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Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 15 Dec 1814

Dec 15/1814 Transmitted the Cash Acc[oun]t & Sales of Lead Ac[count] in Nov[embe]r under Cover to Col Beaumont <Mrs> <Beaumont> p MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 31 Dec 1814

N[ew]Castle 31 Decem[be]r 1814 Mrs Beaumont – Bretton Madam In two Covers I beg to transmit for Col Beaumonts signature, the memorial for the repeal of the export duty on Lead. You will observe that this is a different Memorial from that which I had the honor of sending you from London. – Mr Summer M.P. who I understand feels much interested in the subject, has drawn out this paper which appears to him more likely to strike the attention of Government. – at all events – as

Report – George Crawhall to Martin Morrison – 31 Dec 1814

Coalcleugh Xmass Barg[ain]s 1814 The Mines at Coalcleugh are considerably poorer than ever they have been during this Year; & many of the Old Workings that have been raising Ore is completely wrought out, which has caused a number of Men to be out of employment at present, many others are so poor that I am afraid the Workmen will not earn their Subsistence Money. We have got the second communication completed from the Top Level to the Galloway Level at the East End which is of great

Report – Robert Stagg – 31 Dec 1814

General Report of the Teesdale Mines 31st Decr. 1815 Lodgesyke This Mine is very little altered in its prospects since the last Quarterly Report. I have stopped three of the leading, and two of them the best Workings under the high Level, until the low Level is got up, when they will be prosecuted to much greater advantage than they can be from the high Level, from whence they have hitherto been wrought. The Quantity of Ore raised during the present Year at this Mine, will therefore

Report – Thomas Emerson to Martin Morrison – 6 Jan 1815

Breckonsike has been long dead at the fore End, but we thought it adviseable to continue the Low Level a little further, with an expectation of the Vein mending. Have let Bargains to 42 Men, 8 Men driving the Low Level at £7.10. per fa[thom] & 30s per B[in]g & the remainder to raise Ore at 42s per B[in]g. Greenfield Vein is poor, have let Bargains to 10 Men, 6 driving the Low Level at £6 per fa[thom] & 42s per Bing & the other 4 raising Ore at 42s per Bing. Burtree Pasture Ve

Letter – Martin Morrison to Gosling & Sharp – 13 Jan 1815

N[ew]Castle 13 Jan[ua]ry 1815 Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Bankers London Remitting £375 for ¼ of a Years Composition for Tithe Ore due 11 inst to Revd Hy Hardinge. – MM

Report – Thomas Dodd to Court of the London Lead Company – 14 Jan 1815

The Honble The Govr & Compy. Nenthead January 14th 1815 Sirs I have viewed the several Mines under my direction and on the 29th & 30th past lett the Bargains a [list] of which is annexed Rampgill Mine gets poorer, for as the leading Forehead in the late good Vein does not revive the rear or hindermost parts of the Mine become pickings and of course require higher prices. Thos Hewitson &c are driving the Horse Level in the above Vein. Wm Irwin &c are drivi

Report – Thomas Dodd – 14 Jan 1815

Tynebottom- Joseph Wanless & Co are driving the Deep Horse level which tries the flats for ore.

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 16 Jan 1815

N[ew[Castle 16 Jan[ua]ry 1815 Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell London Advising of 2 p[iece]s Silver of 2773 Oz – pWaggon 14 instMM 1 q[uantity] 1264 Oz 1 q[uantity] 1509 2773

Report – William Crawhall to Martin Morrison – 27 Jan 1815

Allenheads Xmass Barg[ain]s Jany 27 1815 I am sorry to inform you the Mines at Allenheads are in general poorer this quar[te]r than they were the last altho’ they have raised a good quantity of Ore since Mich[aelmas]s. Diana Vein. the leading forehead in this vein <West> at present carries so little Ore that it cannot be driven at Bingtale & has been in that state for the last three fathoms driving, & is not expected to improve in Ore for a few fathoms furthe

Letter – Martin Morrison to John Griffiths – 4 Feb 1815

Mr John Griffiths Solicitor Durham Newcastle 4th Febr[uar]y 1815 Sir In consequence of Messrs Hopper & Ward having waited upon me respecting the reparation of the Road from Stanhope thru’ EmundByers etc & they agreeing to the annexed clause I promised them to communicate to you my determination thereon. – I therefore beg to state that no opposition on the part of Col Beaumont will be made to the intended Bill and that he will subscribe £100 towards the Sum, provided this C

Memo – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 4 Feb 1815

Newcastle 4 Febr[uar]y 1815 Mrs Beaumont Bretton Hall – Transmitting quarterly Reports of the Mines

Memo – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 6 Feb 1815

N[ew]Castle 6 Febr[uar]y 1815 Mrs Beaumont Portman Square – London Transmitting Cash Account and Lead Sales for the months of December and January MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to John Griffiths – 7 Feb 1815

