Newcastle 8ber the 27 1677
Mr Hump: Willett
Sr, Be pleased to take notice that I have this day valewed upon you the following bills vizt
one for twenty pounds payable 6 d[ays] sight to Thomas Firman or order for the like valew Received here of George Ayrey
one for twenty pounds p[er] 6 d[ays] sight to Wm Lovell or order valew of George Ayrey
one other for thirty pounds payable 10 d[ays] sight to Mr Richard Chiswell or order valew of Mr Richd: Randall and Received all which pray lett be
30 ditto
Given Major Edward Allan of London advice that his beans is this day shipped according to his order aboard Robt Wheatley p[er] CL
Oct 30, 1677
These are in answere to yours of the 25 August & 27 Sept wch I had answered sooner if Mr Vermudens illness in the Country had not hindred his comeing up as he intended, and since his comeing up the death of his father prevented my discvourseing with him about the Lead Mines As to the Smelting Mill I doe not think itt adviseable att present to build any for the nature of Oare is such that if it be not a good melting oare there will be never soe much gott by itt as the making of
Octobr the 30th 1677
yours of the 23 currant recd wherein I percieve tht Mr Tho Wills and Mr Robt Rand is safly arived God be thanked for it I would have to send me noe wind at all by Thomas Will <nor nout> to Lien for when I writt for Tho Wills I did not know of Robt Rands going for Burdeaux but I would have you to send me 15 tun by Mr Rand and none by the other for wine gives but a small service here and pays a great custome soe that their is but a very small profit to b
9ber the 2d 1677
Mr Hump Willett
Please to take notice that this day I have vallewed upon you a bill for £50 p[er] 10 d[ays] sight to Mr Nicholas Ridley or order vallew of himself and also accepted another for £177: 10: 10 pd 2 <.> in London to Abraham Jacob and Company drawne from Hambrough the 5th present by Messrs Bankes wch I pray take care to pay when dew I am MB
Newcastle 9ber 3d 1677
Mr Edwd Allen
I have been In the West Country for some time, and upon my Returne this day, doe find that my man hath shipt your beans in Robt Wheatly In conformity to your order Rec[eiv]ed some time agoe, but hath kept two last for my horses, of which I am very sorry and have been not a little angry att itt, but the thing is past noe remedy but patience, and I will willingly wth all my heart be accomptable to you for them, as you sell the Remainder the first thing
Mr Wm Lee
I have before mee yours of the 31 past, and doe thanke you very kindley for your L<…> but pray take notice that I know how to make up of my money as well as another man soe att the day your money is dew, you appointing a place convenient for paym[en]t thereof itt shall be punctually observed and p[ai]d and not before I will assure you, appoint w[ha]t place and house you will, either In Stockton Norton Durham or Newcastle, and your mony shall be then ready for you
Mr Hum: Willett
I have this day accepted a bill for £200: drawne by Mr Banckes of Hambrough p[er] 2/u[suances] to Mr Jno Banckes which pray take notice of, I will take care God willing to supply you before bills fall dew I had some Goods in my hands of Mr Edard Allens wch according to order I have reshipt, the acco[un]t of disbursem[en]t have this Post send him amounting unto £19: 5: 10d but itt being a Loosing concerne (as I imagine[)], have left my Commission to his discretion
Newcastle 9ber 3d 1677
Edard Fletham
I have alwais taken people of thy Principall to be punctuall but after w[ha]t manner I have found the[e], thou and I best know I have now been much longer out of my money then I could either thinke or believe I should have been, by thy first promises unto mee, The first fortnight day after great monday God willing I doe Intend to be att Darnton and will bringe thy account along with mee, soe that against that day, I hope thou will not fayle to make w[ha]t
Newcastle 9ber the 6th 1677
Mr Math: Lambe
My last to you was of the 2d present and then I writ you that I did Intend to bee with you the first fortnight day after great monday but mee recollecting my selfe, att that time I must of necessity bee in the West Country, soe pray order off the tenants to make all there Rents ready against great monday, for that must bee the day and most convenient for mee, pray tell them all I Expect there moneys will be ready, I hope you are all well as god
Edward Fletham
By my last to thee of the 2d present I gave thee notice that I would bee att Darnton the first fortnight day after great monday, but since recollecting myselfe, att that time I must be in the West Country soe that great monday must be thy day for mee to be att Darnton therefore pray faile not to meete mee there and I shall bring thy acco[un]t along with mee, and wee shall ballance the same pray consider that I have been long out of my money, soe hopes thou will not fayle
Mr Hen: Maister
I have yours of the 30th past, p[er] first opportunity shall Expect three tonn of Iron from you but as yett I cannot be reconciled to the price, and pray lett mee know the meaning of the following words in your letters, and shall be part of <ca.h free> if itt be for my purpose itt must bee as formerly and <usd> from 1 ½ 1 ¾ to 2 Inch square which pray take notice of
