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Letter – James Smith to Diana Beaumont – 1 Jul 1808

Subjects of the Bas reliefs at Bretton Lodges – built 1808 Madam, The Subjects of the Bassreliefs for the Lodge at Bretton Hall are taken from the Roman History one representing Corriolanus at the head of an invading army before the gates of Rome where he was met by his Mother & family who in tears beseech him to spare the City, overcome by their entreaty He exclaimed Mother you have prevail'd; but in saving Rome you destroy your Son The second Commemorates a sing

Letter – John Erasmus Blackett to Martin Morrison – 10 Jul 1808

M Morrison Esq Newcastle 10th July 1808 Sir In reply to your letter I must desire that you will please to acquaint Col & Mrs Beaumont that I beg leave to refer them to my letter of the 13th July 1793 respecting the allowance for conducting the business of their Lead Concerns, an undertaking which required judgement as well as responsibility & well meriting the Salary or allowance of £500 Per ann[um] a sum which Mr Skelton secured annually for barely Auditing the acc

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 11 Jul 1808

Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 11 July 1808 addressed to Cl Beaumont at Wm Bosville’s Thorpe near Bridlington Yorks[hire] The enclosed letter from Alderman Blackett was sent to me this morning & which is now forwarded for your information. The Alderman intends being at Harrogate in the course of the Present week. In my visit to the mines I found they were generally poorer than in the former quarter, altho not in any great degree, Sanguine hopes are entertained of a Vein out in Middleh

Letter – Martin Morrison to John Miles – 11 Jul 1808

John Miles Esq Newcastle 11th July 1808 Bishopgate Street London I am this day favored with your Letter of the 8 instant in reply beg to inform you that the whole of WB Lead for Sale this year will I apprehend not exceed 20,000 Pieces and that I cannot at this moment say that it will be in my power to deliver that quantity in October and November, much depending upon the state of the weather and the effect it may have upon the Roads so as to allow the Carriage of Lead from the Min

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 13 Jul 1808

Mrs Beaumont N[ew]Castle 13th July 1808 Addressed Col Beaumont Thorpe etc I am honored with your Letter from Thorpe and have seen Mr Thomas respecting the advertisement for <preserving> the Game which will be inserted in the Papers of this week. We have considered that, putting it in any other form than that usually adopted might in a degree be detrimental to Col Beaumont’s Interest as member for the County, and also occasion invidious remarks from the many who are e

Letter – Martin Morrison to Read, Lucas & Read – 21 Jul 1808

Messrs Reads & Lucas Newcastle 21st July 1808 I am favored with your Letter of the 19 inst covering four Bills value £247-11-5 which sum is to your Credit in Account with TR Beaumont Esq & am etc MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Thomas Bowes – 22 Jul 1808

Thomas Bowes Esq Darlinton Newcastle 22nd July 1808 I am favored with your Letter of the 20thinst covering a Return for Profits arising from Lead Mines in Weardale belonging to Colonel Beaumont which I am prepared to insert but, as in the dispute with the B[isho]p of Durham respecting the Lot Ore a compromise has taken place by the payment of a large sum of money to his Lordship. I am now desirous before I transmit the return to have a personal interview with you for the purpose of in

Letter – Martin Morrison to John Dyson & Co – 22 Jul 1808

Messrs John Dyson & Co York Newcastle 22 July 1808 In reply to your letter of the 20 instant, inform you that I cannot deliver the quantity of Lead you require in less than two or three months and am not disposed to name a price until enabled to deliver it. I am etc MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 23 Jul 1808

Mrs Beaumont Thorpe etc NCastle 23rd July 1808 I beg to enclose Mr Dickinsons Report of the Mines and to inform you that I have this day sold 3000 P[iece]s of Lead to Messrs Prestons & 500 to Locke Blackett @ £32 & 31 Refined & Common. & have etc MM

Report – Thomas Dodd – 23 Jul 1808

Hon. Masters Nenthead. July 23rd 1808 Herewith you will receive a List of the Bargains which were let on the 23, 24 & 25th of June after having viewed the respective places & which I trust will prove successful. Rampgill & Scaleburnmoss Mines are both raising Ore to considerable advantage and are hopeful for years to come. Wm. Hall & co are driving the Horse Level in Rampgill Old vein, & Wm. <Trather> & co a Level upon the Great Limestone in what is calle

Letter – Martin Morrison to John Breare – 1 Aug 1808

John Breare Esq Middleham Newcastle 1st August 1808 I am favored with your letter of the 30th Ult the last Sales of Lead in this office were at £32 Per Fodder of 21 Cwt for refined, and I believe little at this time remains on hand in the market. You do not mention the Firm of the Great House who proposes to purchase 10,000 Pieces of your Lead at £33 Per fodder, but I have no doubt speculation is the object and therefore under the expectation of the price being still higher. I am et

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 2 Aug 1808

Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 2nd August 1808 Addressed to Col Beaumont Thorpe near Malton I am duly honored with your Letters of the 27th & 28th Ult the first containing Lady Milbank’s Bill on Thomas Hudson for £100 which I hope to receive previous to your arrival at the Mines – the other, Alderman Blackett’s Letter of the 2nd January 1805 and a summons to Col Beaumont to attend the Grand Jury at the coming Assizes. The Alderman is not yet returned from Harrogate nor is he

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 16 Aug 1808

Addressed Colonel Beaumont – Thorpe I beg to inform you that I have this day sold to Messrs Preston & Sons 10,000 Pieces of Common Lead at £36 Per fodder to be paid for by Bills at six months date on the delivery of each 900 Pieces. Some time will elapse before all the Lead can be delivered and this Sale will be a security against any reduction in the price for many months to come. Presenting my respectful Compliments to Col Beaumont. I am etc MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 20 Aug 1808

