Hond. Masters Nenthead 21 April 1810
Having made my Quarterly View of the Company’s Mines in Alston Moor, Weardale, Teesdale, etc - on the 4, 5 & 6 I lett the Sundry Bargains, a list of which is annex’d. The greatest part of the Mines are poorer than usual, and will not raise so much Ore this Year, by some Thousands of Bings, as they did last, and I am well convinced the prices are such, that the Workmen employed in the most exhausted parts of the Mines, will make very poor Wag
Will of John Emerson late of Blaydon in the Parish of Ryton and County of Durham Lead agent
deceased –
As in the presence of Allmighty God I am here sit down to write my last Will and Testament, and devoutly pray to God to help and direct me in this solemn duty both as to God the giver and my dear children whom I intend as receivers of my Worldly Goods
I Bless the Lord for the health I this day enjoy, I do not remember that I was ever in more perfect health since I was b
Middlehope Fell
On a division of this Common under Act of Parl[iamen]t, the Boundary was lately set out by <Whilfd> Harrison of Chapel, the Commissioner for dividing d[itt]o – it so happened that none of the Parties interested in the Lintzgarth Common attended this Bounder riding and the Commissioner included a part of Lintzgarth Fell with that of Middlehope by drawing direct lines from one Bounder Mark to another; whereas this Boundary has invariably been determined by the fall
May 3/1810
Inclosed Mr M. Lee Hexham, Cheque for £16. 16. – to pay ½ a y[ea]rs Duty on Clerks at Mines etc to 5 Apr 1810 TC
Newcastle 19th May 1810
Mrs Beaumont
Addressed Cl Beaumont Portman Square London
In this and another cover I beg to enclose Cash Account for last month, and Mr Dickinson’s Report of the Mines. – Mr Baker has not fulfilled his engagements by the repayment of the money advanced on Security of Stanton Estate, Mr Pearson however continues to expect to obtain it soon, and I shall endeavour, in the interim to arrange with him for what be required for the monthly Subsistence of the W
Newcastle 1 June 1810
Mrs Beaumont
Enclosing Cash Acc[oun]t for last month and Lead Sales for April & May.
Newcastle 16th June 1810
Thomas How Masterman Esqr
White Hart Court - Gracechurch St London
I beg to avail myself of your obliging <promises> when in London, to request information respecting the affairs of Messrs Preston & Sons and to know in what state of forwardness the Sale of the Premises and Trade are in. – It is necessary for me to point out to you how much the interest of the Miner is concerned in the re-establishment of this House on the most respectable footi
Newcastle 28 June 1810
Mrs Beaumont addressed to Col B[eaumon]t Thorpe near Marton
I am honored with your Letter of the 24 inst and Mr T Crawhall will repair to Bretton whenever Mr Wood intimates to him, that he requires his assistance to arrange the mineral specimens lately purchased of Mr Sheffield. – The money advanced to Mr Baker will not I apprehend be soon repaid and it is to be regretted that he has failed in the performance of his engagement, as at this time money is w
Thomas How Masterman Esqr Newcastle 30th June 1810
I duly rec[eive]d your obliging Letter of the 28 inst and having this day seen Mr Foster, the Receiver to Greenwich Hospital and other Gentlemen Creditors of Messrs Prestons, I imparted to them the Substance of its contents. – As We are all deeply impressed with the necessity of this Concern being re-established, our opinion is that a meeting of the London Creditors should be called for the purpose of extending the time to th
Newcastle 11th July 1810
Thomas Bowes Esqr Darlington
Enclosed you will receive the amount of Coll Beaumont’s Profits arising out of the Weardale Mines on an average of five years. – The deficiency of Produce for the last three years, and the great increase in price, and quantity of materials consumed in the Mines, have reduced the Profits materially. I am etc MM
Newcastle 11th July 1810
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe
Bankers London
You will be pleased to pass to the Credit of the Revd Henry Hardinge the enclosed Bill of £375 being ¼ of a years composition for Tithe Ore due this day to him as Rector of Stanhope from Colonel Beaumont and acknowledge the receipt to Gent[leme]n – Y[ou]rs etc MM
Newcastle 12 July 1810
Mrs Beaumont Thorpe near Malton
Enclosing Cash Account and Lead Sales for last month
Mr Robt Tippler,
Secretary to the Gov[enor] & Co for Smelting down Lead Ore London
N[ew]Castle 14th July 1810
I am this day favored with your letter of the 12th Inst. and beg to inform you that Coll Beaumont will be at Newhouse in Weardale on Tuesday the 14th of August next and will be happy to meet on that day, or the day following, as they may appoint, the Gentlemen deputed from your Court on the business relating to the Mine in Middlehope. I am MM
Nenthead 14 July 1810
Hon[oure]d Masters
After a general examination of the Company’s Mines under my care on the 25, 26 & 27 June I lett the Bargains, a list of which I have annex’d. The Mines in a general way are poor, and I have lett the whole on the lowest terms I can, both the Ore Bargains and those in Dead Work.
