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Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 5 Jun 1809

Sir K C Glyn & Co Bankers, London Newcastle 5th June 1809 Inclosed you will receive 3 Bills value £13,783-7-11 for Account of T R Beaumont Esq, which you will be pleased to acknowledge and at the same time transmit me Messrs Drummonds <…..> for the last payment to them of £1000 as Bankers to the Bishop of Durham. I am etc 1809 15 May 4 months £2870- 7- 1 due 18 September 29 do 4 months 4520- 5- 2 2 October 3 June 5 months 6392-15- 8 6

Letter – Martin Morrison to Walker & Maltby – 19 Jun 1809

Messrs Walker & Maltby & Co Lead Merchants London Newcastle 19th June 1809 In reply to your esteemed letter of the 16th instant I have to state that my terms for 10, 15 or 20,000 pieces of WB Lead are £30 p fo[ther] for refined ore in the proportion of one third, and £34 p fo common with 1/10th Slag in the proportion of two thirds; the credit to commence as each 5000 pieces are weighed off and ready for delivery. Having not more than 4000 pieces on the Wharf at Blaydon u

Report – John Mulcaster to Martin Morrison – 30 Jun 1809

J Mulcaster’s Report of Smelt Mills & Refinery 30 June 1809 [Blaydon] The reservoirs for the water for Blaydon refinery are now fully completed and Mr. Townley has given leave to convey the Water thro’ his Estate which formerly ran waste for which he charges the yearly rent of £2. 2. 0. One of the springs we have got conveyed to the reservoir, the other and most considerable one we will no be able to procure untill a field of Corn is cut, the pipes having to pass thro’ a

Report – John Mulcaster to Martin Morrison – 30 Jun 1809

Report of Coll. Beaumonts Smelt Mills & Refinerys The Reservoirs for the water for Blaydon refinery are now all fully completed and Mr. Townly has given leave to convey the Water through his Estate which formerly ran waste and for which he charges the yearly rent of £2. 2. 0. One of the Springs we have got conveyed to the reservoir, the other and most considerable one we will not be able to procure untill a field of Corn is cut, the pipes having to pass through a part of it, the

Letter – Martin Morrison to Thomas Dodd – 5 Jul 1809

Mr Thomas Dodd Nenthead New House Weardale 5 July 1809 Your letter of the instant acknowledging the receipt of the Deed of the 20 Partnership Mines or Veins in Weardale has been received by Mr T Crawhall and I observe your intention of transmitting a copy to the Lead Company’s Court for their consideration. As some time may elapse before you receive instructions from the Court as to ulterior proceedings I think it necessary to request, provided the workings in the new mine in

Report – Joseph Dickinson to Martin Morrison – 14 Jul 1809

Dufton  14th July 1809 Mr Morrison,               I now sit down to give you the general state of the Lead Mines belonging to Colonel Beaumont as I found them upon examination.  Coalcleugh nearly the same as last quarter, the west and flatts to the south of Galloway level, still continues to raise a considerable quantity of Ore, one Bargain let at 24/ pBing and another at 25/pBing and others at different prices.   The flatts on the north side, not so productive, but conti

Letter – Martin Morrison to Goslings & Sharp – 14 Jul 1809

Messrs Garlings & Sharpe Bankers London Newcastle 14 July 1809 No 1089 Inclosed you will receive Loraine & Co’s Bill on V<eres> & Co value £375 –“-“ being for ¼ of a years Tythe Ore for Weardale Mines due the 11 inst from Col Beaumont to the Revd Henry Hardinge, to whose Account you will pass it, acquainting him therewith, and acknowledging the rect to MM

Report – Thomas Dodd – 15 Jul 1809

The bargains are let on the lowest terms they will admit of but I am concerned to say that the price of provisions is such that many of the workmen are hard put to it to get bread for their families. At Tynebottom Jos. Wanless and Co are sinking a shaft from the surface into the horse level as a convenience for fresh air.

