N[ew]Castle July 29/1816
Messrs Matthews & Son Rouen
I am this day favored with your letter of the 19th Inst; & having stated to you in mine of the 8th Inst the reasons which influenced my Conduct I beg that you will remove from your Minds, the feeling you appear to entertain, of distrust on my part. – Strangers as we are to each other that distrust had it ever been entertained by me, would have readily been removed by the respectable inference you give. Th
N[ew]Castle 3rd August 1816
Rundell & Co London
Advising a piece Silver of 1408 Oz pWaggon 2 inst
N[ew]Castle 3 August 1816
Mrs Beaumont Scarborough –
Transmitting Cash Account and Lead Sales for last month
N[ew]Castle 10 August 1816
Messrs Reed Irving & Co London –
I was duly favoured with your letter of the 26th Ult enclosing one from Messrs Matheus & Son of Rouen; and in consequence have consigned to them a parcel of Lead, as you will perceive by the inclosed Invoice and Bill of Lading. You will be pleased to effect the Insurance thereon & if that can be done without my name appearing on the Policy I shall prefer it as I am desirous not to be publicly known as an expo
N[ew]Castle 14th August 1816
Messrs Rundell Bridge & Rundell Ludgate Hill London
Adv[isin]g pWaggon a p[ie]ce of Silver of 1239 Oz MM
N[ew]Castle 3 Septem[be]r 1816
Mrs Beaumont Bretton
Transmitting Cash Account and Lead Sales for last month
N[ew]Castle 4 September 1816
Messrs Thos Emerson, Wm & Geo Crawhall
The time is approaching when the annual Accounts of the Mines will have to be closed; and it becomes my duty to call your serious attention to the low price at which Lead has been sold and the little prospect there appears to be of any amendment taking place soon. At £15 p[er]fo[dde]r considerable Sales have been made; but even on those terms, so small is the demand, that two Houses only are purchasers, and no
N[ew]Castle 24 Sept 1816
Messrs Daye Barker & Co
Gunpowder Manufacturers Low Wood near Cartmel Lancashire
I have this day rec[eive]d an Acc[oun]t of the quantities of Gunpowder delivered at Col Beaumonts different mines by you; and enclosed transmit you a Bill for £400 at three months date in payment for the same, the rec[eipt] of which be pleased to acknowledge – It being the custom to deliver the Gunpowder at our Mines, free of any Charge, I cannot make the
General Report Mich[ae]lm[a]s 1816
In the several districts of Alston moor, Teasdale & Weardale, there is no material alteration in the prospects of the various Mines, since the last Quarterly report, to which I therefore refer the Court, as the report of the present Quarter with respect to the views of the several trials.
We are proceeding to put the Mines in Alstonmoor into Repair & in pushing forward such of the Levels & drifts as are essential to the future advantag
Alston moor Report
Rampgill. The Ore Workings at this Mine are entirely confined to the old Pickings which are very poor, but the low Level driving by R Heatherington &c for the purpose of unwatering & opening it out below the old Workings, is expected to be in a part of the Vein that will raise Ore in a few Fathoms driving after which it may be hoped to raise Ore that will more than repay its further prosecution.
Rampgill Sun Vein. It is we expect, a part of this vein which we ha
N[ew]Castle 25 Septem[be]r 1816
Messrs Rundell & Co
London – Adv[isin]g a p[ie]ce of Silver cont[ainin]g 1250 Oz pWaggon 24 inst MM
N[ew]Castle 30 Septem[be]r 1816
Messrs Matheus & Son – Rouen
I am this day favored with your Letter of the 24 inst, enclosing Bill for £106-17-7 Sterling, which is passed to your Credit. If I understand you correctly this sum balances the Sale of Lead which I consigned to you; if so, the produce is attended with so much loss, as to prevent me consigning at present, any further quantity. I therefore wait for your next Letter with the account Sales, in order that I may possess
State of Coalcleugh Leadmines Sept. 30th 1816
Coalcleugh Mines etc continued very poor and nothing new has been discovered since last bargains, from the appearance of the present workings I am of opinion that a great part of the present bargains let at the reduced price of 30/- will not admit the workmen to exceed from 6/ to 9/ pWeek earning, and those in the best situations not more than from 9/ to 12/ pWeek without some unforeseen circumstance occur which is frequently t
Newhouse 2nd. October 1816
Breckonsike Vein is doing very little at present, have only let Bargains to 11 Men to raise Ore @ 30/pBing.
