At Bowngill Joseph Wanless & Co are sinking into the Great Limestone and will prove the vein shortly. At Tynebottom Joseph Wanless & Co are driving the Horse level.
Messrs Mills & Trower N[ew]Castle 22 July 1811
Sol[icito]rs Ely Place London
I acknowledge the Rec[eip]t of your letter of the 19th Inst informing me that you are now prepared to satisfy Col Beaumonts Solicitor with respect to the Titles to the several premises purchased by him of Messrs Prestons Trustees, with the exception of the Letters Patent granted to Bundy to which you have discovered that no legal Title can be made. – Mr Escourt has long been in possession of directions
Newcastle 2nd August 1811
Mrs Beaumont
addressed to Col Beaumont. Bretton
In four Covers I beg to transmit Cash Account & Lead Sales for the last three months, which Mr Beaumonts improved health, I trust, enables you to receive at Bretton. – It is with regret that I continue to notice the depressed state of the Lead Trade and that I have considered it expedient to accept an offer Messrs Wm James & Co made this day for 10,000 pieces at £24 p[er] f[odde]r for Refine
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell Ludgate Hill. London
Forwarding them pWaggon a piece of Silver cont[ainin]g 1199Oz – 3 Augt 1811
Thos Mills Esqr
Sol[icito]r Ely Place London N[ew]castle 10th August 1811
I am favoured with your letter of the 6th Inst and assure you that I am prepared and anxious to fulfil engagements on the part of Col Beaumont whenever the Trustees fulfil what they are bound to do. Bundy’s Patent and the Apparatus now constructing are different in principle as well as in operation and therefore are totally distinct. – What the Trustees cannot give a legal Title to, cannot surely prevent thos
N[ew]Castle 16 August 1811
Thos Bowes Esq Darlington
The enclosed two Bills & Cheque amounting to £1242-9-9 ½ You will receive in full for Col Beaumonts Property Tax for Weardale Mines to 5 April 1811 and for which be pleased to transmit to me the customary Receipt.
I am etc MM
N[ew]Castle 24th August 1811
Thomas Mills Esq Sol[icito]r – Ely Place – London
In reply to your Letter of the 20th inst, desiring me to state what I will deem a sufficient abatement from the Purchase money as an equivalent for the Patent I have to observe, that provided the Trustees will pay the charge for finishing the apparatus constructed by Lyne for making Bullets; and Messrs Lloyd & Ostells demand for putting up the new Engine at Limehouse I will represent the same to C
Rundell Bridge & Rundell Ludgate Hill London
advising of having forwarded 2p[iece]s of fine Silver containing 2701 Oz – 26 Augst 1811
Newcastle 2nd Septem[be]r 1811
Messrs Mills & Trower Sol[icito]rs Ely Place London
I have to acknowledge the rec[eip]t of your Letter of the 29th ult; having at your request named the terms for the omission of Bundy’s Patent in the Deed of Sale for Messrs Preston’s premises & Machinery I concluded that if these terms were not conceeded to by the Trustees, they in their turn would have named a sum so that some progress might be made towards bringing the business, so desir
Report on a View of the Works of Col: & Mrs Beaumont
1811 Sepr. 25 to Octr.
On a view of Blaydon. I found a small double power Engine of 5 or 6 Horse power at work, conformable to the directions given on last View 1810 for the purposes of raising Water to supply the diffiency [sic] occasioned by the escape of the Water in the old Collieries from whence a supply had been obtained. The Engine appeared very well executed and was working very well. It appears by J. Mulcas
Messrs Gosling & Sharpe London
16 Octr 1811 – Remitting them £375 for ¼ of a Yrs Compo[sition] for Tithe Ore due 11 inst to Revd Hy Hardinge as Rector of Stanhope
M Morrison Esq Dufton 18 Octo 1811
On examining the Mines at Coalcleugh find them nearly as last Quarter, or if any alteration for the worse, some of the West Flatts nearly worked out, only one Bargain at 26s per Bing the others from 28s to 40s per Bing the highest. Hartley Cleugh & Wellhope poorer than last Quarter only one Bargain at 26s per Bing, the others from 32s to 40s the highest.
