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Letter – Ralph Grey to unknown Grey – 20 Jan 1674

Newc[astle] Jan th 20 1673 Lo[ving] Cousson yors of the 15th Curante with the Inclosed bill of exchange for <£114> came to saife hand upon Mr Peater Marchall who hath paid the one ½ and will pay the other next weeke as he promisseth, for great Care and trouble I send you many thankes as alsoe for yor private advise; Mr Sailes hath ship of Mr Potts Reparing which will Cost = £115 besides she will take In above 20 Keels of Coles soe I intreat hym for to Retorne monys downe; I h

Letter – Ralph Grey – 20 Jan 1674

NewC[astle] Jan 20th 1673 Sr Yors of the 15 Curant with the Inclosed bill of of Exchange for £85 17:6d of Mr Henshawe would not Except the bill for to pay at the day; pretending longer tyme granted, Soe was forced to grant hym a weake Longer or Returne the bill; I am glad that Lead ryseth with you: We can gett noe M[ast]er for to take In anny hear for London; In my Last I writ you I had prevailed wth my Cosson Briggs to Lett you have 2 or 300 peses of Lead at £xii per fother pray [s]en

Letter – Ralph Grey to George Potts – 23 Jan 1674

ditto 23 1673 Mr Geo Potts Sr Yors of 17 Came to saife hand: being seke of the gootes [gout] that I Cannot goe about but I entreted Mr Sailes to Lock [sic] about and he tould me he had prevailed for £100 I giveing my bill upon you; W[hi]ch I promised I would but I heard nothing of them this morning w[hi]ch I wonder of; I shall doe my Endever to assist hym but trade is soe dead and monys soe scarce with hus especally at this tyme of year; French Sells well good graves Wine at 36 pound

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Watling – 23 Jan 1674

ditto 23th 1673 Mr Watling Pray Send per Mr Dixson or some of our NewC[astle] Shipps 12 Dozen of your best pans and 6 dozen at 6s:10 per [dozen]; hear is a great Loss of ships No more at present I am Yors Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to unknown Grey – 23 Jan 1674

NewC[astle] Jan 23th 1673 Cosson Grey This at present is to aquaint yow with the sad loss we have suffered to our ships Mr Whits Mr Johnson Mr Kirkhous Mr Simpson Mr Hutton Mr Forman Mr Little Mr Reahead Geo Bett Wm Wilkinson Mr Shrives Mr Albaney and the Nathen Robt Thorpe feared of fifteene but 3 saife Thes are Townes Ships besids others w[hi]ch I have Not the Names of; I had A letter from Mr Potts that he would send you downe the £36 this Not further but that I am Yours Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to Randolph Richardson – 23 Jan 1674

ditto 23th 1673 Mr Richardson Yors of the 17 Curant came to saife hand with a Bill of Exchang of £75 4s w[hi]ch my Brother Ellison hath Excepted; hear is a sad lose to this towne; Last year I Lost £1400 but this year I know not but this towne is undon; I meane shipowners; ther is lost that we hear of Mr Kirkhous Tho Simpson Anto Whit Mr Hutton Forman and Furman and 4 or 5 other besids all strangers Not further but that I am yours Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Hester – 23 Jan 1674

NewC[astle] Jan 23th 1673 Mr Hester Yors I Recd: This at present is to aqua[i]nt you with the sad loss this towne hath sustend by the Last Storme; my sope is lost buy Cha Johnson; w[hi]ch if you had shipt According as you writ In October had bene saife hear but that Adds to my other great Losses; pray send 6 Barr[els] of the best Neat Sope per Abraham Dixson or some other good ships; I Lost Last yeare £1400 in [l]osses of ships but this year We know not all Losses for this storme thar

Letter – Ralph Grey to Matthew Shepherd – 23 Jan 1674

NewC[astle] Jan 23 1673 Mr Shepheard Yors of the 3d Curant Came to saife hand and in dew tyme; since which I have ordered Mr John Burfit of <soal> to pay you twenty pounds and if he come to this port to pay forty pounds and Mr Partis of Newcastle to pay you £20 I shall order you more mony up; heare hath bene A sad Losse of shipps hear to the Norward of this barr: Mr Anto: Whats Mr Johnson Hen: Kirkhous Tho Simpson Mr Hutton Forman Little: of Newc[astle] besides Sundry other Stra

