Newcastle 9ber the 20th 1677
Mr Henry Maister
I doe nott a little wonder that I doe heare nothing from you of the Shippinge of my Iron; since wthin this eight dayes there is arrived here several shippes both from Hull and Yorke; pray either Shipp itt soone or Lett itt alone, if not bought, for If I have itt not before primo xber itt will stand mee In noe steed I am MB
23th ditto
Mr Hump: Willett
Please take notice that this day I have vallewed upon you a bill for £50: - : - payable 10 d[ays] sight to Mr John Ellison or order vallew of himselfe wch pray lett bee complyed wthall yesterday I shipped aboard the Frances of Ipswich William Morgan Master 100 p[iece]s Leed and consigned to your selfe wch after good arrivall be pleased to Receive & dispose of for my most advantage paying the Master £4: - : - freight I thinke I shall send you 2 or 300 p[
Newcastle 9ber the 24th 1677
Mr Hump: Willett
Yours have Received whereby I take notice of the Arrivall of Robt. Wheatly of wch I am Glad
please take notice that this day I have drawne upon you a bill for £50: - : - p[er] 10 d[ays] after sight to Mr Hen: Hateley or order valew of Mr Richard Randall wch pray lett ne Complyed withall I am MB
Londo Novembr 24th 1677
Sr James Standsfield
Our last was of the 30th past. Since your lre of 9th instant. And in respect to wt I menconed in my last concerneing Mr Vermuydens opinion I am willing to be over ruld by you As wt you think best in your owne opinion for carrying on the worke as to your not sending a steward from hence in regard you are so well satisfyed wth him already imployed. But whereas you mencon yourself surprized at my owneing Mr Vermuyden [as] partner And that you s
Newcastle xber the 1th 1677
Mr Hump: Willett
In all yours I take notice of your great care in discharging my bills as well as receiveing the needfull pray lett Mr Edwd Allan alone trouble him noe more I yesterday payd your bill att sight of £27: - : 6 I now long to know how accts stands betwixt us soe when you have
received and payd all bills and my 200 p[iece]s Leed disposed of pray lett my acct currant bee disposed unto him that desires to begin a new acct along wth a new yeare and rem
Mr Hen: Maister
To this day have heard nothing of the vessell In wch you shipped mee the 3 Tonn of Iron and of late wee have had greate winds and some shipps wrocke hereabouts I know not w[ha]t to thinke of him onely God be thanked the adventure is nott greate pray be pleased to advise mee when hee sayled from your place and give mee any other acct of him other that you have att present or that shall come to your knowledge hereafter Doinge whereof you will very much oblidge MB
Brother Edwd
I have Re[ceive]d yours of the 27th present, doe heartily thanke you for your kindnesse and have delivered your bills wch is satisfactorie my Father setts out of London the latter end of the next weeke vizt about the 7th or 8th present I hope your bond and Judg[e]m[en]t to Mrs Scurfield wch I sent you from Darnton came safe to hand my humble service to my sister Lady Yorke and to the Esqr wth the same to yourselfe hopeing you are all merrily disposed I remayne MB
Newcastle xber the primo 1677
George Liddell
I have Rec[eive]d from you by the hands of Jno Gibson £7: 9: 6 being in full upon your account for Iron but onely for a <…..sine> which I paid 18: 5d for soe you remaine dr for itt, but for the rest that I have Re[ceive]d I have crost out in the booke being in hast[e] I remaine JW p[er] MB
To Mr Jno Grey to desire him to pay £100 to Mr Randolph Richardson order from Margt Grey
7 ditto
Mr Hum Willett
This comes to accompany Mr Hesketh Hobman Comander of the Swann of Hull In whome I have this day shipped 100 p[iece]s Leed wch after good arrivall bee pleased to Re[ceive]d and dispose of for my most advantage paying the Master three pounds freight I am MB
Mr Jno Hodgson
I have Re[ceieve]d yours the Contents have well observed pray hasten mee with all speed halfe a tonn of hamer moulds as formerly desired and for the price I will Referr myselfe to you, but I desire you to Remember that for the last parcell I was to give you noe more than 14s a hundred which was our position agreement Mr Jno Eden was present to whom I will willingly Referr myselfe soe remaines MB
Mr Moorecroft
I was this night speakeing wth Mr Errington about the £150: - and the use thereof who tells mee that Mr Lee told him positively the paym[en]t of this money in Newcastle would be sufficient but seeinge Mr Lee will nott stirr one foot unless hee can have the promise of £300 upon returne (wch I will nott doe otherwise then I have writt you this day allready) you may please take notice and accquaint him that the principall as well as Interest shall be ready for him to Re
Newcastle xber the 8: 1677
Mr Hump: Willett
My last to you was upon the 7th present by Mr Heskett Hobman who I hope will be wth you soone after this present, the Contents of my last letter pray observe in every particular onely one thing pray observe lett the price be w[ha]t itt will dispose of all my lead before you dispatch me my account currant, and which I now desire may be done wth all speed possible and the sooner Effected the more itt will be to the content of MB
I shall tro
Edwd: Fleatham
