Newcastle 26th Octo 1818
Mr Geo Crawhall Weardale
Col. Beaumont having taken into consideration the late illegal and disgraceful conduct of the Workmen in Weardale, to whom under the late disastrous circumstances of the times, he has authorized work to be given to every extent possible, far beyond what the states of the Mines precedently warranted, feel justly offended; and altho[ugh] he is inclined to believe the greatest part of the Men have been influenced in their late behavior,
NCastle 28 Octr 1818
Mrs Beaumont Bretton
I beg to enclose a letter received from Mr Williamson this day with an extract from one rec[eive]d from Mr Newburn Sol[icito]r at Darlington, respecting the None payment of £4000 property Tax to Government, in consequence of the Mony rec[eive]d by the Collector there, being deposited in the Bank of Messr Mowbray & Co at the period of their failure. – If on Mr Newburn furnishing Col Beaumont with Copies of the petitions or memo
Newcastle 2d Nov 1818
Robt Stagg Esq Ryhope near Sunderland
The Vestry of the Parish of Stanhope having assessed the Revd H Hardinge, Rector, to the Poor Rates; against which he has appealed to the Quarter Sessions; I am to acquaint you, that in the event of the Rate being established (which however is not at all probable) the amount will fall upon Col Beaum[on]t as Tenant to the said Rector; and of course the Lead Co will have to bear their Share according to the proportion
Newcastle 9 Novemr 1818
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising 2 pSilver w[eighin]g 1104 ½ & 1686 Oz pWaggon 7 inst
Newcastle 11 Dec 1818
Messrs I Griffiths & Son Sol[icito]r Durham
I am favoured with your letter of the 9 Inst & if in another poor Rate to be made this Month by the Vestry of Stanhope, one, is made against the Rector for Tithe Ore; You will of course lodge another Appeal against this & the other Rates made between the last and next Sessions. On my return last Saturday I wrote to Mr Geo Crawhall Newhouse Weardale, to receive your directions & to give al
Newcastle 15 Decemr 1818
Messrs I Griffiths & Son Durham. –
I am favored with your Letter of the 12th, enclosing Copies of yours to Messrs Bainbridge of Alston, and of their answer. I agree with you that the Appeal should be adjourned over from next Sessions to the following Easter Sessions; and in this Opinion Mr Williamson Concurs. – I observe the request of Messrs Baibnbridge to you, for any information that you can properly give as to the nature of the Agreements betwee
General report of the Mines Christmas 1818
Lodgesyke. I have peculiar pleasure in reporting the continuing and very favourable prospects of this Mine. Unless some totally unlooked for disaster should happen to interrupt its present flourishing state, the Teesdale district may be expected in future to rank high in your mining departments. The dead work is merely what is required to push forwards the Levels, and open out the Mine as we proceed in working it
Newcastle 31 Decem 1818
Mrs Beaumont Bretton
Transmitting Cash Account & Lead Sales for Novembr MM
Tynebottom sun vein continues exceedingly poor, and is likely to fail entirely. In prosecuting the level by Joseph Wandlace & Co at this time we have cut a cross vein (Wind Shawbridge) which has the appearance of raising some ore, but does not lead us to expect much from it.