Report – Thomas Dodd – 15 Jul 1809

Hond. Masters Nenthead 15 July 1809 After a general Survey of the Company’s Mines under my care, I lett the Sundry Bargains on 27, 28 & 29 past, of which a List is annex’d. The Bargains are lett on the lowest terms they will admit of, but I am concerned to say, that the price of Provisions is such, that many of the Workmen are hard put to it to get Bread for their Families. Rampgill & Scaleburnmoss Mines are doing well, though not altogether so successful as last Quarter

Letters – William Bosville to Diana Beaumont – 15 Jul 1809

Welbeck Street 15th July Dr Mrs Beaumont, I returned a few days ago from my Yorkshire & Devonshire tour by way of Bath &c. I got your of the 10th yesterday. I am sorry you go so soon. The neighbouring farmers will regret your absence. You do not mention the garden. I hope it produced you some good fruit & presented by the present gardener with a better grace than it was by the late surly one. When changing Horses at Sheffield I spoke to Mr West who was doing the same. I propo

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 17 Jul 1809

Sir R C Glyn Bt & Co Bankers London Newcastle 17th July 1809 Inclosed you will receive 5 Bills value £25,333-7-2 for Account of Thomas Richard Beaumont Esqre ; the receipt of which be pleased to acknowledge to Gentleman MM 13 May C Blackett on T Preston & Sons 5 Mos dte £6250 13 do ditto on ditto 6 6255–16-10 22 do ditto on ditto 6 3850– – 22 do ditto on ditto 7

Letter – Martin Morrison to Yallop & Grace – 17 Jul 1809

Messrs Yallop & Grace Newcastle 17th July 1809 I am favored with your Letter of the 15 inst. The price of WB Litharge which is the best, is £36 per ton, six mths Credit - you may have any quantity not less than five Tons at this price & I shall have much pleasure in opening a connection with your respectable house. I am etc MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 18 Jul 1809

Mrs Beaumont Addressed to Colonel Beaumont Newcastle 18th July 1809 Thorpe near Malton In this and another cover you will receive Cash Account and Lead Sales for last month, and yesterday I remitted Messrs Glyn & Co five Bills amounting to £25,333-7-2 for Colonel Beaumont’s account, the particulars of which are here annexed – on my visit to the Mines I was much gratified at the continued flourishing state of those in Northumberland, which will produce as much Ore this, as

Letter – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 8 Aug 1809

Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell Ludgate Hill London Newcastle 8th August 1809 By the London Waggon I have this day forwarded to you a piece of fine Silver containing 1685 Ounces; the value I shall draw for at 20 days, on being informed the amount I am etc MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 19 Aug 1809

Mrs Beaumont Hexham Abbey Newcastle 19 August 1809 In this and another Cover you will receive Cash Acct and Lead Sales for last month Since my return from the Mines Messrs Locke & Co of London have enquired the price of 40,000 Pieces of WB Lead (concerned as I have good reason to believe with Messrs Watkins Maltby & Co). I have named £32 for Refined and £31 for Common and expect an answer on Monday. Yesterday Mr Elliott offered by his agent here, £30 for 10,000

Letter – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 21 Aug 1809

Messrs Rundell Bridge & Co Ludgate Hill London Newcastle 21st August 1809 I have this day drawn upon you at 20 days date for £519 – 10 – 10 conformable to your Letter of the 18th instant and by tomorrow’s Waggon will forward (Carriage paid) another piece of fine Silver containing 1409 ½ Oz, to be drawn for as usual after arrival and price being fixed . I am etc MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 21 Aug 1809

Sir R C Glyn Bt & Co Bankers London Newcastle 21st August 1809 This serves to cover three Bills value £12,256-13-1 for account of Thomas Richd Beaumont Esq, the rec’t of which be pleased to acknowledge to Gn Yrs etc MM 3 August Nichol & Ludlow on J Elliott 5 months £4085–11- 0 7 ditto on do 6 £4085–11- 0 7 ditto on do 6 £4085–11- 1 12250-13- 1

