Newcastle 23rd Novemr 1820
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Hall.
By the Telegraph Coach which goes from hence to Leeds to morrow morning, I have forwarded to Col Beaumont’s address the Lease and Indenture with Mr Phillpotts for the Tythe Ore of Stanhope, to be signed by you and Col Beaumont and afterwards to be returned to me. – the Lease to be retained in this Office & the Indenture to be delivered to Mr Phillpotts. –
Cwt st lbs
Three Boxes of Spar from Weardale wei
Newcastle 25th Novemr 1820
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Hall
I have given you Credit in my Cash Acc[oun]t for £15 of Reed & Co’s Notes rec[eiv]ed in your Letter of the 16th inst. – The water at Coalcleugh is somewhat abated, sufficient to see a little more into the Vein, but not enough to form any correct opinion as yet of its probable productiveness. Respecting the <day> Level suggested by Wm Crawhall to be driven from the side of West Allen River. I beg to observe it is the
General Report of Mines &c Nov. 1820
Alston Moor
Rampgill Mine No change deserving of notice has occurred at this Mine since last Report. The Level driving by Jno Milburn &c continues, as it proceeds to open out poor Ore Workings, but which however as there is now little other expense upon this Mine, is leaving a tolerable profit.
Rampgill Sun Vein since the letting the Partnership (M Bull &c) contrary to all expectations has met with a small string that is ex
Messrs Rundell & Co Ludgate Hill Newcastle 25th Novemr 1820
Advising of having sent pWaggon a Pce Silver of 1224Oz -21 inst MM
Revd Henry Phillpotts Durham Newcastle 9th Decemr 1820
I herewith enclose £1125 being the amount of 1/4th of a Years Composition for the Tythe Ore of Stanhope due to You on the 10th inst from T R Beaumont Esqr. You will be pleased to return me an acknowledgement for the am[oun]t specifying the nature of the Payment etc
£155 - ,, - ,, Cheque on Reed & Co
970 - ,, - ,, Arkindale Co
1125 - ,, - ,,
Newcastle 14 Decemr 1820
I Griffiths Esqr Durham.
Having this day on behalf of Col Beaumont agreed with Mr Phillpotts for the Tythe Ore of Stanhope during the present Bishop of Durhams Incumbency, provided Mr Philpotts continues so long Rector; I will thank you to proceed with the Agreement for a Lease to be signed by the Respective Parties. - The terms a certain Rent £4500 a Year to be paid quarterly. Viz on the 10 December, the 10 of March, the 10th of June & the 10th of September
Messrs Rundell & Co London Newcastle 10 Janry 1821
Advising a pce of Silver 1421Oz pWaggon this day MM
N[ew]Castle 12 Janry 1821
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Hall.
Transmitting Cash Acc[oun]t & Lead Sales for Nov[embe]r; also QuarterlyReport of Weardale Lead Mines for <..> last Quarter. – MM
N[ew]Castle 15 Janry 1821
Sir R C Glyn Bt & Co Bankers – London
Remitting 3 Bills value £7921 – 15 – 7 for Col Beaumonts Acc[oun]t. – MM. –
N[ew]Castle 15 Janry 1821
Mrs Beaumont
Bretton Hall. – Advising of having made the above Remittance MM
Newcastle 18 Janry 1821
Mrs Beaumont & T W Beaumont Esqr Bretton Hall
Transmitting to each the Report of the State of Allenheads & Coalcleugh Lead Mines for last Quarter MM
Newcastle 6 Febry 1821
Mrs Beaumont & T W Beaumont Esqr London
Do – the Report of Weardale Lead Mines for last quarter MM
Feb 9th 1821
I beg leave to enclose a summons I have just recd for your attendance as Foreman of the Grand Jury at the Newcastle Assize ... In case a tenant should offer for the Abbey and grounds would you allow him to let the long room for a ball room and for other public occasions. The drainage by the Fenwick tenants and others is going on to a considerable extent and answers to my most sanguine expectations. I expect to remove to Bywell in a week or ten days. Some of the young Pointers a
Robert Stagg Esq Newcastle 10th Febr 1821
Melmerby Hall Penrith
D[ear] Sir
Above I beg to hand you the Statement of Balance due from the Govr & Co for Ore raised in Weardale to the 30th Sept last. – You will observe by the inclosed that we have deducted 1/13th in our Calculation, from the quantity of your last years produce to the 31st Oct[obe]r; in order to assimulate the periods, and to bring the proportion of the produce, Of the Governor & Co & Col B[eaumon]t, a
Newcastle 12th Febry 1821
Mrs Beaumont 35 Portman Square. London.
