Jany 24
Remitted Messrs Goslings & Sharp Loraine & Cos D[ra]ft on Veres & Co @ 10 <M[onths]/d[ate]> for £375 - - to pay Comp[ositio]n to Rector Stanhope
Feby 19/1812
Remitted Messrs Glyn & Co D[ra]ft Hewitson on Chapman 17 August 1811 @ 6 <Mo[nths/d[ate]> for £1500 to place to Credit of Col Beaumont’s Account with them
Feb. 20 1812
Advised Rundell Bridge & Co of a p[iece] fine Silver sent them this day – q[uantity] 1411 Oz TC
Messrs Glyn Mills & Co London March 14 1812
Remitted them, Bills
No1327 MM on Picard 24 Dec 1811@8mo due 27 Aug 2966 13 4
8 do do do 9Mo 27 Sep 2966 13 4
9 do do do 10Mo 27 Oct 2966 13 4
1336 Walkers on Walkers 22 Jan 1812 @4Mo25 May 3989 16 2
7 do do 19 Jan 5Mo 22 Jun 3989 16
8 do do 31 Jan 6Mo 3 Aug 3989 16
1342 MM on Marsh Creed 2d March 4Mo 5 Jul 3841 17 7
N[ew]Castle March 16/1812
Sent Mr Dodd the Governor & Cos Acc[oun]t of their proportion of Rents etc for Weardale £1082-17-10
NewCastle 16th March 1812
Mr Thomas Emerson Newhouse Weardale
In consequence of its being found expedient this year to defer the Mine Pays until the first Week in May- Featherstone Brown of Weardale and William Liddle of Coalcleugh deputed by the Miners have waited upon me, to represent the inconvenience which they labour under by this measure, and also, that it is understood by them that the Pays in future years are to be made in this month, - I am therefore to request you to ma
Mrs Beaumont
under cover to Col Beaumont London N[ew]Castle 20 March 1812
In consequence of Lord Percys elevation to the House of Peers Sir C Monck comes forward to succeed his Lordship in the representation of the County. – The enclosed address to the Freeholders is to be inserted in the Weekly Papers of this evening. – What the intentions of the Duke of North[umberlan]d are, have not transpired further than he does not espouse the Interest of Sir Charles. – Col. Reed ha
Goslings & Sharp London
Remitted Loraine & Co D[ra]ft on Veres & Co @ 10d/St for £375 – to pay ¼ a yrs Comp[ositio]n for Tithe Ore due this 11th April 1812 TC
I have let every part as low as possible both for ore and the unavoidable Dead work and yet after having offered 38/- a Bing and £10 the ton for old pickings as I proposed to the Court, many of the workmen refuse to take and are unemployed in the moor and several who are employed I am afraid will not be able to clear their advance money and other charges.
Garrigill mines are all poor, and it is with the utmost difficulty they can be carried on with the prices now given, the workmen murmur har
Nenthead April 18th 1812
The Hon[oura]ble the Governor & Co,
Having reviewed the Mines under my care in Teasdale, Weardale & the Moor, on the 24th, 25th & 26th March I lett the Bargains, and have herewith annexed a List. I have lett every part as low as possible both for the Ore and the inavoidable Dead Work, & yet after having offered 38/- per Bing & £10 per F[ath]om for old Pickings, as I proposed to the Court, many of the workmen refuse to take and are
Newcastle 13 May 1812
Sir R C Glyn Bt & Co London
Remitting 7 Bills value £1470-2-0
8,500 @5days p[aya]ble to Sir C Loraine & Co dated 4 May
8,500 15 do do
8,500 40 do do
8,500 2 Mo do
Mr John Hopkins
No 8 Tooley Street London N[ew]Castle 4th May 1812
Dear Sir
I have this day drawn upon you four Bills amount[in]g to £34,000 as above stated, which you will accept at Frazer & Co and give them the usual previous notice as they become due. I am MM
Sir R C Glyn & Co N[ew]C[astle] 4 May 1812
I have to advise of drawing upon you this day for Col Beaumonts Acc[oun]t four Bills amount[in]g to £26,000, particulars below, to meet which I am to request you will be pleased to discount the Bills remitted on the 14th March last. – I am also to request that you will receive the dividend to be paid at GuildHall on the 23rd Instant upon John Ellills Effects; the amount £12,256-13-1 was proved by you as holders of three Bills & exhib
