N[ew]Castle 12th October 1815
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Bankers London
Remitting them £375 for ¼ a y[ea]rs Composition of Tithe Ore due the 11 inst to Revd Henry Hardinge – MM
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Hall N[ew]Castle 14 Octo[be]r 1815
Transmitting Cash Account & Lead Sales for last month MM
The Honourable The Governor & Company Nenthead November 8th 1815
I have just received the Courts of the 2 Inst & the great reason of the Bargains & Report being delayed was the Settling the Mine Accounts as soon as the Bargains was over, with which we have been very busy. I finished the List of Bargains & Reports on Saturday, and will forward them by Thursdays Post. After carefully examining the Company’s Mines in my department, and making the necessary
N[ew]Castle 15 Decem[be]r 1815
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Hall
Transmitting Cash Acc[oun]t & Lead Sales for last month MM
Mrs Beaumont Newcastle Dec 28/1815
In three covers, I beg to transmit Copy of a Memorial presented last year to the Treasury, praying for a Repeal of the export duty on Lead Or[e] and also the form of a Letter to be written by Col Beaumont to Lord Liverpool urging the same to his Lordships consideration. It is indeed <most> desirable that Government adopt measures soon, for the relief of the Miner otherwise the consequences will shortly be felt, and none however large thei
Xmass Bargains. Newhouse Dec 29 1815
Breckonsike Vein at the foreend is stronger & some better like than it has been for more than 100 fathoms back, it has some Ore in it, but only poor yet - have let Bargains to 22 Men, 8 to drive the Low Level @ £7pfa. & 30/ pBg & the remr. to raise Ore at 38/ pBg.
Greenfield is poor, have let Bargains to 12 Men 6 to repair the Level @ 50/pfa & 38/ pBg & the other 6 to rais
Xmass Bargains 1815 Coalcleugh Dec 31 1815
The Mines at Coalcleugh &c continue very poor and particularly the Old Workings, the East End forehead in the Limestone is better than last quarter & now raising Ore at 30/ pBg. the Level driving to Whitewood Vein continues much the same as last quarter : we have no other fresh tryals on hand at Coalcleugh at present - In consequence of the depressed state of the Lead t
The Mines at Allenheads are poorer in general than they were last quarter, the forehead in the Cross Vein at East End has been driven last qu. 51/2 fa. without providing any Ore, & it is now driving @ £8 p fa. - since the Bargains were let the Men have driven 1 fa. more & the forehead now carries Ore and is more flattering but not of that consequence to be wrought at any price we can afford to give pBg. - The Workings in Wentworth Vein are worse than last quarter many of the
List of Teesdale Christmas Bargains 1815
Report of Teesdale Mines
None of the trials at Flakebridge, Wiregill, Mannergill, & Brockergill, have yet arrived at the objects of them, and they are of course continuing to be prosecuted as usual.
The prospects at Coldberry are not nearly so favourable indeed at present there is hardly any Ore Visible, in this Mine.
At Lodgesyke the leading foreheads are exceedingly poor, as are also the general Workings; but as this Mine is perp
N[ew]castle 6 Jan[ua]ry 1816
Messrs Rundell & Co Ludgate Hil London
Adv[isin]g a piece of Silver of 1442 Oz pWaggon 4 inst
N[ew]Castle 11 Jan[ua]ry 1816
Messrs Rundell & Co Ludgate Hill London
Advising a p[ie]ce of Silver of 1250 Oz pWaggon
N[ew]Castle 12 Jan[ua]ry 1816
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Bankers London
Remitting them £375 – ¼ of a y[ea]rs Compo[sition] for Tithe Ore due the 11th inst to Revd Henry Hardinge – MM
The Honble the Governor & Company Nenthead January 20th 1816
I have now lett the Christmas Bargains and annexed the List thereof, and should the Court consider to allow me to lett any more Bargains, as represented in My last, to the distressed Workmen, I will send a Supplement next Week. The Court will please to observe that I have reduced the highest price to 38/- and Ireshopeburn, which the late Deputation ordered to be lett at 48/ in consequence of having no Dead W
Copy of a Letter from Mrs. Beaumont to Chrr. Blackett Esq dated Bretton Hall 26 Jany. 1816
Dear Sir,
Coll. Beaumont is complaining of the Gout & employs me to acknowledge the rect. of yr. favour of the 25th Inst. – He desires I will assure you that it will afford him the utmost satisfaction to serve any friend of yours, & shall really be glad of an opportunity of obliging Mr. Smith, he has not any acquaintance whatever with Lord Whitworth; & as a MP for an English County, h
Supplement to above [ie. to report of 20th Jan 1816]
To the Honble The Governor & Company Nenthead January 27th 1816
I have been duly favored with the Courts Letter of the 19 Inst and have during this Week, lett Bargains to 80 Men at 38/ of which here is a List
I am sorry to hear so unfavorable an Account of the Lead Markets; if they continue it will be the destruction of this Country
I am Sirs &c &c
Thomas Dodd Senr.