Thyne I have Rec[eive]d wth a bill for £100 – wth wch I am satisfied being for soe much I payd thy partner Thomas Thom pp last weeke. To answer w[ha]t thou sayest concerning the takeing of bills here att this time itt is a thing impossible to doe without advance, for I am confident one might have bills to the valew of £4 or £5000 att £1 p[e]rc[en]t soe that I thinke that if thou wert here thy owne selfe thou could nott procure £100 for one farthing lesse advance w
Newcastle xber the 10th 1677
Mr Hum: Willett
My last to you was of the 8th present in wch you hadd an accompt of 100 p[iece]s Leed consigned to you and sent by Heskith Hobman Commander of the Swann of Hull by whome also I have this day shipped and consigned to your selfe two hundred sixty & fower Ankor Palmes, wch after good arrivall bee pleased to Receive and dispose of for my most advantage, I have <> agreed with the Master for £3: - : - freight hee is nott altogethe
Newcastle xber the 11th 1677
Brother Edwd
Whereas by my last I gave you notice of the Parliam[en]ts sitting downe on the 15th January next and that my Father would nott come downe att all, wch was true, but by the last Post hee hath sent contradictory letters and that hee Intends to be att home the latter end of the next weeke, my service to my sister I am MB
Mr Hum: Willett
The above is a coppie of w[ha]t I yesterday writt you by Hesketh Hobman by whome you will onely receive 255 Ankor Palmes soe there nott being soe many as I thought I thinke £3:- too much freight I suppose hee will abate nothing of itt soe doe you stand to him and pay noe more wch goods make noe hast[e] in selling for if you can nott gett a good price for them, I cann have them brought home againe for nothing soe pray every Post advise mee w[ha]t you are bidden for
Newcastle xber the 14th 1677
Mr Hum: Willett
I have before mee yours of the 8th present for answer bee pleased take notice that att present there is noe vessell bound for Rochell from this place soe cannott effect your desire
The £50: you payd to Mr Harding have placed to your Creditt
To pleasure a friend was yesterday forsed to vallew £18 upon you payable the 20th of January next <ensing> to Mr Philipp Harman or order vallew of Mr Gawen Wilkinson wch pray
Newcastle Xber the 15th 1677
Mr Hen: Maister
Sr, Yours of the 7th present I have Recd In answer to wch my Master gave me Orders To advise you that the Vessell wth his Iron is safely Arrived and that the long Barrs proves very well: and for the Short Barrs hee knowes nott w[ha]t to do wthall for they are nott for this Markett soe I believe that they will lay in his hands for a long time, for your moneyes if you please to take a bill my Master will send you one or any other way you please t
Newcastle xber the 18 1677
Edrwad Fletham <And sho.> Thorpe
I have before mee yours of <..> date the Contents have taken into Consideration but am forced to tell you that I am very sorry you doe <rely> upon money from mee for your marketts I am necessitated to tell you in plaine English you must goe without for I have neither money to lend upon Consideration (nor Can I heare of any that has) nor for bills neither none to be procured in towne att present under 1 ½ p[er]cent
21 ditto
Mr Hum: Willett
Sr, I have before mee yours of the 15th present I should be glad to heare of Hobbmans Arrivall I take notice of w[ha]t you write concerning Leed oare wth wch Comoditty Ill furnish your customer: As well as any Man in England and as Good Stuff (And if hee and you can agree) wth w[ha]t quantity att any time hee shall desire pray take notice itt can nott be afforded for lesse than £7: - : - p[er] Tonn att London butt I will Shipp itt aboard free of all charges att t
Newcastle xber 22d 1677
Mr Nicholas Verlan
Sr, I have before mee yours of the 21th present the Contents have well observed Inclosed doe returne you the Acct Curant you sent mee balance of wch you may please to place to my Fathers Accompt haveing done him the same good two yeares agoe, but take my advice doe not talk of In[te]rest to him In your letter I should nott doe itt to any Merchant whatsoever itt never haveing beene demanded, but Especially as you Ingeniously conffesse itt to arise
Newcastle Xber the 29th 1677
Mr Hen: Maister
Sr, I have before mee yours of the 21th present for answer to wch assure yourselfe that your Bill for £20: - : - when presented shall bee accepted and payd when dew as also the <unpd> £24: 2: 7 God willing I shall order to bee payd to Mr Peter Barr according to your Order.
Pray take notice that as I sayd before your short thicke Barrs are nott for this markett and may lay long in my hands; but if you have or cann procure mee 3 or 4 T
January the 4th 1677/8
Mr Hum: Willett
Inclosed is a bill for £100 and next Post shall remitt you £2: or 300 more you may send mee my acct currant when you please and lett this bill beginn the new Acct.
P[er] first shipp may expect 20 Tonn of Leed Oare for a Tryall butt cannott affoard to dd itt att London for £7: p[er] tonn itt will bee shipped within 14 d[ays] and you shall have itt if you please shipped here aboard free of all charge for £7: p[er] Tonn if nott for y
Newcastle Ja: 8: 1677/8
Mr Hum: Willett
I have yours wth my account Currant wch I shall Examine and let you know next post how I finde itt In the mean time question not but I shall finde itt right.
Last post Remited you £100: - : - and Inclosed you have a bill for £150: - but I have drawne upon you £100: - In three bills as followeth £50: p[er] 14 d[ays] sight to Mr Marr Esquire or order value of Ra: Ellstobb
£25 p[er] 14 d[ays] sight to Mr Jno Shewell or order value of ditto E