Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 21st March 1808
Addressed Col Beaumont Bretton
In this and another cover you will receive Cash Account and Lead Sales up to the end of last month and have remitted Messrs Glyn & Co £12,300, the particulars of which are here Subjoined. It is with much concern I have to announce the death of your old & faithful servant Robert Mulcaster who departed this Life on Saturday Evening: his death had been preceeded by a general debility for some days & nature
Sir R C Glynn Bankers London Newcastle 21st March 1808
Enclosed you will receive 5 Bills (No. 958 & 9, 969,70 & 71) value £12,300 which you will place to the Credit of TR Beaumont Esq and acknowledge the receipt of the same to me. I am etc
Mr Morrison
In my remarks of the state of the Lead Mines under Colonel Beaumont about the 25th of March 1808 I find the Coalcleugh in general poor, some of the East end workings, in the great Lime which was generally the best, all under water, owing to the Engine getting wrong and could not be repaired immediately, she was going very well when I was there but would require some time to clear the works again, having very little to spare in drawing the general feeder.
Messrs Thomas Cobb & Co Lead Merchants London Newcastle 7th April 1808
Your favor of the 24th & 31st Ult only reached me late last night an absence for a fortnight on a journey thro’ the Mines is the reason why they did not come to hand sooner. I shall be happy to open a connexion with you and to empower it by every means in my power. Since the Sales you allude to I have sold Lead @ £25 & 24 P[er] fo[dder] Refined and Commonsix months Credit and from the state of the Mines
Arthur Mowbray Esq Sherborne Durham Newcastle 11 April 1808
Observing that two years Moormaster’s Rent for Weardale is now due to my Lord Bishop of Durham I am desirous to pay the same. You will oblige me by the information whether you continue to receive it,or if not, to whom I must apply. I am etc
Nenthead 14th. April 1808
Hon. Masters,
I am under the painful necessity of addressing you at this time, respecting a disagreement betwixt Mr. Dodd & me. I will fairly & truly relate this circumstance and leave it to you to judge whether I am deserving of being dismissed from your employ for such a trifle. The old Day-Book that I enter’d the Gunpowder & Candles into when I deliver’d them to the Workmen at Your Magazine, being filled up, I asked Mr. Dodd for anot
Hon. Masters Nenthead 16th Apr. 1808
After a general View of the Mines under my care I Let on 30th & 31st past the Bargains of which a List is annexed. I have as proposed, reduced the prices with difficulty to 42/ per Bing £11.5 per Ton the highest. The no. of hands are a little increased, but those on Dead Bargains are nearly the same as last Qua[rte]r, Tho’ many of the Mines are not rich, yet there are a number of favorable prices among the whole so that on the aggregate they
Mr James Finlay Sol[icito]r Edinburgh Newcastle 16th April 1808
I shall be glad to know at your convenience what is done in the affair of Messrs Taylor & Sons Queensferry. In a late decision before my Lord Ellenborough where Hall purchased Lead on Commission without declaring the Principal name for whom he purchased, those Principals are made responsible & so decided was the opinion of his Lordship upon the subject that he directed the Jury to find the Verdict
Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 22 April 1808
Addressed to Col Beaumont Portman Square Lo:
I now beg to enclose Mr Dickinson’s report of the State of the Mines and the Bargains made for the ensuing Quarter & have much pleasure in acquainting you that I yesterday effected a Sale of 7,000 Pieces of Lead at £25 & 24 Per fodder to Mr <Knowsley> of Hull who makes this purchase purely as a Speculation and with a view of being able one day or other to export it to a foreign market.
Isaac Wilkinson Esq Chesterfield Newcastle 23 April 1808
I am favored with your letter of the 21st instant the quantity of Lead for Sale in this Country may be estimated at 70,000 Pieces, forty thousand of which belong to Col Beaumont. In Yorkshire I do not suppose the quantity very large so that from the reduction generally adopted in working the Mines I entertain no serious apprehensions that the price of Lead will be brought so low as £20-0-0 Per fo[dder] which you think from
Colonel Beaumont MP Newcastle 27 April 1808
Cheltenham Gloucestershire
I am honored with your Letter of the 22nd inst and should be happy to experience that the price of lead was enhanced by an increased demand and a more extensive consumption. The late Sales to Mr Anderson & Mr Knowsley will I hope have the beneficial effects of rendering a reduction in the price unnecessary and instead the Lead Merchants of the <impolicy> of their conduct in endeavouring to obtain th
Nenthead 27th. April 1808.
Hon. Masters,
I was not a little surprised on seeing a Man appointed to my place immediately after Mr. Dodd received your Letter. I will just observe that it is my real opinion (along with Mr. Stagg, & all the people that have known anything about the affair) you would not have consented to my dismissal if you had known the real circumstances of the Case; but make no doubt they have been wrong represented by Mr. Dodd. I hope you will excuse me the
Messrs C T Thornhill & Co Sunderland Newcastle 30th April 1808
I hand you the above Account requesting immediate payment either in Bankers Notes or by a short dated Bill upon London. I am sorry to remark that you have exceeded the usual Credit, beyond what has been granted to, or required by any other House and that it will not accord with the regularity of this Officeto transact business on similar terms in future. I am Etc MM
Alston 11th. May 1808
Honoured Masters
I have received yours of the 5th. Inst. inclosing two Letters from Robert Hayton to you, and at your Request shall candidly and faithfully give you my Sentiments on their Contents: though I feel it a painful Task, for I am so weak I am unable to write myself, all I can do is to dictate to my Son.
