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Letter – Martin Morrison to Gosling & Sharp – 11 Jan 1813

Newcastle 11 Jan[ua]ry 1813 Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Bankers – London Remitting them £375 – ¼ of a years Compo[sition] for Tithe Ore due this day to Rev[eren]d Henry Hardinge Rector of Stanhope

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 2 Feb 1813

Newcastle 2nd February 1813 Mrs Beaumont Portman Square – London In this and another Cover you will receive Cash Account and Lead Sales for the month of December, and I have much pleasure in stating that I have this day sold to Messrs J Locke & Co 7000 pieces of Lead at £27 p[er]fo[the]r for Refined, being an advance within the last two months of £3p[er]fo[the]r. – I am etc MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Thomas Richard Beaumont – 5 Feb 1813

Col Beaumont MP N[ew]Castle 5th Feby 1813 Portman Square London Dear Sir I am honoured with your letter of the 1 Inst. & am much gratified by the information it affords of your Naval Officer, who I hope, by the time the <French> possess another Navy, will be an Admiral and serve them, if occasion offers, the second <part> of Trafalgar. – I am also happy to hear Mrs Beaumont is so delightfully employed in preparing for Miss Beaumonts presentation to Court on

Will – Ann Mulcaster – 15 Feb 1813

This is the last Will and Testament of me Ann Mulcaster of Blaydon in the Parish of Ryton and County of Durham Widow and Executrix of the late Robert Mulcaster of the same place deceased. My Soul I recommend to God my Creator and direct my Body to be decently interred at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named. I give and bequeath to my son John Mulcaster of Blaydon all my Leasehold Estate situate in the Parish of Kirkhaugh in the County of Northumberland known by the name of Harlo

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 23 Feb 1813

N[ew]Castle 23 Febry 1813 Messrs Rundell & Co Ludgate Hill London Forwarding them a piece of Fine Silver containing 1159 Oz. – Messrs Brown & Brinde Foster Lane Cheapside Lo[ndon] Forwarding them a piece cont[ainin]g 1556 oz & requesting them to state their w[eigh]t

Letter – Martin Morrison to J Hopkins – 1 Mar 1813

Mr J Hopkins - WB L[ea]d Works 8 Tooley St London Do in favour of Do 4 Bills for £7500 each at 10, 30, 50 & 70 days.-

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 1 Mar 1813

Newcastle 1st March 1813 Sir R C Glyn Bt & Co Bankers London Advising of having drawn upon them in favour Messrs Reed Batson & Co 3 Bills for £7000 each at 10,20 & 30 days

Letter – Martin Morrison to Tilson & Preston – 11 Mar 1813

Newcastle 11 March 1813 Messrs Tilson & Preston Solicitors Chatham Place London I am favored with your Letter of the 2nd inst and intending to be in London in the course of a few weeks I shall then bring the agreement between the Lead Company & Col Beaumont for the purpose of being engrossed by you and completed, - in the interim I beg to recommend that the Companys Mine Agent, in conjunction with Col Beaumonts, lay down a plan of the Middlehope Vein, specifying its Boundary

Letter – Martin Morrison to Joseph Dickinson – 17 Mar 1813

New]C[astle] 17 March 1813 Joseph Dickinson of Dufton at Coalcleugh Dear Sir I rec[eiv]ed your letter of the 12th Inst & am concerned to find that the indisposition of your family prevented you leaving home during our great Lead Pay; I hope they are now better and that no impediment will arise to prevent you personally attending the Bargains at the time you propose to let them. – The late Sales of Lead at an advance upon the former low price appear to have originated more

Memo – Martin Morrison to Brown & Brind – 19 Mar 1813

Messrs Brown & Brind London Forwarding them a piece of Silver pWaggon Carr[ia]ge paid

Memo – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 19 Mar 1813

N[ew]Castle 19 March 1813 Mrs Beaumont Portman Square Enclosing Cash Acc[oun]t & Lead Sales for last month

Report – Joseph Dickinson to Martin Morrison – 6 Apr 1813

Martin Morrison Esq Newcastle Dufton 6th April 1813 Dear Sir, I now sit down to give you my opinion of the different Lead Mines, with an account of the Bargains we have let, and shall begin as I inspected them, Coalcleugh is poorer in general than last quarter & of course the Prices higher, but believe not equal to the decline of the Mine, The West Flatts which hath been a great support for the some time, is working out, & unless some fresh discovery in that part, wil

Letter – Martin Morrison to Gosling & Sharp – 10 Apr 1813

Messrs Goslings & Sharpe do Remitting them £375 for ¼ a yr Comp[ostion] of Tithe Ore due to R[everen]d Hy Hardinge the 11 inst

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 10 Apr 1813

Newcastle – 10 April 1813 Messrs Glyn & Co Bankers London – Remitting Bill 3780£ not sent – cancelled

Report – Thomas Dodd – 10 Apr 1813

Tynebottom is under trial in different parts and will by and by raise more ore. Joseph Wanless & Co are driving the Horse level & will cut some flats in the limestone.

