Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 27th November 1809
Addressed to Col Beaumont Bretton
In obedience to your Letter of the 22nd instant, I have seen Mr Pearson respecting the Loan of £9400 with which Mr Baker is to be assisted and have fixed to pay the money so soon as the Security is prepared and approved of by Mr Williamson, and this I shall accomplish distinct from any sums resting in Messrs Glyn & Co’s hand. It is understood that this Loan is temporary and to be repaid on the
Messrs Glyn & Co Bankers London Newcastle 16 December 1809
I am to request the favour of you to inform me whether the amount of Col Beaumont’s debt from John Elliott as stated in his Affidavit transmitted to you from Bretton, is proved against the Bankrupt’s Estate. I am etc
Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield Newcastle 23 December 1809
I debit your Account £81 – 6 - , the amount of the enclosed Bill (No 1115) and Expenses returned unpaid; a remittance for which and for one returned the 10th ult. Will
oblige Gentlemen etc MM
Newcastle 8th Janry 1810
Messrs Creed Usher & Co
White Chapel London
I duly received your Letter of the 6th instant enquiring the price of WB Refined Lead and Litharge and also the usual charge for Freight to London…My last Sales of Refined Lead were at £33 pfor and of Litharge at £34 pTon six months Credit; the freight for the former I believe is 14s/p fo[the]r – and for the latter 18s pTon. – Supposing you make the enquiry with a view to purchase I beg to inform you that
Newcastle 9th Janry 1810
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell
Ludgate Hill – London
I have forwarded by the London Waggon Carriage paid two pieces of fine Silver containing 2314 ½ Oz to be delivered to you; On arrival you will be pleased to state the price and I shall draw for the amount as usual. & am etc
Newcastle 9 Janry 1810
Messrs Glyn Mills Hallifax & Co
Bankers London
Enclosed you will receive Seven Bills value £27,502-18-11 for account of T Rd Beaumont Esqr and I duly received your Letter of the 6 inst, <..> <Ellills Bill & charges £4085.12.6 which is at your Credit; the two Bills upon the Bankrupt remaining in your hands you will be pleased to return to me. I am etc MM
Walkers Ward & Co
on Walkers Maltby & Co due 23 Febry dated 23 D
Newcastle 11th January 1810
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Bankers London
Enclosed you will receive Loraine & Co on Vries & Co for £375 - - the amount ¼ of a Years Tithe Ore due this day from Colonel Beaumont to the Revd Henry Hardinge as Rector of Stanhope in Weardale. – I beg you to acknowledge the receipt and am etc
Dufton 12th January 1810.
Mr Morrison
In examining the beginning of this Year I find them as under.
Coalcleugh Lead Mine nearly as last Quarter; the best quality of ore is raised out of the west flatts which in general are worked between 24 & 30s per B[in]g. The Cross-cut at East-end between the North & South veins is not yet finished to prove that vein in the great Lime which is raising ore in the upper Sills. The old workings still continue to raise Ore from 40s to 50
Easterly Hall & Co Statement
To Bills on Messrs Puller, Atkinson &
Mount & Mr Ellil – discounted 178,008
To Cash advanced on Bills on Puller
Atkinson & Mount & J Ellill - deposited
as securities 143,212
To Harry <Cookeby> on Bond 5,000
To Messrs Puller - <Bal. .. Recd> 101,877
To Debts due in Arkendale
Many parts of the mine are much poorer this quarter than at Michaelmas last, though a great number more hands are employed by reason of the mines in the surrounding country being so poor, of course the miners cannot get employment elsewhere. The distresses from the dearness of all sorts of provisions are very great and those who have large families are under the necessity of seeking parochial relief.
At Browngill and Thortergill Jos. Wanless & Co are driving a level to try a fresh vein in
Hond. Masters Nenthead 20 Janry. 1810
After a general examination of the Company’s Mines under my direction, on the 4, 5 & 6 Inst. I lett the Bargains a list of which is annex’d. Many parts of the Mines are much poorer this quarter than at Michlms. last, though a great number more Hands are employ’d, by reason of the Mines in the surrounding Country being so poor, of course the Miners cannot get Employment elsewhere.