When Robt. Hayton was first appointed to his late Situation under you, he was unacquainted with the Business and of Consequence
Blaydon Refinery, 13 May 1808.
Mr Morrison,
Conformable to your directions I herewith send you a Report of Colonel & Mrs. Beaumont’s Smelt Mills & Refinerys with other occurrences relating thereto and am Sir &c, Jno Mulcaster.
Dukesfield Mill.
As considerable Sales of Lead have lately taken place and the demand for some time being principally for Refined lead we have only a small stock of that kind in hand not sufficient to complete the present Sales - and as
Messrs Thornhill & Co Sunderland Newcastle 24 May 1808
I In consequence of your application to the Post Office here they have searched the unclaimed letters, this day produced one here addressed to ‘Mr M M Martin, Post Office N[ew]Castle on sight of which recognizing the handwriting I have opened in Mr Morrison’s absence and found to be yours of 20th March last enclosing the Bill in question on Coutts & Co for £147-1-3 now overdue which sum is now placed to your Credit on
Sir W[ilia]m Loraine Bt & Co Newcastle 19 May 1808
Pay Arthur Mowbray Esq or Bearer Three Hundred Pounds ¼ for MM
Mr P Forster Exchequer Durham
Above you will receive a Cheque for £300-1-4 the amount of two years Moor masters Rent & acquittance due to my Lord Bishop of Durham from TR Beaumont Esq on the 2nd of February last; a receipt for which you will in course of Post deliver to Sir etc MM
Grassington 3rd. June 1808
Hon. Masters,
On account of my dismissal from your employment, I have been under the necessity of leaving Nenthead to seek a situation in this Country, being determined that Mr. Dodd should not be gratified by seeing me work for bread in the place where I had served you & him as an Agent. I was not a little uneasy that you took no notice of my Letters, not so much that you did not answer them, but that you never asked the Mr. Stagg’s opinion resp
J E Blackett Esq Newcastle Newcastle 14 June 1808
In consequence of the large sum of money to be paid to the Bishop of Durham for terminating the suit in Chancery respecting the Lot Ore, Colonel & Mrs Beaumont find it necessary to request the Settlement of all accounts wherein they have claims for money and I am directed by them to apply to you for that purpose; at the same time it is their wish in settling the Balances of your Cash Account that such mode may be adopted as is most
Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield Newcastle 15 June 1808
I am to advise of having yesterday sent P the Waggon a Piece of fine Silver containing 843 Oz for the Account of TR Beaumont Esq. The Price of Silver I understand is rising & I hope this will be entitled to the best. MM
16th. June
The Court having recd. Intimation in various Letter from the North that Abuses have <prevailed> in a principal Department - It has been thought <admissable> for the Company to avail themselves of the Services of Mr. Masterman for the purpose of ascertaining by private Means how far the Reports which have been made to the Court are well or ill founded. - The Committee to <action> the <Court’s direction> of this Matter has been <recessed
London 23 June 1808
Mr. Joseph Stagg
Our Friend Mr. Masterman being about to take a Journey to the Lakes. He has been requested by the Court to go by Way of <Newcastle> in Order to have a Conference with you upon the State of the Company’s Affairs - and you are desired to meet Him at the Queen’s Head on Friday Morning the 8th. July and to give him every Information within your Knowledge that respects the Interest of this Company.
You will take Notic
Sir R C Glyn Bt & Co Bankers London Newcastle 25 June 1808
I duly rec[eive]d your letter of the 22nd inst covering Messrs Drummonds rec[eip]t for £15,000 p[ai]d them on acc[oun]t of the B[isho]p of Durham for which you have Credit with Col Beaumont, to whose Account you will place the five enclosed Bills amounting to £30,593-13-2 & acknowledge the rec[eip]t of them to G[ly]n & Co
Walker Ward & Co on Wallkers Maltby & Co £7806–17– 8 due 15 Sep 1808
Dear Sir June 28th 1808
In examining the Lead Mines under Col Beaumont I find the Eastend of the Coalcleugh Vein is not yet clear of the Cross Veins, a small one being discovered by the Galloway level, which is before the forehead in the Ore workings in a Sill called Pattinson about six or seven foot thick which produces Ore and is let at 35/p Bing to Michaelmas next, the Vein having to cross t
Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 1st July 1808
Addressed to Col Beaumont Portman Square
I am honored with your Letter of the 29th Ult accompanied with the agreement for Lot Ore and in this & another cover you will receive Cash Acc[oun]t and Lead Sales for last month and have much pleasure in adding that I have this day sold 1500 Pieces of refined Lead to Messrs Preston & Sons @ £27 Per Fo[dder]. The attempts of reducing the price of Lead are now I trust entirely defeated &