This is a stub entry for a report available as a download only given its length (see Notes)
Mr B May 24th 1821
There are two large coppers which were in the Brewhouse at Bywell taken down by Mrs Hudson … they are not of a description which I think likely to suit in case you should at any time wish to brew your own ale.
N[ew]Castle 9 June 1821
Mrs Beaumont 35 Portman Square London
Transmitting (pThomas ) Cash Account and Lead Sales for the months of April & May. – MM
The Revd Henry Phillpotts Durham N[ew]Castle 9th June 1821
I beg to inclose a Bill on J Hopkins value £1125 in payment for ¼ a Years Composition for Tithe Ore due to you the 10th instant as Rector of Stanhope in Weardale, from Colonel Beaumont. – I am etc MM. –
The Revd Henry Phillpotts Durham Newcastle 14th June 1821
Having only returned from the Mines last night, I have been prevented acknowledging sooner, the favor of your Letter of the 11th Inst. The plan which you suggest of extending the present Agreements for Lot & Tithe Ore, three months after their expiration will not I apprehend be objected to, by Col & Mrs Beaumont, <..> at the period, they and the then Incumbents, are desirous to renew them in future. – With respect t
Newcastle 16 June 1821
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell London
Advising having forwarded a pce Siver 1323Oz pWaggon. – MM
Mr B June 18th 1821
If the Pini house at Bywell is to new roofed, the glass being very much broken and the woodwork in a very bad state ... more Pointers worrying sheep ... The Bywell association for the prosecution of Felons solicit your becoming a member ... all the proprietors of the adjoining estates are members ... The small mill at Bywell <....> is now standing for want of repair. On this subject I beg reference to my letters of Feb 25th & Mar 4th,
Newcastle 19 June 1821
Thomas Maltby Esqr Lead Merchant – London
D[ea]r Sir
In reply to your esteemed favor of the 16 Inst I beg to inform you that 10,000ps of Lead are at your service at £23 p fo[the]r for Refined, and £22 pfo[the]r for Common Lead including 1/10th Slag, in the proportion of 1/3rd of the former and 2/3rds of the latter, and which under all circumstances I apprehend places this offer upon an equality with Lead Co[mpan]y’s Sale to Messrs Locke & Co last
Newcastle 19 June 1821
Mrs Beaumont 35 Portman Square. London.
Since I had the Honor of writing to you by Mr Thomas, I have visited the Mines and it is with satisfaction I am enabled to state, that the produce of Ore this year, compared with that of the former, will be considerably greater. – I also have accomplished the Agreement with Mr Wilson Rector of Wolsingham for Ore to be raised at Pikestone in that Parish at a duty of one-fourteenth, this duty compared with the tenth he
Mr B June 20th 1821
You will observe £170 charged for fence walling this (I shall have to receive of) Mr Thomas will have to repay when he returns from London and we settle Mrs B’s proceeds from the Bywell estate ... I fear the letting of the mill and fishery for 15s will require minute investigation and circumstances I expect will transpire in no way creditable to Mr Hudsons agents'
Newcastle 23rd June 1821
John Parker junr Esqr 25 Throgmorton St London.
I am favored with your Letter of the 20 Inst, containing one of your Circulars relative to consuming Smoke under Steam Engine Boilers etc. Before I can take upon myself the responsibility of recommending your plan for the Lead Works at Limehouse, I must obtain more personal knowledge than I at Present possess, of the general efficacy of its application; & whether the time expended in preparing the apparat
Messrs Rundell & Co London Newcastle 6 July 1821
Advising having sent a piece of Silver of 1552Oz - pWaggon. – MM
Newcastle 9 July 1821
Messrs Rundell & Co London.
Advice of a pce of Silver 1102Oz – pWaggon. MM
Mr B (undated)
A gent from Mr <....> is named as having your permission to shoot for 7 days. The 10th of August is fixed for a general meeting of all the copyholders who are wishful to infranchise their copyholds. I am sorry to say they do not seem to come forward with that spirit I could wish to see but I believe the Game at Bywell will be found scarce, hares and pheasants in particular. The present keeper looks well after the game in the daytime but I do not think him a sufficientl
Newcastle 4 August 1821
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Hall
In this and another Cover I beg to transmit the quarterly Reports of the Mines, and when I can obtain additional Franks the Cash Accounts and Lead Sales for the two last months will also be transmitted. I regret to state that the Lead Trade has become extremely dull, and the few Sales of Lead which have been effected, are in consequence, at lower prices. To this situation of depression I have in part deemed it expedient to Conform an
Mr B (undated)
I have had the honor to receive your letter from Paris ... About fifty of the Allendale copyholders attended on the 10th inst and have agreed to purchase their tithes and freeholds at the price asked and a meeting will take place … The farmers are by no means improved in circumstances since you were in the North ... I called upon Geo Forster yesterday but he could only promise to pay up his last half years arrear with his half years rent at Martinmas. He expressed a wish to
Newcastle 15th August 1821
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Adv[isin]g of having on the 11th & 14th Inst sent 2 ps Silver of 1285 & 1228Oz pWaggon. MM
Newcastle 27 Augt 1821
Mr John Ross Glasgow.
I am favored with your Letter of the 25 Instant. The price of WB Litharge at present is £24 pTon at the Wharf and six months Credit; or 3 p[er]C[en]t discount for money or Bankers Bill on London at 40 days date. I beg to observe that this Office does not Ship any Orders that may be given for Lead or Litharge by a non-Resident; the practice in such cases being for the purchaser to employ a person here, to perform that business. – As I
Mrs B (undated)
I have received a letter from the Park Keeper at Chillingham to inform me he has had directions from Lord Tankerville to send Mr B a Buck any time during the season which he says continues until near the end of September. I shall thank you to inform me if you would wish it to be sent to you at Scarbro' or to any of Mr B's friends, [struck out: ‘when I have the honor next to see you in Northumberland I shall take the liberty of … When Mr Thomas and myself settle
Newcastle 3rd Septemr 1821
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Hall.
Transmitting in two Covers, Cash Acc[oun]t for June & July & advising of the subjoined remittance to Messrs Glyn & Co amount[in]g to £15,906.8.3
Messrs Glyn & Co Newcastle 3rd Septemr 1821
Bankers London. Remitting for Col Beaumonts Acc[oun]t 5 Bills value £15,906.8.3
Messrs Glyn & Co Newcastle 3rd Septemr 1821
Bankers London. Remitting for Col Beaumonts Acc[oun]t 5 Bills value £15,906.8.3
Mrs B undated
I have sent by this mornings coach two Pinis and have since received Mr Morrisons letter and shall take care that your commands in respect to the forwarding of Game are duly observed. I shall endeavour to send a brace or two of Black Game to be at Doncaster on the 17th along with more game.
Messrs Rundell & Co London Newcastle 26th Septemr 1821
Advising a pce of Silver of 1233 ½ Oz pWaggon 25 Inst MM
T R Beaumont Esqr To The Exc[ecuto]rs of the late Revd Hy Hardinge – Dr
1820 Septemr 9th For 60 days Composition for the Tithe Ore of Stanhope Parish from the 11 July last to this day at the rate of £1500 pAnnum - £246-11-6
Newcastle 26th September 1821
Mrs Hardinge – Ketton House nr Darlington
I am this day favored with your Letter of the 25 Inst, and above you have a statement of the amount due to the late Mr Hardinge for the Tithe Ore of Stanhop
Newcastle 2nd Octr 1821
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advice of sending a pce of Silver <w[eig]hts> 1553Oz – pWaggon 29 Sepr MM