Messrs Rendell Bridge & Rundell Ludgate Hill London By the London waggon which sets off this morning I have forwarded to you two Pieces of fine Silver containing 2639 ozs, the acc[oun]t of which be pleased to acknowledge and pay the amount to Sir R C Glyn Bt & Co Bankers on T R[ichar]d Beaumont Esq[ui]re’s account. I am etc

Letter – Martin Morrison to Thomas Bowes – 26 Aug 1808

Thomas Bowes Esq Darlington Newcastle 26 August 1808 I now beg to enclose Col Beaumont’s Return of Property Tax for the Weardale Mines, conformable to my promise to you yesterday. & am etc MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to R Thorpe – 26 Aug 1808

Mr R Thorpe Attorney at Law Alnwick Newcastle 26 August 1808 I have rec[eiv]ed your Letter of the 24 inst enclosing one from Cuthbert Raine to the Rev[ren]d W Maughan complaining of having sustained damage in consequence of Col Beaumont working certain Lead Mines in his grounds. I can assure you every care has been and is taken by the Colonels agents to prevent injury to any person, by the construction of covered Conduits thro[ugh] the grounds where the water must unavoidably pass; From

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 6 Sep 1808

Mrs Beaumont Hexham Newcastle 6 Newcastle 1808 On my return from Auckland to the office this morning I rec[eiv]ed from Mr Thomas, the enclosed Letter of Mr <Winters>. The return of <Clerks> etc has hitherto been made at Hexham conformable to the subjoined List to Mr Williamson’s opinion, which is also here enclosed. The only allocations proper to be made for last year is the omission of Mr Sadler’s name and the insertion of mine instead of Mr C Blacketts, m

Letter – Martin Morrison to John Breare – 12 Sep 1808

John Breare Esq Middleham Newcastle 12th September 1808 I am favored with your Letter of the 7th instant & observe the price of your late Sales of Lead. I have lately sold 10,000 P[iece]s of Common Lead @ 36 Per fo[dder]. With respect to your application to treat for a tract of ground belonging to Colonel Beaumont adjoining to some you have taken in Teesdale. I am not at this moment prepared to reply to it, but intending to be at the Mines next month I shall on my return write you a

Letter – Martin Morrison to James Smith – 15 Sep 1808

Mr James Smith Merchant Leith Newcastle 15 September 1808 I have rec[eive]d your Letter of the 13th inst[ant] and inform you that at present it is not in my power to ship the Lead you request having none on hand unsold; At the same time you will understand that it is the practice of this office where the principal is not a resident that he should authorize some one in N[ew]Castle to represent him. I am etc

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 18 Sep 1808

Mrs Beaumont Hexham Newcastle 18 Septenber 1808 The Weardale Leases arrived by the Mail Coach on Thursday afternoon, which were immediately laid before Mr Williamson for his perusal and on Friday I waited upon him to receive his opinion thereon & by which it appears the whole are irregular: On the death of Sir Thomas Blackett the Leases sh[oul]d have been surrendered and others obtained by, and in the name of Mr John Cockshutt, he executing a declaration that they were so gra

Letter – Martin Morrison to James Cockshutt – 19 Sep 1808

James Cockshutt Esq Newcastle 19 September 1808 Huthwait near Barnsley Yorkshire Since your departure from this place I have rec[eive]d the Weardale Leases from London, for the purpose of having them surrendered and obtaining others, which on the insertion of a new Life becomes necessary, and on referring to Sir Thomas Blackett’s will it is there stated that these Mines are bequeathed to Mr John Cockshutt in Trust for the purposes thereinmentioned and hence it becomes indispensib

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 20 Sep 1808

Mrs Beaumont Hexham Abbey Newcastle 20 September 1808 I am this moment honored with your letter and I have also rec[eive]d one from Mr Emm of which the following is a Copy- Dear Sir Since you left Auckland Castle something has dropped from the Bishop which leads me to think he will not be disinclined to treat for £4000 Per ann[um], provided the first payment be to be made on the 2nd of next month, perhaps also He may be prevailed upon to hear what you have to offer on the s

Letter – Martin Morrison to William Emm – 20 Sep 1808

Will[ia]m Emm Esq Auckland Castle Newcastle 20 September 1808 On coming to the Office this morning after the Mail Coach left Town I found your esteemed Letter of yesterday’s date. Tomorrow I am going to Hexham to wait upon Col Beaumont & on Thursday propose being at Auckland in consequence of the communication you have favored me with & am etc

Letter – Martin Morrison to John Miles – 24 Sep 1808

John Miles Esq London Newcastle 24th September 1808 I am favored with your letter of the 22nd instant and am sorry that I have not any Lead to offer to be deliverable in a month or two, having disposed of every Pig that will come from the Mills to January or February next. My last Price was £39 Per fo[dder] of 21 Cwt. I remain etc MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 26 Sep 1808

S[i]r R[ichar]d C Glyn Bt & Co Bankers London Herewith you will receive six Bills value £32,309-3-1 which you will be pleased to pass to the Credit of TR Beaumont Esq & acknowledge the receipt of them to Sirs etc MM 4 August C Blackett on John Locke Esq & Co @5 Mths £2700– 0– 0 Ditto on Ditto 6 2681- 6- 9 Ditto on Ditto 7 2700- 0– 0 29 [Aug] Ditto on <T Preston> Esq & Sons 5
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467