Letter – Ralph Grey to George Potts – 24 Jan 1674

NewCastle Jan 24th 73/4 Mr George Pott Last post I writ you I heard nothing of Mr Georg Sayles; who this day was with me; and aquanted me he expected one hundred pounds at last but now he Can furneish hime but with thirty pounds which I have passed my bill of exchange of you at sight according to Mr Sayles dessire; which pray honor with acceptance and payment; the bill is payable to Mr Jerrad Stockell or his order; A man of Law[.] moneys is soe scarce heare that thosse that have it wil

Letter – Ralph Grey to Matthew Shepherd – 27 Jan 1674

ditto the 27 1673 Mr Shipheard In my last I gave you an acct w[ha]t Mr Burford would pay and Mr Parker who I hope will not fall [fail?] ther Ingaidment; and this Inclosed to Mr Chas Fairweather, w[hi]ch pray sealle before your delivery you will hear of hym at Billingate he Is now unlading his shypp; I hope he will [have] twenty pounds; for the futer [future] give me but tymly notes I will order you up your money thus Not further I am yours Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to Charles Fairweather – 27 Jan 1674

NewC[astle] Jan 27 1673 Mr Fairweather I am glad to hear of your saife arival We have Lost <20th> of our best NewC[astle} shipps wh[ere]in I am deaply concarned that within the 14/mo I have loss 30 Sayle of ships; god send his peace that you may Lye up In winter, and run noe such hazard and thare Is 30 Strangers Lost with the NewC[astle] men It was a strong ruin thosse shipps that was <…….> though they had but bene but at Scarbrough I have Recd Geo: Pesead accs Whear I

Letter – Ralph Grey to Timothy Asdell – 27 Jan 1674

NewC[astle] Jan 27th 1673 Mr Tymothy Asdell Yors of the 22th Curant came to saife hand with the Inclosed bill of Exchang of Mr Petter Marchell Came to saife hand, for the value Recd of Mr Geo: Potts; I hope Ere this he hath p[ai]d the bill of £6:15s:6d cha[rged] buy Mr Alford; I much desire your Aquates and if I truble you with rec[eiving] moneys of Masters of shipps and paying It, Retorning: per bills of Exch[an]ge with per Cent: Noe more At present but that I am yor Humble Servant

Letter – Ralph Grey to Embaucke – 29 Jan 1674

NewC[astle]; jan 29th 73 Mr <Embaucke> I recd yours but I doe not remember anythinge of w[ha]t you mentean; you <...> as much formerly; I have examind & find noe such thing if there be receits as you pretend produce them[.] not further but that I am Your frend Ra: Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey – 30 Jan 1674

NewC[astle] Jan 30th 1673 Sr Yors of the 27 came to saife hand this day with the Inclosed Bill of Exchange for £145 06s on Mr Robt Ellison who hath promisd payment at day; w[hi]ch I Question Not; Mr Shaw hath paid the Eighty 5 pounds Seven shill[ings] 6d: but I hear nothing of makeing of It up £100; I wish you would order the shiping of yor Lead as sowne [soon] as possobly you Cann: I beleve It may be shipt for 1s:6d per pigg; thare is great Quantity bought up this day to be s

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Peacock – 30 Jan 1674

NewC[astle] Jan the 30 1673 Mr Peacoke Yors of the 27 Curant came to saife hand, where In I perceive you have bene Inquiring after Returnes but finde not to according to exsptation w[hi]ch Is aprised to us; our pay day being Next Weeke; and we sould it Cheepe upon that Acct; Lead is sould hear this day at £12 per fo[ther]; I was with Mr Isaackson but he could not suply; heare Is great quantityes sould hear w[hi]ch is shippt of for Amsterdam Rotterdam & Hambrough [Hamburg] I wonder

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Grey – 30 Jan 1674

ditto 30 Ja 1673 Sonne Wm Since my last I Recd yors and one with A Noat of Cha[rges]: which I approve of; from Mr Leads who I am Ingaged to for his great care of you; <ply [apply?] your backe> for its the best portion I can give you; and you shall want Noe Incorgment; I hope you will find the Advantage of the yeares In <pracct..ts>; All frends hear are well save only yor Cusson Roger who Is very Weeke; they Reminded themselfs to you. Yor mother gives you her Kiss and <S