If the parcell when itt comes be to content if any abatem[en]t I will take the rema
Newcastle 9ber the 6th 1677
Mr Hump: Willett
By my last of the 2d present I gave you advice of the shiping of 100 p[iece]s Leed In the John of London Robert Wheatly master, and this morneing I have spoake wth sd master but he will not be perswaded to take in any more, soe pray after good Arrivall be pleased to Receive the same, and dispose thereof for my most advantidge, payeing the master fifty shilings freight, call of him for a Runlett of Ale marked HW which bee pleased to accept of,
Mr Geo: Moorecroft
Sr, Yours of the 1th present I have Rec[eive]d wherein you desire to know where the supp<oenas> were served, they were served upon mee in my owne shopp in Newcastle, but on great monday I must bee att Darnton, where hee may have his opertunity to serve mee regularly If itt be observed I am MB
10 ditto
Given Mr Hum: Willett of London advice of a bill p[er] £40 drawne upon him by my Master pd 10 d[ays] sight to Mr Timothy Davison Esqr or Order vallew of himselfe p[er] PL
Writt to Edwd Fleatham nott to fayle to meete my Master att Darnton on Great monday next and to pay him in his money that hath been longe dew p[er] PL
Newcastle 9ber 13 1677
Mr Lee
Your money shall be ready for you att the day and att the place and house you appoint which if you will accept of without Consideration tis well if not you may lett itt alone, I know nothing of any slighting Letter I writ nor did I expect to have Received such a one from you as yours of the 9th present. If I desired to pay the money att Newcastle itt was not 2 m[onths] before itt was dew, and I valew as little as you Can doe whether I pay itt or not, This is the
Mr Jno Strother
This day Messrs Banckes of Hambrough are ordered to accept your bill, to the valew of £150 <st[erling?]> more then the RD 1650 advised of already drawne, which I thinke will doe more then ballance your account
Bee pleased by the very first convenience to give my master dew advice att w[ha]t Exchange you draw all your bills that soe he may know how to Enter them, he hopes that you will draw noe more then the Real ballance I am PL p[er] MB
Messrs Banckes
You may a little wonder that of late you have not heard from my master, but the businesse is in short that he rather could possible write you, nor doe I thinke you will heare from him this month, att least, however care is taken for payment of all your bills, In which you need not fear any neglect and after Mr Jno Strother his draughts for RD 1650: is dischardged, you may please to accept his bill to the valew of £150:- more, which you may please to advise him of,
Newcastle 9ber the 14th 1677
Mr Christo: Wall
I have before mee yours of the 13th present wch doth nott a little Astonish mee I doe assure you I cannot rayse money out of stones, nor have I any mony to Lend farr more ready to borrow att present if any would lend mee Itt seemes £320 is nothing in yr mouth I doe assure you itt is a great deale of money amongst us Merchants, and especially when one has nott hadd goods to the third part of the vallew, pray Sr lett mee nott hear of Lending money
Newcastle 9ber 1677
Mr Hump: Willett
Upon the 14th present I valewed a bill upon you for £150: - : - p[er] 10 d[ays] after sight to Mr Robt <Lokesmith> or order valew of himselfe which pray let be complyed withall within a day or two I Expect some Stockton bills all that comes to hand shall be sent you by him that is MB
have you not re[ceive]d the money of Major Allen, pray mind itt for he is a youth.
Newcastle 9ber the 16 1677
Mr Lee
I percieve by a letter from you to Cosin Rumney, that you Expect the 15th Xber next £150: - : - from mee, and has ordered him to Receive itt, you know very well I owe you nothing, and if you meane of the £150: - : - upon Mr Erringtons account you may Remember you writ mee word, that you valewed not whether I paid itt or not, soe that I have told Mr Erringtotn I will pay sd some to himselfe from whome you may please seeke your dew, besides nothing will
Edward Fletham
I have thine of the 14th present wth the acco[un]t Currant which I have Examined and if you have p[ai]d the last Artickle in the Creditt side vizt £100: - : - to Mr George Moorecroft I must acknowledge sd account to be Right but I never knew of itt before, nor could I ever in the least Imagine sd some to be p[ai]d for Mr Moorecroft last time he was in town told mee he had not <dd> itt nor knew not w[he]n itt would be paid besides in my opinion you were to blame to
Newcastle 9ber the 17 77
Mr Hump: Willett
By master his order. Inclosed I have sent you two bills for £200 of which when dew I pray procure the needfull and as soone as more can be gott you may Expect them this being the needfull att present I remayne PL p[er] MB
Mr Hump: Willett
I have this day valewed upon you a bill for twelve pounds payable 6 d[ays] after sight to Mr Ralph Sanderson or order valew of madam Ann Swinburn which pray lett be Complyed withall I have another 100 p[iece]s Leed for you p[er] first Convenience wch I hope will be shipt tomorrow, noe Stockton bills yett to Content comes to hand I am MB