should have given you the Account sooner, but the last of the Duplicates of Bargains &c only came to hand the 12 instant.  - In the second week of December when I found it was not likely that I would be able to attend at the Bargains, wrote to the Head Agents at each of the Mines, the state of my Health and that if I did not make my appearance among them on the monday or tuesday af

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 29 Feb 1808

Mrs Beaumont N Castle 29th February 1808 Addressed Colonel Beaumont Portman Square London Previous to setting off for the Mines to make the Pays, permit me to express my deep regret at the late decision in the cause with the B[isho]p of Durham, and to enclose Mr Dickinsons Report of the Mines, also to inform you that I have drawn upon Sir R C Glynn for £52,000 in four Bills of £13,000 each, which become payable on the 4th, 14th, 24th & 29th of next month. Mr Emerson arrived he

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 29 Feb 1808

Sir R C Glynn Bt & Co Bankers London N Castle 29 February 1808 I beg to advise of having this day drawn upon for £52,000 in four Bills of £13,000 each payable Sir <W[ilia]m> Loraine Bt & Co and dated at Eight, Ten, Twenty and Twenty five days from 1st next month which you will please to honor and place the same Account of TR Beaumont Esq.

Letter – Martin Morrison to Thornhill & Co – 10 Mar 1808

Slater £32-11-0 Thompson £32- 2–6 Paul £32-10-6 Lamont £31-14-6 £157-15-6 Messrs C J Thornhill & Co Sunderland Newcastle 10 March 1808 I beg to return the above Bills enclosed in your Letter of the 7th instant having no other opportunity of negotiating them than what you yourselves possess. I must protest against receiving such Bills in payment as attended with endless trouble, Expence and disappointment and which this office has never been ac

Letter – Royal Institution to Diana Beaumont – 11 Mar 1808

THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF GREAT BRITAIN [Insignia] NOTIFICATION OF ELECTION AS A PROPRIETOR OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTION At a meeting of the Managers of the Royal Institution of Great Britain, held at the House of the institution, on the 7 of March 1808, Mrs. Diana Beaumont was elected a PROPRIETOR of the said Institution. Extract from the Minutes [signed] Willm. Savage, Clerk. Royal Institution, The 11 of March 1808 Tickets of Admission may be had at the House of the Insti

Letter – Martin Morrison to John Ellill – 12 Mar 1808

John Ellill Esq Lead Merchant London Newcastle 12th March 1808 I am favored with letter of the 9th inst. this day, an absence from home prevented me receiving it yesterday. In reply beg to inform you that I have sold a large quantity of Lead at £23 & 22 P[er] fo[dder] Refined & Common at the usual Credit of 6 Mo[nth]s and which has so reduced our Stock that I shall not be disposed to sell any more but at an advanced price viz £24 P[er] fo[dder] for common at the same time I t
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467