Report – Thomas Dodd – 10 Apr 1813

Nenthead 10th April, 1813 The Hon Govr & Co Sirs, Having visited the workings of the Mines under my care, on the 24th, 25th & 26th past, I lett the sundry Bargains, a List of which is annexed. Rampgill Mine is successful. The eight foremost Bargains on the List are raising a great deal of very excellent Ore. It is a fresh Vein recently cut in the deep Level & never before discovered, is whole for about a mile in Length, & it is certain it might have

Letter – Martin Morrison to Joseph Little – 24 May 1813

Mr Joseph Little at Coalcleugh Newcastle 24th May 1813 <pr favour> of Mr Geo Crawhall Sir I have received directions from Col & Mrs Beaumont to inform you, that your Services as their Agent at Coalcleugh are to be discontinued and that Mr George Crawhall is appointed to succeed you – In complying with this painful duty I am anxious that your leaving Coalcleugh may be attended with as little inconvenience to you as the circumstance admits of, and Mr Crawhall in takin

Memo – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 5 Jun 1813

N[ew]Castle 5 June 1813 Mrs Beaumont Portman Squ[are] Cash Acc[oun]t & Lead Sales for April & May

Memo – Martin Morrison to Brown & Brind – 5 Jun 1813

Messrs Brown & Brind Foster Lane Cheapside Lo[ndon] Forwarding a piece of Fine Silver

Letter – Martin Morrison to Joseph Dickinson – 14 Jun 1813

Mr Joseph Dickinson Newcastle June 14th 1813 Dear Sir I have received your letter of the 11th Inst and the intelligence you have received Of Mr Joseph Little’s discharge is true, but I am surprized from his connexion with you, that you have not heard it from himself. Col & Mrs Beaumont have long been of opinion that in point of knowledge & Industry, Mr Little unequal to the important charge of Coalcleugh Mines, and a due regard to their own Interest, determined them to appoin

Letter – Martin Morrison to Thomas Emerson – 19 Jun 1813

N[ew]Castle 19 June 1813 Messrs Thos Emerson, Geo Crawhall & Wm Crawhall Sirs Col & Mrs Beaumont having determined that Mr Dickinson of Dufton’s appointment shall be discontinued I am to desire that you will proceed to inspect your respective Mines and afterwards let the Bargains for the ensuing quarter. – In the confidence thus reposed in you, the exercise of your best judgement & application in working the Mines is expected; to avoid in every instance partiality

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 19 Jun 1813

Newcastle 19th June 1813 Messrs Glyn & Co – Bankers London Remitting two Bills upon Lock & Co value £5350 - -

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 22 Jun 1813

Newcastle 22 June 1813 Messrs Rundell & Co - London – Forwarding a piece of Silver - 1103 ½ Oz Messrs Brown & Brind – Do – Ditto 1456 – ‘’

Report – George Crawhall to Martin Morrison – 30 Jun 1813

Coalcleugh Mines June 30 1813 Coalcleugh High Vein & Flatts produce nearly the whole of the Ore that is raised at this time, but are in a bad state for working or raising Ore to an advantage in the present situation not entirely for want of Ore, as the Ore Workings appear to be tolerably fair at present had there been proper communications for the circulation of Air, more convenient Waygates for Banking the Work, which is done at great expence; all the Old Waygates that was necessary to

Report – Thomas Emerson to Martin Morrison – 30 Jun 1813

Weardale June 30th 1813 Breckonsike is very poor, but I thought it advisable to continue the Low Level, as the Vein has sometimes been dead for as long a distance as at present. Burtree Pasture Vein is very strong at the fore-end & likely to continue so, but not as rich as it was about the middle of last Quarter, the foremost Working is let to 8 Men at 25s per Bing, we expect to cut into a new length in a few days time. Kilhope is very poor & not much expectation of being better
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467