Newcastle 12 May 1812
Mrs Beaumont London
Transmitting Cash Account and Lead Sales for the months of March & April
N[ew]Castle 21 May 1812
Rundell Bridge & Rundell London
Advising of forwarding a piece of fine Silver cont[ainin]g 1574Oz. – MM
Messrs Brown & Brinde Foster Lane – Cheapside London
Ditto Ditto cont[ainin]g 1531Oz MM
NewCastle 25 May 1812
Sir R C Glyn Bt & Co Bankers – London. –
I am duly favored with your Letter of the 23rd inst and enclosed you will receive the three Bills you request amount[in]g to £12,256-13-1, proved against the Estate of J Ellill. – Be pleased to advise on rec[eip]t of the dividend and state when another may be expected I am etc MM
Newcastle 30 May 1812
Sir R C Glyn Bt & Co
Bankers London – Remitting them 2 Bills amount £3479 – 11 – 4
N[ew]Castle – 1 June 1812
Sir R C Gyn Bt & Co
I duly rec[eiv]ed your Letter of the 29 ult. stating that the Solicitors to Mr Ellill’s Bankruptcy, refuse to pay the Dividend on the Debt due to Col Beaumont, notwithstanding the proof is formally made by his Affidavit (transmitted as I understand by him to you) and admitted by the Commissioners. Concerning that the Solicitors are not authorised in refusing payment, and that another affidavit is unnecessary I am to request you w
Mrs Beaumont N[ew]Castle 6 June 1812
I am honoured with your letter of the 2d inst. and have wrote to Messrs Tilson & Preston Solicitors to Mr Ellills Bankruptcy requesting of them an explanation of the Lett off which they make ag[ains]t Col Beaumont’s claim on Mr J Ellills estate. – I apprehend Mr Tilson has heard something of Messrs Nichol & Ludlows responsibility on the Bills they drew upon Mr Ellill for the Lead purchased on his Account and have made this attempt
Col Beaumont Birchin Lane 2nd June 1812
We beg to acquaint you that the Solicitors to the Commission of John Ellill have now offered to pay the Divid[en]d on the Sum Of £10.856-13-1 being £1400 less the Sum amount proved by you against his Estate, they alledge that the Sum of £1000 has been paid to yourself and £400 to Messrs Veres & Co for your use. – Should you deem it expedient to receive the Dividend upon the lesser Sum you will have the goodness to transmit us an Or
30 June 1812
Sir R C Glyn & Co - Bankers London - Remitting them 2 Bills for £3778.11.1
Lee N[ew]Castle 2d July 1812
I now have the pleasure of replying to your esteemed letter of the 29th Ult and to annex a Copy of the weight p[er]foot of Milled Lead and No’s of Shot pointed out by Mr R L Lee as suitable to the American Markett. – I feel every initiative to consign these articles to your Brother, whenever a prospect of advantage induces, the intercourse with America secured by the recognition of the two Governments, and Col Beaumont gives me directions to mak
Mrs Beaumont N[ew]C[astle] July 10 1812
I am honored with your l[ett]re of the 6th Inst & in this & another Cover you will receive Cash Acc[ount] & Lead Sales for last Month. I have yet the unpleasant task of stating that the price of Lead is low and the demand dull; but would gladly hope that the relaxation of the Orders in Council regarding America, & the state of the <Bathill> will be productive of an increased Commerce & a consequent enhanc
Newcastle 11 July 1812
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Bankers – London
Remitting them £375 – ¼ of a Yrs Comp[osition] for Tithe Ore due this day to R[everen]d Henry Hardinge Rector of Stanhope
Nenthead 18th July 1812
The Hon[oura]ble Gov[erno]r & Co
Having reviewed the Mines under my direction on the 8th, 9th, & 10th Inst, I lett the bargains, a List of which is Annexed. From the hard Times, the general poverty of the Mines in the Moor, and wages low, we are subject to many difficulties.
Rampgill Mine is much the same as last quarter, but Scaleburnmoss is so poor that few places in that Mine can be carried at the prices given. At Rampgill Geo Barron