Greenfield is poor, have let Bargains to 6 Men to raise Ore@ 30/pBing.
Burtree Pasture is likely to do as well as usual, have let Bargains to 153 Men 6 to cut cross to the Vein out of the foremost sump at £2 p f[atho]m. 8 to sink into the quarry <hazel> at £5 p fm; 8 to raise Ore at 22/ pBing; 8 at 26/. 14 at 27/. 26 at 28/. And the r
Allenheads. Oct 5/1816
Michaelmas Bargains
Allenheads Mines are much the same as stated in the last report, and upon the whole likely to produce more Ore the ensuing quarter, the Old Workings I think are better - the cross Vein at the East end is wrought by 4 Men @ 28/ pBg, and has every appearance of continuing productive, after the water level gets up (which I suspect will be in the course of six months) the Vein will then be wrought to greater advant
N[ew]Castle 7 October 1816
Messrs Matheus & Son – Rouen
I acknowledge the rec[eip]t of your Letter of the 30 Ult enclosing a Bill for £288-8-6, which is passed to the Credit of your Account. The Nett proceeds of my consignment has fallen so short of my expectations and so much below the cost price, that at present, and until your markets improve and continue without depression, there is no inducement to export. At 62 fra[nc]s the 100 K[ilogra]ms which you first quoted, an ade
N[ew]Castle 11th October 1816
Messrs Goslings & Sharpe Bankers London
Remitting £375 on Revd Henry Hardings Acc[oun]t for ¼ y[ea]rs Composition for Tithe Ore due this day
N[ew]Castle 15 October 1816
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising a piece of Silver 1352 Oz pWaggon 1 inst MM
N[ew]Castle 29 October 1816
Mrs Beaumont Bretton Hall
Transmitting quarterly Reports of the Mines etc MM
N[ew]Castle 9 Novem[be]r 1816
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising a p[ie]ce Silver of 1257 Oz pWaggon 8 inst MM
N[ew]Castle 20th Novem[be]r 1816
Messrs Rundell & Co London
Advising 2 pieces of Silver containing 2468 Oz pWaggon this day MM
N[ew]Castle 22nd Novem[be]r 1816
Mrs Beaumont Bretton
Transmitting Cash Account and Lead Sales for last month – MM
N[ew]Castle 27 Novem[be]r 1816
Messrs Glyn Mills & Co Bankers London
Remitting 5 Bills value £10,878-18-2. MM
Mr Wm Ford Leith NewCastle Dec[embe]r 3rd 1816
Mr Morrison having set out for London on Sunday morning last without leaving your <…> Bill with me, or stating the Amo[unt] of Charges thereon, I can not exactly state them to you, but acknowl[edg]e the rec[eipt] of your two D[ra]fts in lieu thereof, am[oun]t £68-13-1 to your Credit in Account with TRB <by>.
On Mr Morrisons return the D[ra]ft on Harding will be sent you – I believe the Charges thereon t
N[ew]castle 20th Dec[embe]r 1816
Thos Bowes Esq Darlington
In consequence of a letter rec[eiv]ed f[ro]m Mr <Rand..> dated the 17th Inst requesting a Statement of Profits on an average of five years, up to the 5th April 1816 for Col B[eaumon]ts Weardale Lead Mines, to be delivered to you, I beg to transmit the annexed & am Sir etc MM