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 26 Aug 1809

Mrs Beaumont Hexham Abbey Newcastle 26th August 1809 I have not sold the Lead to Mr Elliott, - during the Interval of time which I required to know your sentiment, I rec’d Information that he was in difficulties and a Letter from London received this day confirms the fact. What may be Mr Elliott’s situation or the means he possesses to satisfy his Creditors a few days will announce. I have taken every precaution to avoid extensive transactions with this Gentleman and I

Letter – Martin Morrison to Anthony Nichol – 2 Sep 1809

Mr Anty Nichol at John Latimer’s Esq Newcastle 2nd September 1809 No 13 Gray’s Inn Square, London I am favored with both your Letters of the 29th and 31st inst; the affairs of Mr Elliott will I fear prove extensively injurious; the situation in which you are placed calls for all your vigilance to guard against preferences and if a Bankruptcy is thought the best means to keep the Property together, the sooner a Commission can be issued the better. – Colonel Beaumonts Banker

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 2 Sep 1809

Sir R C Glyn Bt & Co Bankers London Newcastle 2nd September 1809 I duly received your Letters of the 26th and 29th inst, the answers given by Mr Elliott’s Clerk for not accepting the Bills arises I doubt not from his embarrassed situation; for the present I do not consider it of much importance whether the Bills are accepted or not, and you will be pleased to retain them in your possession until further directions from <Gn> MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 5 Sep 1809

Mrs Beaumont addressed to Col Beaumont – Bretton Newcastle 5 September 1809 I am honoured with your Letters of the 1st and 2nd Instant and in this and another Cover you will receive Cash Account and Lead Sales for last month. Mr Elliott has called a meeting of his Creditors on the 18th inst when he will be prepared to lay before them the state of his affairs, and to adopt such measures as may then be thought expedient; He assures W Nichol his agent here, that provided Easterby H

Letter – Martin Morrison to Thomas Bowes – 12 Sep 1809

Thomas Bowes Esq Darlington Newcastle 12th September 1809 I have been expecting to hear from you conformable to your promise upon the subject of the opinion of Council which you informed me would be taken by the Bishop of Durham as to his liability of paying the Property Tax on the £15,000 paid by Colonel Beaumont to his Lordship for the insertion of a Life in the Lease of the Weardale Mines, and altho’ I am clearly of opinion that this sum ought to be a charge against these M

Letter – Martin Morrison to William Brummell – 12 Sep 1809

The Brownley Hill Lead Mine Co 1809 To Thos Rd Beaumont Esq For 90 Bings of Lead Ore wrought by them out of Mr Beaumont’s Liberty as per award of Messrs Dodd, Fairless and Dickinson dated 26 Febry 1786 @£3 per Bing £270 For Interest on the above at £5 p Cent untill paid William Brummell Esq a Partner of Brownley Hill Lead Co Repeated applications have been made for the payment of the above, which you have hitherto disregarded, I am now to inform you t

Letter – Martin Morrison to Reads & Lucas – 13 Sep 1809

Messrs Reads Lucas & CO To Mr R Beaumont Esq <&c> 1809 Sept 12th To 1 cask Litharge of 6 - 1- @£29 per ton £9 – 1 - 3 Shipped <p the Hull dated> 13 September Gent(leme)n I duly recd your letter of the 20th inst and have late had very little Silver from our Refineries, and what has come has been sent to London where we think better prices are obtained and the payments are always in Cash or by Bills at 20 days date. I am etc MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 14 Sep 1809

Mrs Beaumont addressed to Col Beaumont Newcastle 14th September 1809 Bretton I am honored with your Letter of the 11th instant enclosing one from Mr Dennis. I should be most happy if any plan could be devised to secure a regular demand at an adequate Profit to the Mines, for all the Lead produced, but while the export is limited by the continuance of the Wars I despair of seeing any alteration in the trade for the better. The Lead Trade similar to every other commercial establis
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467