Allenheads Mines poorer than last Quarter, and of course the prices advanced
Newcastle 28 October 1811
Mrs Beaumont
addressed to Col Beaumont Bretton Hall
Previous to the failure of Messrs Surtees Burdon & Co you will Remember, that Mr Burdon applied to Col Beaumont, to delay the purchase of Stock for which orders had been given, to be made out of money resting in their Bank and which on his representation was agreed to be postponed. – The motive for my calling this transaction to your recollection is to ascertain whether you are in possession of any
Newcastle 29 October 1811
Mrs Beaumont
addressed to Col Beaumont Bretton Hall
I have now the honour of enclosing in this and another cover Cash Account and Lead Sales for last month; also Mr Dickinson’s Report of the Mines for the quarter ending the 30th Septem[be]r. I am sorry to remark the Report is not favourable and that the price of Lead does not compensate for the poverty of the Mines. – Messrs Walkers Maltby & Co have taken the Ordnance Contract at £22-2-6 and Lead
Newcastle 31 October 1811
Mrs Beaumont
addressed to Col. Beaumont Bretton
I have had an interview with Mr Percival Fenwick this morning and he recommends that a few principal Attorneys residing in different parts of the County should immediately be retained; the number he thinks need not exceed six or eight. – He considers this measure indispensable under the persuasion that when the Prince Regent attains to unrestricted power and an Election takes place, Lord Ossulston will of
The price for raising the ore being reduced to 35/- the highest has put it out of any power to work many of the poor pickings, of course the number of hands is fewer than last quarter and will be fewer every quarter whilst things remain in their present state, as few mines will work at the price given. The mining counties are getting into the great distress and the people flying in all directions for employment.
At Tynebottom Joseph Wanless & Co are driving a horse level in a vein.
Nenthead November 1st 1811
Honored Masters,
Having examined the situation of the sundry Mines under my care on the 14th, 15th & 16th I let the Bargains a list of which is annexed. The prices for raising the Ore being reduced to 35/- the highest, has put it out of our power to work many of the poor Pickings, of course the number of hands is fewer than last Quarter, and will be fewer every Quarter whist things remain in their present state, as few Mines will work at the pric
Nov 2d 1811 – advised Rundell Bridge & Rundell having this day sent them a p[iece] fine silver contain[in]g 1133 Oz Pr MM
N[ew]Castle 4 Novem[be]r 1811
Mrs Beaumont
addressed to C[o]l B[eaumon]t Bretton
I am honored with your Letter of the 2nd inst and in consequence have seen Mr P Fenwick who considers it expedient to retain two professional Gentlemen at North Shields, two at So[uth] Shields, two a Newcastle, one at Morpeth, one at Alnwick One at Hexham & one at Berwick, which he will accordingly do.
Enclosed you will receive extracts of Letters from Mr Blackett to you and Col Beau
N[ew]Castle 12 Novem[be]r 1811
Mrs Beaumont
addressed Col B[eaumon]t Bretton
I duly rec[eive]d your Letter of the 9 inst containing Mr Burdons Letter to Mr Bowns on the subject of the Stock intended to be purchased in 1803. – However active Mr Burdon appears by these Letters to be to induce you to postpone the purchase, nothing contained therein renders his private Estate liable to make good the loss sustained by you in complying with his solicitation. – Mr Williamson is in
N[ew]Castle 4 Decem[be]r 1811
Mrs Beaumont – Forwarding Cash Acc[oun]t & Lead Sales for last month
M Morrison Esq Dufton 10 Jany 1812
Yours of the 17 Dec last Rec[eiv]ed at Coalcleugh on the 26, the contents of which was a confirmation of the bad news we had in Westmorland. Upon inspecting the Mines at Coalcleugh, and their accounts now preparing for the Pay, found they would bear a little reduction at present, without reducing the Miners to extremity, & therefore reduced the prices for raising Ore to 38s per B[in]g & the Dead Work in proportion, and at Allenheads u
Nenthead 18th January 1812.
Hon[oure]d Masters,
After viewing the Comp[an]y’s Mines under my care, on the 6th, 7th &8th Inst I lett the Bargains, a list of which is annexed. Rampgill Mine is much in the same state as last Report. Jno Hall & co are driving a Horse Level for the support of one of the leases & which is the only dead Bargain at said mine. Scaleburnmoss Mine will raise the ore to advantage. Roby Irwin & co are the only dead Bargain and is an inter
Joseph Wanless & Co are driving a new Horse level on the west side of Tyne to cut two veins and several flats in fresh ground in the limestone. which trial covers and supports two leases, and must go on, but is the best object in the Tynebottom leases, and will I expect raise some very good ore before the end of the year, and although many parts of the company’s mines raise ore of a very productive quality, yet there is none equal to Tynebottom on the West of Tyne.
Jany 23
Advised Rundell & Co of D[ra]ft to Loraine & Co @ 10<M[onths]/d[ate]> - for £1015-13-4