N[ew]Castle 31 Jan[ua]ry 1816
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Hall
Transmitting quarterly Reports of the Mines MM
From the same [DB] to the same [CB], Bretton Hall. 4 Feby. 1816 –
The moment we arrive in Town, I will endeavour to see the irish Sec[retar]y & will also get Lord Limerick to speak to the Irish Chancellor of the Exchqr, W. Fitsgerald, & Coll. Beaumont will write officially to Mr. Peel, & I trust, with all these aids success may be expected, at least it shall not be my fault, & I will endeavour to get at Lord <Granard>, if Lord Forbes (his Son) is in town, I will att
N[ew]Castle 6 Febr[uar]y 1816
Mrs Beaumont Portman Square – London
Transmitting Cash Account and Lead Sales for the month of December and on the 13th those for January – MM
Copy of a Letter from Coll. Beaumont to CW Blackett Esq. dated Portman Square 24 Feb 1816
My dear Blackett.
I have this morning received an answer to my applications, from the Irish Secretary, my friend, Peel; who strongly expresses himself anxious to oblige me, & says, that my letter in favour of Mr. O’Reilly is laid before Ld. Whitworth. – Mr. Peel however states that the appointments in Ireland are always considered as Patronage to those who represent the County in which it is
N[ew]Castle 7th March 1816
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell Ludgate Hill London
Adv[isin]g of 2 pieces Silver containing 2631Oz pWaggon MM
Newcastle 12 March 1816
Mrs Beaumont Portman Square
Transmitting Cash Account & Lead Sales for last month MM
Newcastle 16 March 1816
Messrs Newton Lyon & Co Liverpool
I have to inform you that our Bankers here, have this day returned me James Page & Co’s Bill on Wm Clayton & Co for £425-10 dishonored, with expences as under & which is here enclosed; and I am to request, you will in course of Post put me in possession of value for the same. – I am etc – MM
Bill & Noting £425 11 6
Exchange & Comm[ision] 4 5 0
Postage 0 4
General Report of Mines in Alston moor &c Ladyday 1816
After viewing a part of the Mines myself my Health preventing me, the remaining part was view’d by my Son, & others so that the service suffer’d no loss. I therefore let the Bargains as follows viz
From 18/- to 28/ p Bing 80 Men
28/- to 35/ 58
At 35/ 120
Dead work 42
Total 300 Men
which is fewer than last quarter by 40. This method may do for some time
Teesdale Bargains Ladyday 1816
Lodgesyke, Coldberry, Brockergill Wiregill & Flakebridge Mines are proceeding without any material change since Christmas report. The Level from which the Workings at Mannergill are prosecuting was given up several Years ago, but from the Report of my Uncle & several of the old Workmen of whom I made enquiries I was not satisfied with the manner in which it had been discontinued & therefore had it reopened during the last Year to extend the
<Our Mines> at Allenheads upon the whole are likely to be more productive of Ore the succeeding quarter than they have been last quarter from their present appearance altho' we have not one rich Working in all the Field. The old Workings in general I think are better, from <wch> I expect our greatest produce this Year. - we are continuing the X cut in the X Vein at the East End Southward, without producing any Ore of consequence & have not yet been able to prove wher