Newcastle 7 Janry 1819
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Adv[isin]g 3ps Silver of 1592, 1456, & 1097 Oz pWaggon MM
Newcastle 12 Janry 1819
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe London
Remitting £375 on Revd Hy Hardinge’s Acct in paym[en]t For ¼ yrs Compo: of Tithe Ore due the 11th instant MM
Newcastle 10 Febry 1819
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising a piece of Silver weighing 1272 Oz – pWaggon MM
Newcastle 25 Febry 1819
Mrs Beaumont Portman Square London
Transmitting Cash Acct & Lead Sales for Decr & Janry
N[ew]Castle 2 March 1819
Ditto Do Do for Febry
Newcastle 6th March 1819
Annexed is a Copy of Certain Resolutions entered into by the Lead Comp[an]y and published last Week in the Durham Newspaper So the Comp[an]y have thus given publicity to their proceedings, and as the proposed Contribution of Four Hundred Pounds is in aid of the Bishop of Durham’s intention of establishing Schools in Weardale, where your Interest is paramount to all others, I have considered it my duty, to transmit the same for your information. – If
Newcastle 13 March 1819
Sir R C Glyn & Co Bankers – London
Remitting two Bills value £10,360-12-7 for Col Beaumonts Account. –
Newcastle 15 March 1819
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising a pce Silver pWaggon of 1131 Oz MM
N[ew]Castle 20 March 1819
Rob Stagg Esq
I am favoured with your letter of the 17 Inst and annexed transmit you the statement for Ore raised in Weardale in the Year ending the 30th Sept. amounting to £1246-11-10 due from the Lead Company to Col Beaumont. – the advance made by Col B[eaumont] by the quarterly payments in London to the B[isho]p Durham & Rector for Lot & Tithe Ore I have charged Int[eres]t upon, considering that the charge is equitable, conformable to
General Report of the Mines Lady Day 1819
Lodgesyke. Since last quarter's report we have proceeded in opening out this Mine more extensively, and I happy to say with improving prospects of a lasting and very beneficial Mine, as the Court will readily judge by the accompanying Bargain List, which is, I believe, one of the very best that has ever been sent to the Company. We have been driving the lowest Level with the utmost speed ever since I undertook
Newcastle 27 March 1819
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising a pce Silver of 1331 Oz pWaggon this day MM
Rob Stagg Esq
Middleton House Barnard Castle N[ew]Castle 29th March 1819
I am favoured with your Letter of the 27 Inst announcing to me that the Gov & Co decline paying their proportion of Rent, Comp[ositi]ns etc for the [struck out: Mines] Ore raised in Weardale last year, because Interest is charged on the advances made in the quarterly payments to the Bishop & Rector, which they are pleased to assert is ‘incorrect’. If your Employers doubt the fact of the periodi
Newcastle 13 April 1819
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Bankers – London
Inclosing Bill value £375 – ,, - ,, for ¼ Yrs Composition for Tithe Ore due Revd Hy Hardinge on the 11 inst MM
Newcastle 16 April 1819
Rob Stagg Esq Middleton House
I have delayed ackn[owledgin]g the Rec[eip]t of your Letter of 31 Ult in the hope that the Lead Comp[any], to whom you intended to submit my Letter of the 29 would on more mature consideration have acquiesced, because founded in equity, to the charge of Interest on the advances in the quarterly payments made to the Bishop & Rector, for Rents Comp[ositio]n etc in lieu of Lot Ore & Tithe Ore; & that the Comp[an]
N[ew]Castle 9 June 1819
Rob Stagg Esq
Informed by the Secretary of the Lead Company that the Com.y had sometime since given you directions to pay the proportion of dues for Ore raised in Weardale for last year including the Interest on the advances made by Col Beaumont, and also to pay an estimated proportion in future on the quarterly payments as they become due, I am to request the same may be settled, and conclude you will consider from £250 to £300 reasonable at which
N[ew]Castle 16 June 1819
Mrs Beaumont Portman Square – London
Transmitting Cash Account & Lead Sales For April and May. --- MM
N[ew]Castle 21 June 1819
Mrs Beaumont
I am this day hon[oure]d by the Rec[eip]t of yr Letter of the 18th Inst. It appears by the Books of this Office, that in Sept & Octr 1795, you were at Bretton Hall, and left it, so as to be in Portman Square on or before the 1st Nov following. – and that on the 23d Sept 8 Octr & 20 Octr 1796 Letters were addressed to Col Beaum[on]t at Bretton Hall
& on the 21 Dec 1796 a Letter was addressed to him at Portman Sq: where it app