Nenthead Jany 15th, 1814
The Hon’ble The Gov[erno]r & Co
After viewing the Sundry Mines under my care and management, on the 5th, 6th, & 7th Inst I lett the Bargains, a list of which is annexed. The Mines in general are much poorer this Quarter than the last, and are all lett as low as their situation and present state will admit of, both the Ore and Dead Bargains.
Rampgill Mine raises a good deal of Ore, but a Cross Vein from the East having passed t
N[ew]C[astle] 22 Jan[uar]y 1814
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Co
Advised them a p[iece] Silver q[uantity] 1419 Oz
Newcastle 31 Jan[ua]ry 1814
Mrs Beaumont Bretton
Enclosing Cash Acc[oun]t & Lead Sales for last month
N[ew]Castle 4th Feb[ruar]y 1814
Mrs Beaumont Bretton
In this & two other Covers I beg to transmit the Agents Reports of the State of the Mines & of the Bargains for the present Quar[ter] ending the 31st March 1814. – The Mines are poor & wrought, with few exceptions, at the highest price of 42s/- p[er]Bing; - but as the attention & exertions of the Agents are directed to new Trials & to putting the old Workings into a state of Repair where the Ore can
N[ew]Castle 8 Febr[uar]y 1814
Mrs Beaumont Bretton
Enclosing Cash Acc[oun]t & Lead Sales for last month
N[ew]Castle 1st March 1814
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising them of a piece of Silver containing 1342 Oz
N[ew]Castle 2d March 1814
Mrs Beaumont
In this & ano[ther] Cover I beg to transmit Cash Acc[oun]t & Lead Sales for last Month & to inform you that the Mine Pays commence at Allenheads on Wednesday the 9th Inst. & the Ore Carriage Pay on Monday the 4th of April; the whole tog[ethe]r with the Monthly Subsistence amounts to about £74,000 - - to meet these payments I shall draw upon Messrs Glyn & Co three Bills at 10, 20, & 30 days from the 7th Inst. for 8,000£
N[ew]Castle 3d March 1814
Sent Mr Dodd under Cover to Mr Stagg, Stanhope Hall the Governor & Cos Acc[oun]t of their proportion of Rents etc for Weardale £942 – 15 – 6
Messrs Brownes & Brind N[ew]Castle 4 Mar 1814
By the Waggon I have forwarded to you Carr[ia]ge paid a p[iece] fine Silver contain[in]g 1370 Oz for Account of T.R.B[eaumont] Esq. – I have been paid lately by Messrs Rundell & Co 7/5 p[er]Oz without any deduction for waste, for what Silver I have supplied them I am etc MM
N[ew]Castle 7 March 1814
Messrs Glyn Mills & Co Bankers London
Advising of this day drawing 3 Bills at 10, 20 & 30 days for £8,000 ea[ch], p[ay]ble to Reed Batson & Co
March 31st 1814
The Mines at Coalcleugh in general are much better than they were the last Bargains, and have produced a considerable greater quantity of Ore the last quarter than I expected from their appearance at Christmas and from the present state in all probability will continue raising an equal quantity of Ore in the ensuing quarter. We have got one communication from the top Level into the eastend workings completed which affords us great relief in a part of
General Report of the Teesdale Mines 1st April 1814
Flakebridge Mine The object of the present working this Mine is by sinking a Shaft with the help of an Engine to try the Strata at a Lower Random than they had been able to get at in the former workings, the lower parts of which are Reported to have been left Rich. The Engine Shaft is already sunk 12 Fathoms and is proposed to be sunk 3 fathoms further from which Random a Cross Cut Northwards of about 10 or 12 fathoms will have to be mad
Newhouse April 6/1814
Breckonsike continues poor, have let 8 Ore Bargains at 42s per Bing & the Low Level is driving at 170s per fa[thom] & 30s per Bing.
Greenfield. We have not got the rise up to the great Limestone, so that only One Ore Bargain is let at 42 per Bing.
Burtree Pasture Vein is likely to raise ore very well, have let 17 Ore Bargains from 28s to 42s per Bing.