Rampgill & Scaleburnmoss are both poor, and employ fewer hands, for many of the places have got so exhausted, that they cannot be wrought at
The mines in a general way are poor and I have let the whole on the lowest terms I can both the ore bargains and those in the Dead work.
Tynebottom is poor. Joseph Wanless and Co are driving an Upper Horse level by the side of the vein, and will at convenient points try the same for ore.
Mr Morrison Dufton July 19th 1810.
Dear Sir,
The State of the different leadmines under Col Beaumont at the beginning of this month as under –
Wolfcleugh leadmine poorer the last Quarter, and of course some of the prices advanced a little, but the hed price still <obtained> for raising Ore the same as before, Wellhope nearly worked out, and no further discovery made since the last quarter at Hartley Cleugh. Further search hath been made, where the Piece of
Newcastle 20th July 1810
Sir R C Glyn Bt & Co Bankers London
Enclosed you will receive four Bills value £13,883–15–1 for account of TRd Beaumont Esqr, the rec[eip]t of which be pleased to acknowledge to G[entleme]n. Y[ou]r etc MM
Walkers Ward & Co on
Walkers Maltby & Co dated 14 Apl @7 Mos £3682 16 4
Ditto on ditto 12 May @7 ‘ 3400 6 3
Ditto on ditto 9 June @7 ‘ 3400 6 3
Ditto on ditto 20 July @7 ‘
Newcastle 25th July 1810
Mrs Beaumont
I beg to inform you that I have waited upon Mr Pearson respecting the loan to Mr Baker and have received assurances that every exertion will be made to repay it, and I do hope from the various sources which Mr Pearson has pointed out likely to obtain money from, that it will not be long before the business is settled. I am etc MM
Newcastle 25 July 1810
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell
Ludgate Hill – London
By the London Waggon I have this day forwarded to you a piece of fine Silver containing 1467oz for which I shall draw upon you as usual, on stating the best price you can afford for the same. I am etc MM
Newcastle 20th August 1810
Mr Bainbridge Attorney at Law – Alston
It having occurred to me that the best mode of preparing the deed of Agreement between Colonel Beaumont and the Lead Company for fixing Boundarys etc to the Mines in Weardale is for Mr Tilson to send the Draft to you that it may be laid before Mr Hopper Williamson for his perusal and approbation on behalf of Colonel Beaumont and then returned to Mr Tilson to be engrossed. I think this was suggested to Mr Tilson at o
Newcastle 31st August 1810
Thomas Bowes Esqr Darlington
I am favored with your Letter of the 29th inst & in conformity thereto you will receive enclosed Loraine & Co’s Bill upon Veres & Co for £1716.1.0 the amount of duty charged on Coll Beaumont for Profit from Lead Mines in Darlington Ward for the year ending the 5th of April last, which you will please to acknowledge by the Customary receipt. I am etc
Newcastle 17th Sept[embe]r 1810
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell
I have this day forwarded to you by the London Waggon Carriage paid a piece of fine Silver containing 1580oz; on rece[ipt]t of which you will advise <G[entleme]n> Yrs etc MM
Newcastle 19th Septem[be]r 1810
Messrs Glyn, Mills & Co Bankers - London
Enclosed are 8 Bills value £45,060-13-10 for Account of Thomas Richard Beaumont Esqr, the rec[eip]t of which you will be pleased to acknowledge to Gent[leme]n etc
Mr Morrison Dufton 18th October 1810
I now give you the state of the different Lead Mines under Col Beaumont, as I found them at Michelmass Quarter, and found—
Coalcleugh, which continues poor, the principle part of the Ore raised is from the West Flatts, should they decline or be worked out before the East end is driven through the other cross Vein, Coalcleugh would be in a poor state indeed.
Wellhope Mine nearly worked out, only about 4 Men at 40s per Bi
Newcastle 31 October 1810
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Bankers London
Remitting them £375 ¼ a yrs Compo[sition] for Tithe Ore due to Revd H. Hardinge the 11 inst