Jno Griffiths Esq Sol[icito]r Durham Newcastle 7 Feby 1815 Sir I am favoured with your letter of yesterday, & am satisfied with the Clause you propose to introduce into the Bill, that Col Beaumont shall be charged only One fourth of the Toll between Edmund Byers & Greenhead imposed by the intended Bill. – Colonel Beaumont will arrive in London tomorrow & on your producing this letter to him at his residence in Portman Square, & satisfying him that the propos

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 17 Feb 1815

N[ew]Castle 17th Febr[uar]y 1815 Messrs Rundell & Co Ludgate Hill London Advising a p[ie]ce Silver of 1429Oz pWaggon MM

Memo – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 6 Mar 1815

N[ew]Castle 6 March 1815 Mrs Beaumont Portman Sq: London Transmitting Cash Acc[oun]t & Lead Sales etc for last month

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 11 Mar 1815

N[ew]Castle 11 March 1815 Messrs Rundell & Co Ludgate Hill London Advising a piece of Silver of 1580 Oz pWaggon. – MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Glyn & Co – 20 Mar 1815

NewCastle 20th March 1815 Sir R C Glyn Bart & Co Bankers London Advising of having this day drawn the following Bills in favor of Reed Batson & Co Viz –1 Bill at 7 days for £9000 1 ‘ @ 25 ‘ 6000 1 ‘ 40 ‘ 6000 and enclosing for the Credit of Colonel Beaumonts Account Bill on Walkers Maltby & Co for £5000 MM

Memo – Martin Morrison to Rundell Bridge & Rundell – 28 Mar 1815

Newcastle 28 March 1815 Messrs Rundell Bridge & Co Ludgate Hill – London Adv[isin]g a p[ie]ce Silver of 1551Oz pWaggon MM

Report – George Crawhall to Martin Morrison – 31 Mar 1815

Coalcleugh Leadmines  March 31st. 1815 The Mines at Coalcleugh continue very poor and has produced less Ore the last quarter than usual, the old Workings are getting more exhausted every Bargain letting & having no fresh ground opened that is productive has rendered the number of Workmen unable to take their Bargains in their old situations. - the Sump named in the last Report begun to sink to the Low Level forehead at the <East> is not completed, and until that be finished

Report – Robert Stagg – 1 Apr 1815

Report of the Teesdale Mines 1st April 1815 The prospect and state of the Workings of the several Mines are in no Way materially Altered since the last Quarterly Report which may therefore be considered as the Report of the present Quarter. We fully expected to have cut the Vein at Flakebridge during the Quarter but from the extreme hardness of the Stone in which that trial is making, the Workmen have not been able to make much progress in it, although they have been working at it wi

Memo – Martin Morrison to Diana Beaumont – 4 Apr 1815

N[ew]Castle 4 April 1815 Mrs Beaumont Portman Square – London Transmitting Cash Acc[oun]t and Lead Sales for last month. MM

Letter – Martin Morrison to Richard Consitt & Co – 5 Apr 1815

Messrs Richd Consitt & Co Newcastle 5th April 1815 Merchants – Hull I am favored with your letter of yesterday’s date stating your desire to abandon the purchase of 700ps Lead made of me. – From the present situation of the market I feel a difficulty respecting the price and therefore prefer your removing and paying for the Lead, nor would I be inclined to cancel the Bargain under £2 p[er]fodder which for this quantity would amount to One Hundred Pounds. – I am etc MM

Report – William Crawhall to Martin Morrison – 5 Apr 1815

Allenheads Ladyday < Bargains April 5/1815 Allenheads Mines are in general poorer this quarter than I ever recollect them.  Diana Vein the leading forehead in this Vein westward carries no Ore, & for the last 5 fathoms driving, had not a particle of Ore in it, and very little appearance of any Vein; I am apprehensive the Vein has fled from its general bearing,  and if in the course of 3 or 4 fathoms more driving there is not an alteration, I propose cutting cross to the North &

Report – Thomas Emerson to Martin Morrison – 5 Apr 1815

Weardale Mines.                              NewCastle 5th April 1815 Breckonsike continues poor, have let Bargains to 30 Men, 8 to drive the Low level @£8pfm  30/pBg the remainder to raise Ore @ 42/pBg. - Greenfield Vein is likewise poor have let Bargains to 12 Men, 6 to drive the Waggon Level at £6 pfm & 42/ pBg.  The rest to raise Ore @42/pBg. Burtree Pasture Vein is likely to raise Ore much the same as it has done for some time back hav
The Dukesfield Smelters and Carriers Project aimed to celebrate and discover the heritage of the Dukesfield Arches & lead carriers' routes between Blaydon and the lead mines of Allendale and Weardale. A two year community project, it was led by the Friends of the North Pennines in partnership with Hexhamshire and Slaley Parish Councils and the active support of Allendale Estates. It was funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and the generous support of other sponsors. Friends of the North Pennines: Charity No:1137467