At Tynebottom Joseph Wanless & Co are driving the Horse level.
Messrs Brown & Brinde Foster Lane Cheapside London
Forwarding a piece of Silver (Carr[iage] p[ai]d) cont[ainin]g 1477 Oz – 4 August
Newcastle 4 August 1812
Thomas Bowes Esq Darlington
I now enclose Statement of Colonel Beaumonts Average Profits for five Years from his Weardale Lead Mines in Darlington Ward and also Bill as under for the amount, conformable to your request when I had the pleasure of seeing you last month on my way to London. I will thank you to send me a Stampt Rec[eip]t for this payment & am etc MM
600 Morland
14-10-0 Veres
Newcastle 8th August 1812
Mr John Crace
59 Duces Street Lincoln Inn Fields London
Informed by the Receivers of Greenwich Hospital that you purchased their Lead Fume ground in oil, and that you are desirous to have a larger quantity. I am to request on behalf of Col Beaumont whose Lead Smelt Mills are <in …..> information of the quantity you are inclined to purchase with the price & Credit delivered here. I am etc MM
Newcastle 10th August 1812
Mrs Beaumont – Thorpe
I have had the honor of duly receiving your Letter o the 7th inst and of executing the directions it contains – The enquiries after Col Beaumont have been numerous and my answers uniform that his health required a prolonged residence at the Sea. The Assizes are well attended and among the Company is Lord Percy and Sir Charles Monck foreman of the Grand Jury. – This Letter is principally intended to convey the enclosed, a
Sir R C Glyn Bt & Co Bankers London
Remitting to them three Bills value £13,288-12-2 25 August 1812
Brown & Brinde Foster Lane Cheapside London
Forwarding a piece of Silver containing 1247 Oz – 28 August 1812
Newcastle 14 Septem[be]r 1812
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell Ludgate Hill London
Forwarding them a piece of Silver containing 1630 Oz & stating the price of of the last sold to be 7s/Oz
Mrs Beaumont
Hexham Abbey – With Cash Acc[oun]t & Lead Sales for August
Dinner with the Magistrates...Ball in the evening, Mrs. Beaumont appeared in all the splendor of diamonds but with the manners of a proud and vulgar woman.
Mr Morrison Newcastle Dufton 12th October 1812
About the 25th March last the Weather being exceeding stormy I inspected Coalcleugh Leadmines & let the Bargains, the Mines being poor in the Old Works was obliged to advance the head Price to 42s per Bing by that time the snow being so very deep, & the Frost intense, was obliged to return, after writing to the Head Agents at Allenheads & Weardale; I had in that journey taken Cold, was very unwell for near three Weeks,
We the undersigned have Viewed the different Mines at Allenheads, Weardale & Coalcleugh & our Report is as follows. Viz.
That Allenheads Mine in Wentworth Vein in the back workings is poor, but the foremost sump now opening is more promising than any that has been sunk in that Vein. The Workings at Craigshield in Diana Vein are very hard and poor, but likely to be of a long duration, the foreend is some better than it has been.
Breckonsike Leadmine is considerabl
Newcastle 16 Octo[be]r 1812
Messrs Brown & Brinde Foster Lane Cheapside London
Forwarding them a piece of Silver containing 1307 ½ Oz –
Newcastle 20th October 1812
Messrs Glyn Mills & Co Bankers London
Remitting them 5 Bills value £10,312-10-3 for T R Beaumont Esqr Acc[oun]t MM
Nenthead, Octo[be]r 31st, 1812
The Hon The Gov[erno]r & Co,
Having gone through and visited the Company’s Mines under my care, on the 15th, 16th, & 17th inst I lett the Bargains, and have, with this transmitted a List of the same. The utmost frugality has been attended to in all the Mineral Operations under my direction during the present year, which is now closed, & which I am persuaded will turn up to the satisfaction of the Court, but at the same time many necess
Garrigill mines are poor and Tynebottom also.
At Tynebottom Joseph Wanless & Co are driving the Horse level.
Newcastle 5 Novem[be]r 1812
Mrs Beaumont – Bretton
Enclosing Cash Account and Lead Sales for last Month and transcript of Sir Wm Blackett will respecting St Andrews Charity School etc etc
Newcastle 7 Novem[be]r 1812
Messrs Rundell & Co Ludgate Hill London
Forwarding to them a piece of Silver containing 1654 Oz
Messrs Brown & Brinde Foster Lane – Cheapside London
Ditto Ditto containing Oz
Newcastle 19 Decem[be]r 1812
Mrs Beaumont Bretton
Transmitting Cash Acc[oun]t, Lead Sales, Expenses so far as paid, of the Election at Alnwick on 23 Oct[obe]r and a list for her signature, of the Boys to be admitted into StAndrews’ Charity School at the town
N[ew]Castle 23d Dec 1812
Joseph Dickinson Esq of Dufton at Coalcleugh
I am favoured with your letter of the 18th Inst. & hope this will meet you at Coalcleugh in perfect health. – Influenced by the glorious news from Russia many enquiries are making after Lead and I have sold largely at £23 p[er]fofer Com[m]on, Six Mo[nths] Credit.- & fortunately for Europe Bonaparte’s career is soon at an end & peace restored, old England will again flourish & the price of Lead
N[ew]Castle 6 Janry 1813
Messrs Brown & Brind Foster Lane – Cheapside London
advising of having sent 2p[iece]s of fine Silver & requesting them to state the w[eigh]t of each piece.
Messrs Rundell & Co Ludgate Hill – London
advising of having sent 1 piece of fine Silver containing 820 Oz
Joseph Wanless & Co are driving the Horse level at Tynebottom, to prove both the vein and flats, but are yet short of the object.
Nenthead, Jany 9th, 1813
The Hon[ourable] the Gov[erno]r & co,
After viewing the Comp[an]y’s Mines under my direction on the 28th, 29th & 30th last past, I lett the sundry Bargains & have annexed a list thereof. Lodgesyke (which I visited first) employs a great number of hands, having many Pickings left in the rear or hindermost parts of the Mine. The general workings are not richer than the last Quarter, yet will raise a great quantity of Ore to very considerabl
Martin Morrison Esq. Newcastle Dufton 11 Jany 1813.
Yours of the 23 Dec last I rec’d in <c…..> & if the times had allowed two or three shillings per Bing more, for some poor places, would have been very acceptable; The Workmen have no place to fly to, & cannot live without some employment; I fear several of them have taken Bargains, which at 42s per B[in]g will not cover the usual allowance, of advance Cash, & will of course increase (what we may call your