Kilhope is likely to raise rather more Ore than it has done lately, we have cut a vein
April 12/1814
Ladyday Bargains Allenheads
Allenheads Mines have raised considerably more Ore than I expected the last quarter, from the appearance they had when the Xmass Bargains were let, altho we have had no particular rich Mine, the workings in general have been tolerably productive & from their present appearance I flatter myself the Ore to be raised in the ensuing quarter will be equal to what has been raised last quarter.
Diana Vein in the West forehead
N[ew]Castle 13 April 1814
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Bankers - London
Remitting them £375 - - for ¼ a Y[ea]rs Compo[sition] for Tithe Ore due Revd Hy Hardinge the 11 inst
N[ew]Castle 15 April 1814
Messrs Rundell & Co Ludgate Hill – London
Advising them of sending pWaggon a piece of Silver containing 1286Oz.
N[ew]Castle 16 April 1814
Mrs Beaumont Portman Sq. London
Transmitting Cash Account for last month
The Honable. The Govrs & Compy. Nenthead April 16th. 1814
Having viewed the sundry Mines under My care, on the 30th & 31st of March I lett the Bargains, a list of which I have transmitted to the Court. I have given 44 p[er] Bing for the poorest parts of the Old Pickings, by way of supporting some of the Leases, & raising Ore which could not otherwise be obtained, & trust it will meet with the Courts approbation, the proportion of the Ore raised will be very small c
N[ew]Castle June 7 1814
Messrs Rundle Bridge & Co London
Adv[ising] a p[iece] Silver 1588 Oz sent pWaggon 3d Inst TC
N[ew]Castle 28 June 1814
Messrs Browne’s & Brind London
Adv[isin]g a piece Silver 1126Oz – sent pWaggon 25th inst MM
N[ew]Castle 30 June 1814
Thos Bowes Esq Darlington
Conformable to your request by Letter of the 28 inst I herewith enclose two Bills value £1020-4-9 in payment of Col Beaumonts Property Tax for Weardale Mines to the 5 Ap[ri]l 1814 Be pleased to transmit to me in course of Post a stampt rec[eip]t for the same & am etc MM
General Report of the Teesdale Mines 30th June 1814
Flakebridge Mine The Engine Shaft sinking to try the Strata below the Old Workings, has been compleated during the last Quarter the Crosscut to the Vein is now prosecuting, and the Vein is expected to be cut by it in few Weeks
Wiregill High Level We are opening out the leading part of the Old Level to enable us to judge of the best mode of sinking the proposed Shaft This was necessary for the purpose of obtaining accurate Dialings fo
Coalcleugh Mines
The Mines at Coalcleugh etc are poorer at this time than they were last Bargains, & many of the best workings last quarter require an advance of the price per Bing the ensuing quarter. We are pushing the Dead Work as rapidly as possible to get proper communications into the Eastend Workings but have not yet effected any more than what was done last quarter end. The number of Men employed raising Ore in the East end flatts & Sun Vein are 6 Men at 20s per B[in]
General Report of the Teesdale Mines 4th July 1814
Flakebridge Mine, The Engine shaft, sinking to try the Strata below the Old Workings, has been compleated during the last Quarter The Crosscut to the Vein is now prosecuting, and the Vein is expected to be cut by it in a few Weeks.
Wiregill High Level We are opening out the leading part of the Old Level to enable us to judge of the best mode of Sinking the proposed Shaft; This was necessary for the purpose of obtaining accurate Dialings f
Weardale Mines
Breckonsike is very poor, have only let 5 Ore Bargains at 42s per B[in]g & the Low Level is driving at £8 per fa[thom] & 30s per Bing 26 Men employed. Greenfield is likely to raise <part> Ore this quarter at the best price per Bing, have let Bargains to 20 Men at 42s per Bing. Burtree Pasture continues very strong & likely to raise Ore much as usual, have let 18 Ore Bargains at from 28s to 42s per B[in]g, 92 Men employed. Sedlin keeps much the same as last qua