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Letter – Thomas Crawhall to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 14 Sep 1809

Col Beaumont MP <N/H> September 14 1809 Since Mr Morrison left town this morning your Att[orne]y advises that your debt against Mr John Elliott can not be proved agst his Estate without the Bills to exhibit as Secties along with the affidavit of Debt; and that such proceedng would be improper in the present state of the business, untill the responsibility of Messrs Nichol & Ludlow is ascertained – consequently the power of Att[orne]y for you to execute to Messrs Glyn M

Letter – Martin Morrison to Veres Lucadou & Co – 15 Sep 1809

Messrs Veres Lucadou & Co Newcastle the 15 September 1809 As Agent to Colonel Beaumont I take the liberty to add my request to the annexed Letter that you will make the desired proof against the Estate of John Elliott on Tuesday first at Guildhall when also Assignees will be chosen. The object and urgency of this request will have its due weight in your minds when you know that considerable apprehension was entertained of a design being formed to appoint Assignees not friends to the

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 16 Sep 1809

Sir R & C Glyn Bt & Co Newcastle 16th September 1809 I am favored with your Letter of the 14th inst. – I have been legally advised not to prove the Account for which you hold Bills on John Elliott, as it may endanger the Security which Colonel Beaumont has upon the drawers and therefore the documents you require can not at this time be forwarded . Messrs Veres Lucadou & Co have been authorized by the Tyne Bank and myself to prove a Bill which they hold of Elliott’s acc

Letter – Martin Morrison to Reads & Lucas – 25 Sep 1809

Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield Newcastle 25 September 1809 I am favored with your Letter of the 19th inst & I have forwarded you a piece of fine Silver containing 1395 oz @6/3per oz amounting to £435-18-9 for which you will remit a Bill at a month as you propose. – I shall at all times attend to any plan you may suggest favourable to an extension of dealing and am Gentlemen MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 26 Sep 1809

Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 26th September 1809 addressed to Col Beaumont Doncaster I received your Letter of the 24th this day – In addition to Mr Williamson’s opinion I have obtained the Attorney General’s and both agree that Messrs Nichol and Ludlow are liable to pay the Bills drawn by them on Mr Elliott. I sent for Mr Nichol and communicated to him the necessity of immediately taking steps towards the recovery of the amount in consequence of Mr Elliott’s insolvency and

Letter – Martin Morrison to Thoams Bowes – 28 Sep 1809

Thomas Bowes Esq Darlington Newcastle 28th September 1809 I now return the whole of the Profits for 1808 upon an Average of 5 Years, arising from Colonel Beaumont’s Lead Mines in Weardale, and as it appears to the Commissioners that the charge of £70,000 paid to the Lord Bishop of Durham rests entirely between his Lordship and Colonel Beaumont I am ready to pay the difference in the amount of the Return made last year. I am etc

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 2 Oct 1809

Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 2nd October 1809 Addressed to Col Beaumont Bretton Mr Nichol having declined to give in writing the promised proposition respecting his late transactions in this office on Mr Elliott’s account I urged him on Saturday to come to an immediate determination otherwise the Law would be resorted to and must take its course. -- Yesterday I received a note from Mr Nichol requesting to be informed where he could find Col Beaumont for the purpose as he previousl

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 6 Oct 1809

Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 6th October 1809 Addressed to Col Beaumont – Bretton I have to acknowledge the receipt of your Letter of the 4th inst, and in this and another cover you will receive Cash Acct and Lead Sales for last month- Mr Nichol has returned and in the early part of the coming week I am to receive from him a proposal respecting Mr Elliott’s debt; - you will perceive Madam, I am anxious to obtain all the Law can secure, without having recourse to it. – tomorrow I

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 7 Oct 1809

Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 7th OCtor 1809 Addressed to Col Beaumont Bretton I beg to enclose affidavit of J Elliott’s debt for Coll Beaumont’s signature before a Master in Chancery, and which you will be pleased to transmit to Glyn & Co & I do not apprehend a Power of Attorney is now necessary for I am not aware of any further proceedings regarding J Elliott’s affairs which required a delegated authority for Col Beaumont I am sorry to state that Sir Willm Loraine

Letter – Martin Morrison to Reads & Lucas – 9 Oct 1809

Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield Newcastle 9th October 1809 I have sent this morning on the Waggon (Carr pd) a piece of fine Silver containing 1276 oz which you will be pleased to remit for on its arrival. Since writing the above I have rec’d yours of the 7th covering 6 Bills value £4432 which is to your Credit with Col Beaumont. Whilst you continue to allow a liberal price you may calculate upon securing the most of Col Beaumont’s Silver. I am etc MM

Letter – Anthony Nicol to Martin Morrison – 10 Oct 1809

Martin Morrison Esq Ncastle Octr 10th 1809 Sir, I trust you will excuse the liberty I take in addressing the following observations to you respecting the unfortunate transaction in which we were engaged for Mr Elliott. From every circumstance attending it, I hope you are satisfied that we had not the slightest idea of his situation, and of course that we could never have an intention of involving Col Beaumont for the mere purpose of obtaining our trifling commission. If you shou

Letter – Martin Morrison to Goslings & Sharp – 11 Oct 1809

Messrs Garlings & Sharpe Bankers, London Newcastle 11th October 1809 This serves to cover Sir Wm Loraine for Bill on Veres & Co value £375 the amount ¼ of a year’s Tithe ore for Weardale Mines due this day from Col Beaumont to the Revd Henry Hardinge to whose Credit you will be pleased to pay it, and acknowledge the receipt to<………> MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 12 Oct 1809