The distresses from the dearness of all sorts of provis
Newcastle 23 Janry 1810
Messrs Reads & Lucas Sheffield
I have your Letter of the 20th inst. covering 3 Bills value £152.3.- which sum is to your Credit with Col Beaumont and am etc MM
Janry 23/1810. Mr Puller purchased of the Assignees J.B & Co Mess[rs] <..> & <..> Surtees’s Int[eres]t in the Mines etc with E[asterl]y H[all] & Co for £12.000 - - pay[a]ble at 1,2 & 3 years without Int[eres]t. – the Agreement to be completed on or before the 1st May next –
Copy of Easterley, Hall & Co’s representation as to the Value of their Interest in the Arkendale & Derwent Leadmines etc. The Value of Arkendale & Derwent Mines estimated
Mr John Charlton Middleton Teasdale near Barnard Castle Durham
Wrote him to draw on Mr Morrison for 59-14- -the amount of his Bill for Expenses due during Elections TC
Newcastle 31st January 1810
Sir R C Glyn Bt & Co Bankers London
Enclosed you will receive 8 Bills value £42,255-7-4 for Account of Thos Richd Beaumont Esqr the receipt of which be pleased to acknowledge. I am etc
1809 14 Oct
Thos Preston & Sons 5 Months due 17 March 1810 £6500
Ditto 6 due 17 April 6440 4 2
Ditto 7 due 17 May 6500
20 Octr J Locke & Co 5 due 23 March 6250
Newcastle 1st Febry 1810
Mr Caleb Angus Coachmaker Newcastle
I have by this Post a Letter from Colonel Beaumont informing me that he had received one from you dated the 26th Ult. containing Caleb Angus & Sons Bill on Inglis Ellice & Co at 2 months date for £150 which sum you are desirous to pay as the Balance of Account for Lead purchased on the 15th April 1790; I therefore credit your Account accordingly which Balances the sum in principal money, and am Sir etc
Newcastle 3 February 1810
Mrs Beaumont
addressed to Col. Beaumont – Portman Square
I beg to inclose copy of Mr Williamsons opinion* respecting the cross vein working by the Lead Company in Middlehope and from the perusal it appears the right of Colonel Beaumont to this vein will be a matter of great difficulty to prove. – for the present Mr Emerson is making a trial to discover the direction of the vein and if he is successful in the attempt, the plan then will be to endeavour
This is the last Will and Testament of me John Erasmus Blackett of the Town and County of Newcastle upon Tyne Esquire It is my wish that my funeral may be as private as possible and that my corpse may be carried to Church in a Hearse attended by two Mourning Coaches and that the only persons who shall attend the Funeral besides the Vicar of Newcastle and the Curator of Saint Nicholas be my Servant Thomas Turnbull my Clerks Gilbert Grey Thomas Gardner and <blank space> Liddell who shall
N[ew]castle March 2 1810
Mr Thos Dodd Nenthead
I am desired by Mr Morrison (now in London) to hand you as below the quantity of Ore raised in Mr Beaumonts Mines in Weardale for the year ending the 30th Septr 1809 – and have to request you will be pleased to favour me with an Account of the quantity of Ore raised in the Govenor & Co Weardale Mines <.> to the same period, in order that the proportion of Compositions etc due from the Company may be estimated, and the
N[ew]Castle March 9/1810
Mr Thos Dodd Nenthead
I received your favour of the 5th Inst. with amount of Ore raised p the Governor & Co in Weardale in the year ending 30 Septr 1809 and enclosed <hand> your Statement of Account with them for Rents, Compositions etc paid by Col. Beaumont. – I observe it will not be convenient to discharge the amount before the 15th or 16th
I am etc TC
Newcastle 13th March 1810
Messrs Glyn Mills & Co Bankers - London
I beg to advise of having this day drawn upon you four Bills the particulars stated below, amounting to £45,000 on acc[oun]t of Thomas Richard Beaumont Esqr; to which I request your attention and am etc MM
13 March p[aya]ble to Loraine & Co at 10 days date £11,250 - -
13 ‘ to ditto 15 11,250 - -
13 ‘ to ditto 25 11,
Newcastle 27 March 1810
Mrs Beaumont
addressed Cl Beaumont Portman Square
I am favored with your Letter of the 21 inst enclosing one from Lord Strathmore; the reply to which in my opinion is, the situation of the proposed Bridge and the road leading to it, being so distant from the Weardale Mines as totally to preclude its being of the least use in facilitating the Carriage of either Lead or Ore. I beg now to enclose in this and another cover Lead Sales for January & Feb
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Newcastle 11th April 1810
Bankers – London
Enclosed you will receive Loraine & Co’s Bill on Vries & Co for £375 for Account of the Revd Henry Hardinge, being the amount of a quarter of a Y[ea]rs Composition for Tithe Ore in Weardale due this day from Colonel Beaumont; - the rec[eip]t be pleased to acknowledge to Gent[leme]n
Yrs etc MM
Dufton 12th April 1810.
Mr Morrison
I now sit down to give the state of the different Mines to begin this Quarter and first with Coalcleugh which is poorer than last, and in <..> the lowest prices a little advanced, Six men to raise Ore at 26s per Bing, 4 Men at 28s, 6 at 30s, 14 at 32s 6 at 36s and upwards to 50s per Bing for about 60 men; very few of these can draw a shift of work to bank under 19s. Wellhope Lead mine nearly done, only 4 men working in the old ground
The greatest part of the mines are poorer than usual and will not raise so much ore this year by some thousands of Bings as they did last, and I am convinced the prices are such that the workmen employed in the most exhausted parts of the mines will make very poor wages. The price of provisions are so high that many families in this poor neighbourhood are half starved.
At Tynebottom Joseph Wanless & Isaac Teasdale and partners are each driving Horse levels and will occasionally try the vei