Transmitting Cash Acc[oun]t & Lead Sales for Decem[be]r and January last. – MM
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell London Newcastle 17th Febry 1821
Advising of having sent a pce Silver of 1796Oz pWaggon this day MM
Feb 25th 1821.
I expect in a few days to let a part of the Abbey if not the whole of it and the grounds. I shall remove the best shrubs to Bywell for the present. … you do not <…> where the Pinis [pineapples] in the Stove at Bywell is to be sent … and I understand from the gardener they will not keep.
Mr Beaumont. March 4th 1821
The Pinis with a couple of woodcocks sent in by Matthew Lee were sent off directed to you in Pall Mall on Tuesday last ... the two mills at Bywcll .. for entire different purposes ... the High Mill being for the sole purpose of making flour and pearl barley and the low mill for making oatmeal. There is not any room in the high mill to place a pair of stones to ground oatmeal without building and the low mill is as I before stated now standing in
Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 5th March 1821
Portman Square London
I am duly honored with your letter of the 2nd Inst and having determined to withdraw your Acc[oun]t from Sir F Blake Reed & Co Bank in June or July next, it will be my business, at a proper time to give them Notice of your intention. – Mr Wilson Rector Of Wolsingham has been applied to, previous to <commencing> the contemplated Level of Pikestone, to know the terms he would accept for his Tythe Ore.
Mr B. March 23rd 1821
In case you should visit Northumberland soon I think it would be better to defer the alteration of the Bywell mill until you have seen it … I have sent a brace of woodcocks sent in by the Bywell gamekeeper. He has applied to me for a gun, not having one of his own, you will have the goodness to say if he is to have one.
John Griffiths Esqr Solicitor - Durham Newcastle 24 March 1821
Informed that a Trial in search of Lead Ore is making at Black Bank situated below Wolsingham and the same being Copyhold and in the parish of Wolsingham, I take the liberty of mentioning the circumstance to you, in order if an Error exists contravening Colonel Beaumonts rights as Lessee under the Bishop of Durham,that the Trial in question may forthwith be stopped. – I am etc MM
Mr B. Bywell April 1st 1821
I have removed my family to Bywell to enable me to attend [struck out: closely] to the enclosure now going on ... There is a <....> Engine and a great number of leather pipe for extinguishing fires which they value at £35 ... has suffered one of the young dogs to get away from him whilst hunting them and worry another sheep.
Newcastle 2 April 1821
Messrs Rundell & Co
London. – Adv[isin]g of having sent a pc of Silver of 968 Oz pWaggon 28 Mar MM
Newcastle 11th April 1821
Messrs Rundell & Co London Ditto of 1584Oz pWaggon
Mrs Beaumont Newcastle 7th April 1821
35 Portman Square London
In two other Covers I beg to transmit Cash Acc[oun]t & Sales of Lead for last month; and in this, a letter from Mr Geo Crawhall, by which you will have the satisfaction to find, that the Bargains have commenced without interruption on the part of the Workmen. To the wholesome severity exercised on the last occasion, may be attributed the present peaceful progress of the Agreements for the ensuing Quarter.
Mr B May 1st 1821
To whom am I to remit the rents which I shall receive on the 16th inst also the sum agreed upon to be paid Mrs Beaumont out of the Bywell Estate ... five of the Pointers were sent off to Bretton Hall yesterday another would have been sent but was too heavy in pup to travel ... has applied to have part of the land now in open pasture enclosed ... he will pay 5s 6d additional rent on the sum expended in inclosure ... I shall send a Pini on Thursday the last which will be ripe
Mr B May 9th 1821
I sent a Pini on the 1st the last which will be ripe until August. Would you wish any young rabbits or leveretts to be sent. I met Mr Thomas yesterday at Hexham where he informed me that Mrs Beaumont has given him directions to receive from me the sum agreed upon to be paid out of the Bywell rental. In the statement sent, the expense of repairing the mill is stated to be paid by Mrs Beaumont but Mr Thomas now seems doubtful of this and supposes Mrs B may not allow any exp