Mrs Beaumont And Col Beaumont Bretton Newcastle 12 October 1809 In this and another Cover you will receive two Letters addressed to me by Mr Nichol. These Letters contain their own comment and my endeavours to obtain from Messrs Nichol and Ludlow the proposal to pay a sum of money in part of the debt occasioned by the failure of J Elliott. Of the truth of Mr Nichol’s statement I think there can be little doubt, altho’ I know not of the loss sustained by him in the failure of J

Letter – Anthony Nicol to Martin Morrison – 12 Oct 1809

Mr Morrison <Nc> 12th October 1809 Sir I am sorry you should feel disappointed at not receiving an offer from me along with the observations I took the liberty of submitting to you, the fact is I cannot see what proposal I can make from the present of our affairs I shall annex a Statement of Mr Ludlow’s property to my own, and I think when you have examined it, you will be satisfied that nothing can be expected from us. I remain Anthony Nichol Mrs Ludlow’

Letter – Martin Morrison to Thomas Bowes – 17 Oct 1809

Thos Bowes Esq Darlington Newcastle 17th Oct 1809 I am favoured with your Letter of the 12 inst & enclosed you will received two Bills value £4,166 – 5 – 9 the amount of Assessment of Property Tax for Weardale Mines as above, due from Col Beaumont; & for which you will be pleased to transmit me two receipts of Returns of Payt MM Thos R Beaumont Esq To Commission under Property Tax Act For short charged in Assessment for the Year Ending 5 April 1808 for Weardale

Letter – Martin Morrison to Reads & Lucas – 28 Oct 1809

Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield Newcastle 28th October 1809 I duly rec’d your Letter of the 26th inst, covering four Bills value £401 – 6 – 1 which sum is placed to the Credit of your Account with Colonel Beaumont. I am etc MM

Report – John Mulcaster to Martin Morrison – 28 Oct 1809

J. Mulcaster’s Report of Smelt Mills, Refineries etc Dukesfield Mill. The late great Flood having carried away the Mill Dam a little suspension of the works has therefore been occasioned - a temporary Dam has been made in its stead which has enabled the Mill to begin work again, and should there be no great Floods this winter, it may serve untill the spring, when it will be necessary to build a new Dam, which I think will be better placed a little further up the Water where a better

Report – Joseph Dickinson to Martin Morrison – 30 Oct 1809

M Morrison Dufton 30th October 1809 Dear Sir In examining the Lead Mines I find Coalcleugh nearly as before, the west flatts continuing to raise ore from 24s to 50s per Bing. The flatts to the South of the Horse Level, being more productive, than those to the north. The East end still continues to raise Ore, both on the South & north veins about as usual, which continue their points, and are now divided about 20 fathoms; that to the South continues the property of the Air t

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 30 Oct 1809

Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 30th October 1809 Addressed to Col Bt Bretton I am favoured with your Letter of the 26th inst covering one from Mr Matthews of Shields. It is true that the Duke of North’d has been applied for aid for purposes intended in commemoration of the jubilee , to which I understand his Grace has not yet replied. The town of Shields is certainly extending in opulence, the Freeholders are numerous and of considerable weight in the event of a contested Election.

Report – Thomas Dodd – 31 Oct 1809

Hond. Masters Nenthead 31 Octr. 1809 Having made a Survey of the Company’s Mines under my Direction, on the 28, 29 & 30 Sept. I lett the Sundry Bargains, a List of which is annexed. They are lett on the lowest terms I was capable of, but the hardness of the times, and the complaints of the People, make letting Bargains a very serious task. Rampgill & Scaleburnmoss are much the same as last quarter, and are raising Ore to advantage. At Rampgill Robt. Elliott & co are dr

Report – Thomas Dodd – 31 Oct 1809

The bargains are let on the lowest terms I was capable of but the hardness of the times and the complaints of the people make letting Bargains a very serious task. Tynebottom is very poor, Jos. Wanless & Co are driving an upper level to try some veins or strings in fresh ground.

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 9 Nov 1809

Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 8th November1809 Addressed Col Beaumont Bretton In this and another Cover you will receive Cash Account and Lead Sales for last month, by the former you will perceive Messrs Prestons have commenced paying part of the money, interest and difference of premium on India Bonds borrowed, and which they will continue to do monthly until the whole is paid .---I beg also to acquaint that I have sold to Messrs Watkins & Co 10,000 pieces of Lead at £32 /fo

Letter – Martin Morrison to Reads & Lucas – 10 Nov 1809

Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield Newcastle 10 November 1809 I debit your Account £70 – 3 – 4 the amount of the enclosed unpaid Bill & Expenses. You will oblige me by remitting Bankers Bills in future and am etc

Letter – Martin Morrison to Thomas Dodd – 23 Nov 1809

Mr Thomas Dodd Newcastle 23 Nov 1809 Agent to the Lead Company, Nenthead Above three months are now elapsed since first I applied to you and since you promised to obtain the Lead Company’s instructions, respecting the new vein in Middlehope, which instructions it appears you have not received; I am therefore impelled by a due regard to Colonel Beaumont’s just rights not to delay any longer giving you notice to desist from working the said vein beyond the period of the prese

Letter – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 27 Nov 1809

Messrs Rundell Budge & Rundell Ludgate Hill, London Newcastle 27 November 1809 On Saturday last I forwarded by the London Waggon (Carriage Paid) to your address a piece of fine Silver containing 1572 oz, the amount for which on being advised by you, I shall draw for at the usual date of 20 days I am etc MM
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467