Letter – Ralph Grey – 30 Jan 1674

NewC[astle] Jan 30th 1673 Honerd Sir Yors of the 17 Curante came to saife hand with the Inclosed to Mr Baites; w[hi]ch was carfull <d..d>; and this post I will give you ann acct of Tempus Rayne; I wish I may be servisable to you or yours If you Hon[ou]r mee with your Comands in this plase; yor Noat of my sonns Charge I Read; and find you have Wronge yorselfe for you make yor selfe Debtor £5:5s:11d and there Is but In your hands: £3: 5s: 11d w[hi]ch place to Acct I Rejoice to h

Letter – Ralph Grey – 10 Feb 1674

NewC[astle] Februry the 10th (73) Sr Yours of the 5th came safe to hand with the inclosed bill of exchange on Mr Joseph Hudleston at 16 days sight he will not underwrite the bill nor accept it, he shewed my man a letter that his Friend would returne the monyes which if perform’d he would pay, otherwise not, as for the lead we provided for you, if you have noe occasion shall free you of your bargaine, for there is noe demand of Lead, since the 31th of January everyone provided themse

Letter – Ralph Grey to George Potts – 10 Feb 1674

Newcastle February the 10th (73/4) Mr George Potts Yourse of the 5th Cuorant Recd, I perceive by Mr Sails it will be 3 weeks before he can be ready therefore my advice is have him load oversea coals for there is none of these shipps can goe, for theire coals are not for the market & coals gives a good value at hambrought [Hamburg] & soe doth Lead or any port beyond seas for the east, & he may head safe home or the Marchents of Hamb[urg] will fr[e]ight him home, there is n

Letter – Ralph Grey to John Allen – 13 Feb 1674

Newc[astle] Feb the 13 1673 Mr John Allen Yours of the 3d feb with the inclosed bill of exchange for £13 8s 9d came to hand and had erre this write you ansswer but that Mr Slinger was out of towne, I hope we shall have the first fleets hear next <wk> thare being some of thare foreruners Come to the barr; I shall be glad to Se you hear; and pray bringe yor bill of saile with Along with you[,] This wishing you a bone voadge Your Loveing freinde Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey – 13 Feb 1674

Newc[astle] Feb the 13 1673 Capt Since the writing of this yor Brother hath beene with me; and p[ai]d the Keel dues he sa[ye]th the Coles Is good but small I[t] could not be helped for the Keeles could not gett up further then the Teame and Shores, they are as good as the seasson affords except we could have got them from Stella leed by wagons Yor Ra Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey to William Peacock – 13 Feb 1674

ditto the 13th (73) Mr William Peacocke Yours of the 7 currant came to safe hand with a Dane or Sweed for Amsterdam but here is none I can hear of at present, I shall make a dilligent Inquiry Lead sold hear at £12 per fother hid[e]s was here at 2s but rise to 2s 6d & bought up that they aske 3s, if you have a mind to deal that way that you think to make profit I shall imploy a bucher or 2 of my acquaintance will prove the best & cheapest therefore pray write your thoughts, the

Letter – Ralph Grey to John Burford – 13 Feb 1674

Ditto the 13th 73 Mr John Burford I hope this will finde you at London fail not to pay to Mr Mathew Sheapherd or order thirty pounds I shall deliver you bond and bill for fifteen & discounting the four chaldron of Coals with the profiitt of your shipp I shall pay the remainder to whom you send the bill with. If you come not again for these parts pray write what cours you intend to stear, this not further but that I am your friend Ralph Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey – 13 Feb 1674

NewC[astle] Feb the 13 1673 Sir This at Present is cheifly for cover of the Inclosed w[hi]ch pray seale up and d[elivere]d: I hope Mr Cha: Fairweather hat[h] erre this p[ai]d your £30 and Mr Partis will not faill to pay £20 pray send one downe to Billinsgaite to Inquire for the M[ast]ers & to speak with them thus not further but that I am Yours Ra: Grey

Letter – Ralph Grey – 13 Feb 1674

ditto 13th Noble Capt Yor brother Capt Joseph is saifly arrivd at this porte and acording to his order hath sent hyme Abord 13 Chalder of Coles hear is aboundance of Ice in the rever that I had much adoe to gett them aboard: Capt Weatyange and the fleat are saild and I hope with you erre this: Capt Joseph I hope saife to <m...> and then shall write once more R Grey
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467